Custom research studies contracted between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017—16th Annual report on Government of Canada public opinion research activities

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Public opinion research (POR) helps the Government of Canada meet the needs and expectations of its citizens. With this type of research, the government can assess how well its messages, policies, programs and services are being understood and used by Canadians.

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Examples of research studies conducted during the fiscal year

The Canada Post review with Canadians, Indigenous peoples and Canadian businesses

The Department of Public Works and Government Services appointed a task force to conduct an independent review of Canada Post services, including home delivery.

As part of the review, 3 separate studies were commissioned: research with the Canadian general public (a sample of 2,246 adults), with Indigenous peoples (401 adults from both on- and off-reserve), and with Canadian businesses (a sample of 1,202 large, medium and small businesses).

Some of the key findings from these research studies include:

The full research reports can be found on the Library and Archives of Canada’s website:

The Canadian cannabis survey

The Department of Health, acting on the government's promise to legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana, surveyed Canadians' knowledge, perceptions, attitudes and behaviours towards marijuana use.

The Canadian Cannabis Survey examined issues such as the quantity used and the medical use, the cannabis market, and issues related to driving. Results from the Canadian Cannabis Survey will establish a baseline snapshot of patterns of cannabis use, such as:

This baseline survey will help the government to understand the possible impacts associated with the legalization, regulation and restriction of cannabis use.

The Canadian Cannabis Survey was based on interviews with 1,600 cannabis users and 2,000 non-users. A “cannabis user” is someone who has used cannabis in the last 12 months and represents about 11% of the adult population. The survey was based on a combination of telephone and online interviewing.

Source: The Canadian Cannabis Survey (registration number: POR 102-16)

Public views on immigration

In August 2016, the Department of Citizenship and Immigration conducted a telephone survey of 1,598 Canadians aged 18 years and over, to hear their views on immigration. Specifically, the survey asked about their perception of the numbers of immigrants coming to Canada, and the impact of immigration on Canada.

The study found that Canadians have generally favourable attitudes toward immigration. Half (52%) of Canadians believe that “about the right number” of immigrants are coming to Canada. Two thirds (67%) of Canadians agree that immigrants contribute to the economy by working or by creating businesses and jobs. Almost three quarters (72%) believe that accepting refugees is part of Canada's humanitarian tradition.

Source: Public Views on Immigration (registration number: POR 025-16)

Public opinion research on climate change

In the fall of 2016, The Department of the Environment conducted a study with Canadians on their opinions regarding climate change and the various ways to address it. The purpose of the study was to understand Canadians' views of recent government actions to address climate change and the measures of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, as well as how they assess their own ability to contribute.

The study found that an overwhelming majority (95%) of Canadians believe that climate change is happening. Notably, a plurality (44%) said they feel they could be doing more to stop it.

Additionally, Canadians are responding to climate change in different ways. Over one quarter (28%) have undertaken some kind of home renovation in the past year. This includes installing new windows, replacing the hot water heaters and improving air sealing.

However, the majority of Canadians are not using low carbon transportation options. Specifically, only 35% travel to work or school, and 20% run errands by public transit, foot, or bike. Few (4%) have a fully electric or hybrid vehicle.

The Department of the Environment continues to use these findings to inform its communications initiatives. The findings indicate that less focus is needed on persuading the public that climate change is real, or that it should be a priority for the Government of Canada. As a result, the focus has shifted to increasing public support for and understanding of climate change policies, and to providing everyday Canadians and businesses with the necessary information to make changes in their personal lives and daily operations.

The study comprised 2 online surveys (with samples of 1,511 and 1,001 adults) in 2016.

Source: Public Opinion Research on Climate Change (registration number: POR 021-16)

List of custom research studies by department

Below is a list of custom research studies designed for the specific needs of government departments. A registration number is assigned to each study that can then be used to find it in the public opinion research reports collection.

Table 1: List of custom public opinion research studies contracted between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017
Research study title by department Registration number Supplier Contract value
Canada Revenue Agency
2016 Annual Corporate Research POR 017-16 Environics Research Group Limited $164,926.78
2016 to 2017 Canada Revenue Agency Advertising Campaign Testing POR 076-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $54,240.00
Correspondence Modernization: Call Driver and Print Media Reduction POR 112-16 Sage Research Corporation $93,032.90
Electronic Authorizations for Business POR 058-16 Corporate Research Associates Inc. $54,810.65
Fairness in Tax Administration POR 093-16 Quorus Consulting Group Inc. $149,673.02
Meeting the Government of Canada's Service Mandate POR 049-16 Ipsos-Reid Corporation $99,917.20
Qualitative Research with Vulnerable Populations POR 103-16 Corporate Research Associates Inc. $105,598.50
Self-employed Taxpayer Attitudes on Payment of Debt and Compliance POR 082-16 Sage Research Corporation $59,999.61
The Experience of Indigenous Communities with Tax Filing POR 040-16 Phoenix SPI $233,672.70
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Public Opinion Research with Canadians on Food Safety 2016 to 2017 POR 077-16 The Earnscliffe Strategy Group Inc. $67,750.85
Public Opinion Research with Food Businesses to Support Promotion with Food Safety Regulations POR 066-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $112,994.35
Canadian Grain Commission
Client Satisfaction Survey POR 105-16 Ipsos-Reid Corporation $182,207.88
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Basic Telecommunications Services Review POR 030-15 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $33,335.00
Cultural Diversity in Canadian Media POR 063-16 Phoenix SPI $54,915.03
Protection within the Communication System POR 065-16 Environics Research Group Limited $10,000.50
Wireless Code Public Opinion Research POR 027-16 TNS Canada Ltd. $59,934.45
You Have Choices: Choosing a Service Provider POR 034-16 Quorus Consulting Group Inc. $38,457.86
Communication Security Establishment
Attitudes Towards the Communications Security Establishment: Baseline Study POR 128-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $83,699.10
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Strategic Issues Tracking Survey 2016 POR 023-16 Gregg, Kelly, Sullivan and Woolstencroft: The Strategic Counsel $154,990.80
Innovative Agricultural Technologies Public Opinion Research POR 022-16 AC Nielsen Company of Canada $144,301.34
Qualitative Research: Strategic Issues Focus Group Study POR 080-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $101,397.73
Quantitative Research: Agricultural Awareness Baseline Survey POR 091-16 Phoenix SPI $74,876.99
Department of Canadian Heritage
2016 Northern Lights Visitor Study POR 018-16 Quorus Consulting Group Inc. $29,806.58
Arts and Heritage Access and Availability Survey 2016 to 2017 POR 051-16 Environics Research Group Limited $163,614.45
Assessing the Canada 150 Advertising Campaign: Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool (ACET) POR 120-16 Léger Marketing $20,888.05
Canada 150: Wave 1 Baseline Survey POR 003-16 Léger Marketing $84,128.50
Creative Concept Testing for the Kick-off: Canada 150 Advertising Campaign POR 074-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $18,684.55
Public Opinion Research: Awareness, Impact and Participation in the Celebration and Commemoration Program POR 098-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $62,099.15
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
2016 to 2017 Annual Tracking Study: Qualitative Research POR 125-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $188,828.65
2016 to 2017 Qualitative Research about Immigration Issues POR 114-16 Quorus Consulting Group Inc. $160,313.10
International Experience Canada: Brand Testing POR 099-16 Environics Research Group Limited $39,917.25
Public Views on Immigration POR 025-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $62,903.15
Qualitative Research on Immigration POR 013-16 Léger Marketing $70,466.80
Department of Employment and Social Development
2016 to 2017 Old Age Security Service Improvement Strategy (OAS SIS) Prototype: Public Opinion Research POR 026-16 Sage Research Corporation $59,923.90
2016 to 2017 Client Experience Survey POR 092-16 Ipsos-Reid Corporation $237,475.15
2016 to 2017 Employment and Social Development Canada Exploratory Youth Research POR 117-16 Corporate Research Associates Inc. $72,958.45
Employment Insurance Service Quality Review Survey POR 032-16 Phoenix SPI $77,975.65
Social Security Tribunal of Canada Appellant Satisfaction SurveyFootnote 1 POR 064-16 Quorus Consulting Group Inc. $39,966.97
Department of Finance
Fall 2016: Survey and Focus Groups on the Economy POR 033-16 Environics Research Group Limited $147,276.06
Focus Groups on the Economy (Qualitative) Using Perception Analyzer POR 115-16 AC Nielsen Company of Canada $63,884.55
Qualitative Research on Budget Themes and Key Messages January 2017 POR 090-16 Quorus Consulting Group Inc. $59,330.65
Winter 2016: Survey and Focus Groups on the Economy POR 071-16 Phoenix SPI $156,585.66
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Public Perceptions of the Canadian Coast Guard POR 110-16 Environics Research Group Limited $17,277.70
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
Public Opinion Research on Canada-United States Relations POR 087-16 Foreign Policy $24,998.00
Department of Health
Attitudes and Awareness of Zika Virus and Mosquito-Control Measures POR 109-16 TNS Canada Ltd. $67,787.46
Awareness and Confidence in Canada's Pesticide Regulatory System POR 042-16 Ipsos-Reid Corporation $74,981.10
Canadian's Knowledge and Understanding of Alcohol Use in Pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) POR 072-16 TNS Canada Ltd. $84,963.82
Chemicals Management and Environmental Health Issues Survey and Focus Groups POR 050-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $95,730.78
Consumer Preferences for Front Pack Labelling Strategies POR 060-16 Sage Research Corporation $89,953.65
Evaluating Various Components of Employee Assistance Services (EAS) Client Services: 2017 POR 094-16 Elemental Data Collection Inc. $23,882.55
Focus Groups Testing for Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) Supplemental Health Messaging POR 056-16 Corporate Research Associates Inc. $58,324.95
Health Eating Strategy: Dietary Guidance Transformation (Focus Testing of Foundational Statements) POR 126-16 The Earnscliffe Strategy Group Inc. $56,955.90
Health Eating Strategy: Dietary Guidance Transformation (Focus Groups on Use of Canada's Food Guide) POR 116-16 Corporate Research Associates Inc. $148,137.35
Knowledge and Perception of the Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health: 2017 POR 078-16 Prairie Research Associates Inc. $24,916.50
Public Perceptions of Climate Change and Health POR 095-16 Environics Research Group Limited $119,928.60
Qualitative and Quantitative Research on E-cigarette Flavours and Risk Perception POR 088-16 Phoenix SPI $149,077.09
Qualitative and Quantitative Research on Standardized Cigarette Design Elements and Cigarette Package POR 041-16 Environics Research Group Limited $245,949.70
Seasonal Influenza Immunization Coverage Survey 2016 to 2017 POR 104-16 Léger Marketing $74,664.75
Survey of Health Care Providers' Views and Experience with Vaccine Hesitancy: 2017 POR 118-16 Environics Research Group Limited $138,312.00
The Canadian Cannabis Survey POR 102-16 Advanis Jolicoeur $249,820.40
Department of Justice
National Justice Survey 2016: Canada's Criminal Justice System (CJS) POR 015-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $234,070.46
Department of National Defence
Holistic Professional Formation Research POR 113-16 The Earnscliffe Strategy Group Inc. $40,081.10
Public Awareness and Perceptions of the Cadet Program: 2017 Tracking Study POR 106-16 Ipsos-Reid Corporation $113,009.04
Recruitment Advertising Creative Testing: Success Check POR 127-16 Sage Research Corporation $32,826.50
Recruitment Advertising Pre-testing 2016 POR 037-16 Léger Marketing $59,754.20
Recruitment of Online Participants for the Survey of Military Employment Image POR 069-16 Ipsos-Reid Corporation $19,995.35
Testing Recall of Recruitment Advertising 2016 to 2017 Campaign POR 089-16 Corporate Research Associates Inc. $23,650.90
The Canadian Armed Forces Occupant Survey POR 070-16 Environics Research Group Limited $108,083.37
Department of Natural Resources
Advertising Pre-test of the Energy Efficiency Digital: Advertising Campaign POR 100-16 Léger Marketing $27,007.00
ENERGY STAR and EnerGuide Labelling Awareness Survey POR 035-16 Phoenix SPI $83,734.36
Public Confidence in Federal Regulatory Processes and Decision-making POR 052-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $78,702.69
Public Opinion Research on Natural Resources Issues POR 028-16 Ipsos-Reid Corporation $176,200.84
Public Opinion Research on Natural Resource Issues: Wave 2 POR 121-16 Environics Research Group Limited $151,325.08
Research on Industrial, Commercial and Public Sector Energy Efficiency Awareness, Gaps and Brand Recognition POR 068-16 Léger Marketing $48,274.17
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Consultation for Review of the Criminal Records Acts POR 039-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $9,983.55
Flood Mitigation Public Awareness Campaign POR 001-16 TNS Canada Ltd. $49,813.23
Research on Indigenous Workforce Retention in the Federal Public Service POR 111-16 Quorus Consulting Group Inc. $49,672.31
Survey of Internet Users Regarding Cyber Security POR 046-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $77,749.65
Department of Public Works and Government Services
100 Wellington Project POR 012-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $45,462.72
2016 Publishing and Depository Services Client Satisfaction Survey POR 044-16 Patterson, Langlois Consultants $58,588.47
Canada Post Research: Design PhaseFootnote 2 POR 002-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $34,046.90
Canada Post Review: Research with Businesses POR 009-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $142,137.05
Canada Post Review: Research with Canadians POR 010-16 Patterson, Langlois Consultants $249,928.72
Canada Post Research with Indigenous Peoples POR 020-16 Environics Research Group Limited $67,206.75
Direct Deposit Initiative POR 079-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $131,044.72
Public Opinion Research on Media Consumption Habits of Canadians in Official Language Minority Communities (OLMC) POR 084-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $182,875.75
Department of the Environment
Public Opinion Research on Climate Change POR 021-16 Environics Research Group Limited $61,149.95
Department of Veterans Affairs
Advertising Post Testing of the 2016 Remembrance Campaign POR 054-16 Corporate Research Associates Inc. $47,109.70
Attitude Towards Remembrance and Veterans Week POR 057-16 Phoenix SPI $39,911.88
Determinants of Successful TransitionFootnote 3 POR 053-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $47,968.50
Surveys of Canadians Armed Forces, RCMP Members and Veterans Using My VAC Account POR 075-16 Phoenix SPI $63,501.48
Veterans Affairs Canada National Survey 2016 POR 043-16 SOM Inc. $66,898.26
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Healthy Canada Economic Development: Obtaining Health Profile for Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions POR 004-16 Capsana Inc. $5,650.00
Measurement of Canada Economic Development's Reputation POR 096-16 Léger Marketing $21,605.60
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
2016 Public Opinion Research on Consumers' Financial Rights and Responsibilities POR 048-16 Ipsos-Reid Corporation $9,819.70
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Testing of Credit Card Initial Disclosure Statements and Accompanying Cardholder Agreement POR 029-16 AC Nielsen Company of Canada $77,563.20
Public Opinion Research on Financial Consumers' Rights and Responsibilities POR 024-16 Ipsos-Reid Corporation $76,112.42
Library and Archives of Canada
Library and Archives of Canada Client Satisfaction Survey POR 119-16 Phoenix SPI $59,720.50
Report on Program Statistics for TD Summer Reading Club 2016 POR 036-16 AC Nielsen Company of Canada $37,897.94
National Film Board
Canadian Awareness and Perception of the National Film Board POR 107-16 Léger Marketing $34,899.99
National Research Council of Canada
Impact Assessment of the National Research Council's Human Health Therapeutics Portfolio POR 062-16 The Evidence Network $24,998.94
Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women
Online Engagement to Inform a Federal Strategy Against Gender-based Violence POR 016-16 Léger Marketing $57,562.20
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Financial Institutions Survey 2016 to 2017 POR 014-16 Environics Research Group Limited $40,068.95
Life Insurance Sector Consultation 2016 to 2017 POR 019-16 AC Nielsen Company of Canada $62,545.50
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
2016 Survey of Canadians POR 038-16 Phoenix SPI $58,823.27
Focus Group Discussions with Canadians on Providing Businesses with Consent for the Use of Personal Information POR 067-16 Phoenix SPI $59,824.32
Parks Canada Agency
2016 to 2017 Parks Canada Awareness Tracking Study POR 005-16 The Earnscliffe Strategy Group Inc. $129,770.56
Advertising Concept Pretesting Parks Canada Agency POR 055-16 Corporate Research Associates Inc. $42,753.55
Pre and Post Evaluations of Parks Canada's 2017 National Tourism Advertising Campaign POR 059-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $42,860.90
Privy Council Office
Awareness of Modernizing Canada's Electoral System POR 011-16 Nanos Research Corporation $8,249.00
Continuous Qualitative Data Collection of Canadians' View POR 061-16 Ipsos-Reid Corporation $916,865.05
Continuous Tracking of Canadians' Views: Quantitative Survey POR 101-16 Forum Research Inc. $312,603.20
Focus Groups: Fall 2016 POR 031-16 Quorus Consulting Group Inc. $186,393.50
Focus Groups: Spring 2016 POR 007-16 Corporate Research Associates Inc. $112,509.54
Government Priorities Quantitative Survey: Fall 2016 POR 030-16 Ipsos-Reid Corporation $214,669.49
Government Priorities Quantitative Survey: Spring 2016 POR 006-16 Elemental Data Collection Inc. $122,859.25
Government Priorities Quantitative Survey: Winter 2017 POR 081-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $199,800.95
VoxPop: Digital Consultation POR 047-16 Vox Pop Labs Inc. $369,058.00
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Public Perception of Police Officer Dress and Deportment Study POR 122-16 Qualtrics $19,180.80
Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Advertising Evaluation and the Police Officer Recruitment Campaign (Winter 2017) POR 073-16 Ipsos-Reid Corporation $83,311.51
Survey of Canadians' and Client Views of Royal Canadian Mounted Police Services POR 045-16 Environics Research Group Limited $90,313.56
Statistics Canada
2016 Census of Population Advertising Campaign Post-testing POR 008-16 TNS Canada Ltd. $22,955.95
Treasury Board Secretariat
Public Service Employee Annual Survey POR 085-16 Ekos Research Associates Inc. $249,843.00

Business volume of custom research studies by department

A total of 33 departments contracted out custom public opinion research studies between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017.

Table 2: Business volume of custom research studies by department between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017
Department Number of research studies Contract value
Canada Revenue Agency 9 $1,015,871.36
Canadian Food Inspection Agency 2 $180,745.20
Canadian Grain Commission 1 $182,207.88
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission 5 $196,642.84
Communications Security Establishment 1 $83,699.10
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food 4 $475,566.86
Department of Canadian Heritage 6 $379,221.28
Department of Citizenship and Immigration 5 $522,428.95
Department of Employment and Social Development 5 $488,300.12
Department of Finance 4 $427,076.92
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 1 $17,277.70
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 1 $24,998.00
Department of Health 16 $1,703,386.60
Department of Justice 1 $234,070.46
Department of National Defence 7 $397,400.46
Department of Natural Resources 6 $565,244.14
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 4 $187,218.74
Department of Public Works and Government Services 8 $911,291.08
Department of the Environment 1 $61,149.95
Department of Veterans Affairs 5 $265,389.82
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 2 $27,255.60
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada 3 $163,495.32
Library and Archives of Canada 2 $97,618.44
National Film Board 1 $34,899.99
National Research Council of Canada 1 $24,998.94
Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women 1 $57,562.20
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 2 $102,614.45
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada 2 $118,647.59
Parks Canada Agency 3 $215,385.01
Privy Council Office 9 $2,443,007.98
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 3 $192,805.87
Statistics Canada 1 $22,955.95
Treasury Board Secretariat 1 $249,843.00
Total 123 $12,070,277.80

Business volume of custom research studies by supplier

In total, the government awarded contracts for public opinion research services to 24 research firms in 2016 to 2017. Suppliers delivered various research services, ranging from solely data collection to full qualitative and/or quantitative research services (research design, data collection, analysis and reporting).

Table 3: Business volume of custom research studies by supplier between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017
Supplier Number of research studies Contract value
AC Nielsen Company of Canada 5 $386,192.53
Advanis Jolicoeur 1 $249,820.40
Capsana Inc.  1 $5,650.00
Corporate Research Associates Inc.  9 $665,853.59
Ekos Research Associates Inc.  23 $2,290,459.30
Elemental Data Collection Inc.  2 $146,741.80
Environics Research Group Limited 15 $1,565,350.70
Forum Research Inc.  1 $312,603.20
Gregg, Kelly, Sullivan and Woolstencroft: The Strategic Counsel 1 $154,990.80
Ipsos-Reid Corporation 12 $2,204,564.73
Léger Marketing 10 $499,251.26
Nanos Research Corporation 1 $8,249.00
Patterson, Langlois Consultants 2 $308,517.19
Phoenix SPI 12 $1,112,618.93
Prairie Research Associates Inc. 1 $24,916.50
Qualtrics 1 $19,180.80
Quorus Consulting Group Inc. 8 $713,613.99
Sage Research Corporation          5 $335,736.56
SOM Inc. 1 $66,898.26
The Earnscliffe Strategy Group Inc. 4 $294,558.41
The Evidence Network Inc. 1 $24,998.94
Foreign Policy 1 $24,998.00
TNS Canada Ltd. 5 $285,454.91
Vox Pop Labs Inc. 1 $369,058.00
Total 123 $12,070,277.80

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