Core responsibility descriptions

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Core responsibility: Internal Services

Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Privy Council Office

Core responsibility 1: Serve the Prime Minister and Cabinet

To deliver analysis, advice and support to the Prime Minister and Ministers of the Portfolio including non-partisan advice and information from across the Public Service resulting from consultations and collaboration with international and domestic sources inside and outside government. To act as secretariat to the Cabinet and its committees including managing the Cabinet's decision-making system; coordinate departmental policy proposals to Cabinet; schedule and provide support services for meetings of Cabinet and Cabinet committees; advance the Government's agenda across federal departments and agencies; and provide administrative services to the Prime Minister's Office, Portfolio Ministers and to Commissions of Inquiry. To lead and renew the public service in order to advise the government; implement its agenda; and deliver services and results to Canadians.

Core responsibility 2: Internal Services

See introductory text.

Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat

Core responsibility 1: Intergovernmental Conference Services

The Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat provides continuity of planning and archival services and impartial administrative support for federal-provincial-territorial and provincial-territorial conferences of first ministers, ministers and deputy ministers, throughout Canada.

Core responsibility 2: Internal Services

See introductory text.

Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board

Core responsibility 1: Independent safety investigations and communication of risks in the transportation system

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada's sole objective is to advance air, marine, rail and pipeline transportation safety. This mandate is fulfilled by conducting independent investigations into selected transportation occurrences to identify the causes and contributing factors, and the safety deficiencies evidenced by these occurrences. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada makes recommendations to reduce or eliminate any such safety deficiencies and reports publicly on its investigations. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada then follows up with stakeholders to ensure that safety actions are taken to reduce risks and improve safety.

Core responsibility 2: Internal Services

See introductory text.

Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages

Core responsibility 1: Protection of rights related to Official Languages

Take the appropriate steps, including complaints processing, audits and interventions, to ensure compliance with the Official Languages Act and language rights in Canada.

Core responsibility 2: Advancement of French and English in Canadian society

Raise awareness of issues related to the advancement of the equal status of English and French in federal institutions and Canadian society, while supporting the development and vitality of Official Language Minority Communities.

Core responsibility 3: Internal Services

See introductory text.

Public Service Commission

Core responsibility 1: Public Service Hiring and Non-partisanship

The Public Service Commission promotes and safeguards a merit-based, representative and non-partisan public service that delivers results for all Canadians. Through policy direction and guidance, the Public Service Commission supports departments and agencies in the hiring of qualified individuals into and within the public service, helping to shape a workforce reflecting Canada's diversity. The Public Service Commission delivers recruitment programs and assessment services supporting the strategic recruitment priorities of the Government of Canada and the renewal of the public service, leveraging modern tools to provide Canadians with barrier-free access to public service jobs. The Public Service Commission oversees public service hiring, ensuring the integrity of the hiring process. The Public Service Commission provides guidance to employees regarding their rights and obligations related to political activities and renders decisions on political candidacy, respecting employees' rights to participate in political activities, while protecting the non-partisan nature of the public service.

Core responsibility 2: Internal Services

See introductory text.

Security Intelligence Review Committee

Core responsibility 1: Investigations of Canadian Security Intelligence Services' operational activities

The Security Intelligence Review Committee is an external independent review body responsible for: reviewing the Canadian Security Intelligence Service to determine whether its operational activities complied with the law and ministerial direction and were reasonable and necessary; investigating complaints by any person about any action of the Service, including denials of security clearances; and, certifying the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Director's annual report to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to determine whether any activities were not authorized, contravened ministerial direction, or involved any unreasonable exercise of powers. The Committee makes findings and, where appropriate, recommendations designed to improve performance and prevent non-compliance. The results of this work, edited to protect national security and personal privacy, are summarized in an annual report, which is tabled in Parliament by the Minister.

Core responsibility 2: Internal Services

See introductory text.

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