Managed Web Service Solution—Application rationalization initiative

Fairness monitor final report, March 6, 2015

Addendum to final report, May 26, 2015

Submitted to the Director, Fairness Monitoring Program

Submitted by, Samson & Associates

On this page

1. Introduction

Samson & Associates was engaged as a Fairness Monitor (FM) to observe the procurement process for the Application Rationalization Initiative – Managed Web Service Solution undertaken by the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada (TBS) as a result of solicitation #G9292-200741/B. Samson & Associates is an independent third party with respect to this activity.

We reviewed all of the information provided and observed all relevant activities. We had full access to all aspects of the procurement process and co-operation from all stakeholders.

We hereby submit the Final Report, covering the activities of the FM commencing with the Industry Engagement phase and continuing through to the close of the Request for Proposal (RFP) evaluation phase.

This report includes our attestation of assurance, a summary of the scope and objectives of our assignment, the methodologies applied and relevant observations from the activities undertaken.

2. Project requirement

In Budget 2013, the Government of Canada (GC) indicated that it is, “examining opportunities to streamline its web presence by making it easier for Canadians to find and access Government information on the web through a single entry point.” A solutions suite is required to deliver the GC consolidated public website; more specifically, the suite will enable the strategic management of the new GC website and related online services, which will allow for enhanced communication, consultation, and service delivery for Canadians.

For its external public-facing website, the GC currently manages web content using a distributed departmental content management and publishing model. Based on 2011 statistics, it is estimated that the current GC web environment consists of 1500 static websites, 700 social media accounts, 4 million webpages (excluding weather and Total Canadian and non-Canadian website visitors are estimated at 30 million and 3 billion page views per year.

The Web Renewal Initiative (WRI) is a key initiative aligned with the GC Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) modernization strategy focused on enabling government organizations to fulfil their mandates. Recognizing that more and more Canadians access information and services online, the goal of the WRI is to standardize, consolidate, and modernize the Government of Canada’s Web management solutions in order to:

  • improve the effectiveness of online information and services provided
  • improve the efficiency of the GC Web publishing process

The WRI has the following key objectives:

  • Establish a unified web content publishing, management and delivery model where individual departments and agencies develop content locally that is published to the GC website using common processes and technologies
  • Standardize and consolidate the GC web technology platform into one unified system to reduce the hardware, software and other resources required to support web publishing and measurement across the GC
  • Simplify the business and technical processes for web publishing for the GC external-facing website
  • Facilitate compliance with Treasury Board (TB) policies on Official Languages, Government Security, Privacy Protection, Information Management, Federal Identity Program as well as the TB standards on Privacy and Web Analytics, Social Media Account Management, Web Accessibility, Web Usability, Web Interoperability, Optimizing Websites and Applications for Mobile Devices, Metadata and Management of IT Security (MITS)
  • Lower the total cost of ownership of the GC web presence

The WRI is also meant to respond to the growing number of departments and agencies in the GC that need to modernize their web management systems, but face significant challenges related to resource requirements. A single, common solutions suite and infrastructure for the entire GC public-facing website will enable departments and agencies to provide consistent quality, delivery, reliability and reporting of the collective web experience across the entire GC web domain, to improve information and service delivery to Canadians.

3. Attestation of assurance

The FM hereby provides the following unqualified assurance statement concerning the procurement process for the Application Rationalization Initiative – Managed Web Service Solution Initiative commencing with the Industry Engagement phase and continuing through to the close of the RFP evaluation phase.

It is our professional opinion that the activities we observed for the above initiative, was carried out in a fair, open and transparent manner.

Original signed by

Mathieu Farley, CPA auditor, CA, CIA, CISA
FM Team Leader
Partner, Audit & Advisory
Samson & Associates

Original signed by

Robert Frappier
FM Specialist

4. Methodology

Samson & Associates was engaged as a Fairness Monitor (FM) to observe the procurement process for the Application Rationalization Initiative – Managed Web Service Solution, and to attest to the fairness, openness and transparency of this monitored activity.

In accordance with the terms of our engagement, we familiarized ourselves with the relevant documents and observed select activities (for example, Industry engagement day, one-on-one sessions, Request for Information (RFI), draft RFP, RFP and Q&A), identifying fairness-related matters to the contracting and technical authorities, and ensuring that responses and actions were reasonable and appropriate.

4.1 Fairness monitoring activities and findings for the industry engagement phase

An Industry Day session was held on July 31, 2013 followed by the publication of an RFI on August 12, 2013. The FM attended the industry day and reviewed the relevant documentation with respect to the RFI.

Following the initial industry day and RFI, a draft RFP was posted on on June 30, 2014. The draft RFP was intended to solicit feedback from industry in support of the development of the RFP, and contained specific questions addressed to the industry. There were two amendments made to the draft RFP, the last one being July 11, 2014, which extended the closing date to July 22, 2014. Responses and comments were received and incorporated into the final RFP. TBS hired necessary expertise to help for the comment disposition process. The FM reviewed the comment disposition resulting from the draft RFP process and have not identified any fairness related issues.

Fairness monitor summary of findings

It is the opinion of the FM that the Industry Engagement phase of the contracting process was conducted in a fair manner. In this context, fairness is understood to encompass the elements of openness, competitiveness, transparency and compliance elements.

4.2 Fairness monitoring activities and findings up to the request for proposal phase

Following the industry engagement phase, a RFP was published on October 17, 2014 via Proponents were able to submit questions up to December 17, 2014 or 25 calendar days before bid closing. There were 17 amendments, the last one being December 23, 2014. The 14th amendment extended the closing date until January 12, 2015. There were 266 questions submitted during the process.

During the RFP phase, the FM reviewed the RFP and communications by TBS in response to industry questions to ensure fairness-related considerations were satisfactorily addressed.

Fairness monitor summary of findings

It is the opinion of the FM that the RFP phase of the contracting process was conducted in a fair manner. In this context, fairness is understood to encompass the elements of openness, competitiveness, transparency and compliance elements.

4.3 Fairness monitoring activities and findings for the request for proposal evaluation phase of the process

A detailed evaluation plan was developed and presented to evaluators at the time that proposals were distributed for evaluation. The bids were evaluated by a separate technical and security team. Once the security requirements were met, the technical team (five evaluators) conducted their evaluation and met on January 26, 27 and 29, to collectively arrive at consensus. All technical evaluators were present at the consensus meeting, as was the FM.

Of the three bids received, one proponent was deemed qualified following evaluation. As a result of the Financial Evaluation a successful proponent was identified on February 2, 2015.

As a part of the evaluation there was a requirement to conduct a Proof of Proposal to validate the content of the successful proposal selected. The Proof of Proposal validation was carried out on February 11 and 12, 2015 and was attended by the FM. A consensus meeting was held on February 12, 2015 to finalize the results of the Proof of Proposal and the successful proponent was selected.

The instructions and tools of the evaluators were complete, respected the terms of the RFP and were consistent with the principles and practices of fairness, and they were executed fairly. Evaluation criteria, weighting, points and passing notes complied fully with what had been established in the RFP. The evaluation was performed as described by the RFP and the scoring was performed in strict accordance with the criteria. Consensus discussions were open, all evaluators were present, and a consensus was reached for all the criteria.

Fairness monitor summary of findings

It is the opinion of the FM that the RFP Evaluation phase of the contracting process was conducted in a fair manner. In this context, fairness is understood to encompass the elements of openness, competitiveness, transparency and compliance.

5. Reference documents

The following documents are referenced by number in this report and unless otherwise indicated, are all available through PWGSC.

Industry engagement day documents by publication date
No. Documents Date
1 Industry Engagement Day Notice Published on on July 22, 2013
2 Industry Engagement Day Notice – Amendment 1 Published on on July 31, 2013
3 Industry Engagement Day Notice – Amendment 2 Published on on August 6, 2013
Request for information documents by publication date
No. Documents Date
4 RFI Published on on August 12, 2013
5 Industry Engagement Day – One-on-one Sessions Published on
6 Industry Engagement Day – Questions and answers Published on
Draft request for proposal documents by publication date
No. Documents Date
7 Draft RFP Published on on June 30, 2014
8 RFI – amendment 1 Published on on July 10, 2014
9 RFI – Amendment 2 Published on on July 11, 2014
Request for proposal documents by publication date
No. Documents Date
10 RFP – Managed Web Service Solution Published on on October 17, 2014
11 RFP – Amendment 1 Published on on October 24, 2014
12 RFP – Amendment 2 Published on on November 6, 2014
13 RFP – Amendment 3 Published on on November 13, 2014
14 RFP – Amendment 4 Published on on November 17, 2014
15 RFP – Amendment 5 Published on on November 24, 2014
16 RFP – Amendment 6 Published on on November 27, 2014
17 RFP – Amendment 7 Published on on December 1, 2014
18 RFP – Amendment 8 Published on on December 3, 2014
19 RFP – Amendment 9 Published on on December 3, 2014
20 RFP – Amendment 10 Published on on December 5, 2014
21 RFP – Amendment 11 Published on on December 8, 2014
22 RFP – Amendment 12 Published on on December 10, 2014
23 RFP – Amendment 13 Published on on December 15, 2014
24 RFP – Amendment 14 Published on on December 15, 2014
25 RFP – Amendment 15 Published on on December 17, 2014
26 RFP – Amendment 16 Published on on December 17, 2014
27 RFP – Amendment 17 Published on on December 23, 2014

6. Addendum to final report, May 26, 2015

Addendum to fairness monitor final report dated March 6, 2015 procurement process for the application rationalization initiative—Managed Web Service Solution

This addendum to the FM final report covers the period following the conclusion of the evaluation phase.

Fairness monitoring activities related to contract award and debriefings

There were three bids submitted in response to the Request for proposal. Only one proposal was deemed compliant.

The successful bidder was advised of contract award on March 3, 2015.

No debriefings were requested.

Fairness monitoring attestation of assurance

The FM hereby provides the following unqualified assurance statement concerning the procurement process for the Application Rationalization Initiative – Managed Web Service Solution.

It is our professional opinion that the competitive selection process we observed, was carried out in a fair, open and transparent manner.

Original signed by

Mathieu Farley, CPA auditor, CA, CIA, CISA
FM Team Leader
Partner, Audit & Advisory
Samson & Associates

Original signed by

Robert Frappier
FM Specialist

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