Public Service Pay Centre dashboard
as of July 26, 2017

The dashboard numbers explained

Update on pay transactions at the Public Service Pay Centre: July 2017

The dashboard numbers explained: Transactions beyond normal workload

Since June 29, we have reduced the number of transactions beyond the normal workload from 246,000 to 228,000. This represents a total decrease of 37,000 transactions since June 2.

This progress can be attributed to the additional compensation advisors added as a result of the $142 million announced on May 24, 2017. Since then, we have hired more than 150 new compensation advisors and recruitment efforts continue in order to process outstanding transactions as quickly as possible.

While progress has been made towards reducing the excess workload, the current priority is to process collective agreements that have recently been signed in order to meet legislated timelines. Compensation advisors are working through key transactions for individual employees to ensure the best possible outcomes for staff.

The dashboard numbers explained: Public Service Pay Centre workflow

Progress is being made towards the goal of processing more transactions than those received, thereby reducing the number of transactions beyond the normal workload. Pay advisors continue to process more transactions than those received each month. In July, over 18,000 more transactions were processed than the number of transactions received. This increase in productivity can be attributed to the newly hired compensation advisors who are enhancing capacity at the Pay Centre.

The dashboard numbers explained: Percentage of transactions processed within service standards

In July, the percentage of transactions that meet service standards decreased slightly. This is because of the continued focus on collective agreements and old transactions awaiting processing. As the number of transactions beyond the normal workload continues to decline, the overall percentage of transactions meeting service standards will gradually improve.

The dashboard numbers explained: Collective agreements

Implementing changes resulting from new collective agreements continues to be a priority. Work is underway to process collective agreements within the required timeframes, and updates on progress to date are available on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat website.

Transactions beyond normal workload

246,000 as of
June 28, 2017
228,000 as of
July 26, 2017
0 is the
Details on transactions beyond normal workload

Details on Transactions beyond normal workload

These numbers represent the total number of transactions the Public Service Pay Centre is dealing with that are above and beyond the estimated normal workload of 80,000 transactions per month. Eventually, the goal is to have zero transactions beyond our normal workload. Note that these numbers have been rounded for clarity and represent transactions with a financial impact.

Public Service Pay Centre workflow

Total transactions received June 29 to July 26
Total transactions processed June 29 to July 26

When the number on the left is smaller than the number on the right, the number of outstanding transactions beyond normal workload decreases.

Details on Public Service Pay Centre workflow

Details on Public Service Pay Centre workflow

These numbers refer to the number of new transactions that were received by the Public Service Pay Centre between June 29 and July 26, as well as the number of transactions that were processed during the same time period. Note that numbers have been rounded for clarity.

% of transactions processed within service standards

36% as of
June 1, 2017
35% as of
June 28, 2017
95% is the
Details on % of transactions processed within service standards

Details on % of transactions processed within service standards

Service standards vary between 20 and 45 days, depending on the type of transaction being processed. This is because some transactions are more complex than others. Transactions relating to maternity or parental leave as well as disability transactions (20 days each) continue to meet their service standards of being completed within the 20 days, 95% of the time.

Note: Until we get closer to achieving steady state, the overall service standard reported will fluctuate. This is because of our focus on pursuing a one-employee / one-pay-file approach to allow us to more seamlessly implement pay changes stemming from collective agreements. These fluctuations in service standards do not affect our progress towards reducing the transactions that are beyond our normal workload.

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