Reconstruction of the Québec armoury

Fairness Monitor final report

April 21, 2015

Submitted to:
Director, Fairness Monitoring,
Departmental Oversight Branch

Submitted by:
Samson & Associates

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Table of contents

1. Introduction

Samson & Associates was engaged as a Fairness Monitor (FM) on November 28, 2014 to observe the competitive procurement process regarding the award of a contract for the reconstruction of the Québec Armoury (Québec Armoury) issued by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) as a result of solicitation EE520-151410 published January 14, 2015. Samson & Associates is an independent third party with respect to this activity.

We reviewed all of the information provided and observed all relevant activities. We had full access to all aspects of the procurement process and co-operation from all stakeholders.

We hereby submit the Final Report, covering the activities of the FM, commencing with the Letter of Interest posting and continuing through to the Invitation to Tender (ITT) evaluation phase.

This report includes our attestation of assurance, a summary of the scope and objectives of our assignment, the methodologies applied and relevant observations from the activities undertaken.

2. Reconstruction of the Québec armoury

Destroyed by fire in 2008, the Québec Armoury was built in 1887 and then enlarged in 1913. This heritage building is considered the historic home of the oldest French-Canadian regiment – the Voltigeurs. Its reconstruction is an investment through Canada's Economic Action Plan.

In November 2012, the Government of Canada unveiled the design for reconstruction of the Québec Armoury. PWGSC will be the prime contractor for the reconstruction, rehabilitation and restoration.

Considering the complexity of the work to be executed and the particular heritage requirements, a letter of interest was posted on November 20, 2014 to inform industry of the requirements for the reconstruction of the Québec Armoury and to announce that an information session would be held on December 2, 2014. The ITT was published on January 14, 2015. A bidders' conference was held on January 29, 2015, which was followed by a site visit of the Québec Armoury.

The Armoury will be rebuilt based on the design of a multifunctional building that will contain government offices, a multipurpose room for community, cultural and social activities, and an area that will be used to commemorate the history of the Armoury and the Voltigeurs Regiment. The restored Armoury will be able to stage events attended by up to 1,300 people (for receptions) and will also be available for temporary rental by organizations and the private sector. Various Government of Canada agencies will also use these spaces.

The chosen design adheres to current standards and optimizes the facilities, making them more useful to both the government and the community. The entire space of the central building will be used to house a 2,000 square metre rentable multipurpose room in addition to an immense lobby overlooking the Plains of Abraham, a commemorative hall, common use facilities and secondary spaces such as cloakrooms, kitchen/catering area, public washrooms and utility rooms. Work should commence in 2015 for delivery in 2017.

3. Attestation of assurance

The FM hereby provides the following unqualified assurance statement concerning the competitive procurement process regarding the award of a contract for the reconstruction of the Québec Armoury, commencing with the Letter of Interest posting and continuing through to the ITT evaluation phase.

It is our professional opinion that the competitive procurement process for the above activities we observed, was carried out in a fair, open, and transparent manner.

Mathieu Farley, CPA auditeur, CA, CIA, CISA
FM Team Leader
Partner, Audit & Advisory Services
Samson & Associates

Jocelyne Lafrenière, CPA, CA
FM Specialist

4. Methodology

Samson & Associates was engaged as an FM to observe the competitive procurement process regarding the award of a contract for the reconstruction of the Québec Armoury, and to attest to the fairness, openness and transparency of this monitored activity.

In accordance with the terms of our engagement, we familiarized ourselves with the relevant documents, and observed bid solicitation activities (e.g., Letter of Interest, ITT and addendums, information sessions, site visit, questions and responses related to the ITT and bid evaluation), identifying fairness-related matters to the contracting and technical authorities, and ensuring that responses and actions were appropriate.

4.1 Fairness Monitoring activities and observations: Letter of interest phase

A letter of interest was posted on the government's online bidding service on November 20, 2014 under number EE520-151410/A to inform industry of the requirements for the reconstruction of the Québec Armoury and to announce that an information session would be held on December 2, 2014. PWGSC also accepted questions and comments afterwards.

The information session was held on December 2, 2014 in Québec with the contracting authority and the FM in attendance. This event, which was attended by nearly 20 entrepreneurs, enabled PWGSC Real Property and Supply stakeholders to reiterate the information provided in the letter of interest.

Comments were sent to PWGSC until December 16, 2014. Suppliers' comments were considered in preparation of the ITT published on January 14, 2015.

The letter of interest ended on December 12, 2014.

FM Summary of Findings: The Letter of Interest documents were clearly written and understandable. No fairness issues were identified.

4.2 Fairness Monitoring activities and observations: Invitation to tender phase

The ITT was posted on the government's online bidding service,, on January 14, 2015 under number EE520-151410/B. The eleventh amendment extended the closing date until March 12, 2015. The twelfth amendment notified bidders of a change regarding the closing date for questions. This period ended on February 27, 2015, i.e. twelve (12) days prior to closing of the ITT.

The FM observed the activities connected with the procurement process until the close of the ITT on March 12, 2015.

The FM was present at the bidders' conference held on January 29, 2015, which was followed by a site visit of the Québec Armoury.

The FM reviewed the ITT documents as well as the communications related to the questions received and the answers given by the contracting authority. Six hundred fourteen (614) questions were submitted by industry. Nineteen (19) amendments were published.

FM Summary of Findings: The questions submitted as part of the ITT phase as well as the meeting with the potential bidders were conducted in accordance with the terms of the ITT and the answers were clear, understandable and communicated to all suppliers in a timely manner. All fairness concerns were dealt with satisfactorily.

4.3 Fairness Monitoring activities and observations: Invitation to tender evaluation phase

A detailed evaluation plan was developed and presented to the evaluators when the proposals were distributed for evaluation. Compliance of mandatory technical criteria such as the value of the projects, work dates, amount and type of experience required, compliance of the project description and the submission of references were validated by the team leader and the contracting authority. The supply team leader and the contracting authority checked references by email and telephone. The FM reviewed the findings of this compliance evaluation.

Five evaluators individually evaluated the relevance of projects and the required experience, and the results were sent to the contracting authority.

All results were compiled in a table signed by the evaluators. Considering that the results showed consensus among the evaluators, there was no consensus meeting. The contracting authority submitted a summary of the evaluations to the FM for review as well as the sheets compiling the lump sum price tables.

Three firms submitted a tender and they all qualified. A winning bidder was determined following the opening of the financial envelopes on March 17, 2015 in the presence of the three bidders.

PWGSC plans to award a contract sometime around April 30, 2015 after having received approval.

The evaluators' instructions and tools were complete, complied with the terms of the ITT, complied with the principles and practices of fairness, and were executed fairly. The evaluation criteria fully met the requirements established in the ITT. The evaluation was carried out in compliance with the ITT and was performed in strict compliance with the stated criteria. A consensus was reached for all criteria.

FM Summary of Findings: The FM reviewed the summary of the evaluations as well as the sheets compiling the tables of the lump sum prices. It is the FM's opinion that the evaluation phase of the procurement process was performed fairly, openly and transparently. In this context, the components of fairness include openness, competitiveness, transparency and compliance.

5. Reference documents

The following documents referenced by number in this report and unless otherwise indicated, are all available through PWGSC.

Table Summary

The following table includes a list of documents referred to in the report such as the Request for Proposal (RFP), amendments, clarification letters, debriefing letters, etc. Each row is numbered, followed by the document title, then a document identifier such as a date or document number.

No. Document Date
1 Letter of Interest Published on on
November 20, 2014
2 PWGSC Presentation – information session Can be obtained through PWGSC
3 PWGSC and architect's presentation – bidders' conference Can be obtained through PWGSC
4 Invitation to tender Published on on
January 14, 2015
5 ITT Addendum # 1 Published on on
January 23, 2015
6 ITT Addendum # 2 Published on on
January 28, 2015
7 ITT Addendum # 3 Published on on
January 29, 2015
8 ITT Addendum # 4 Published on on
February 5, 2015
9 ITT Addendum # 5 Published on on
February 9, 2015
10 ITT Addendum # 6 Published on on
February 11, 2015
11 ITT Addendum # 7 Published on on
February 17, 2015
12 ITT Addendum # 8 Published on on
February 19, 2015
13 ITT Addendum # 9 Published on on
February 19, 2015
14 ITT Addendum # 10 Published on on
February 19, 2015
15 ITT Addendum # 11 Published on on
February 24, 2015
16 ITT Addendum # 12 Published on on
February 26, 2015
17 ITT Addendum # 13 Published on on
February 27, 2015
18 ITT Addendum # 14 Published on on
February 27, 2015
19 ITT Addendum # 15 Published on on
March 2, 2015
20 ITT Addendum # 16 Published on on
March 2, 2015
21 ITT Addendum # 17 Published on on
March 4, 2015
22 ITT Addendum # 18 Published on on
March 5, 2015
23 ITT Addendum # 19 Published on on
March 11, 2015

Addendum to the final report
June 9, 2015

Addendum to the fairness monitor final report dated April 21, 2015 concerning the competitive procurement process regarding the award of a contract for the reconstruction of the Québec armoury.

This Addendum to the FM Final Report covers the period following the conclusion of the evaluation phase.

Fairness Monitoring activities related to contract award and debriefings

Three bids were received in response to the Invitation to Tender and all bids were deemed to be compliant.

A winning bidder was determined following the opening of the financial envelopes on March 17, 2015 in the presence of the three bidders.

No debriefings were requested.

Fairness Monitoring attestation of assurance

The FM hereby provides the following unqualified assurance statement concerning the competitive procurement process regarding the award of a contract for the reconstruction of the Québec Armoury.

It is our professional opinion that the competitive procurement process we observed, was carried out in a fair, open and transparent manner.

Mathieu Farley, CPA auditeur, CA, CIA, CISA
FM Team Leader
Partner, Audit & Advisory Services
Samson & Associates

Jocelyne Lafrenière, CPA, CA
FM Specialist