Details of respendable amounts

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Authorities available for use in the current year Authorities used in the current year Authorities used in the previous year
Department of the Environment
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Taking Action on Clean Growth and Climate Change
Revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature 432,167 432,167
Preventing and Managing Pollution
Lease and use of public property 416,686 416,686
Proceeds from sales of goods and information products 125,000 125,000
Revenue from services of a regulatory nature 3,747,132 3,747,132
Revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature 19,068,891 19,068,891
Miscellaneous 283,627 283,627
Services to other governments departments 25,000 25,000
Subtotal 23,666,336 23,666,336
Predicting Weather and Environmental Conditions
Lease and use of public property 4,787,933 4,769,862
Proceeds from sales of goods and information products 23,530,856 23,530,856
Revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature 24,668,058 22,358,305
Services to other governments departments 1,309,812 1,309,812
Subtotal 54,296,659 51,968,835
Conserving Nature
Lease and use of public property 221,912 221,912
Proceeds from sales of goods and information products 218,135 218,135
Revenue from services of a regulatory nature 1,781,072 1,781,072
Revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature 1,108,099 1,108,099
Subtotal 3,329,218 3,329,218
Internal Services
Lease and use of public property 517,029 147,419 163,352
Services to other governments departments 383,356 383,356 375,774
Revenue from services of a regulatory nature 73,896 73,896 213,304
Revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature 1,120,481
Subtotal 2,094,762 604,671 752,430
Biodiversity—Wildlife and Habitat
Proceeds from sales of goods and information products 292,110
Lease and use of public property 217,959
Revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature 1,713,149
Revenue from services of a regulatory nature 1,763,485
Miscellaneous 1,730
Administration fees and other charges 15
Subtotal 3,988,448
Sustainable Ecosystems
Lease and use of public property 31,594
Revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature 10,284,373
Revenue from services of a regulatory nature 460,740
Proceeds from sales of goods and information products 4,000
Subtotal 10,780,707
Water Resources
Proceeds from sales of goods and information products 1,805
Lease and use of public property 503,056
Revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature 20,711,090
Miscellaneous 75,991
Subtotal 21,291,942
Compliance Promotion and Enforcement—Wildlife
Lease and use of public property 17,821
Climate Change and Clean Air
Revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature 2,320,052
Proceeds from sales of goods and information products 125,000
Subtotal 2,445,052
Substances and Waste Management
Revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature 577,950
Revenue from services of a regulatory nature 1,573,315
Miscellaneous 30,000
Subtotal 2,181,265
Compliance Promotion and Enforcement—Pollution
Lease and use of public property 66,209
Weather and Environmental Services for Canadians
Proceeds from sales of goods and information products 1,783,993
Lease and use of public property 4,913,554
Revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature 1,553,377
Subtotal 8,250,924
Weather and Environmental Services for Targeted Users
Proceeds from sales of goods and information products 24,452,065
Lease and use of public property 20,110
Revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature 2,772,659
Miscellaneous 1,218,076
Subtotal 28,462,910
Total Department—Budgetary 83,819,142 80,001,227 78,237,708
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Environmental Assessment 7,200,900 1,455,965
Internal services
Training, information and publications (External) 800,100 3,634 14,456
Environmental Assessment Delivery Program
Environmental assessment services 1,426,386
Environmental Assessment Policy Program
Training, information and publications (Internal) 29,566
Total Agency—Budgetary 8,001,000 1,459,599 1,470,408
Total Ministry—Budgetary 91,820,142 81,460,826 79,708,116

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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