Requirements for submitting public opinion research final reports

See how federal departments conducting contracted public opinion research must send a written report in French and English to Library and Archives Canada. All reports must be deposited within six months of completing the data collection and include the following information.

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The Library and Archives of Canada Act requires federal departments entering into a contract for public opinion research to send a written report of the research in both official languages to Library and Archives Canada within six months after the completion of the data collection. The Public Opinion Research Contracting Regulations also require that the person entering into a public opinion research contract consent to the publication by Library and Archives Canada of the public opinion research narrative executive summary in both official languages.

This document will help departments ensure that all the required information is included in their report prior to submitting it to Library and Archives Canada. This includes all requirements in the Public Opinion Research Contracting Regulations, the Directive on the Management of Communications and Library and Archives Canada Reporting Instructions.

I. Overview of the steps: narrative executive summary and final report

The following steps should be followed prior to submitting the narrative executive summary and the final report to Library and Archives Canada.

Step 1: review the narrative executive summary and final report

Note 1

Departments review the narrative executive summary and final report to ensure all report requirements including the standards for public opinion research have been met.

Standards for the Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research:

Note 2

Departments are responsible for the content, conformity with, and quality of their public opinion research narrative executive summary and final report. Please carefully review your report prior to depositing, using the report requirements (consult section II—Report requirements and Government of Canada standards and section III—Specific requirements for the fieldwork and data tabulation projects) to ensure that the report is complete. Although guidance is available from Library and Archives Canada at the point of deposit, Library and Archives Canada is not responsible for ensuring that deposited public opinion research conforms with or includes all required components as stipulated in the Public Opinion Research Contracting Regulations or the Directive on the Management of Communications.

Step 2: receive the political neutrality certification

Each contract includes provisions for the contractor to submit a political neutrality certification. Departments must ensure receive this certification from the supplier upon receipt of final reports (consult Appendix 2: Political neutral certification for details).

Step 3: deposit the narrative executive summary and final report

Separate English and French narrative executive summaries and final reports must be provided in electronic format to Library and Archives Canada. Library and Archives Canada makes the electronic reports available to the public via the Public Opinion Research Reports website.


The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's web standards apply to the content and the format of public opinion research narrative executive summary and final report. For more information, please refer to the Standards on Web Accessibility. The following advice could assist departments in meeting their requirements.

Web accessibility advice for public opinion research narrative executive summary and final report

Best practice: provide table and graphic text alternatives

Provide text alternatives for any non-text content so that it can be changed into other formats people need, such as large print, Braille, speech, symbols or simpler. A best practice is to ensure that the information included in table and graphic representations is also available in text.

II. Report requirements and Government of Canada standards

This applies to all public opinion research reports except those projects that are only fieldwork and data tabulation reporting requirements. These are described separately below.

Four separate documents must be submitted to Library and Archives Canada:

1. The narrative executive summary

The narrative executive summary should include the following.

1.1 Information that should appear on the cover page:

For an example of the cover page, please consult Appendix 3: Cover page example.

1.2 Information that should be included in the narrative executive summary:

Please note that graphics, charts, and tables should not be included in the narrative executive summary.

2. The final report

The final report should include the following:

2.1 Information that should appear on the cover page:

For an example of the cover page, please consult Appendix 3: Cover page example.

2.2 Information that should be included in the final report:

III. Specific requirements for the fieldwork and data tabulation projects

These requirements apply to the Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool (ACET) final methodological reports.

Four separate documents must be submitted to Library and Archives Canada:

1. The narrative executive summary

The narrative executive summary should include the following.

1.1 Information that should appear on the cover page:

For an example of the cover page, please consult Appendix 3: Cover page example.

1.2 Information that should be included in the narrative executive summary:

Please note that graphics, charts, and tables should not be included in the narrative executive summary.

2. The final methodological report

The final methodological report should include the following:

2.1 Information that should appear on the cover page:

For an example of the cover page, please consult Appendix 3: Cover page example.

2.2 Information that should be included in the final methodological report:

3. Notification to Library and Archives Canada for fieldwork and data tabulation project

When departments are submitting a final methodological report to Library and Archives Canada, departments must notify Library and Archives Canada in the comments section of the online report submission page that "This is a final methodological report."

IV. Instructions for submitting the narrative executive summary and final report at Library and Archives Canada

Four documents must be submitted to Library and Archives Canada in separate files:

  1. the narrative executive summary in English
  2. the narrative executive summary in French
  3. the final report or final methodological report must include the full description of the methodology used and all applicable appendices within the same document in English
  4. the final report or final methodological report must include the full description of the methodology used and all applicable appendices within the same document in French

Departments should submit electronic copies of their narrative executive summaries and final reports or final methodological reports.

Instructions for submission of narrative executive summary and final report to Library and Archives Canada

Please visit the Library and Archives Canada website for public opinion research reports deposit and choose "Submit a report.”

A receipt will be emailed to you for inclusion in the project file.

Best practices for the deposit of public opinion research narrative executive summary and final report to Library and Archives Canada


Appendix 1: Public opinion research related acts, regulations, policies, directive and standards





Standards for Public Opinion Research

Web standards for Government of Canada

Appendix 2: Political neutrality certification

The political neutrality certification is received from the supplier upon receipt of final reports.

Departments should ensure that, for contracted public opinion research, the supplier's senior officer certifies upon delivery that the final deliverables comply with the political neutrality requirement. The following political neutrality certification is part of the contract:

  1. Political neutrality certification

This certification is to be submitted with the final report submitted to the departmental Project Authority.

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Enter the supplier name that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications - Appendix C (Appendix C: Mandatory Procedures for Public Opinion Research).

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed: Signature required

Appendix 3: Cover page example

Figure 1: cover page example

Cover page example

Image description

The public opinion research project report must include the following in the upper right-hand corner:

The report must also include in the centre of the page the following statements:

Appendix 4: Checklist for public opinion research narrative executive summary and final report

The following checklist summarizes information that must be included in the narrative executive summary and final report. Departments should review their documents against this list prior to submitting them to Library and Archives Canada.

Checklist of information that should appear on the cover page of the narrative executive summary and the final report:

Checklist of information that should be included in the narrative executive summary and the final report:

Checklist of information that should be included in the final report:

For more information

Public Opinion Research Directorate

For more specific questions, information, or services, please contact the directorate by email at or by telephone at 613-995-9837.


Public Opinion Research Directorate
Public Services and Procurement Canada
350 Albert Street, 5th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0S5

Library and Archives Canada

Legal deposit (Public opinion research reports acquisitions)

For more information on the submission of public opinion research reports, please visit the public opinion research reports website. For more specific questions, information, or services, please contact Public opinion research reports acquisitions by email at or by telephone at 819-953-1808.

Digital Resources Legal Deposit and Web
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0N4

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