Ministry summary

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Vote Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
  Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food
1 Operating expenditures 568,453,709 568,453,709        
1a Operating expenditures 23,942,270 23,942,270        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 (Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) 24,504 24,504        
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 2,048,421 2,048,421        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 28,068,983 28,068,983        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 1 (Shared Services Canada) (negative 3,238) (negative 3,238)        
  Vote 10 (negative 100,000) (negative 100,000)        
  Total—Vote 1 568,453,709 23,942,270 30,038,670 622,434,649 605,634,473 16,800,176 591,991,077
5 Capital expenditures 54,888,471 54,888,471        
5a Capital expenditures 4,495,859 4,495,859        
  Transfer from TB Vote 35Link to footnote 1 9,558,082 9,558,082        
  Total—Vote 5 54,888,471 4,495,859 9,558,082 68,942,412 56,935,866 12,006,546 56,866,815
10 Grants and contributions 425,525,000 425,525,000        
10a Grants and contributions 1,000,000 1,000,000        
  Transfer from Vote 1 100,000 100,000        
  Total—Vote 10 425,525,000 1,000,000 100,000 426,625,000 361,215,657 65,409,343 362,448,384
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 65,525,898 795,390 (negative 6,258,908) 60,062,380 60,062,380 60,258,458
Link to footnote S Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food—Salary and motor car allowance 86,000 86,000 86,000 84,600
Link to footnote S Contribution payments for the AgriInsurance program 623,000,000 41,580,115 664,580,115 664,580,115 651,704,357
Link to footnote S Contribution payments for the AgriStability program 384,830,000 (negative 204,050,812) 180,779,188 180,779,188 34,791,605
Link to footnote S Grant payments for the AgriStability program 39,320,000 (negative 4,854,844) 34,465,156 34,465,156 26,827,747
Link to footnote S Grant payments for the AgriInvest program 138,148,000 18,279,977 156,427,977 156,427,977 147,578,690
Link to footnote S Contribution payments for the AgriInvest program 18,602,000 104,452 18,706,452 18,706,452 20,036,000
Link to footnote S Payments in connection with the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (S.C., 1997, c. C-34) 65,900,000 (negative 29,665,609) 36,234,391 36,234,391 29,030,974
Link to footnote S Loan guarantees under the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act 13,111,013 (negative 13,162,421) (negative 51,408) (negative 51,408) 385,500
Link to footnote S Contributions in support of the Assistance to the Pork Industry Initiative (negative 25,287,994) (negative 25,287,994) (negative 25,287,994) (negative 17,722,056)
Link to footnote S Grants to agencies established under the Farm Products Agencies Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. F-4) 600,000 100,000 (negative 100,000) 600,000 600,000
Link to footnote S Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency Revolving Fund 11,786,099 11,786,099
  To reimburse TB Vote 30 (negative 50,255) (negative 50,255)
  Total—Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency Revolving Fund 11,786,099 (negative 50,255) 11,735,844 (negative 317,142) 12,052,986 (negative 271,765)
Link to footnote S Contribution payments for the Agricultural Disaster Relief program/ AgriRecovery 118,513,335 (negative 117,619,335) 894,000 894,000 15,135,072
Link to footnote S Grant payments for the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization program Inventory Transition Initiative (negative 33,968) (negative 33,968) (negative 33,968) (negative 30,269)
Link to footnote S Class grant payments for the Farm Income program 6,652 6,652 6,652 3,851
Link to footnote S Grants in support of the Grain and Oilseed Payment program (negative 5,837) (negative 5,837) (negative 5,837) (negative 5,133)
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 7,556,191 5,657,901 13,214,092 7,800,796 5,413,296 6,171,192
Link to footnote S Contribution payments for the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization program Inventory Transition Initiative (negative 199,594) (negative 199,594) (negative 199,594) (negative 34,752)
Link to footnote S Class grant payments for the Transitional Industry Support program (negative 1,553) (negative 1,553) (negative 1,553)
Link to footnote S Refunds of amounts credited to revenues in previous years 14,030 14,030 14,030
  Appropriations not required for the current year (negative 352,570)
  Total Department—Budgetary 19,942,290 2,516,003,426 30,233,519 (negative 295,951,251) 2,270,227,984 2,157,945,637 94,216,065 18,066,282 1,984,897,777
  Canadian Dairy Commission
1 Program expenditures 3,755,068 3,755,068        
1a Program expenditures 99,196 99,196        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 47,032 47,032        
  TB Vote 30Link to footnote 1 153,486 153,486        
  Total—Vote 1 3,755,068 99,196 200,518 4,054,782 3,979,440 75,342 3,924,160
Link to footnote S Link to footnote L Loans pursuant to the Canadian Dairy Commission Act, section 16, as last amended by Vote 50a, Appropriation Act No. 4, 1975. Limit $300,000,000 (Net) 204,332,496 204,332,496 4,519,334 199,813,162 3,342,330
  Total Agency—Budgetary 3,755,068 99,196 200,518 4,054,782 3,979,440 75,342 3,924,160
  Total Agency—Non-budgetary 204,332,496 204,332,496 4,519,334 199,813,162 3,342,330
  Canadian Grain Commission
1 Program expenditures 4,846,955 4,846,955        
1a Program expenditures 99,196 99,196        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 4,318 4,318        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 200,840 200,840        
  Total—Vote 1 4,846,955 99,196 205,158 5,151,309 5,145,076 6,233 5,404,973
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 659,878 (negative 22,189) 637,689 637,689 510,491
Link to footnote S Canadian Grain Commission Revolving Fund 130,677,136 130,677,136 (negative 3,657,010) 134,334,146 (negative 8,887,666)
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 27,402 27,402 27,402 8,659
  Total Agency—Budgetary 130,677,136 5,506,833 99,196 210,371 136,493,536 2,153,157 6,233 134,334,146 (negative 2,963,543)
  Farm Credit Canada
Link to footnote S Farm Credit Canada Act
Link to footnote L Subsection 11(1), payments for capital pursuant to the Farm Credit Canada Act. Limit $1,250,000,000 (Net) 6,667,000 35,033,000 41,700,000 41,700,000
Link to footnote L Subsection 12(3), loans to the Corporation pursuant to the Farm Credit Canada Act. The aggregate not to exceed 12 times the capital of the Corporation (Net) 43,453,464,000 2,019,937,000 45,473,401,000 45,473,401,000
  Total Agency—Non-budgetary 43,460,131,000 2,054,970,000 45,515,101,000 45,515,101,000
  Total Ministry—Budgetary 150,619,426 2,525,265,327 30,431,911 (negative 295,540,362) 2,410,776,302 2,164,078,234 94,297,640 152,400,428 1,985,858,394
  Total Ministry—Non-budgetary 43,664,463,496 2,054,970,000 45,719,433,496 4,519,334 45,714,914,162 3,342,330

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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