Marginal Terrain Vehicles

Fairness Monitoring Final Report

July 29, 2014

Submitted to: Director General, Operational Integrity Sector, Departmental Oversight Branch

Submitted by: Samson & Associates

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirement for MTV
  3. Attestation of Assurance
  4. Methodology
    1. 4.1 FM Activities and Findings related to the Industry Engagement Phase
  5. Reference Documents

1. Introduction

Samson & Associates was engaged as a Fairness Monitor (FM) to observe the competitive acquisition process for Marginal Terrain Vehicles (MTV) undertaken by the Department of National Defence (DND) as a result of solicitation number W6399-13ED51/A. Samson & Associates is an independent third party with respect to this activity.

A Letter of Interest (LOI) was issued prior to the involvement of Samson & Associate as FM. From the time of our engagement in January 2014 to the cancellation of the acquisition process on July 3, 2014, we reviewed all of the information provided and observed all relevant activities (with the exception of industry consultation that took place in Ornskoldsvik, Sweden and London, Ontario which we did not attend). We had full access to all aspects of the procurement process and co-operation from all stakeholders.

We hereby submit the Final Report, covering the activities of the FM, commencing with the Industry Engagement phase and continuing through to the cancellation of the procurement activity.

This report includes our attestation of assurance, a summary of the scope and objectives of our assignment, the methodologies applied and relevant observations from the activities undertaken.

2. Requirement for MTV

DND has identified a requirement to procure approximately 22 MTVs for use by the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) worldwide. The MTVs are required to be light armoured, tracked, articulated, amphibious vehicles with a front and rear car, which provide mobility while operating on hard or soft terrain, including snow, sand, tundra and water, in a variety of climates, ranging from arctic, to jungle, to desert.

The design of the MTV will allow for the configuration to be changed depending on the mission. The ability to increase the ballistic and mine blast characteristics of the MTV with add on armour is required. Basic variants required include an Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) variant, a Logistical variant, an Ambulance variant, and a Command Post variant.

It is anticipated the front car will be the same for all variants, and the kitting of the rear car will define the variant. The kitting of these variants will be done in such a manner that any variant, except the Logistical variant, can be converted to another variant with a minimum amount of time and effort through the use of standard mounting points and mounting channel.

3. Attestation of Assurance

The FM hereby provides the following unqualified assurance statement concerning the competitive acquisition process for MTV commencing with the Industry Engagement phase and continuing through to the cancellation of the procurement activity, with the exception of industry consultation which took place in Ornskoldsvik, Sweden and London, Ontario which we did not attend.

It is our professional opinion that the competitive selection process for the above activities we observed, was carried out in a fair, open and transparent manner.

Mathieu Farley, CPA auditeur, CA, CIA, CISA
FM Team Leader, Partner, Audit and Advisory
Samson & Associates

Christian Dugas CPA, CA
FM Specialist

4. Methodology

Samson & Associates was engaged as a FM to observe the competitive acquisition process for MTV, and to attest to the fairness, openness and transparency of this monitored activity.

In accordance with the terms of our engagement, we familiarized ourselves with the relevant industry engagement documents provided to potential proponents, identifying fairness-related matters to the contracting and technical authorities, and ensuring that responses and actions were reasonable and appropriate.

4.1 FM Activities and Findings related to the Industry Engagement Phase

A LOI was issued via on August 15, 2013 to alert the vendor community of the intended requirement.

Following the LOI, additional Industry Engagement activities were planned and related documents were prepared and reviewed for Industry Consultations.

The CAF visited two potential vendors between the period of February and March 2014. Both locations of the visits were outside of the National Capital Region, one in Ornskoldsvik, Sweden and one in London, Ontario. Each potential vendor was granted an individual sessions to provide for a confidential forum for Canada to engage industry in a presentation on the scope, key requirements and procurement strategy for the competitive procurement of the MTV.

The FM did not review or observe industry engagement activities prior to January 2014 and as such we have no opinion on these elements of the activity. Furthermore, the FM did not attend the one-on-one sessions held by CAF.

The CAF cancelled the MTV procurement activity effective July 3, 2014, before completing the Industry Engagement Phase.

FM Summary of Findings: According to the FM, the Industry Engagement documents were drafted in a fair manner. In this context, fairness includes openness, competitiveness, transparency, and compliance elements.

5. Reference Documents

The following documents referenced by number in this report and unless otherwise indicated, are all available through Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).

Table Summary

The following table includes a list of documents referred to in the report such as the Request for Proposal (RFP), amendments, clarification letters, debriefing letters, etc. Each row is numbered, followed by the document title, then a document identifier such as a date or document number.

Reference Documents
# Document Document date/number
1 LOI Published on on August 15, 2013
2 LOI: Amendment #1 Published on on September 10, 2013
3 LOI: Annex A
Technical Specifications Compliance Matrix
Published on on August 16, 2013
4 LOI: Appendix 1 to Annex A
Load Lists
Distribution via email on August 16, 2013