Transmittal Memorandum

Receiver General Manual - Chapter 18 - Top of the page navigation

Reporting of the results and financial position of Crown corporations
and other reporting entities

Senior Director
Central and Public Accounts Reporting Directorate
Public Services and Procurement Canada
Place du Portage, Phase III, Floor 13A1
11 Laurier Street
Gatineau, Québec

Telephone: 819‑420‑5273
Facsimile: 819‑956‑8400

Corporation / Enterprise name: ABC Corporation Limited
Period ended / Year ended: March 31, 2017
Fiscal Year: 2016‑2017

Please indicate in the table below if the form has been completed (X) if it does not apply to you (N/A) or if you simply do not have activity in connection with it (Nil).

Table summary

This table consists of six columns: Forms, March 31 preliminary, March 31 final, June 30, September 30 and December 31.

Forms March 31 preliminary March 31 final June 30 September 30 December 31
CC‑1 unchecked box checked box unchecked box unchecked box unchecked box
CC‑2 unchecked box checked box unchecked box unchecked box unchecked box
CC‑3 and CC‑3c unchecked box checked box unchecked box unchecked box unchecked box
CC‑1a, CC‑1b, CC‑1c 7, CC‑2a, CC‑2b‑1 7, CC‑2b‑2 7, CC‑2b‑3 7, CC‑2b‑4 7, CC‑2b‑5 7, CC‑2c, CC‑2d 7, CC‑2d‑1 7, CC‑2d‑2 7, CC‑2e 8, CC‑2f 7, CC‑3a and CC‑3b unchecked box checked box      
CC‑4, CC‑4a and CC‑4b unchecked box checked box unchecked box unchecked box unchecked box
CC‑5 7, CC‑5a 7, CC 5b and CC‑5c 7 unchecked box checked box      
CC‑6 and CC‑6a unchecked box checked box unchecked box unchecked box unchecked box
CC‑6b‑1 and CC‑6b-2 7 unchecked box checked box      
CC‑7 unchecked box checked box unchecked box unchecked box unchecked box
CC‑8 9 unchecked box checked box unchecked box unchecked box unchecked box
CC‑10 10 unchecked box checked box unchecked box unchecked box unchecked box
CC‑12 List of Crown corporations and other entities

Submissions are due 30 days after the end of the reporting quarter, April 28 for preliminary March 31 figures and by May 31 for March 31 final figures.

I certify, as the Chief Executive Officer (or Chief Financial Officer), that:

  1. All transactions and balances have been reported in accordance with Chapter 18 of the Receiver General Manual;
  2. All CC forms have been included in accordance with Chapter 18 of the Receiver General Manual;
  3. All applicable CC Forms are complete, accurate and contain no material errors;

The Crown corporation (CC) Forms have been prepared using the following basis of accounting:

Public Sector Accounting Standards without PS 4200 to 4270, government not-for-profit organization standards
unchecked box
Public Sector Accounting Standards with PS 4200 to 4270, government not-for-profit organization standards
unchecked box
International Financial Reporting Standards
unchecked box

The submission date of these CC Forms to the Receiver General is within the deadline indicated in Chapter 18 of the Receiver General Manual;

This certification covers the forms indicated above.


Signature of Chief Executive Officer
(or Chief Financial Officer):

Name: Joe Smith

Title: Chief Financial Officer


Receiver General Manual - Chapter 18 - Bottom of the page navigation

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