Ministry summary

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Vote Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
  Department of Employment and Social Development
1 Operating expenditures 676,783,319 676,783,319        
1a Operating expenditures 13,099,162 13,099,162        
1b Operating expenditures 13,022,871 13,022,871        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 5Link to footnote 1 43,000,000 43,000,000        
  TB Vote 10Link to footnote 1 957,314 957,314        
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 3,525,187 3,525,187        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 16,772,191 16,772,191        
  TB Vote 30Link to footnote 1 4,871,639 4,871,639        
  TB Vote 40Link to footnote 1 19,305,002 19,305,002        
  Total—Vote 1 676,783,319 26,122,033 88,431,333 791,336,685 768,340,898 22,995,787 767,753,791
5 Grants and contributions 2,439,760,218 2,439,760,218        
5a Grants and contributions 54,346,204 54,346,204        
5b Grants and contributions 5,090,528 5,090,528        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 10 (Indigenous Services Canada) 1,078,490 1,078,490        
  TB Vote 5Link to footnote 1 1,100,000 1,100,000        
  TB Vote 10Link to footnote 1 49,181,546 49,181,546        
  TB Vote 40Link to footnote 1 56,013,395 56,013,395        
  Transfer to Vote 10 (Indigenous Services Canada) (negative 96,500) (negative 96,500)        
  Total—Vote 5 2,439,760,218 59,436,732 107,276,931 2,606,473,881 2,432,185,941 174,287,940 2,395,965,056
10b Debt write-off—Canada Student Loans 163,501,480 163,501,480 162,154,347 1,347,133 200,039,294
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 240,988,404 2,435,045 945,342 244,368,791 244,368,791 249,363,078
Link to footnote S Minister of Families, Children and Social Development—Salary and motor car allowance 86,000 86,000 86,000 84,600
Link to footnote S Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour—Salary and motor car allowance 86,000 86,000 86,000 84,631
Link to footnote S Minister of Seniors—Salary and motor car allowance 86,000 (negative 25,430) 60,570 60,570
Link to footnote S Old Age Security Payments (R.S.C., 1985, c. O-9) 40,854,760,327 (negative 430,636,501) 40,424,123,826 40,424,123,826 38,409,875,247
Link to footnote S Guaranteed Income Supplement Payments (R.S.C., 1985, c. O-9) 12,262,059,046 142,640,525 12,404,699,571 12,404,699,571 11,658,538,968
Link to footnote S Canada Student Grants to qualifying full and part-time students pursuant to the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 1,190,684,653 409,315,347 (negative 62,169,280) 1,537,830,720 1,537,830,720 1,322,960,043
Link to footnote S Canada Education Savings grant payments to Registered Education Savings Plan trustees on behalf of Registered Education Savings Plan beneficiaries to encourage Canadians to save for post-secondary education for their children 912,000,000 13,000,000 (negative 14,330,731) 910,669,269 910,669,269 899,290,584
Link to footnote S Payments related to the direct financing arrangement under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 858,073,325 96,166,085 10,509,458 964,748,868 964,748,868 797,826,410
Link to footnote S Allowance Payments (R.S.C., 1985, c. O-9) 550,221,046 12,299,319 562,520,365 562,520,365 544,791,268
Link to footnote S Canada Disability Savings Grant payments to Registered Disability Savings Plan issuers on behalf of Registered Disability Savings Plan beneficiaries to encourage long-term financial security of eligible individuals disabilities 435,456,000 (negative 44,156,000) (negative 30,802,505) 360,497,495 360,497,495 338,169,730
Link to footnote S Canada Learning Bond payments to Registered Education Savings Plan trustees on behalf of Registered Education Savings Plan beneficiaries to support access to post-secondary education for children from low-income families 159,000,000 17,000,000 (negative 9,848,527) 166,151,473 166,151,473 164,812,403
Link to footnote S Canada Disability Savings Bond payments to Registered Disability Savings Plan issuers on behalf of Registered Disability Savings Plan beneficiaries to encourage long-term financial security of eligible individuals with disabilities 233,243,000 49,157,000 (negative 129,749,263) 152,650,737 152,650,737 149,550,677
Link to footnote S Wage Earner Protection Program payments to eligible applicants owed wages and vacation pay, severance pay and termination pay from employers who are either bankrupt or in receivership as well as payments to trustees and receivers who will provide the necessary information to determine eligibility 49,250,000 15,600,095 64,850,095 64,850,095 16,088,897
Link to footnote S Payments of compensation respecting government employees (R.S.C., 1985, c. G-5) and merchant seamen (R.S.C., 1985, c. M-6) 44,000,000 (negative 12,374,717) 31,625,283 31,625,283 33,449,719
Link to footnote S Universal Child Care Benefit 12,000,000 (negative 7,357,827) 4,642,173 4,642,173 12,517,048
Link to footnote S The provision of funds for interest and other payments to lending institutions and liabilities under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 4,448,876 1,554,375 6,003,251 6,003,251 7,510,934
Link to footnote S Payments related to the direct financing arrangement under the Apprentice Loans Act 5,278,857 (negative 2,618,259) (negative 25,431) 2,635,167 2,635,167 2,933,298
Link to footnote S Civil Service Insurance actuarial liability adjustments 145,000 (negative 145,000)
Link to footnote S Supplementary retirement benefits—Annuities agents' pensions 35,000 (negative 35,000)
Link to footnote S The provision of funds for liabilities including liabilities in the form of guaranteed loans under the Canada Student Loans Act (negative 2,889,287) 491,979 (negative 2,397,308) (negative 2,397,308) (negative 3,029,064)
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 49,640 88,434 138,074 85,300 52,774 196,992
Link to footnote S Refunds of amounts credited to revenues in previous years 104,453 104,453 104,453 823,191
Link to footnote S Spending pursuant to section 12(4) of the Canada Education Savings Act 1,014,942 987,344 2,002,286 1,014,942 987,344 1,650,952
Link to footnote S Spending of revenues obtained pursuant to section 5.2(2) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act 2,412,592 2,412,592 2,412,592
  Appropriations not required for the current year (negative 125)
  Total budgetary 1,064,582 60,925,469,784 789,445,463 (negative 314,158,032) 61,401,821,797 61,202,150,819 198,630,860 1,040,118 57,971,247,622
Link to footnote S Link to footnote L Loans disbursed under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act (Net) 669,083,768 379,636,093 198,121,370 1,246,841,231 1,246,841,231 1,137,219,441
Link to footnote S Link to footnote L Loans disbursed under the Apprentice Loans Act 65,889,938 (negative 21,175,960) (negative 5,325,662) 39,388,316 39,388,316 49,501,027
Link to footnote S Link to footnote L Advance issued to Provincial Workers Compensation boards under the Government Employees Compensation Act 748,000 748,000 748,000 87,000
  Total non-budgetary 734,973,706 358,460,133 193,543,708 1,286,977,547 1,286,977,547 1,186,807,468
  Total Department—Budgetary 1,064,582 60,925,469,784 789,445,463 (negative 314,158,032) 61,401,821,797 61,202,150,819 198,630,860 1,040,118 57,971,247,622
  Total Department—Non-budgetary 734,973,706 358,460,133 193,543,708 1,286,977,547 1,286,977,547 1,186,807,468
  Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
1 Reimbursement under the provisions of the National Housing Act and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act 2,427,435,894 2,427,435,894        
1a Reimbursement under the provisions of the National Housing Act and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act 7,000,000 7,000,000        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 10 (Indigenous Services Canada) 1,025,000 1,025,000        
  TB Vote 40Link to footnote 1 30,502,163 30,502,163        
  Total—Vote 1 2,427,435,894 7,000,000 31,527,163 2,465,963,057 2,086,437,654 379,525,403 2,689,239,574
Link to footnote S Link to footnote L Advances under the National Housing Act (Net) (R.S.C., 1985, c. N-11) (negative 259,433,000) (negative 259,433,000) (negative 590,799,778) 331,366,778 (negative 1,076,543,130)
  Total Agency—Budgetary 2,427,435,894 7,000,000 31,527,163 2,465,963,057 2,086,437,654 379,525,403 2,689,239,574
  Total Agency—Non-budgetary (negative 259,433,000) (negative 259,433,000) (negative 590,799,778) 331,366,778 (negative 1,076,543,130)
  Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
1 Program expenditures 4,111,237 4,111,237        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 16,125 16,125        
  TB Vote 30Link to footnote 1 214,321 214,321        
  Total—Vote 1 4,111,237 230,446 4,341,683 4,341,683 4,323,279
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 624,908 444,803 1,069,711 1,069,711 1,028,903
Link to footnote S Spending of Revenues pursuant to Section 6(1)(g) of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Act 2,673,972 4,300,000 2,896,725 9,870,697 5,148,654 4,722,043 4,804,791
  Total Agency—Budgetary 2,673,972 9,036,145 3,571,974 15,282,091 10,560,048 4,722,043 10,156,973
  Total Ministry—Budgetary 3,738,554 63,361,941,823 796,445,463 (negative 279,058,895) 63,883,066,945 63,299,148,521 578,156,263 5,762,161 60,670,644,169
  Total Ministry—Non-budgetary 475,540,706 358,460,133 193,543,708 1,027,544,547 696,177,769 331,366,778 110,264,338

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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