Families, Children and Social Development

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume III—Top of the page Navigation

Department of Employment and Social Development

Compensation payments and administration expendituresLink to footnote 1
(in dollars)

Description Compensation payments Link to footnote 2 Administration expenditures Link to footnote 3 Total payments
Newfoundland and Labrador 3,079,513 675,566 3,755,079
Prince Edward Island 465,722 185,084 650,806
Nova Scotia—Federal 11,049,651 2,772,000 13,821,651
Nova Scotia—Other claim under the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation 9,909,023 1,942,736 11,851,759
Nova Scotia—Automatic assumption claim under the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation 2,881,058 566,488 3,447,546
Nova Scotia—Silicosis claim under the Entreprise Cape Breton Corporation 214,292 33,776 248,068
New Brunswick 6,722,291 1,326,979 8,049,270
Quebec 21,111,618 4,107,554 25,219,172
Ontario 43,259,799 9,136,691 52,396,490
Manitoba 2,705,067 2,191,090 4,896,157
Saskatchewan 4,066,346 2,134,636 6,200,982
Alberta 14,747,454 4,252,412 18,999,866
British Columbia 17,904,687 8,710,000 26,614,687
Claim cost payment in respect of Merchant Seamen Compensation Act 1,320 1,320
Claim cost payments to locally engaged employees outside Canada (Section 7) 30,746 30,746
Subtotal 138,148,587 38,035,012 176,183,599
Less: recoveries
Claim and administration expenses recovered from Crown agencies 35,789,222 13,235,992 49,025,214
Claim and administration expenses recovered from other Government departments 74,165,241 20,772,179 94,937,420
Claim and administration expenses recoveries related to employment insurance 268,332 53,668 322,000
Recoveries from responsible third parties (subrogation) 273,682 273,682
Subtotal 110,496,477 34,061,839 144,558,316
Net expenditures Link to footnote 4 27,652,110 3,973,173 31,625,283

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume III—Bottom of the page Navigation

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