East Tunnel Project Management II

Fairness Monitor final report

June 27, 2014

Submitted to: Director General Operational Integrity Sector

Submitted by: PPI Consulting Limited

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Table of Contents

  1. Background and Introduction
  2. Project Requirement
  3. Attestation of Assurance
  4. Methodology
  5. Reference Documents

1. Background and Introduction

PPI Consulting Limited (PPI) was engaged as a Fairness Monitor (FM) to observe the selection process for a Level 3 Project Manager for Real Property for the East Tunnel Project (ETP) solicitation # EH900-140667/A. The Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) by e-mail to qualified Bidders on October 29, 2013 and subsequent posting on buyandsell.gc.ca on October 30, 2013. Qualified Bidders were selected from the existing Task Based Professional Services (TSPS) Supply Arrangement, Real Property Management Services Class: 4.2 Project Manager for Real Property (Level 3). PPI is an independent third party with respect to this activity.

Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) owns and operates (7) centrally located plants that provide heating and cooling for more than 100 buildings in the National Capital Region (NCR). The heating and cooling is distributed through five networks made up of 12 kilometers of tunnels and 40 kilometers of pipeline.

The East Tunnel distributes steam, chilled water, and auxiliary services from the Cliff Central Heating Plant to the Supreme Court and the Buildings in the west sector of Parliament Hill. A project to replace and rehabilitate parts of the "East Tunnel" and to build some new tunnels is in Construction and PWGSC requires the service of a Project Manager with Real Property construction experience to support the project's Senior Project Manager for construction to progress smoothly. The initial contract period is from February 3, 2014 to March 31, 2015 and there are two one-year option periods.

The Fairness Monitoring Team was assigned to the project on October 1, 2013. We reviewed all of the information provided and observed all relevant activities. We hereby submit the Final Report covering the activities of the Fairness Monitor, commencing October 1, 2013 with a review of the FM statement of work documentation and continuing through to the award of the contract on January 2, 2014. No questions were asked by potential bidders about the RFP requirements and no RFP amendments were made during the solicitation. One bid was received.

This report includes our attestation of assurance, a summary of the scope and objectives of our assignment, the methodologies applied and relevant observations from the activities undertaken.

We reviewed all of the information provided and observed all relevant activities. We had access to all aspects of the procurement process, and had the full cooperation of all stakeholders.

We hereby submit the Final Report covering the activities of the Fairness Monitor commencing with the publication of the RFP, continuing through the evaluation phase of the procurement process.

This report includes our attestation of assurance, a summary of the scope and objectives of our assignment, the methodology applied and relevant observations from the activities undertaken.

2. Project Requirement

The main objective of the ETP Project is to procure the services of a Level 3 Project Manager for Real Property to provide support to the Senior Project Manager and the Project Management Team for the Project Delivery (Implementation and Delivery Close-Out) phase of the East Tunnel Project.

3. Attestation of Assurance

The FM hereby provides the following unqualified assurance statement concerning the RFP for the Level 3 Project Manager for Real Property for the East Tunnel Project solicitation.

It is our professional opinion that the selection process for the Level 3 Project Manager for Real Property for the East Tunnel Project solicitation we observed was carried out in a fair, open and transparent manner.

John Davis, President
PPI Consulting Limited

Ian Brennan, CSCMP
FM Team Leader

Ross Smiley CPA, CA
FM Specialist

4. Methodology

PPI Consulting Limited was engaged as a Fairness Monitor (FM) to:

  • observe the procurement process for the Level 3 Project Manager for Real Property for the East Tunnel Project (ETP) solicitation RFP # EH900-140667/A; and,
  • provide an attestation of opinion on the fairness, openness and transparency of this monitored activity.

We conducted our work during the following phases of the solicitation process:

  • Draft Request For Proposal Phase (October 1, 2013 to October 30, 2013);
  • Request For Proposal Phase (October 30, 2013 to November 26, 2013); and,
  • Evaluation Phase (November 26, 2013 to January 2, 2014).

In accordance with the terms of our engagement, we reviewed and familiarized ourselves with relevant documentation including; draft RFP; final RFP; RFP posted on buyandsell.gc.ca; and, the RFP invitation e-mail sent to all qualified suppliers on the PWGSC TSPS Tier 1, Real Property Management Services Class: 4.2 Project Manager for Real Property (Level 3) on October 29, 2013 by the Public Works and Government Services Canada, Supply Specialist. No questions were asked by potential bidders about the RFP requirements and no RFP amendments were made during the solicitation. One bid was received.

In addition, we attended two meetings with the PWGSC Contracting Authority and Technical Evaluation Team including the Pre-evaluation Bid Transfer/Instruction Meeting and the Consensus Meeting held on December 2, 2013 and December 12, 2013 respectively. We identified fairness-related matters to the Contracting and Technical Authorities and ensured that responses and actions were reasonable and appropriate.

5. Reference Documents

The following documents are referenced in this report and are available through PWGSC.

Table Summary

The following table includes a list of documents referred to in the report such as the Request for Proposal (RFP), amendments, clarification letters, debriefing letters, etc. Each row is numbered, followed by the document title, then a document identifier such as a date or document number.

Reference Documents
No. Document Date/Number
1 Request for Proposal E-mailed to qualified bidders on October 29, 2013 and subsequent posting on buyandsell.gc.ca on October 30, 2013 by PWGSC Contracting Specialist; Solicitation #: EH900-140667/A

Addendum to the Final Report
June 27, 2014

Addendum to Fairness Monitor Final Report dated January 16, 2014 on the selection process for a Level 3 Project Manager for Real Property for the East Tunnel Project (ETP) solicitation # EH900-140667/A.

This addendum to the Fairness Monitor Report covers the period following the conclusion of the evaluation phase.

FM Activities Related to Contract Award and Debriefings

There was one bid submitted in response to the RFP. The bid was evaluated by the Technical Evaluation Team. On January 2, 2014, the successful bidder was advised of the results of the evaluation.

A debriefing was not requested by the successful bidder.

Fairness Monitor Attestation of Assurance

The FM hereby provides the following unqualified assurance statement concerning the selection process for the Level 3 Project Manager for Real Property for the East Tunnel Project solicitation following the conclusion of the Contract Award and Debriefing Phase.

It is our professional opinion that the selection process for the Level 3 Project Manager for Real Property for the East Tunnel Project solicitation we observed was carried out in a fair, open and transparent manner.

John Davis, President
PPI Consulting Limited

Ian Brennan, CSCMP
FM Team Leader

Ross Smiley CPA, CA
FM Specialist