Form CC‑6b‑1

Receiver General Manual - Chapter 18 - Top of the page navigation

ABC Corporation Limited
Supplementary information: contingent liabilities
March 31, 2017

To be completed only by consolidated Crown corporations and other entities on a quarterly basis.

Table Summary

This table consists of five columns: Claims and litigations, Face value, Legal estimate, Management estimate and Recorded liability (if applicable). The rows are divided into three groups: Government of Canada is a party to the litigation, Government of Canada is not a party to the litigation and Other categories.

Contingent liabilities categories
(in thousands of dollars)
Claims and litigations: Face value Legal estimate Management estimate Recorded liability (if applicable) 57
Government of Canada is a party to the litigation:
Case A 2,000 1,500 1,500  
Case B       1,700
Government of Canada is not a party to the litigation:
Case C       2,000
Total - Claims and litigations: 2,000 1,500 1,500 3,700
Other categories (please describe):
Total - Other categories: 0 0 0 0
Table Summary

This table consists of four columns: Guarantees, Authorized limit, Principal amount outstanding and Allowance recorded.

(in thousands of dollars)
Guarantees 58: Authorized limit Principal amount outstanding Allowance recorded
Financial Guarantee N/A 5,000 5,000
Total - Guarantees: 0 5,000 5,000

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