Details of other transfer payments by ministry

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Table 2b presents details by ministry of the other transfer payments reported in Table 2a.

Table 2b
Details of other transfer payments by ministry
(in thousands of dollars)

Ministry Total ministerial net expenditures Consolidated specified purpose accounts Accrual and other adjustments Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities Tax credits and repayments Internal expenses Total external expenses
Agriculture and Agri-Food 1,427,729 (negative 30,486) 1,397,243
Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism 1,186,876 (negative 4,882) 1,181,994
Crown-Indigenous Relations 3,570,192 1,961,554 11,264 5,543,010
Democratic Institutions 1,489 1,489
Environment and Climate Change 431,041 (negative 1,739) 429,302
Families, Children and Social Development 6,474,404 189,695 2,235,034 8,899,133
Finance 505,156 506,359 1,011,515
Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard 185,375 (negative 3,805) 181,570
Global Affairs 4,831,995 (negative 152,947) 4,679,048
Health 1,948,587 (negative 18,157) 1,930,430
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship 1,437,040 (negative 3,626) 1,433,414
Indigenous Services 9,787,946 (negative 57,490) 9,730,456
Infrastructure and Communities 3,279,177 50,795 3,329,972
Innovation, Science and Economic Development 3,176,410 (negative 628,332) 87,377 2,635,455
Justice 400,693 (negative 253) 400,440
National Defence 209,312 (negative 138) 209,174
National Revenue 338,745 3,398,752 3,737,497
Natural Resources 746,782 970,473 1,717,255
Office of the Governor General's Secretary 732 (negative 732)
Parliament 1,533 (negative 51) 1,482
Privy Council 7,431 7,431
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 863,831 268,007 1,131,838
Public Services and Procurement (negative 3,227) 3,227
Science 2,111,596 (negative 5,802) 2,105,794
Transport 276,102 (negative 64,487) 211,615
Treasury Board 1,213 (negative 289) 924
Veterans Affairs 3,655,865 (negative 3,635,454) 20,411
Women and Gender Equality 29,274 (negative 8) 29,266
Subtotal 46,883,299 189,695 1,386,771 98,641 3,398,752 51,957,158
Provision for valuation and other items (negative 204,284) (negative 204,284)
Total other transfer payments 46,883,299 189,695 1,182,487 98,641 3,398,752 51,752,874

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