6.2 Program codes: Detailed for 2017 to 2018

The Program codes in the government-wide Chart of Accounts are included in this section. This program classification is used to account for the use of resources to promote overall government program objectives.

6. Program codes: Summary for 2017 to 2018

Agriculture and Agri-Food
Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Business Risk Management


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has a comprehensive suite of Business Risk Management programs to better equip producers with the tools and capacity to manage business risks. This suite provides support for income losses, a disaster-relief framework and insurance to protect farmers against production losses due to uncontrollable natural hazards as well as research, development, implementation and administration of new agricultural risk management tools. In addition to the Business Risk Management suite, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides producers with the ability to market their products when conditions and prices may be more favourable through loan guarantee programs.

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency


Section 204 of the Criminal Code of Canada designates the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food as the individual responsible for making the regulations that direct the lawful conduct of pari-mutuel betting in Canada on horse racing. The Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency is a special operating agency within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada that approves and supervises pari-mutuel betting conducted at racetracks and betting theatres across Canada, with the objective of ensuring that betting is conducted in a way that is fair to the betting public. Costs associated with the activities of the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency are recovered through a levy on every dollar bet in Canada on horse races. The levy is currently set at eight-tenths of a cent of every dollar bet. Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency's strategic plans are focused on regulating and supervising pari-mutuel betting on horse races in the most modern, effective and transparent manner.

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Farm Products Council of Canada


Established under the Farm Products Agencies Act, the Farm Products Council of Canada is an oversight body that reports to Parliament through the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (the Minister). The Farm Products Agencies Act provides for the creation of national marketing agencies, which are not subject to the Competition Act, as well as promotion and research agencies. The Farm Products Council of Canada supervises these agencies, and works with them to ensure that the supply management system for poultry and eggs and promotion-research activities for beef cattle work in the balanced interest of all stakeholders, from producers to consumers, and can evolve to respond to current and future challenges. The Farm Products Council of Canada also provides advice and recommendations to the Minister, collaborates with provincial supervisory boards and actively works with the Department and Agriculture and Agri-Food Portfolio organizations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Science, Innovation, Adoption and Sustainability


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada contributes to innovation and sustainability of the agriculture, Agri-Food and agri-based products sector through science and associated activities designed to improve profitability in new and existing products, services, processes, and markets. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides research, development and knowledge transfer that enhance the sector's resiliency, foster new areas of opportunity for the sector and support sector competitiveness, as well as coordinated and informed decision making. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada promotes integrated planning, engaging industry, government and academia, and collaborative action to accelerate the flow of science and technology along the innovation continuum in support of industry-defined strategies for future success. Farmers, agri-entrepreneurs and agri-based enterprises are supported in their efforts to adopt new technologies and commercialize new products and services. Pathfinding and transformational research help to define future sustainable opportunities and prepare the sector for emerging opportunities and challenges.

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Industry Capacity


This program builds capacity of the sector and businesses to sustainably succeed in a market-driven and competitive world. The program encourages the use of sound business management practices, while also enabling businesses in the sector to understand their financial situation, be profitable and invest where needed. It provides for enhanced participation by young or new entrants, First Nations clients, and clients in specific sub-sectors in transition. The program also supports the sector and its businesses to improve access to key infrastructure.

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Market Access, Negotiations, Sector Competitiveness, and Assurance Systems


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada supports and equips industry for commercial success in order to maximize the sector's long-term profitability and competitiveness. In pursuing this objective and in close collaboration with the Canadian agriculture, Agri-Food and agri-based products sector, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada ensures access to markets, facilitates industry-led activities aimed at developing international markets and assurance systems, and provides information to help position industry to capitalize on market opportunities both at home and abroad. Assurance systems include systems, standards and tools for food safety, biosecurity, traceability, surveillance, animal welfare, and other market attributes.

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Canadian Dairy Commission
Administer Milk Supply Management System


Set support prices for butter and skim milk powder; Determine and recommend national quota for industrial milk production; Facilitate within the dairy industry; Administer Domestic Seasonality (supply and demand) Program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 134 - Canadian Dairy Commission
Canadian Grain Commission
Grain Quality Research Program


The Canada Grain Act requires the CGC to undertake, sponsor and promote research related to grains. The CGC conducts research in support of Canada's grain quality assurance system to address emerging issues and facilitate the effective marketing of Canadian grain in domestic and international markets. The CGC's Grain Research Laboratory (GRL) researches factors affecting the quality and safety of grain and grain-based products as well as procedures and technologies to quantify those factors. Research in the GRL forms the basis of grade specifications. This program benefits not only the agricultural sector, but also Canadians as consumers of grain products. Close collaboration with Canadian and international scientific, academic, analytical, grain industry organizations, as well as other Canadian government departments (e.g., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Health Canada) ensures that the CGC remains abreast of new research developments and is able to adapt research priorities to emerging challenges. The grain quality research program is funded by a combination of revolving fund revenue and appropriations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 133 - Canadian Grain Commission
Quality Assurance Program


The CGC's quality assurance program is delivered pursuant to the Canada Grain Act and the Canada Grain Regulations. This program assures consistent and reliable grain quality that meets the needs of international and domestic markets. Grain quality refers to end-use processing quality, grain safety and cleanliness, and, in some cases, the composition of varieties in shipments of grain. Provision of grain inspection, grain safety, grain sanitation, grading and analytical services, as well as strong scientific and technical support programs and services are integral components to the overall delivery of an effective quality assurance program. The program includes a complaints resolution process for resolving customer complaints and disputes with respect to grain quality assurance. An effective grain quality assurance program is a key factor in permitting Canadian exporters to market successfully in competitive international grain markets and is essential for producers to realize maximum value from their grain. The quality assurance program is funded by revolving fund revenue.

Department(s) specific:

  • 133 - Canadian Grain Commission
Quantity Assurance Program


The CGC's quantity assurance program is delivered pursuant to the Canada Grain Act and the Canada Grain Regulations. The services delivered under this program facilitate the official weighing of export shipments of grain discharged from terminal elevators and the issuance of accompanying quantity assurance documentation. This program ensures international grain buyers and end users that Canadian export grain shipments are accurately weighed and that the weighed product is delivered to conveyances as reported on CGC documentation. The program includes validation of weighing process documentation and weighing device records, establishing and maintaining a weighing systems certification program, and providing input into weighing equipment requirements to ensure accurate weighing of grain shipments from terminal elevators. The quantity assurance program is funded by revolving fund revenue.

Department(s) specific:

  • 133 - Canadian Grain Commission
Producer Protection Program


Pursuant to the Canada Grain Act and Canada Grain Regulations, the CGC has implemented a number of programs and safeguards to ensure that grain producers are properly compensated for grain delivered to licensed grain companies. These include the licensing and security program, allocation of available producer cars for producers and producer groups that wish to ship their own grain, and producer liaison measures including education and a grain grade reinspection system. In addition, the CGC collects and updates grain quality data and grain handling information to facilitate producer sales and marketing decisions. The producer protection program is funded by revolving fund revenue.

Department(s) specific:

  • 133 - Canadian Grain Commission
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 133 - Canadian Grain Commission
National Revenue
Canada Revenue Agency


To ensure that Canada's voluntary self-assessment tax system is sustained by providing taxpayers with the support and information they need to understand and fulfill their tax obligations, and by taking compliance and enforcement action when necessary to uphold the integrity of the system, offering avenues for redress whenever taxpayers may disagree with an assessment/decision.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Tax Services and Processing


We give taxpayers the accurate and timely information they need to comply with Canada-s tax laws and modernize our services, including expanding our digital services, making it easier for taxpayers to meet their tax obligations. In addition to the individual returns program, we register businesses for a business number and administer T2, T3, GST/HST, excise, and other levies programs. We help businesses and individuals to voluntarily comply with Canada-s tax laws by processing their information and payments as quickly and accurately as possible and telling them the results of their assessment or reassessment. We also encourage and process voluntary disclosures by taxpayers and their representatives who want to correct inaccurate or incomplete information and pay their fair share.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Returns Compliance


We encourage individuals, businesses, and trusts to file on time and educate them about their tax obligations. We continually seek ways to provide easier access to information and tools needed to comply, and help prevent non-compliance through educational and proactive methods to prompt timely and appropriate action. We enforce registration and complete validations and reviews of withholding, remitting, reporting, and filing obligations for individuals and businesses, payroll deductions, GST/HST, other levies, and non-resident taxes.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency


We collect tax and non-tax debts on behalf of the federal, provincial, and territorial governments, as well as for other government departments and agencies. We continue to evaluate new approaches to strengthen and streamline tax collection activities, facilitated by improved information technology and data analysis, which allow a more targeted and risk-based approach. By differentiating lower-risk taxpayers (those who can and want to pay, or those who owe but need time to pay) from those who do not intend to pay, we can customize our approach to encourage or enforce compliance, as needed.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Domestic Compliance


We protect the integrity of Canada-s voluntary compliance tax system through education and proactive efforts that are aimed at helping those who want to comply. We identify, address, and deter non-compliance through a risk-based, graduated approach including targeted communication, examinations, audits and where warranted, penalties. We work to ensure that applicants for tax assistance and investment tax credits have the information and timely services they need and are aware of their tax obligations, providing assistance to those who want to comply, and that the tax credits or cash refunds are delivered in a prompt, consistent, and predictable manner.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
International and Large Business Compliance and Criminal Investigations


We help to ensure that Canada receives its share of taxes from international and large entities with complex financial transactions and taxpayers with offshore accounts. We target non-compliance, in a globalized tax environment, through a variety of means, such as business intelligence, predictive analytics, risk assessment, legislative reviews and informants. Our taxpayer interventions include education, audits, and criminal investigations. We detect and address tax evasion and fraud and work closely with the Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC) and federal law enforcement agencies to make sure the most serious cases of tax evasion and fraud are thoroughly investigated and referred for prosecution.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Objections and Appeals


We offer an impartial review process for taxpayers who wish to file a formal dispute relating to assessments or determinations the CRA made under the Income Tax Act, the Excise Tax Act, the Canada Pension Plan, and the Employment Insurance Act. We also work with the Department of Justice on appeals before the courts.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Taxpayer Relief


We administer the process under which the Minister of National Revenue may, under legislative provisions, grant to taxpayers relief from penalties and interest that arise through no fault of their own, an inability to pay, or circumstances beyond their control.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Service Complaints


We offer taxpayers a process to resolve complaints about the service, quality, or timeliness of the CRA-s work, as described under the service rights in the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. These service issues raised by taxpayers through formal and informal channels provide valuable insight and feedback, which in turn helps to identify and implement improvements for Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency


We administer the national registration program for charities, registered Canadian amateur athletic associations, and registered national arts service organizations. We are responsible for activities that span the full spectrum of the compliance continuum, including registration, communications and outreach, processing and examination, audit and enforcement, and policy and technical guidance. We ensure charities understand their obligations under the law and work to safeguard the interests of taxpayer donors, while helping charities meet their legal obligations under the Income Tax Act.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Registered Plans


We enforce the provisions of the Income Tax Act relating to deferred income and savings plans by registering and monitoring the plans and by approving the deductibility of employer contributions to defined benefit pension plans. We protect taxpayer investments and make sure registered plans comply with legislative requirements and, at the same time, work to reduce the administrative burden on plan administrators.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Policy, Rulings, and Interpretations


We offer taxpayers, registrants, and tax intermediaries binding rulings and non-binding interpretations of the acts the CRA administers, including the Canada Pension Plan and the Employment Insurance Act. In doing so, we give taxpayers early certainty by explaining how the law applies to specific situations. We work closely with the Department of Finance Canada in developing legislative policy and providing legislative policy and administrative services to other Canadian government organizations. We continue to introduce and advance initiatives designed to provide early certainty on tax matters, help prevent errors and, in some cases, reduce the number of individual requests for rulings and interpretations. We also administer legislation related to excise duties and taxes.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency


To ensure that Canadians obtain the support and information they need to know what benefits they may be eligible to receive, that they receive their benefit payments in a timely manner, and have avenues of redress when they disagree with a decision on their benefit eligibility.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency


We deliver a range of ongoing benefits and one-time payment programs that support the economic and social well-being of Canadians. Through processing and validation activities, we make sure the right benefit payment is made to the right individual at the right time. We offer benefit recipients timely and accessible information on their entitlements and obligations both through our call centres and securely online.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Taxpayers' Ombudsman


Canadians have access to trusted and independent review of service complaints about the Canada Revenue Agency.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Taxpayers' Ombudsman


The Office of the Taxpayers' Ombudsman allows people to request independent and impartial investigations of service-related complaints if they feel they have been treated unfairly or unprofessionally by the Canada Revenue Agency.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Internal support services core responsibility


Internal support services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

You will find below a list of codes that compose their inventory programs.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Management and Oversight


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Human Resources Management


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Financial Management


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Information Management


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Information Technology


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Real Property Management


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Materiel Management


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Acquisition Management


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Canadian Heritage
Canadian Heritage (Department of)


This program promotes development and excellence in sport among Canadians and Canadian communities through initiatives that provide direct support to Canadian high performance athletes; enhance Canada's ability to host the Canada Games and international sport events in Canada; support the development of excellence in the Canadian sport system; and contribute to increasing participation in sport by Canadians of all ages and abilities. The core concept of this program is to enhance and promote Canadian participation and excellence in sport, by providing funding, expertise and other services to Canadian athletes, sport organizations, stakeholders and event organizers.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)


This Program improves Canadians- opportunities to engage with the arts, contributes to the resilience of the arts sector and deepens the connections between cultural organizations and their communities. This program encourages access and participation, resilience and excellence in the arts for all Canadians by supporting institutions that offer artists and performers training of the highest calibre in preparation for professional careers, the presentation of professional arts festivals or performing arts series, the improvement of arts and heritage infrastructure, the improvement of business practices of arts and heritage organizations, and the development of partnerships in the sector. Policy, legislative and regulatory measures targeting the Canadian arts sector also further this program-s objectives.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Cultural Industries


This program supports Canadian cultural industries in adapting to a changing and challenging global marketplace. This is achieved through the delivery of grants, contributions and tax credits, as well as policy, regulatory and legislative measures. Fostering the competitiveness and creative output of these industries ensures that Canadian and international audiences access a range of Canadian content across a variety of formats and platforms and contributes to the Canadian economy.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)


The Heritage Program ensures that Canada's cultural heritage is preserved and accessible to Canadians today and in the future. It enables the heritage sector to improve professional knowledge, skills and practices, to preserve and present heritage collections and objects, and to create and circulate exhibitions and other forms of heritage content. This is accomplished by providing funding such as grants, contributions and tax incentives; information, expertise, training and other services; and regulatory and legislative measures. The primary goal of this Program is to promote the preservation and presentation of Canada-s cultural heritage.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Attachment to Canada


This Program strengthens Canadian identities by promoting pride and a shared purpose among Canadians. It celebrates and commemorates Canada and enhances understanding of shared values, cultural diversity and knowledge of Canada. Also, it promotes civic education and participation among Canadians, including youth, as well as provides them with the opportunity to learn about and understand Canada-s society, diversity, history and institutions. This is achieved through delivering programs and services in the form of grants and contributions. The core concept of this program is to promote knowledge and experiences of Canada among Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Engagement and Community Participation


This Program aims to engage Canadians and provide them with opportunities to participate in the civil, social and cultural aspects of life in Canada and in their communities. This is accomplished through funding programs and initiatives that support the efforts of communities to build stronger citizen engagement, social inclusion, and collaboration through a variety of activities, including events marking the 150th anniversary of Confederation; and through local arts and heritage; contribute to increasing the respect for and awareness of human rights in Canada; and develop innovative and culturally appropriate initiatives to support the efforts of Aboriginal communities in the revitalization and preservation of their languages and cultures. This Program has strong social benefits, as it contributes to the preservation of the history and identity of Canada-s diverse communities, while offering a way for traditions and identities to evolve over time. The Program supports the Department-s mandate to strengthen Canadian identity and values, and build attachment to Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Official Languages


Canadian Heritage plays an important role in the horizontal coordination of official languages within the federal government and especially with respect to coordination and support to federal institutions in the implementation of the government's commitment towards the development of official-language minority communities and the promotion of linguistic duality, pursuant to section 42 of the Official Languages Act (OLA). Canadian Heritage is also responsible for the planning, implementation and management of the Official Languages Support Programs pertaining to the promotion of linguistic duality within Canada and the development of official-language minority communities, in accordance with section 43 of the OLA. These activities contribute to achieving the following Government Outcome: "A diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion".

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canada Council for the Arts
Canada Council for the Arts


Grants and Services to support creation, production and dissemination of arts for individuals and organizations: provides grants and services to professional Canadian artists and arts organizations. Arts Promotion to foster public knowledge and appreciation of the Canadian Arts and Culture: to encompass all activities within the organization for the promotion of arts at the national and international levels including partnerships and networks with multiple stakeholders rental of art works recognizing artistic excellence with our different prizes. Internal services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation


Television, Radio and Digital Services: As mandated in the 1991 Broadcast Act CBC/Radio-Canada provides a comprehensive range of national, regional and local radio, television, and digital services for Canadians. This incorporates programming that informs, enlightens and entertains in English, French, Aboriginal languages, and in foreign languages on Radio Canada International. Execution of these services is tailored to the uniqueness of the markets served. Transmission and distribution of programs: The distribution of the national broadcasting service to Canadians in virtually all parts of Canada through satellite microwave and landlines. Included is the provision of the signal that delivers service to the individual radio and television receivers through CBC/Radio-Canada transmitters payments to privately-owned affiliates carrying CBC/Radio-Canada programs and facilities to delay or pre-release broadcasts as required in the different time zones of the country. Specialty Channels for Specific Audiences: A variety of English and French television channels distributed through satellite and cable that target a specific audience segment and are key in delivering distinctive high-quality and popular programming to Canadians. The incremental costs of operations are funded from revenues generated. Internal Services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canadian Museum of History
Canadian Museum of History


Collect and Research: manages, develops, conserves and undertakes research on the collections to enhance program delivery and augment the scientific knowledge base. Exhibit Educate and Communicate: develops maintains and communicates exhibits programs and activities to further knowledge critical understanding appreciation and respect for human cultural achievements and human behaviour. Accommodation: managing and maintaining all facilities and related security and hosting services. Internal services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Canadian Museum for Human Rights


Museum Content and Program: in becoming the world's first museum dedicated to the exploration of human rights, the Canadian Museum of Human Rights (CMHR) is breaking new ground; there is no precedent for a museum of this nature. In its early years, the primary focus of this activity will be on establishing an innovative and unique public program that includes developing a sound research and scholarship capacity; accessible and engaging exhibits and educational programming that promote reflection and dialogue; a strong capacity of national outreach, engagement and service to Canadians; and strong Marketing and Communications to ensure a high level of awareness about the CMHR and its programs and services. Accommodation: the focus of this activity in the early years will be to manage all stages of the capital construction project-including choosing the final design-leading to its commissioning and public opening. The Board will be fully accountable for overseeing all aspects of the building project including choosing the final design establishing the time-frames for construction and managing risks throughout. Prior to the opening of the facility the Museum will also be establishing the appropriate mechanisms to provide for effective efficient operations and maintenance and its ongoing security accessibility and sustainability. Stewardship and Corporate Management: the Stewardship and Corporate Management Activity is aimed at ensuring the private and public funds invested in the Museum are managed in a transparent accountable manner; that resources are effectively deployed developed directed administered and controlled; and that the corporation optimizes the value it contributes to Canadians and Canadian society.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canadian Museum of Nature
Canadian Museum of Nature


Inspiration and engagement: Develops and maintains exhibitions, programs, the nature.ca website, electronic and print publications, activities to foster and understanding of, and respect for, nature, and revenue-generating activities such as advancement, visitor services and ancillary operations. Collections care and access: Develops preserves and makes accessible collections of natural history specimens objects and information materials to meet the growing needs of both the public and private sectors for research education and informed decision-making about the natural world. Research and discovery: Explores the past and assists Canadians in preparing for the future by conducting both systematics and applied research as well as by developing and maintaining networks and linkages with Canadian and international scientific communities. Buildings and grounds: Provides secure and functional facilities that meet all safety and building code requirements including a renovated Museum facility that furthers the vision and mandate of the Museum. Internal services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21


Visitor Experience and Connections: Canadians have access to and are engaged in building content and programming that reflects the diverse experiences and contributions of immigrants throughout Canada's history. Accommodations: the Museum's facilities contribute to a rich welcoming and engaging visitor experience are safe and accessible for visitors staff and volunteers are maintained in a cost-effective manner and any renovations respect the heritage aspects of the site. Internal Services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Canadian Content Creation


This program focuses on ensuring that a wealth of Canadian content is created and made available to all Canadians on a variety of platforms. Through its orders, decisions, licensing frameworks and other regulatory activities, the Canadian Radio television and Telecommunications Commission encourages the creation of diverse programming that reflects the attitudes, opinions, ideas, values and artistic creativity of Canadians. By requiring the display of Canadian content in entertainment programming and the provision of information and analysis concerning Canada, the CRTC is enabling Canadians to better participate in their country's democratic and cultural life.

Department(s) specific:

  • 016 - Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Connection to the Communication System


The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission facilitates the orderly development of a communication system for all Canadians in order to strengthen the social and economic fabric of Canada and enhance the safety and interests of Canadians. This program focuses on ensuring that Canadians can connect to a choice of accessible, innovative and quality communication services at affordable prices, and can have access to compelling and creative Canadian content.

Department(s) specific:

  • 016 - Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Protection within the communication system


Through this program, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission promotes compliance with and enforcement of its various laws and regulations, including unsolicited communications. It helps to ensure that Canadians have access to emergency communication services such as 9-1-1 service and alerting systems. As a result, Canadians have increased protection and benefit from a more secure communication system.

Department(s) specific:

  • 016 - Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 016 - Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Library and Archives of Canada
Development of disposition authorizations


To enable effective recordkeeping within federal institutions, Library and Archives Canada (LAC) issues records disposition authorizations. These authorizations specify the records to be transferred to LAC at the end of their active use based on their historical interest. Other records are disposed of by the creating institution at the end of their retention period.

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
Acquisition and processing of documentary heritage


This program includes all activities undertaken to identify, evaluate, acquire and process the documentary heritage of Canada for current and future generations. LAC-s collection consists of published and unpublished information resources in a variety of media and formats, both analogue and digital. LAC-s acquisitions are governed by legislation in the following ways:
  • Under the Legal Deposit of Publications Regulations and the Library and Archives of Canada Act, Canadian publishers are expected to deposit copies of their publications with LAC.
  • Under the Library and Archives of Canada Act, federal government records of archival and historical value must be transferred to LAC once their retention period has expired.
LAC also acquires records of historical value created by private individuals, non-governmental organizations and the private sector to constitute a representative collection of the Canadian society. The processing of documentary heritage includes the appraisal for selection, arrangement, description and contextualization of documentary heritage. This process encompasses the activities by which the acquired documents are described, organized and indexed to facilitate access. This results in databases, catalogue indexes and other tools that help users locate LAC holdings.

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
Access to documentary heritage


This program provides access to original and digital versions of LAC collections by making them known and available. LAC provides access to the collections through consultation and reproduction services, as well as loans to other institutions. These services are available at various locations across Canada, in person, online, and through other channels. LAC also provides access through public programming in the form of exhibitions and events led by LAC or carried out in collaboration with other institutions. LAC expands access by developing web features, including contextual information an databases, as well as by increasing the amount of documentary heritage available onlin through collaborative digitization initiatives. LAC provides access to government records in accordance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, including to the personnel files of members of the Canadian Forces and former federal employees. Finally, the Documentary Heritage Communities Program provides financial contributions to promote Canada's local documentary heritage institutions, to facilitate access to their collections and to increase their capacity by preserving them in a sustainable.

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
Collaboration in the management of government records


Working collaboratively with central agencies, federal departments and agencies, and other stakeholders, Library and Archives Canada (LAC) plays a lead role in developing standards, tools and best practices for information management and recordkeeping. LAC facilitates the management of information within federal institutions by providing support, services and training through multiple activities:

  • providing regulatory policy strategic and business advice on recordkeeping and records management to central agencies other federal government institutions and intergovernmental committees
  • preparing and delivering training and awareness sessions to federal public servants through seminars and forums on recordkeeping
  • establishing networks in the Government of Canada information management community
  • coordinating initiatives that support the efforts of federal libraries and their respective departments

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
Preservation of Documentary Heritage


LAC manages a vast collection of materials in a wide variety of formats, both digital and analogue, in order to ensure its long-term preservation and accessibility. The preservation activities are divided into multiple categories: those related to the physical management of the collection, such as circulation and storage; those involving restoration and preservation to help prevent deterioration and repair damage; those associated with reproduction and the making of replacement copies to ensure the preservation and availability of records that would otherwise be too fragile to access; digitization activities; and management activities and innovative strategies implemented to ensure the integrity and authenticity of digital documentary resources as well as their current and long-term accessibility. This program also includes the management of the special-purpose buildings under LAC's custody, such as the Gatineau Preservation Centre, the Nitrate Film Preservation Facility, and the high-density collection storage facility. These buildings offer optimal storage conditions to prevent the deterioration of records and ensure their physical integrity, authenticity and long-term availability.

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
National Arts Centre Corporation
National Arts Centre Corporation


Programming: performing arts programming in Music, English theatre, French theatre, Dance and other forms of programming, as well as Programming support services. Accommodation: operating and maintaining the National Arts Centre. Internal services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
The National Battlefields Commission
Conservation and Development


As part of this program, The National Battlefields Commission (NBC) preserves the legacy of the Battlefields Park for future generations. To do so, the NBC ensures infrastructures maintenance and improvement when required, the horticultural landscape, and offers a protected site for all Canadian and foreign users and visitors.

Department(s) specific:

  • 102 - The National Battlefields Commission
Public Education and Services


The purpose of this program is to showcase the history of the site and its cultural, recreational and natural treasures so as to emphasize its dual role as a historical and a city park. In support of this program, The National Battlefields Commission welcomes visitors, puts on exhibits and educational activities, provides quality public services, and disseminates information to users and visitors from both Canada and abroad.

Department(s) specific:

  • 102 - The National Battlefields Commission
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 102 - The National Battlefields Commission
National Film Board
Audiovisual production


This program contributes to Canadians' understanding of the issues facing our country and raises awareness of Canadian viewpoints around the world. As a public sector producer, the NFB produces original audiovisual works that reflect diverse Canadian perspectives, including cultural, regional and aboriginal, and emanate from the diverse creators and communities that make up the country. This program operates where the private sector doesn't, allowing creators to explore artistic and technological advances in form and content. It also ensures the identification, development and nurturing of talent and creative skills, within filmmaking and other creative communities. NFB programming is necessary to ensure that Canadians have access to diverse voices and content in both official languages. It promotes Canadian culture and values in events of national historic and cultural significance. As Canadians' media consumption migrates online, the NFB provides leadership in the creation of innovative digital content in both official languages. Production activities include the conceptualization, research, development and production of documentaries, animation films, new media content and other emerging forms.

Department(s) specific:

  • 039 - National Film Board
Accessibility and Audience Engagement


This program ensures that Canadians and world audiences are able to access, view, discuss and engage with innovative Canadian content that reflects Canadian stories and perspectives. As media consumption migrates online, Canadian content must be made available in all digital and mobile forms. Delivery mechanisms include the distribution, marketing and commercialization of audiovisual works via a diverse catalogue, a well established stock footage library, the development of diversified markets ( i.e.: theatrical, television, consumer and institutional) via online and traditional channels in Canada and abroad. These activities make works widely accessible across Canada, notably to underserved and remote communities, Aboriginal and Official language minority communities. NFB's accessibility and audience engagement activities contribute to a dynamic Canadian culture and heritage.

Department(s) specific:

  • 039 - National Film Board
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 039 - National Film Board
National Gallery of Canada
National Gallery of Canada


Collections: to acquire, preserve, research and document historic and contemporary works of art in order to represent and present arts heritage. It includes Curatorial Research, Acquisitions and Preservation. Outreach: to foster broad access nationally and internationally to the Gallery's collection research exhibitions and expertise. It includes exhibitions both in the National Capital Region and other venues in Canada and abroad educational programming and publications communications and marketing activities designed to reach as wide an audience as possible. Accommodation: to provide secure and suitable facilities which are readily accessible to the public for the preservation and exhibition of the national collections. Internal services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
National Museum of Science and Technology
National Museum of Science and Technology


Heritage Preservation: heritage preservation includes two main components, Collection Management, which includes preservation and conservation, and Research, which comprises those activities contributing to the building of a knowledge base about the scientific and technological heritage of Canada. The Corporation, as the only comprehensive science and technology collecting institution in Canada, has a special responsibility for the development of a Canadian national collection. In view of the breadth of the potential subject matter to be covered, critical choices must be made in determining collection content and priorities. Collection development activities assist the Corporation in making informed decisions on collection content, while collection management activities encompass the activities required to manage the objects accessioned into the collection. The Corporation has identified seven major subject areas on which it will focus its research activities. These are: aviation communications manufacturing natural resources renewable resources including agriculture scientific instrumentation and transportation. Sharing Knowledge: the Corporation seeks to engage Canadians in discovering considering and questioning past and present developments in science and technology and their impact on society and individuals. The Corporation fosters a sense of identity and belonging for all Canadians as well as pride in Canada's scientific and technological history and achievements. It also encourages active and informed participation by Canadians in the future development of our technological society. The primary reason for interpreting Canada's scientific and technological heritage is to provide Canadians with meaningful information about themselves and Canada. Just as the Transformation of Canada theme directs research and collection activities it likewise guides the Corporation in its knowledge dissemination activities. These typically depict the historical development of science and technology provide information on the objects in the collection and review the relationships between science technology and Canadian society. The Corporation disseminates knowledge to its audiences in three primary ways: through its public facilities its Web sites and its publications. Accommodation: facilities are an integral part of museum operations. They do more than house staff; they also provide a venue for the public and housing for the collection. Facilities have a profound effect on museum visitation. Appropriate museum architecture attracts visitors contributes to the atmosphere and becomes a symbol of the institution's mandate. A large portion of comments by visitors allude to their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the quality of the facilities and their related services. Internal services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women
Strategic Advice, Expertise and Promotion of Gender Equality


Canada, in line with domestic and international instruments, has committed to advancing gender equality. This program undertakes communication activities to promote Agency initiatives and key commemorative dates (i.e. International Women's Day, Women's History Month, International Day of the Girl and the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women) to increase awareness/build knowledge about the status of women in Canada, as well as to engage Canadians in efforts to advance gender equality. To further advance gender equality, the government requires federal organizations to take gender considerations into account in legislation, policies and programs. The Program plays a lead role in building the capacity of federal organizations to use Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) by providing information, tools, training, expert advice and access to networks. GBA+ informs decision-making and increases the likelihood that legislation, policies and programs meet the needs of diverse groups of women and men. This Program acts as a knowledge broker, exploring gender gaps/issues, providing strategic analysis and advice and facilitating collaboration among key stakeholders, including federal organizations and others, in order to influence decision-making and action.

Department(s) specific:

  • 083 - Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women
Advancing Equality for Women


Through this program, Status of Women Canada (SWC) supports action and innovation by investing in initiatives that work to bring about equality between women and men. The program provides grant and contribution funding to Canadian organizations to support community based action by carrying out projects that will lead to equality in communities across Canada. Funded projects occur at the national, regional, and local levels and work to help create conditions for success for women in Canada. Projects address the economic and social situation of women and their participation in democratic life. They are diverse in nature and scope and apply a variety of approaches and strategies to address the complexity of the issues affecting women. Specifically, the program invests in projects that incorporate gender considerations, and increase and strengthen access to a range of opportunities, supports, information, resources and services, tools, etc. Projects work with stakeholders such as: women's and community organizations, public institutions and the private sector. The program also facilitates collaboration, networking and partnerships to promote equality and the advancement of women in Canada. SWC facilitates networking; develops partnerships where needed to address horizontal issues impacting women and girls; shares knowledge; and assists organizations working to advance women's equality to gain access to expertise, resources, and tools.

Department(s) specific:

  • 083 - Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 083 - Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women
National Capital Commission
National Capital Commission


Capital Experience: The objective of Capital Experience is to generate pride through programming and other services in the Capital. This program produces a series of high-profile events and festivals (e.g. Canada Day and Winterlude), commemorations, interpretation, educational programs, visitor and recreational services and programs. In addition, through outreach activities that bring the Capital to Canadians across the country and national messaging, the NCC works toward increasing awareness of Canada's Capital Region as a place where Canadian heritage, culture and achievements can be experienced. Capital Stewardship and Protection: Through Capital Stewardship and Protection, the NCC aims to protect assets of national significance in Canada's Capital Region and to continue to enhance the Capital for future generations of Canadians. As steward of federal lands and assets in the region, the organization rehabilitates, manages, develops, maintains and safeguards the Capital's most treasured cultural, natural and heritage assets while ensuring safe, respectful and appropriate public access is maintained. The NCC also promotes and regulates public activities on federal lands and conserves natural resources through sound environmental management. Through its involvement in land development projects such as LeBreton Flats, its acquisition of national interest properties and its disposal of surplus properties, the NCC is further able to ensure that its vision for the Capital is reflected in Canada's Capital Region. Capital Planning: The National Capital Commission (NCC) guides and coordinates the use of federal lands to ensure that they inspire Canadians, meet the needs of government and reflect the role and significance of the Capital. Through long-term plans, the identification of a National Interest Land Mass (NILM) and review and approval processes, the NCC is able to ensure that land use in Canada's Capital Region reflects and respects the significance, natural environment, and heritage of the Capital. The organization also collaborates with federal, provincial and municipal governments on transportation issues. Internal Services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Media Relations; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and as opposed to those provided specifically to a program. The NCC's Grouping of Internal Services - Governance, Management and Oversight Services: Legal Services; Management and Oversight Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Telefilm Canada
Investment in the development of and support to the Canadian audiovisual industry


Telefilm financially supports the development and production of Canadian feature films (including treaty coproductions) that have potential for success in Canada and abroad. Financial participation may take various forms, including investments, conditionally repayable advances and contributions. This financial support aims to ensure that industry players have the opportunity to create and produce their work in Canada. Telefilm also supports the industry by making recommendations to the Minister of Canadian Heritage regarding the certification of audiovisual treaty coproductions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 037 - Telefilm Canada
National and international promotional support for Canadian content


Telefilm's promotional support activities enable Canadian distributors, producers and directors to ensure that the audiovisual content they produce is viewed and enjoyed by Canadians and international audiences. These activities are an essential element in promoting and protecting the Canadian audiovisual industry. They also enable the Canadian audiovisual industry to attract potential buyers, and private and foreign investors for existing or future projects to be produced with Canadians - to the benefit of the Canadian economy. As well international promotional support of Canadian successes contributes to broader audience viewership and greater notoriety of Canadian content worldwide. Particular emphasis is given to the development and integration of digital initiatives to reach target audiences with innovative and effective strategies. Promotional support activities include:
  • Financial support for the marketing and promotion of Canadian feature films generally in the form of conditionally repayable advances
  • Financial support for Canadian production and distribution companies to promote sell and distribute their productions at key markets and festivals Support may also take the form of targeted business development initiatives to stimulate the search for alternative sources of funding and new partnerships and
  • Financial support in the form of contributions to events and initiatives that are in tune with Domestic and international market needs and that contribute to the promotion of Canadian content and talent. These activities help to expand public awareness of Canadian products and Facilitate their access

Department(s) specific:

  • 037 - Telefilm Canada
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 037 - Telefilm Canada
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Family and Discretionary Immigration


Citizenship and Immigration Canada's (CIC's) family and discretionary programs support the Government of Canada's social goals for immigration. The program's objectives are to reunite family members in Canada, and to allow for the processing of exceptional cases. Family Class provisions of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) enable Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada to apply to sponsor eligible members of the Family Class, including spouses and partners, dependent children, and parents and grandparents. Discretionary provisions in the legislation are used in cases where there are humanitarian and compassionate considerations or for public policy reasons. These discretionary provisions provide the flexibility to approve exceptional and deserving cases not anticipated in the legislation and to support the Government of Canada in its humanitarian response to world events and crises. Eligibility assessment and processing involve the granting of permanent or temporary residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Health Protection


This program aims to provide effective immigration health services to manage the health aspect of migrant entry and settlement to Canada, and facilitate the arrival of resettled refugees to Canada and their integration while contributing to the protection of the health and safety of all Canadians and contributing to the maintenance of sustainable Canadian health and social services. The program aims to evaluate health risks related to immigration and coordinate with international and Canadian health partners to develop risk management strategies and processes to assess the health risks posed by applicants wishing to immigrate to Canada. The strategies, processes and interventions are intended to reduce the impact of the risks identified on the health of Canadians and on Canada's health and social services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Migration Control and Security Management


Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) facilitates the travel of bona fide permanent residents, visitors, students and temporary workers while protecting the health, safety and security of Canadians by effectively managing migration access. This is accomplished through a variety of policy and operational measures, including through the establishment of visa and other document entry requirements and otherwise maintaining the policy framework for terms and conditions of entry, admissibility criteria, anti-fraud measures, negotiations of bilateral and multilateral information sharing agreements and treaties, as well as setting identity management practices. CIC also provides assistance to illegal migrants who are deemed destined to Canada, to return them to their home country of origin. Strategic partnership engagements with security and public safety related departments and international organizations are another essential component of this program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)


Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is accountable for the Passport Program, and collaborates with Service Canada and Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada to provide passport services that enable eligible Canadian travellers to access other countries. Through an extensive service delivery network in Canada and abroad, the program disseminates information, collects and processes Canadian travel document applications, authenticates applicants' identity and determines eligibility, and issues secure Canadian travel documents. The program also performs activities to ensure that fraud and misuse of travel documents are prevented and detected. The Canadian passport is an internationally recognized and respected travel and identification document for Canadians who travel abroad, and is relied upon in Canada and by foreign governments to support the bearer's claim to Canadian citizenship. The program operates on a full cost recovery basis from fees charged for travel document services. Fees are collected in the Passport Canada Revolving Fund and are efficiently managed to ensure value for money for Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Permanent Economic Residents


Rooted in objectives outlined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), the focus of this program is on the selection and processing of immigrants who can support the development of a strong and prosperous Canada, in which the benefits of immigration are shared across all regions of Canada. The acceptance of qualified permanent residents helps the government meet its economic objectives, such as building a skilled work force, addressing immediate and longer term labour market needs, and supporting national and regional labour force growth. The selection and processing of applications involve the granting of permanent residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Temporary Economic Residents


Rooted in objectives outlined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), the focus of this program is to establish and apply the rules governing entry into Canada of foreign nationals authorized for temporary work and study. Temporary economic migration enhances Canada's trade, commerce, cultural, educational and scientific activities, in support of our overall economic and social prosperity and national interests. The selection and processing involve the issuance of temporary resident visas, work permits and study permits to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Refugee Protection


The Refugee Protection Program is in the first instance about saving lives and offering protection to the displaced and persecuted. Overseas, refugees and persons in refugee like situations are selected by Canadian visa officers to be resettled as permanent residents to Canada. Flowing from Canada's international and domestic legal obligations, the in Canada asylum system evaluates the claims of individuals seeking asylum in Canada and grants protected person status when a positive decision is rendered by the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB), an independent, quasi-judicial tribunal.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Newcomer Settlement and Integration


In accordance with the Canadian Multiculturalism Act, the Employment Equity Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, programming is developed based on policies that support the settlement, resettlement, adaptation and integration of newcomers into Canadian society. Ultimately, the goal of integration is to encourage newcomers to contribute to Canada's economic, social, political and cultural development. All permanent residents are eligible for settlement and integration programs. Programming is delivered by third parties (including provincial and municipal governments, school boards and post-secondary institutions, settlement service organizations and other non-governmental actors, and the private sector) across the country.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Citizenship for Newcomers and All Canadians


The purpose of the Citizenship Program is to administer citizenship legislation and promote the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) administers the acquisition of Canadian citizenship by developing, implementing, and applying legislation, regulations and policies that protect the integrity of Canadian citizenship and allow eligible applicants to be granted citizenship or be provided with a proof of citizenship. In addition, the program promotes citizenship, to both newcomers and the Canadian born, through various events, materials and projects. Promotional activities focus on enhancing knowledge of Canada's history, institutions, and values, as well as fostering an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Canadian Influence in International Migration and Integration Agenda


As part of its mandate, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) aims to influence the international migration and integration policy agenda. This is done by developing and promoting, together with other public policy sectors, Canada's positions on international migration, integration and refugee protection issues through meetings with multilateral and bilateral partners, membership in international organizations, and participation in regional forums. CIC works closely with bilateral partners to ensure the effective management of migration and administration of immigration laws through an exchange of information, including biometric data. This international migration policy development helps Canada advance its interests with respect to international migration as well as meet its international obligations and commitments. CIC supports international engagement and partnerships through membership in and contributions to such organizations as the International Organization for Migration, Regional Conference on Migration, the UNHCR, the Five Country Conference, the Global Forum on Migration and Development, and the Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees. The program uses transfer payment funding for the following: Migration Policy Development Program (grants), and membership in the International Organization for Migration (annual assessed contributions) and the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) (annual assessed contributions) formerly called the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research (ITF).

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Immigration and Refugee Board
Admissibility Hearings and Detention Reviews


Renders quality decisions and resolves in a timely manner cases regarding admissibility of foreign nationals or permanent residents who are alleged to be inadmissible to Canada pursuant to the provisions of Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA); and detention reviews for foreign nationals or permanent residents who are detained under IRPA authority.

Department(s) specific:

  • 032 - Immigration and Refugee Board
Immigration Appeal


It renders quality decisions and resolves cases in a timely manner regarding sponsorship applications refused by the Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship; certain removal orders made against permanent residents, refugees and other protected persons and holders of permanent resident visas; appeals by permanent residents outside of Canada who have been found not to have fulfilled their residency obligation; and appeals by the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness against a decision of the Immigration Division on admissibility.

Department(s) specific:

  • 032 - Immigration and Refugee Board
Refugee Protection


Renders quality decisions and resolves cases in a timely manner regarding refugee protection claims made by persons in Canada, and pre-removal risk assessments of persons subject to a removal order.

Department(s) specific:

  • 032 - Immigration and Refugee Board
Refugee Appeal


Renders quality decisions and resolves cases in a timely manner regarding appeals against a decision made on a refugee protection claim of the Refugee Protection Division.

Department(s) specific:

  • 032 - Immigration and Refugee Board
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 032 - Immigration and Refugee Board
Environment and Climate Change
Environment (Department of the)
Biodiversity - Wildlife and Habitat


This program aims to prevent biodiversity loss while enabling sustainable use by: protecting and recovering species at risk and their critical habitat; conserving and protecting healthy populations of migratory birds; and monitoring, conserving and restoring significant habitats by establishing and maintaining a network of protected areas, and developing and implementing stewardship programs. It also supports coordinated and coherent national assessment, research, planning and action to protect biodiversity, including viable, self-sustaining populations of species, healthy and diverse ecosystems, and genetic resources. The program forms strategic partnerships for integrated management of Canada's natural capital, including stewardship and the sustainable management of landscapes. This program has responsibilities under the Species at Risk Act, Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, Canada Wildlife Act, Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act. International responsibilities include the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (1992), the Migratory Birds Convention, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group of the Arctic Council, and the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (the Ramsar Convention).

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Water Resources


This program addresses the risks to and impacts on water resources from industrial activities, agriculture, climate change and other factors. It aims to minimize threats to Canada's water resources and aquatic ecosystems and to maintain the sustainability of such resources. The program is delivered in collaboration with partners, specifically other federal departments, provinces and territories, and a range of non-governmental organizations. The program focuses on Environment Canada's contribution to monitoring water quality and conducting water-related research and analysis and its role in collaborating with other departments to determine priorities for water quality and quantity as well as aquatic ecosystem monitoring and research. It provides scientific information and advice to decision makers and supports implementation of the Canada Water Act, Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Fisheries Act, International Boundary Waters Treaty Act, and International River Improvements Act.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Weather and Environmental Services for Canadians


This program provides reliable, accurate and timely forecasts and warnings, as well as weather and environmental intelligence to anticipate, manage and adapt to the risks and opportunities of changing weather, water, air quality and climate conditions. It involves monitoring, research, prediction and service delivery based on sound science to help Canadians make informed decisions in order to protect their health, safety, security and economic prosperity. Because a global effort is needed to monitor, understand and predict constantly changing weather, water, air quality, sea ice, and climate conditions, the program works with various collaborators around the world. Global collaborators include other national meteorological services, such as the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Météo France, as well as international organization such as the United Nations World Meteorological Organization and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. At the national level, collaborators include the media, academia and all levels of government in Canada. The program meets the Department's responsibilities under the Department of the Environment Act, Weather Modification Information Act, Emergency Management Act (2007), Convention of the World Meteorological Organization, and memoranda of agreement with other national meteorological and space agencies. The program provides forecasts and information in the event of environmental emergencies associated with the release of toxic and radioactive material in the atmosphere.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Substances and Waste Management


Activities in this program reduce threats to human health and the environment posed by pollution and waste from human activities. The program assesses risks to the environment from substances that are already in commercial use (existing substances) and substances proposed for use in Canada (new substances). It also develops and implements measures to prevent or manage the risks from these substances and waste.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Weather and Environmental Services for Targeted Users


Environment Canada provides specific predictions and services for targeted, weather-sensitive sectors through formal arrangements and revenue contracts. Building on the core capabilities offered under Program 2.1, this program provides reliable, accurate and timely weather, climate and ice observations, predictions and services to support the specific decision-making needs of the aviation and marine transportation sectors and the Canadian military. It delivers services through various collaborations within Canada (including with other government departments), and internationally with the World Meteorological Organization, as well as with other countries and international bodies such as the International Civil Aviation Organization, the International Maritime Organization, and the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). This program supports the Department in meeting obligations and responsibilities conferred by the Department of the Environment Act and the Convention of the World Meteorological Organization. It also helps other government departments meet their obligations under the Aeronautics Act and the treaty in support of International Civil Aviation, the Oceans Act and the Fisheries Act, and supports memoranda of agreement with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans/Canadian Coast Guard, the Department of National Defence, and various provincial and territorial agencies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Sustainable Ecosystems


This program aims to sustain Canada's ecosystems over the long term by providing Canadians, their governments and the private sector with the environmental information and tools required to incorporate social, economic and environmental considerations into decision making and actions. Environmental assessments are a large part of this program. The ecosystem approach to environmental management focuses on maintaining the capacity of a whole system to produce ecological goods and services and genetic resources to support the economy, security, and health and well-being. This program focuses on: the development and implementation of Environment Canada's sustainability policies and strategies; provision of information to support integrated, ecosystem-scale planning; community engagement in remediation of sites; youth engagement; and research and reporting on environmental status and trends. The program facilitates interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral planning and information sharing among partners.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Compliance Promotion and Enforcement - Pollution


This program contributes to minimizing damage and threats to the natural environment and biodiversity through the promotion and enforcement of legislation administered by Environment Canada. Activities focus on pollution, including the release of toxic substances to air, water or land, and the import and export of hazardous waste that presents a risk to the environment and/or human health. The program maintains a contingent of compliance promotion and enforcement officers. Compliance promotion officers deliver activities to increase regulatees' awareness, understanding and compliance with regulations and other risk management instruments under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and the Fisheries Act, with the goal of increasing effectiveness in achieving desired environmental results. They also provide information on risk management instrument requirements, the benefits of compliance and the potential penalties of non-compliance, when applicable. Enforcement officers, on the other hand, conduct inspections to verify compliance with laws and regulations, gather intelligence, take enforcement action to bring offenders back into compliance, and pursue investigations where necessary. This program collaborates with international and domestic partners to strengthen transboundary environmental enforcement. Officers are provided training and are often supported by scientific analyses and expertise, including science advice to support enforcement actions. In addition, the program is supported by scientific analysis and expertise for the development and implementation of new and updated regulations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Climate Change and Clean Air


This program aims to protect the health of Canadians, the environment and Canada's economy from the harmful effects of air pollutants and the impacts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the development and implementation of regulations and other control measures. Actions are based on sound scientific work, economic and policy analysis, and emissions monitoring and reporting. Work under this program includes: continued collaboration with other governments and stakeholders; delivery of sound scientific results, expert environmental science and technology advice, assessment, and program management in support of technology investment decisions, policy making and regulations; and cooperation with the United States to align GHG regulations as appropriate, reduce transboundary air pollution and advance the development of clean technologies. It also involves participation and negotiation in, and contributions to, international fora, in order to address climate change and transboundary air pollution, and bilateral and multilateral processes in order to support Canada's positions and objectives.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Compliance Promotion and Enforcement - Wildlife


This program works to conserve and protect the natural environment through compliance promotion and enforcement of the Species at Risk Act, Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act, Antarctic Environmental Protection Act and Canada Wildlife Act. The program promotes compliance through the communication of information, education, and consultation with parties affected by these statutes. It maintains a contingent of enforcement officers whose activities consist of verifying compliance with acts, regulations and permits pertaining to wildlife and Environment Canada protected areas, gathering intelligence, conducting inspections and pursuing investigations regarding alleged offenders. The program also works with INTERPOL as well as the United States and Mexico under the auspices of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation to strengthen wildlife enforcement. These actions aim to reduce damage and threats to biodiversity for the benefit of Canadians and the international community.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Environmental Assessment Delivery Program


This program ensures that high-quality environmental assessments of major projects are conducted and completed in a timely and predictable way, thereby supporting economic growth while preventing or reducing adverse environmental effects. The most appropriate means of avoiding duplication of assessment activities with other jurisdictions is applied, thereby, increasing efficiency and providing certainty for all participants in the process. The Agency will promote, monitor, and facilitate compliance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012. The environmental assessment provides for the meaningful participation of the public and Aboriginal groups. Aboriginal consultation obligations are integrated to the greatest extent possible with the federal environmental assessment process. As such, the Agency consults with Aboriginal groups during the environmental assessment process to assess how the proposed project may adversely impact potential or established Aboriginal or Treaty rights and related interests, and find ways to avoid or minimize these adverse impacts.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Environmental Assessment Policy Program


The EA Policy program develops and promotes robust policies and practices for high quality environmental assessment (EA) in accordance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act(the Act). This is achieved by building and reinforcing policies, procedures and criteria for the conduct of federal EA, by promoting cooperation and coordinated action between the federal government and other jurisdictions, by promoting communication and cooperation with Aboriginal peoples, and by developing instruments and training for EA practitioners. EA Policy enables continuous improvement through research, monitoring, analysis and advice. Recommendations inform the development of new regulatory and policy approaches as well as the revision of guidance, training and knowledge-based instruments. The program also provides support for the conduct of EA through various means, such as federal provincial agreements and policy criteria.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Parks Canada Agency
Heritage Places Conservation


This program aims to protect and conserve the natural and cultural resources of all heritage places managed by Parks Canada, as well as the agricultural resources in the national urban park; and to fulfill responsibilities assigned to Parks Canada or mandated through federal legislation. Protection and conservation activities in a national urban park, national parks, national marine conservation areas, heritage canals and Parks Canada administered national historic sites ensure that these heritage places are maintained and used in ways that leave them unimpaired for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Heritage Places Establishment


This program aims to establish heritage places in order to conserve Canada's natural and cultural heritage for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations, thus fostering a strong sense of connection to our natural and cultural heritage. This program also supports Canada's involvement in the internationally shared objective of protecting and commemorating the best of the world's natural and cultural heritage. By establishing national parks and national marine conservation areas in each of Canada's natural terrestrial and marine regions, this program ensures the protection and presentation of representative examples of Canada's natural diversity. Likewise, the designation and commemoration of historic places, persons and events in communities across Canada ensures our history remains a living legacy for all Canadians. Establishment or designation is achieved through feasibility assessments, public nominations, research, consultation with Aboriginal peoples, stakeholders and the general public, negotiations with other governments and Aboriginal organizations, recommendations from advisory bodies and fulfilment of legislative requirements. This process results in established national parks and national marine conservation areas and designated national historic sites, persons and events and other heritage places.

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Heritage Places Promotion and Public Support


This program aims to nurture a sense of pride in and support for Parks Canada administered places by increasing Canadians' awareness, appreciation of their value and the various ways to experience them. This is achieved through relevant and effective heritage places promotion initiatives delivered to Canadians, reaching them in their daily lives. Some of these promotion activities are done in collaboration with stakeholders and partners to reach and engage more Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Visitor Experience


This program fosters opportunities for Canadians and international visitors to discover, experience, enjoy and develop a sense of personal connection to Canada's national urban park, national parks, national historic sites administered by Parks Canada, national marine conservation areas, and heritage canals. This program includes a range of activities, services and products associated with pre-visit planning, the on-site visit, and post visit communications. It includes tourism marketing, trip planning information, reception, orientation, interpretation, recreational activities, special events, merchandise, compliance, visitor safety services, and visitor facilities. The program is supported by market and visitor analytics, trend analysis, and performance measurement.

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Heritage Canals, Highways and Townsites Management


This program involves the management of infrastructure for Canadians and provides opportunities for socio-economic benefits to adjacent communities. It is related to the operation, maintenance and improvement of the Trans-Canada and provincially numbered highways within national parks and a national historic site; the water management of certain heritage canals; and, the provision of municipal services to certain national park townsites.

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Finance (Department of)
Economic and Fiscal Policy Framework


This Program is the main source of advice and recommendations to the Minister of Finance, other ministers and senior government officials on issues, policies and programs of the Government of Canada in the areas of economic, fiscal and social policy; federal-provincial relations; the financial sector; taxation; and international trade and finance. The Program ensures that ministers and senior government officials can make informed decisions on economic, fiscal and financial sector policies, programs and proposals. Ultimately, the Program contributes to building a sound and sustainable fiscal and economic framework that generates sufficient revenues and aligns the management of expenditures with the Budget Plan and the financial operations of the Government of Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Treasury and Financial Affairs


This Program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials on the management of the treasury and the financial affairs of the Government of Canada. The Program ensures that the treasury and financial affairs of the Government of Canada are efficiently managed on behalf of Canadian taxpayers. The Program provides direction for Canada's debt management activities, including the funding of debt and service costs for new borrowings. This Program manages investments in financial assets so that the Government of Canada can meet its liquidity needs. The Program supports the ongoing refinancing of government debt coming to maturity, the execution of the Budget Plan, and other financial operations of the government, including governance of the borrowing activities of major federal government backed-entities, such as Crown corporations. The Program also oversees the system that ensures that Canada has an adequate supply of circulating Canadian currency (bank notes and coins) to meet the needs of the Canadian economy.

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs


This Program enables the Government of Canada to meet its transfer and taxation payment commitments. The Program administers transfer and taxation payments to provinces and territories and Aboriginal governments in compliance with legislation and negotiated agreements. The Program also fulfills commitments and agreements with international financial organizations to support the economic advancement of developing countries. The Government of Canada sometimes enters into agreements or enacts legislation to respond to unforeseen pressures. These commitments can result in payments, generally statutory transfer payments, to a variety of recipients, including individuals, organizations and other levels of government.

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Office of the Auditor General
Legislative Auditing


We conduct independent audits and studies that provide objective information, advice and assurance to Parliament, government and Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 002 - Office of the Auditor General
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 002 - Office of the Auditor General
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) is working to protect and educate consumers of financial services. As a federal regulatory agency, the FCAC is responsible for enforcing many of the federal laws that protect consumers in their dealings with financial institutions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 141 - Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Financial Intelligence Program


FINTRAC's Financial Intelligence program, mandated by the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA), is a component of the broader national security and anti crime agenda. The program strives to disrupt the ability of criminals and terrorist groups that seek to abuse Canada's financial system and to reduce the profit incentive of crime. The main method of intervention used by the program is to analyze reported financial transactions and other information the Centre is authorized to receive and collect under the PCMLTFA to produce financial intelligence products including tactical case disclosures and strategic intelligence products that are relevant to the investigation, prosecution or understanding of money laundering and terrorist financing activities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 139 - Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Compliance Program


FINTRAC's Compliance program is responsible for ensuring compliance with Part 1 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA) and associated regulations. The compliance program utilizes a risk based approach to deliver enforcement, relations and support activities that help ensure compliance with legislative and regulatory obligations that apply to individuals and entities operating in Canada's financial system.

Department(s) specific:

  • 139 - Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 139 - Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Actuarial Valuation and Advisory Services


The federal government and the provinces, through the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), public sector pension arrangements and other social programs have made commitments to Canadians and have taken on emanated responsibility for the financing of these commitments. Some are long-term and it is important that decision-makers, Parliamentarians and the public understand these and the inherent risks. This Program plays a vital and independent role in this process. It provides checks and balances on the future costs of the different pension plans under its responsibilities. This Program provides a range of actuarial services, under legislation, to the CPP stakeholders and several federal government departments. It conducts statutory actuarial valuations of the CPP, Old Age Security (OAS), Employment Insurance (EI) and Canada Student Loans programs, and pension and benefits plans covering the Federal Public Service, the Canadian Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), federally appointed judges, and Members of Parliament. The Office of the Chief Actuary (OCA) is funded by fees charged for its actuarial valuation and advisory services and by an annual parliamentary appropriation.

Department(s) specific:

  • 011 - Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Regulation and Supervision of Federally Regulated Financial Institutions


This Program involves regulating and supervising federally regulated financial institutions (FRFIs) to determine whether they are in sound financial condition and are complying with their governing laws and supervisory requirements; monitoring the financial and economic environment to identify issues that may impact these institutions negatively; and intervening in a timely manner to protect depositors and policyholders from undue loss, while recognizing that management and boards of directors are ultimately responsible, and that financial institutions can fail. Costs for this Program are recovered through base assessments and user fees and charges paid by the federally regulated financial institutions covered under the Bank Act, Trust and Loan Companies Act, Insurance Companies Act, Green Shield Canada Act, Protection of Residential Mortgage or Hypothecary Insurance Act and Cooperative Credit Associations Act. The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions also receives revenues for cost-recovered services to provinces, for which it provides supervision of their institutions on a fee for service basis.

Department(s) specific:

  • 011 - Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Regulation and Supervision of Federally Regulated Private Pension Plans


This Program involves regulating and supervising federally regulated private pension plans to determine whether they are meeting minimum funding requirements and are complying with their governing laws and supervisory requirements. This Program provides risk assessments of pension plans covering employees in federally regulated areas of employment. It ensures timely and effective intervention and feedback to protect the interests of plan members and beneficiaries, while recognizing that plan administrators are ultimately responsible and that plans can fail to pay the expected benefits. This Program also provides a balanced relevant regulatory framework and a prudentially effective and responsive approvals process. This Program incorporates activities pertaining to risk assessment and intervention, regulation and guidance, and approvals and precedents related to federally regulated private pension plans under the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act. The costs for this Program are recovered from pension plan fees based on the number of members in each federally-regulated pension plan.

Department(s) specific:

  • 011 - Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 011 - Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Royal Canadian Mint
Royal Canadian Mint
Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Fisheries Protection


The Fisheries Protection Program exists to ensure that commercial, recreational and Aboriginal fisheries are productive and sustainable. As part of its core business, the Fisheries Protection Program is responsible for the administration of the fisheries protection provisions of the Fisheries Act including the establishment of guidelines and regulations. The program undertakes the review and authorization of proposed works, undertakings and activities that may affect fish and fish habitat and fulfills its legislative responsibilities in relation to federal environmental assessment regimes and addresses its Section 35 Constitution Act, 1982 duty to consult relative to authorization decisions. The program also provides science-based advice to federal custodial departments to support contaminated site management through the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan. Sustainability and ongoing productivity of commercial, recreational and Aboriginal fisheries is best achieved when partners and stakeholders with a common interest work together to conserve and protect fish and fish habitat. The Fisheries Protection Program has established partnering arrangements with some federal agencies and provinces which allow them to conduct initial reviews of projects, to determine if they require advice or review by the Fisheries Protection Program under the Fisheries Act. The Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program encourages a partnership-based approach through the provision of funding to recreational fisheries and conservation groups to undertake habitat restoration activities. Finally, the Fisheries Protection Program helps to address the issue of aquatic invasive species through federal-provincial/territorial cooperation and the development of regulatory tools to prevent the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Small Craft Harbours


Under the authority of the Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act and its regulations, the Small Craft Harbours program operates and maintains a national network of harbours in support of the principal and evolving needs of the commercial fishing industry and the broader interests of coastal communities. Investment in small craft harbour infrastructure supports the economic prosperity of Canada's fisheries and maritime sectors and contributes to public safety. The Small Craft Harbours program focuses its resources on keeping fishing harbours that are critical to the commercial fishing industry in good repair. The program is delivered in cooperation with Harbour Authorities, local not-for-profit organizations representing the interests of both commercial fish harvesters and the broader community, who manage the harbours under lease agreements with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. In line with the program's mandate to support the commercial fishing industry, low activity fishing harbours and recreational harbours are divested to third parties. The Small Craft Harbours program is funded through an annual appropriation which includes two transfer payment programs: the Small Craft Harbours Class Grant Program and the Small Craft Harbours Class Contribution Program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Species at Risk


The Species at Risk Act is the federal legislative tool for protecting listed wildlife species at risk. It establishes a process for conducting scientific assessments of the status of wildlife species, by an arm's length organization, and for listing species addressed as extirpated, endangered, threatened and of special concern. The Species at Risk Act also includes provisions for the protection, recovery and conservation of listed wildlife species and their critical habitats and residences. The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans is the competent Minister for all aquatic species at risk in Canada (except those in, or on federal lands administered by Parks Canada). The program is managed according to key principles in the Act, such as stewardship, engagement, consultation, cooperation, compliance, and enforcement. The program is informed by scientific research, social and economic research, and stakeholder and community views. This information then supports the assessment and listing of species; the recovery and protection of listed species at risk through recovery strategies, action plans and management plans; the identification and protection of species' critical habitats; the implementation of recovery measures; and reporting on progress. The Species at Risk Program helps improve the ecological integrity of aquatic ecosystems so that they remain healthy and productive for future generations of Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Climate Change Adaptation Program


Fisheries and Oceans Canada contributes to the growth and sustainability of numerous maritime sectors and has infrastructure assets in the billions of dollars. It needs to have the capacity to adjust its decisions and activities based on the impact of climate change. The Climate Change Adaptation Program assesses risk, develops science knowledge and adaptation tools, which facilitate the integration of climate change considerations and adaptive management strategies into its decision making. Whether it is managing the fisheries resource, small craft harbours, or marine navigation, decision making must take into account climate change to ensure that Canada continues to benefit socially and economically from its oceans and inland waters. This program is one element of a much larger horizontal program which includes nine federal departments, including Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Integrated Fisheries Management


The Integrated Fisheries Management program administers Canada's fisheries in consultation with Aboriginal groups, federal departments, other levels of government, private industry and non-governmental stakeholders. The program promotes sustainability and the allocation of harvestable resources amongst commercial harvesters, recreational anglers, Aboriginal groups, as well as aquaculture for seed, spat1 and broodstock2. It derives authority from the Fisheries Act, the Species at Risk Act and related regulations and relies on scientific assessments to develop tools such as the Integrated Fisheries Management Plans (IFMP) and Rebuilding Strategies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Oceans Management


The Oceans Management program takes an integrated and evidence-based approach to managing oceans issues and collaborates with other federal departments, other levels of government, Aboriginal groups, and stakeholders. Building on a foundation of science, the program addresses a number of challenges facing Canada's oceans, such as oceans health, marine habitat loss, declining biodiversity and growing demands for access to ocean space and resources. The program gathers, disseminates and considers information on ecological, social and economic impacts to ensure the protection, conservation and sustainable use of Canada's oceans. The legal basis for the program derives from the Oceans Act along with Canada's Oceans Strategy which provides the Department with a framework for managing estuarine, coastal and marine ecosystems.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Aboriginal Strategies and Governance


The Aboriginal Strategies and Governance program serves to build and maintain strong and stable relations with Aboriginal groups and promotes fisheries-related economic opportunities for Aboriginal communities; both of which are instrumental to maintaining a stable fisheries management regime with common and transparent rules for all. The program does this by supporting the involvement of Aboriginal groups in the fishery where Fisheries and Oceans Canada manages the fishery and where land claims agreements have not been concluded, specifically for three purposes: management of food, social and ceremonial fisheries; collaborative management, by building the capacity required to engage in fishery management processes; and, conservation, by building monitoring and reporting. This work is achieved through the following: Aboriginal fisheries contribution agreements, treaty fisheries negotiations and mandate development, strategic advice for the ongoing management of Aboriginal rights, Aboriginal programs and policies renewal; allocation policies, frameworks for the implementation of treaties, and, fisheries-related consultation and engagement. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy, Aboriginal Aquatic Resource and Oceans Management program, Aboriginal Funds for Species at Risk program, Atlantic Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative, Pacific Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative and Treaty Related Measures.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Sustainable Aquaculture Program


The goal of the Sustainable Aquaculture Program is to contribute to an environmentally, economically and socially sustainable Canadian aquaculture sector. Canada's aquaculture sector operates under one of the most stringent regulatory frameworks in the world which is designed to ensure the sector's environmental sustainability. Fisheries and Oceans Canada's regulatory mandate for the program is derived from the Fisheries Act, the Fisheries Development Act, and the Oceans Act. The Department has the lead regulatory role in British Columbia and Prince Edward Island. Fisheries and Oceans Canada implements the Sustainable Aquaculture Program in a horizontal and integrated way with other federal departments and agencies to create optimal conditions for science-based sustainable management of the sector. The Department works collaboratively with industry, provinces and territories, Aboriginal groups, and others to ensure the success and long-term sustainability of Canada's aquaculture sector.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Aquatic Animal Health


In collaboration with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the Department co-delivers Canada's National Aquatic Animal Health Program (NAAHP). The objective of the program is to protect against the introduction or spread of serious infectious diseases of national and international importance, in both wild and cultured aquatic animals. This protection is critical to safeguarding the health of Canada's aquatic resources and both Canada's domestic and export markets for fish and seafood products. In doing so, NAAHP provides greater economic stability and potential for growth of the industries and regions that depend on these resources. The Department provides the scientific advice, diagnostic testing and research which inform the certification of aquatic animal health status and support the delivery of federal responsibilities under the Health of Animals Act and the Fisheries Act. The program also supports the delivery of other Fisheries and Oceans Canada programs, such as the Salmon Enhancement Program, Biotechnology and Genomics, and the Sustainable Aquaculture Science Program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Biotechnology and Genomics


The Department is responsible for developing the knowledge that is required for the regulation and risk assessment of fish products derived from innovations in biotechnology and genomics. Biotechnology and genomics can provide leading-edge techniques and strategies for the sustainable development of aquatic resources. The Department's use of these tools improves Canada's ability to protect species at risk, manage the opening and closing of fisheries, prosecute poachers, improve aquaculture practices, control disease outbreaks, and remediate contaminated sites.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
International Engagement


The International Engagement program ensures access for Canadians to fish resources managed internationally, promotes sustainable fisheries management and healthy global marine ecosystems, and contributes to a stable international trade regime for Canadian fish and seafood products. The program advances its goals via multilateral and bilateral engagements, and coordinated strategies with international partners.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Marine Navigation


The Canadian Coast Guard Marine Navigation program provides Canadian and international commercial marine transportation sectors, fishers, and pleasure craft operators with information and services to facilitate the safe, economical and efficient movement of ships. Program services include providing survey and forecast information on commercial channels to identify water depth, restrictions, or hazards to navigation; dredging services; marine structures to maintain certain ship channel waterways; aids to navigation, for example short-range marine aids such as buoys, fixed aids to navigation, the Differential Global Positioning System, and information to mariners; assistance to vessels stuck in ice; maintaining tracks through ice-infested channels; breaking out ice in commercial and fishing harbours; providing ice routing advice and information and escorting ships in ice-covered waters; and monitoring and breaking up ice jams to prevent flooding on the St. Lawrence River. Program services also contribute to the development of the Arctic by transporting goods and supplies to northern communities and by maintaining a visible Canadian marine presence in the North. The program is delivered in coordination with the Coast Guard's Fleet Operational Readiness and Shore-based Asset Readiness programs, Canadian Hydrographic Services, Public Works and Government Services Canada, and Environment Canada. The program's legal basis derives from the Constitution Act, 1867; the Oceans Act; and the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Territorial Delineation


The definition and description of Canada's maritime boundaries is reliant on hydrographic data and nautical geodetic expertise. Fisheries and Oceans Canada's Canadian Hydrographic Service and Oceanographic Services (CHS-OS) is responsible for the provision of hydrographic and nautical data and nautical geodetic expertise. The program's technical experts define the geographic positions for all Canadian offshore maritime limits and boundaries and provide the nautical geodetic evidence to resolve boundary disputes (e.g., Beaufort Sea, Hans Island) and prosecutions related to the violation of international maritime law (e.g., foreign fishing), as well as other infractions in Canadian waters. Through the international recognition of these limits and boundaries, Canada is able to assert its sovereign rights to resources, and to secure its maritime boundaries. Canada ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and in 2013 submitted evidence to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (the Commission) in support of the establishment of the outer limits of Canada's continental shelf beyond the current 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone. Canada also submitted a preliminary report indicating that an Arctic submission would be forthcoming after further data collection. The Department works closely in this endeavour with Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada and Natural Resources Canada to prepare the second submission to present and defend Canada's evidence submission to the Commission.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Compliance and Enforcement


The Compliance and Enforcement program ensures the conservation and sustainable use of Canada's aquatic resources and the protection of species at risk, fish habitat, and oceans. The program is delivered through a regulatory management and enforcement approach, and uses a number of tools to achieve its goals, including promoting compliance with legislation, regulations and management measures through education and shared stewardship; monitoring, control, and surveillance activities; and the management of major cases and special investigations. The National Fisheries Intelligence Service and Program and Operational Readiness sub-programs support the carrying out of enforcement operations. The program works closely with the Ecosystems and Fisheries Management Sector, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, various domestic and international partners including industry, to ensure peaceful and orderly fisheries. It makes a significant contribution, with the Canadian Coast Guard, to the protection of Canadian sovereignty and assists the Department of National Defence with identifying potential marine security threats. It also plays a key administrative role, along with Ecosystems and Fisheries Management, Environment Canada, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, in the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program to help ensure that the public is protected from contaminated fisheries products.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Salmonid Enhancement Program


The Salmonid Enhancement Program (SEP) supports achievement of Departmental fisheries management objectives by producing salmon for harvest, stock assessment and conservation purposes. In addition, SEP engages communities, schools, First Nations, and the public in salmon stewardship through education, community involvement activities, and collaborative projects aimed at restoring and maintaining key salmon habitat in British Columbia and the Yukon. The program contributes to economically valuable salmon fisheries by producing fish that directly support Pacific Commercial and Recreational Fisheries. Through targeted enhancement efforts on key stocks, SEP helps Canada meet its enhancement obligations under the Canada-United States Pacific Salmon Treaty and supports secure international market access for Canadian salmon products. SEP works closely with the Integrated Fisheries Management Program, the British Columbia Aquaculture Regulatory Program and the Aquatic Animal Health and Biotechnology and Genomics programs. In addition, components of SEP are coordinated with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, as well as provincial, territorial, and municipal governments.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Environmental Response Services


The Canadian Coast Guard is the lead federal agency for ensuring an appropriate response to all ship-source and unknown mystery pollution spills in Canadian waters and waters under international agreements. The Environmental Response Services program minimizes the environmental, economic, and public safety impacts of marine pollution incidents. Through the program, the Canadian Coast Guard establishes an appropriate and nationally consistent level of preparedness and response services in Canadian waters; monitors and investigates all reports of marine pollution in Canada in conjunction with other federal departments; and maintains communications with the program's partners, including Transport Canada and Environment Canada, to ensure a consistent coordinated approach to the response to marine pollution incidents. The Coast Guard's Fleet Operational Readiness program contributes to the delivery of this program. The program is delivered in coordination with other federal departments for surveillance information and scientific advice and with ship owners and commercial Response Organizations to support response efforts. The program's legal basis derives from the Oceans Act, the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, and the Constitution Act, 1867.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Search and Rescue Services


The Canadian Coast Guard's maritime Search and Rescue Services program leads, delivers, and maintains preparedness for the 5.3 million square kilometer maritime component of the federal search and rescue program, with the support of stakeholders and partners, including the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Department of National Defence. Through communication, coordination, and the delivery of maritime search and rescue response and operational awareness, the program increases the chances of rescue for people caught in on-water distress situations. The Fleet Operational Readiness and Marine Communications and Traffic Services programs are integral contributors to the delivery of the program. The program's legal basis derives from the Constitution Act, 1867, the Oceans Act, and the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Marine Communications and Traffic Services


The Marine Communications and Traffic Services program is delivered by the Canadian Coast Guard. The safety of mariners and marine environmental protection in Canadian waters depend on the efficient and timely communication of information. The program ensures a reliable communication system is available 24 hours a day to contribute to the safety of life at sea, the protection of the marine environment, and the safe and efficient navigation in Canadian waterways. Services include marine distress and general radio communications, broadcasting maritime safety information, screening vessels entering Canadian waters, regulating vessel traffic in selected Canadian waters, providing marine information to other federal departments and agencies, and providing a public correspondence radiotelephone service in areas where mariners don't have access to public telephone systems. The Shore-Based Asset Readiness and Canadian Coast Guard College programs are integral contributors to this program. The legal basis for the program derives from the Constitution Act, 1867, the Oceans Act, and the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Maritime Security


The Canadian Coast Guard's Maritime Security Program supports the work of federal departments and agencies with maritime and national security mandates, including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Forces, the Canada Border Services Agency, Public Safety Canada, and Transport Canada, by sharing maritime expertise and information and lending vessel support. Fleet Operational Readiness, Marine Communications and Traffic Services, as well as Shore-Based Asset Readiness programs are integral contributors to the delivery of the Maritime Security Program. The program is delivered in coordination with the Department's Compliance and Enforcement program. The legal basis for the support of other federal departments or agencies is found primarily in the Oceans Act.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Fleet Operational Readiness


The Canadian Coast Guard's Fleet Operational Readiness program provides safe and reliable vessels, air cushion vehicles, helicopters, and small craft with professional crews ready to respond to on-water and maritime-related needs. This program involves fleet management and operations, fleet maintenance, and fleet asset procurement. The program ensures that the federal civilian fleet meets the current and emerging needs and priorities of Canadians and Canada. The program supports Coast Guard programs, the Department's science, fisheries, and aquaculture activities, and the activities of other federal departments that need on-water delivery to support their mandates. The Canadian Coast Guard College contributes to the delivery of this program. The legal basis for the program is found in the Constitution Act, 1867, and the Oceans Act.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Shore - Based Asset Readiness


The Canadian Coast Guard Shore-Based Asset Readiness program ensures that the Canadian Coast Guard's non-fleet assets are available and reliable for delivery of Canadian Coast Guard programs. These non-fleet assets include both fixed and floating aids, such as visual aids (e.g. buoys); aural aids (e.g., fog horns); radar aids (e.g., reflectors and beacons); and long-range marine aids, such as the Differential Global Positioning System; as well as electronic communication, navigation systems, and over 300 radio towers. The Shore-Based Asset Readiness program ensures the availability and reliability of these assets through life cycle investment planning, engineering, acquisition, maintenance, and disposal services. The Canadian Coast Guard College is an important contributor to the delivery of this program in its provision of technical training. This program is delivered in coordination with Public Works and Government Services Canada. Activities associated with the life-cycle asset management of Canadian Coast Guard shore-based assets are legislated and guided by the Financial Administration Act and Government Contract Regulations, as well as policies, directives, and guidelines provided by Treasury Board, Treasury Board Secretariat, Industry Canada, and Public Works and Government Services Canada. The legal basis for this program is found in the Constitution Act, 1867, and the Oceans Act.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Canadian Coast Guard College


The Canadian Coast Guard College, the Coast Guard's national, bilingual, degree-conferring training institution, educates the marine professionals necessary to deliver programs in support of Coast Guard's mission and mandate in marine safety, security, and environmental protection. Coast Guard's Fleet Operational Readiness, Shore-Based Asset Readiness, Marine Communications and Traffic Services, Search and Rescue, and Environmental Response programs are integral contributors to the delivery of this program. The legal basis for this program is found in the Constitution Act, 1867, and the Oceans Act.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Hydrographic Products and Services


The safe use of Canadian waterways requires knowledge of the physical limitations to navigation. The Canadian Hydrographic Service contributes to safety on Canadian waterways by undertaking hydrographic surveys from primarily Canadian Coast Guard vessels to measure, describe, and chart the physical features of Canada's oceans and navigable inland waters. As Canada's hydrographic authority, the Canadian Hydrographic Service uses these data to produce up-to-date, timely and accurate nautical charts and publications in support of domestic and international marine transportation in accordance with the requirements of the Canada Shipping Act 2001 and the International Maritime Organization's Safety of Life At Sea Convention. In addition to supporting Safe and Secure Waters strategic objectives, hydrographic information is used in a number of research and development applications in engineering, ocean research, maritime security, marine navigation, ocean management, ecosystem science and the renewable and non-renewable energy sectors.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Ocean Forecasting


As a maritime nation bordered by three oceans, Canada has an obligation to understand ocean processes and their influence on our environment, ecosystems, and coastal communities. To this end the Department conducts research, long-term monitoring of key ocean parameters (temperature, sea level, nutrients, tides, salinity, etc.) and manages the resulting data to ensure integrity and accessibility. In turn, the generation of new knowledge allows the Department to provide advice, products and services that support ecosystem management decisions, adaptation to climatic change, emergency preparedness (e.g. tsunami warnings, storm surges), search and rescue, the mitigation of oil spills, and at-sea operations such as fisheries and offshore energy exploration. Clients of the program include the Canadian Coast Guard, other federal government departments and agencies (e.g., Environment Canada, Department of National Defence, Transport Canada, Public Safety Canada), various maritime industries (e.g., commercial shipping, off-shore energy exploration, commercial fishing), the Canadian and international marine science community and Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Global Affairs
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements


The Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements program enables engagement with foreign governments and international organizations to gain support for decisions and influence actions that advance Canada's interests and values. To achieve this, DFATD engages decision makers at all levels in other countries and facilitates high-level engagement and advocacy by Canadian officials, including the Prime Minister, so that Canada's interests are reflected in bilateral, regional and multilateral agreements and initiatives, including international trade agreements. This program also supports public diplomacy activities to promote Canadian views on issues of concern to Canadians. Through assessed contributions and memberships, the program enables Canada to access international and multilateral organizations to further Canada's interests abroad. The program is also responsible for Canada's formal diplomatic representation abroad, and the accreditation of foreign representatives.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services


The Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services program enables DFATD and the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities by providing sound governance, strategic direction, and efficient and cost-effective common services to Canadian missions abroad and mission partners. These common services include management of real property and mission security, the provision of information management and information technology support, and the governance of the network's locally engaged staff. Management of this mission network is provided through cooperation with DFATD, federal departments and agencies, Crown corporations, provincial governments, other national governments, and non-governmental organizations to ensure common-service standards are clearly defined, and sustainably delivered, and that ongoing changes to the network are effectively managed.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Consular Services and Emergency Management


The Consular Services and Emergency Management program provides travel advice and consular services to Canadians, as well as a coordinated Government of Canada response to emergencies affecting Canadians abroad. This work is done through consular agents and officers at missions abroad and through the use of the website travel.gc.ca and DFATD's social network platform, which provides timely and accurate safe travel information and advisories to Canadians to allow them to make responsible decisions about travel to foreign countries. This program provides Canadians outside Canada with consular assistance for routine requests and also with 24 hours a day, seven days a week assistance in handling individual cases of distress. In cooperation with federal partners and missions, the program provides a coherent whole-of-government response to emergencies abroad affecting Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Integrated Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development Policy


The Integrated Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Policy program ensures that Government of Canada decision makers are provided with international information, analysis and policy advice in order to establish integrated and well-informed policies that advance Canada's interests and values internationally. This is achieved through policy coordination within DFATD, with other government departments and stakeholders, and by utilizing advice provided from DFATD's network of missions abroad to develop integrated and coherent whole-of-government policies on international issues.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
International Commerce


The International Commerce program delivers commerce services and advice to Canadian businesses to help them succeed internationally. This is primarily achieved through Canada's Trade Commissioner Service (TCS), which provides trade promotion tools, expert advice and services that match identified priority markets with the capabilities and interests of Canadian businesses. The TCS organizes sector-specific, targeted trade missions to priority markets, helps Canadian businesses access global value chains, and supports the facilitation, expansion or retention of foreign direct investment as well as international innovation, science and technology partnerships. The TCS facilitates the conclusion of international commercial agreements and actively monitors its responsiveness to the needs of Canadian businesses.


  • EDC is authorized to use Program Code AJQ00 -International Commerce.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
  • 123 - Export Development Canada (Crown Corporation)
Management of Government of Canada Terms and Conditions of Employment Abroad


The Management of Government of Canada Terms and Conditions of Employment Abroad program supports the operation of Canada's mission network by ensuring that Canada-based staff receive timely and accurate Foreign Service Directives (FSD) payments and services, and locally engaged staff (LES) receive timely and accurate Pension, Insurance and Social Security Program payments and support. This is achieved through the effective governance and administration of FSD policy, payments and services, as well as the policies and payments to service providers associated with LES pension, insurance, and social security programs.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
International Security and Democratic Development


The International Security and Democratic Development program contributes to increased security by enhancing the capacity of foreign governments and international organizations to manage international peace and security challenges, prevent and respond to transnational crime and terrorism, and reduce the threat of weapons of mass destruction. It also supports democracy by working with partners in developing countries and regions, fragile states, states in transition to democracy and states governed by repressive regimes to promote the participation of people in political processes, enhance respect for human rights and the rule of law, and promote the emergence of effective and accountable institutions. The program partners with Crown Corporations and other institutions of the Government of Canada, foreign governments, institutions and agencies, multilateral organizations, and civil society organizations to build the stable, democratic foundations necessary for peace, sustainable development and poverty alleviation.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
International Development


Through this program, Global Affairs Canada contributes to reducing poverty and inequality in developing countries, including in fragile contexts, through Canadian, international and local partners. To ensure the greatest impact, the program prioritizes its programming in themes identified by partner countries and where Canada maintains a particular expertise, including sustainable economic growth, children and youth, and food security. A key Canadian initiative included in this program is Canada's commitment to maternal, newborn, and child health. The program's investments in complementary programming areas, such as multi-sector assistance, provide the linkages that ensure that Canada's international development programming remains coherent and supportive of Canada's interests and values. The program is implemented mainly through contributions that target governments in developing countries, multilateral organizations, and non-governmental organizations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
International Humanitarian Assistance


The International Humanitarian Assistance program reduces the vulnerability of people in crisis situations due to armed conflicts, acute food insecurity and natural disasters. It ensures that they receive timely and appropriate emergency food, water and sanitation, nutritional interventions, emergency medical care, shelter coordination and protection, and facilitates this by also supporting coordination and other shared humanitarian services. It addresses acute humanitarian needs through responses to international appeals for assistance. This program features short-term programming to ensure delivery of essential humanitarian services. It also provides long-term institutional support for day-to-day activities and operations of key humanitarian assistance partners. Canada engages on partner organizations' governing bodies and policy issues to ensure that they are effectively empowered to fulfill their humanitarian mandate and have the ability to deliver results in an increasingly challenging political and environmental context.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
  • 123 - Export Development Canada (Crown Corporation)
Canadian Commercial Corporation
Canadian Commercial Corporation


Defence: this consists of export sales in the aerospace, defence and security sectors. These include sales to all levels of government. Emerging and Developing Markets: This is non-Defence Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA) and non-aerospace defence and security business consisting of supply and construction projects in a variety of other sectors and can include sales to all levels of government federal state and municipal. Internal services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
International Development Research Centre
International Development Research Centre


Research on Development Challenges: IDRC supports research in developing countries to promote growth and development. The challenges facing international development are varied and complex. Research and innovation are vitally important to grapple with these challenges. Under the Strategic Framework 2010-2015 IDRC focuses on agriculture and the environment science and innovation; social and economic policy; and health and health systems. Within each focus programs define the specific development problem and identify the most promising approaches to address them. These programs support applied research as well as activities that strengthen the particular fields of knowledge. IDRC continually assesses why where and how to intervene to have the greatest impact. Program funding is allocated on an annual basis to reflect these changing priorities. IDRC works with researchers and innovators in the developing world often in cooperation with researchers in Canada and elsewhere. Most projects are conducted by developing-world institutions themselves including universities research organizations and civil society. IDRC also encourages sharing this knowledge with policymakers other researchers and communities around the world. The result is innovative lasting local solutions that aim to bring choice and change to those who need it most. Capacity to Do Use and Manage Research: IDRC also invests in research intended to assist the developing world to solve its own problems. To contribute to their societies researchers and innovators in the developing world need to access global knowledge engage their peers and share their work. In short they need opportunities to build their capacity to do use and manage research. This program supports projects and technical assistance related to research design and methodology communication and evaluation. Training and experts help researchers to develop their own ideas communicate their results and contribute to the larger efforts to reduce poverty. IDRC also works on evaluation methodologies and tools and supports professional communities of evaluators in the developing world. This program works with research media and evaluation professionals in the developing world. It does so using a "grants-plus" approach to supporting research for development. This approach combines financial support to create new opportunities for research engagement with recipients in the research process and brokering that helps strengthen research-to-policy linkages. The work of IDRC is part of Canada's international assistance and is guided by the International Development Research Centre Act. Internal Services: Internal services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Material Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Invest in Canada Hub
Foreign Direct Investment Attraction


Lead Government of Canada's Foreign Direct Investment attraction efforts by making Canada Top-of-Mind for foreign investors and providing services in support of investor decisions to expand in Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 180 - Invest in Canada Hub
Partnerships and Strategy Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 180 - Invest in Canada Hub
Marketing and Outreach

Department(s) specific:

  • 180 - Invest in Canada Hub
Investor Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 180 - Invest in Canada Hub
International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)
Boundary Waters Treaty


The issuing of Orders of Approval in response to applications for the use, obstruction or diversion of waters that flow along and/or across the boundary if such uses affect the natural water levels or flows on the other side; undertaking investigations of specific issues (references) when requested by governments; and the provision to make binding decisions on matters referred to it by the governments.

Department(s) specific:

  • 024 - International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)
Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement


To evaluate progress toward restoring and maintaining the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the waters of the Great Lakes basin ecosystem.

Department(s) specific:

  • 024 - International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 024 - International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)
Governor General
Governor General's Secretary (Office of the)
Governor General Support


The Office of the Secretary to the Governor General provides support and advice to the Governor General of Canada in his/her unique role as the representative of The Queen in Canada as well as Commander-in-Chief. The Office assists the Governor General in carrying out constitutional responsibilities, in representing Canada internationally, and in encouraging excellence and achievement through the administration of the Canadian Honours System and in the granting of armorial bearings. The Office also supports the Governor General in bringing Canadians together. It manages a visitor services program at both of the Governor General's official residences and oversees the day-to-day operations of these residences. The Office also provides support to former Governors General.

Department(s) specific:

  • 008 - Office of the Governor General's Secretary
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 008 - Office of the Governor General's Secretary
Health (Department of)
Environmental Risks to Health


The Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999 and the Department of Health Act provide the authorities for the Environmental Risks to Health program to assess and manage the health risks associated with climate change, air quality, drinking water quality, and new and existing substances. This program activity links closely with Health Canada's Health Products, Food Safety and Nutrition, Consumer Product Safety and Pesticides program activities, as the Food and Drugs Act, the Pest Control Products Act, and the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act provide the authority to manage the health risks associated with substances in products in the purview of these program activities. Key activities include: risk assessment and management as well as research and bio-monitoring of substances; provision of technical support for chemical emergencies that require a coordinated federal response; development of guidelines on indoor and outdoor air quality; development and dissemination of water quality guidelines; and provision of expert support related to environmental assessments and contaminated sites. The program objective is to protect the health of Canadians through the assessment and management of health risks associated with environmental contaminants, particularly substances, and to provide expert advice and guidelines to Canadians and government partners on the health impacts of environmental factors such as air and water contaminants and a changing climate.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)


The Pest Control Products Act provides Health Canada with the authority to regulate and register pesticides, under the Pesticides program. In the delivery of this program, Health Canada conducts activities that span the lifecycle of a pesticide, including: product assessment for health and environmental risks and product value; risk management; post market surveillance, compliance and enforcement; changes in use, cancellation, or phase out of products that do not meet current standards; and, consultations and public awareness building. Health Canada is also an active partner in international efforts (e.g., North American Free Trade Agreement; Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Regulatory Cooperation Council) to align regulatory approaches. These engagements provide access to the best science available to support regulatory decisions and promote consistency in the assessment of pesticides. The program objective is to protect the health and safety of Canadians relating to the use of pesticides.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care


The Department of Health Act 1996 and the Indian Health Policy (1979) provide the authority for the delivery of the First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care program to First Nations and Inuit in Canada. Primary health care includes health promotion and disease prevention, public health protection (including surveillance), and primary care (where individuals are provided diagnostic, curative, rehabilitative, supportive, palliative/end of life care, and referral services). The Department administers contribution agreements and direct departmental spending related to child development, mental wellness and healthy living, communicable disease control and management, environmental health, clinical and client care, as well as home and community care. The program objective is to improve the health and safety of First Nations and Inuit individuals, families, and communities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Problematic substance use


Under the authority of several Acts, the program regulates tobacco products and controlled substances. Through the Tobacco Act and its regulations the program regulates the manufacture, sale, labelling and promotion of tobacco products. The program leads the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy, the goal of which is to further reduce the prevalence of smoking through regulatory, programming, educational and enforcement activities. Through the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and its regulations, the program regulates access to controlled substances and precursor chemicals to support their legitimate use and minimize the risk of diversion for illicit use. As the lead for the Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy, the program supports prevention, health promotion, treatment initiatives, harm reduction, and enforcement with the goal of reducing substance use and misuse, including prescription drug misuse. In addition, the program provides timely, evidence based information to key stakeholders including, but not limited to, law enforcement agencies, health professionals, provincial and territorial governments and Canadians. The program objective is to minimize risks to the health of Canadians associated with the use of tobacco products, and the illicit use of controlled substances and precursor chemicals.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Specialized Health Services


The Specialized Health Services program supports the Government of Canada-s obligation to protect the health and safety of its employees and the health of visiting dignitaries. Health Canada delivers counselling, organizational development and critical incident support services to federal government departments through a network of contracted mental health professionals and also provides immediate response to employees following traumatic incidents in the workplace. Health Canada delivers occupational health and occupational hygiene consultative services to ensure that public servants meet medical requirements to safely and effectively perform their duties and to prevent work related illness and injury. Health Canada pro-actively contributes to reducing the number of work days lost to illness across the federal government through the provision of occupational and psycho social health services to federal public servants. Health Canada also arranges for the provision of health services for Internationally Protected Persons (IPP) who have come to Canada for international events, such as meetings or official visits by government leaders or the Royal Family. IPPs are representatives of a State, usually Heads of State and/or Government, members of the Royal Family, or officials of an international organisation of an intergovernmental character. The program objective is to ensure continuity of services and the occupational health of federal public servants who can deliver results to Canadians in all circumstances and to arrange health services for IPPs.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Canadian Health System Policy


The Canadian Health System Policy program provides strategic policy advice, research, and analysis to support decision-making on health care system issues, as well as program support to provinces and territories, partners, and stakeholders on health care system priorities. Mindful of equity, sustainability, and affordability Health Canada collaborates and targets its efforts in order to support improvements to the health care system such as better access, quality, and integration of health care services. Through the management of grants and contributions agreements with key pan-Canadian health partners, the Canadian Health System Policy program contributes to priority health issues requiring national leadership and strong partnership. The program objective is to support improvement in the health care system to help Canadians maintain and improve their health.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Health Products


The Department of Health Act, and the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations provide the authority for Health Canada to develop, maintain, and implement a regulatory framework associated with a broad range of health products that affect the everyday lives of Canadians, including pharmaceutical drugs, biologics and radiopharmaceuticals, medical devices, and natural health products. Health Canada verifies that the regulatory requirements for the safety, quality, and efficacy of health products are met through risk assessments, including monitoring and surveillance, compliance, and enforcement activities. In addition, Health Canada provides evidence-based, authoritative information to Canadians and key stakeholders, including health professionals such as physicians, pharmacists, veterinarians and natural health practitioners, to enable them to make informed decisions. The program objective is to ensure that health products are safe, effective, and of high quality for Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Food Safety and Nutrition


The Department of Health Act and the Food and Drugs Act provide the authority for Health Canada to develop, maintain, and implement a regulatory framework associated with the safety and nutritional quality of food. Food safety standards are enforced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Health Canada develops and promotes evidence-based, national healthy eating policies and standards for Canadians and key stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations, health professionals, and industry associations to enable all stakeholders to make informed decisions about food and nutrition safety as well as healthy eating. The program objectives are to manage risks to the health and safety of Canadians associated with food and its consumption, and to enable Canadians to make informed decisions about healthy eating.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Consumer Product and Workplace Hazardous Materials


The Consumer Product Safety and Workplace Hazardous Materials programs support efforts to protect Canadians from unsafe products and chemicals. The Consumer Product Safety program supports industry-s responsibility for the safety of their products under the authorities of the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) and the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) and its Cosmetic Regulations. In addition, the program supports consumers- responsibility to make informed decisions about product purchase and use. Health Canada's efforts are focussed in three areas: active prevention; targeted oversight; and, rapid response. The Hazardous Products Act and the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act provide the authorities for the Workplace Hazardous Materials program to maintain a national hazard communication standard of cautionary labelling and safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals supplied for use in Canadian workplaces and to protect related confidential business information. The program objectives are to identify, assess, manage and communicate health or safety risks to Canadians associated with consumer products and cosmetics, as well as to communicate the hazards of workplace chemicals.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Official Language Minority Community Development


The Official Language Minority Community Development program involves the administration of Health Canada's responsibilities under Section 41 of the Official Languages Act. This Act commits the federal government to enhancing the vitality of official language minority communities and fostering the full recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society. This program includes: consulting with Canada's official language minority communities on a regular basis; supporting and enabling the delivery of contribution programs and services for official language minority communities; reporting to Parliament and Canadians on Health Canada's achievements under Section 41; and, coordinating Health Canada's activities and awareness in engaging and responding to the health needs of official language minority communities. The program objectives are to improve access to health services in the minority official language communities and to increase the use of both official languages in the provision of health care services. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Official Languages Health Contribution Program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Radiation Protection


The Department of Health Act, the Radiation Emitting Devices Act, and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Implementation Act provide the authority for the Radiation Protection program to monitor, regulate, advise, and report on exposure to radiation that occurs both naturally and from man-made sources. In addition, the program is licensed under the Nuclear Safety and Control Act to deliver the National Dosimetry Service, which provides occupational radiation monitoring services. The key components of the program are environmental and occupational radiation monitoring, management of inter organisational plans, procedures, capabilities and committees for a nuclear emergency that requires a coordinated federal response, delivering a national radon outreach program, and regulation of radiation emitting devices. The program objective is to inform and advise other Canadian government departments, collaborate with international partners, and inform Canadians about the health risks associated with radiation, and strategies to manage the associated risks.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Supplementary Health Benefits for First Nations and Inuit


Under the Supplementary Health Benefits for First Nations and Inuit program, the Non Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program provides registered First Nations and recognized Inuit residents in Canada with a specified range of medically necessary health related goods and services, which are not otherwise provided to eligible clients through other private or provincial/territorial programs. NIHB include: pharmaceuticals; medical supplies and equipment; dental care; vision care; short term crisis intervention mental health counselling; and, medical transportation to access medically required health services not available on reserve or in the community of residence. The NIHB Program also pays health premiums on behalf of eligible clients in British Columbia (BC) (as of July 2013, NIHB no longer pays premiums for First Nations residents of BC, who became clients of the First Nation Health Authority in accordance with the BC Tripartite Health Agreement and sub agreements). Benefits are delivered through registered, private sector health benefits providers (e.g., pharmacists and dentists) and funded through NIHB-s electronic claims processing system or through regional offices. Some benefits are also delivered via contribution agreements with First Nations and Inuit organizations and the territorial governments in Nunavut and Northwest Territories. The program objective is to provide benefits in a manner that contributes to the improved health status of First Nations and Inuit. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Supplementary Health Benefits.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit


The Department of Health Act (1996), and the Indian Health Policy (1979) provide the authority for the Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit program to administer contribution agreements and direct departmental spending to support the delivery of health programs and services. The program promotes First Nation and Inuit capacity to design, manage, deliver, and evaluate health programs and services. To better meet the unique health needs of First Nations and Inuit individuals, families, and communities this program also supports: innovation in health program and service delivery; health governance partnerships between Health Canada, the provinces, and First Nation and provincial health services; and, improved integration of First Nation and provincial health services. The program objective is to help improve the health status of First Nations and Inuit people, to become comparable to that of the Canadian population over the long term. The program objective is to help improve First Nations and Inuit capacity to influence and/or control the delivery of health programs and services to First Nations and Inuit individuals, families and communities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Investigator - Initiated Health Research


To develop and support a well-trained base of world-class health researchers and trainees conducting ethically sound research across all aspects of health, including biomedical research, clinical research, research respecting health systems, health services, the health of populations, societal and cultural dimensions of health and environmental influences on health, and other research as required. The goal of this program is to advance health knowledge and to apply this knowledge in order to improve health systems and/or health outcomes. Grants and awards are disbursed to fund research or to provide career or training support. The specific area of research is identified by the researcher.

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Priority-Driven Health Research


CIHR provides funding to researchers for ethically sound emergent and targeted research that responds to the changing health needs and priorities of Canadians across all aspects of health, including biomedical research, clinical research, research respecting health systems, health services, the health of populations, societal and cultural dimensions of health and environmental influences on health, and other research as required. The goal of this program is to advance health knowledge and its application, in specific areas of research identified by CIHR in consultation with other government departments, partners and stakeholders, in order to improve health systems and/or improve health outcomes in these priority areas. Grants are disbursed to fund research or to provide career or training support.

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Food Safety Program


The Food Safety Program aims to mitigate risks to public health associated with diseases and other health hazards in the food supply system and to manage food safety emergencies and incidents. The program achieves its objectives by promoting food safety awareness through public engagement and verification of compliance by industry with standards and science-based regulations. The program delivers initiatives to verify that consumers receive food safety and nutrition information and to mitigate unfair market practices targeting consumers and industry. Collaboration with other governments and stakeholders further enhances the Agency's ability to track, detect and mitigate risks associated with food and the food supply system, including food-borne illness. This program supports public health and instills confidence in Canada's food system.

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Animal Health And Zoonotics Program


The Animal Health and Zoonotics Program aims to mitigate risks to Canada's animal resource base, animal feeds and animal products, which are integral to a safe and accessible food supply system as well as to public health. The program achieves its objectives by mitigating risks to Canada's animals (including livestock and aquatic animals) from regulated diseases, managing animal disease emergencies and incidents, mitigating and managing risks to livestock and derived food products associated with feed, promoting animal welfare and guarding against deliberate threats to the animal resource base. The program helps to mitigate risks associated with animal diseases that can be transmitted to humans by controlling diseases within animal populations. This program supports the health of Canada's animal resources and instills confidence in the safety of Canada's animals, animal products and by-products, and production systems.

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Plant Resources Program


The Plant Resources Program aims to mitigate risks to Canada's plant resource base, which is integral to a safe and accessible food supply, as well as to public health and environmental sustainability. The program achieves its objectives by regulating agricultural and forestry products; mitigating risks to the plant resource base (including crops and forests) from regulated pests and diseases; regulating the safety and integrity of seeds, fertilizers and plant products; and managing plant health emergencies and incidents. The program also guards against deliberate threats to the plant resource base, facilitates the introduction of emerging plant technologies and protects the rights of plant breeders. Achieving the objectives of the program instills confidence in Canada's plants, plant production systems and plant products, and contributes to the health of Canada's plant resources.

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
International Collaboration And Technical Agreements


The Canadian Food Inspection Agency's International Collaboration and Technical Agreements program contributes to a coherent, predictable, and science-based international regulatory framework that facilitates compliance with the regulatory requirements of importing countries' food, animals, plants, and their products, resulting in the facilitation of multi-billion dollar trade for the Canadian economy. The program achieves its objectives through active participation in international fora for the development of international science-based rules, standards, guidelines and policies and the management of sanitary and phytosanitary committees established under international agreements. The CFIA's active promotion of the Canadian science-based regulatory system among foreign trading partners and its negotiations to resolve scientific and technical issues contribute to market access. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment:Federal Assistance Program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Pharmaceutical Trends Program


The PMPRB reports annually to Parliament through the Minister of Health on its price review activities, the prices of patented medicines and price trends for all drugs, and R and D expenditures as reported by pharmaceutical patentees. In supporting this requirement, the pharmaceutical trends program provides complete and accurate information on trends in manufacturers' prices of patented medicines sold in Canada and on patentees' research-and-development expenditures to interested stakeholders including: industry (i.e., brand-name, biotech, generic); federal, provincial and territorial (F/P/T) governments; consumer and patient advocacy groups; third party payers; and others. This information also provides assurance to Canadians that the prices of patented medicines are not excessive. In addition, as a result of the establishment of the National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System (NPDUIS) by F/P/T ministers of health the Minister of Health requested that the PMPRB conduct analysis of price, utilization and cost trends for patented and non-patented prescription drugs so that Canada's health system has more comprehensive, accurate information on how all prescription drugs are being used and on the sources of cost increases. This function is aimed at providing federal/provincial/territorial governments and other interested stakeholders with a centralized credible source of information on all prescription drug prices.

Department(s) specific:

  • 109 - Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Patented Medicine Prices Regulation Program


The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) is an independent quasi-judicial body that is responsible for ensuring that the prices that patentees charge for patented medicines sold in Canada are not excessive based on the price review factors in the Patent Act (the Act). To make this determination the Board must consider each of the following factors: prices at which the medicine and other medicines in the same therapeutic class have been sold in Canada and in the seven comparator countries listed in the Patented Medicines Regulations (Regulations); changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI); and in accordance with the Act, such other factors as may be specified in any regulations made for the purposes of the price review. Under the Act, and as per the Regulations, patentees are required to file price and sales information for each patented medicine sold in Canada, for the duration of the patent(s). Board Staff reviews the introductory and ongoing information filed by patentees, for all patented medicines sold in Canada. When it finds that the price of a patented medicine appears to be excessive, Board Staff will conduct an investigation into the price. An investigation could result in: its closure where it is concluded that the price was non-excessive; a Voluntary Compliance Undertaking (VCU) by the patentee to reduce the price and offset excess revenues obtained as a result of excessive prices through a payment and/or a price reduction of another patented drug product; or a public hearing to determine if the price is excessive, including any remedial order determined by the Board. In the event that the Board Hearing Panel finds, after a public hearing, that a price is or was excessive, it may order the patentee to reduce the price and take measures to offset any excess revenues. This program, by reviewing the prices charged by patentees for patented medicines sold in Canada, protects Canadians and the health care system from excessive prices.

Department(s) specific:

  • 109 - Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 109 - Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Public Health Agency of Canada
Public Health Infrastructure


The Public Health Infrastructure Program strengthens Canada's public health, workforce capability, information exchange, and federal, provincial and territorial networks, and scientific capacity. These infrastructure elements are necessary for effective public health practice and decision-making in Canada. The program works with federal, provincial and territorial stakeholders in planning for and building strategic and targeted investments in public health infrastructure, including public health research, training, tools, best practices, standards, and mechanisms to facilitate information exchange and coordinated action. Public health laboratories provide leadership in research, technical innovation, reference laboratory services, surveillance, outbreak response capacity and national laboratory coordination to inform public health policy and practice. Through these capacity-building mechanisms and scientific expertise, the Government of Canada facilitates effective coordination and timely public health interventions which are essential to having an integrated and evidence-based national public health system based on excellence in science. Key stakeholders include local, regional, provincial, national and international, public health organizations, practitioners and policy makers, researchers and academics, professional associations and non-governmental organizations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention


Working in collaboration with provinces, territories, and stakeholders, the Program develops and implements federal aspects of frameworks and strategies (e.g., Curbing Childhood Obesity: A Federal, Provincial and Territorial Framework for Action to Promote Healthy Weights, national approaches to addressing immunization) geared toward promoting health and preventing disease.

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Health Security


The Health Security Program takes an all hazards approach to the health security of Canada's population, which provides the Government of Canada with the ability to prevent, prepare for and respond to public health events/emergencies. This program seeks to bolster the resiliency of the populations and communities, thereby enhancing the ability to cope and respond. To accomplish this, its main methods of intervention include actions taken through collaborations with key jurisdictions and international collaborators. These actions are carried out by fulfilling Canada's obligations under the International Health Regulations and through the administration and enforcement of pertinent legislation and regulations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Families, Children and Social Development
Employment and Social Development (Department of)


This Program seeks to promote and sustain stable industrial relations and safe, fair, healthy, equitable and productive workplaces within the federal jurisdiction (transportation, post office and courier companies, communications, banking, grain and nuclear facilities, federal Crown corporations, companies who have major contracts with the federal government Aboriginal governments, their employees, Aboriginal communities and certain Aboriginal undertakings). It develops labour legislation and regulations to achieve an effective balance between workers' and employers' rights and responsibilities. The program ensures that workplaces under the federal jurisdiction respect the rights and obligations established under labour legislation. The program also manages Canada's international and intergovernmental labour affairs, as well as Aboriginal labour affairs responsibilities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)


This program helps Canadians participate in post-secondary education to acquire the skills and credentials that enable them to improve their labour market outcomes and adapt to changing labour market conditions. It reduces barriers to education by providing financial assistance to students and apprentices as well as incentives for families to save for a child's post-secondary education. It also provides information and awareness about opportunities to acquire education and skills. The program contributes to the inclusiveness of the workforce by giving Canadians with the required academic abilities a more equal opportunity to participate in post-secondary education. The program works with the provinces and territories, voluntary sector, financial institutions, service providers and other key stakeholders to help Canadians pursue post-secondary education.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Skills and Employment


The Skills and Employment program is intended to ensure that Canadian labour market participants are able to access the supports that they need to enter or reposition themselves in the labour market so that they can contribute to economic growth through full labour market participation. Initiatives within this program contribute to the common overall objectives of promoting skills development, enhancing labour market participation and ensuring labour market efficiency.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Income Security


This program ensures that Canadians are provided with retirement pensions, survivor pensions, disability benefits and benefits for children through the Old Age Security program, the Canada Pension Plan, the Canada Disability Savings Program and the National Child Benefit program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Social Development


This Program supports programs for the homeless and those individuals at risk of homelessness, as well as programs for children, families, seniors, communities and people with disabilities. It provides these groups with the knowledge, information and opportunities to move forward with their own solutions to social and economic challenges.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Service Network Supporting Government Departments


This program supports Government of Canada programs by ensuring that Canadians have the information necessary to make informed choices about available programs and services, and the tools to access them, while supporting migration to preferred service channels. Canadians are able to access information about Government of Canada programs and services in the most accessible and convenient way, have their questions answered quickly and accurately, and receive or are directed to the information or service they need. Under this program, information and services are delivered to Canadians through the Internet, the 1 800 O Canada and customized telephone services, as well as through a network of in-person points of service.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Delivery of Services for Other Government of Canada Programs


This program provides service delivery oversight and monitoring on behalf of other government department programs through service delivery agreements. It provides Canadians access to a range of Government of Canada programs benefits and services in person by phone by mail and over the Internet through the provision of: basic and detailed program and service information; application intake and review for completeness; client authentication and validation of identity documents; quick and direct access to specialized agents within the other department; and provision of space in the service delivery network for other departments. It enables a move from department and program siloes to the achievement of a seamless service delivery network resulting in timelier accurate and cost - effective service delivery to Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Market Analysis Information


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) collects, analyzes and disseminates housing market information that facilitates informed housing related decisions by those in the industry, the public at large and CMHC. This includes the provision of housing market data, analysis and forecasts through publications, conferences, seminars, industry roundtables and custom data services. To meet client information needs, CMHC undertakes various surveys of: starts and completions; market absorption; and the rental market through Housing Market Surveys and Housing Market Information Dissemination.

Department(s) specific:

  • 091 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Crown Corporation)
Housing Policy, Research and Information Transfer


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) develops policy, conducts research and disseminates information on matters related to housing finance and capital markets, housing conditions, and sustainable housing technologies and practices. This work is undertaken to support and strengthen the economic, technical, social and sustainable aspects of Canadian housing, as well as facilitate the development and implementation of federal housing policy. This includes the examination of housing finance trends and policy options for regulations, incentives and securitization tools in the primary and secondary markets; the analysis of distinct housing needs of specific populations such as Aboriginal people, seniors, persons with disabilities, and low income households, and how these can be addressed; and the identification of practical approaches to advancing sustainable technologies and practices in the housing sector. CMHC undertakes this activity by funding research, demonstrations and technology assessments, and by developing and disseminating timely, useful and relevant information to target audiences. These activities increase awareness and understanding of housing matters and inform policies, practices and decision making on the part of industry, consumers and government.

Department(s) specific:

  • 091 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Crown Corporation)
Insured Mortgage Purchase Program


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) undertakes programs, as mandated by the Government of Canada, to provide support to the housing finance sector in Canada and its place within the Canadian economy. The Insured Mortgage Purchase Program (IMPP) was offered by the Government of Canada from October 2008 to March 2010, under CMHC's management. The IMPP helped maintain the availability of longer term credit in Canada during the global financial crisis by allowing Canadian financial institutions to sell National Housing Act (NHA) Mortgage Back Securities (MBS) to CMHC through competitive auctions. The availability of funds under IMPP closed as of March 2010, however the securities purchased under the program will amortize over a five year period.

Department(s) specific:

  • 091 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Crown Corporation)
Funding Under Long - Term Commitments for Existing Social Housing


Financial assistance is provided for the existing social housing portfolio to fulfill obligations made between 1946 and 1993 under long term subsidy agreements with various terms and conditions. Financial assistance is provided to provinces/territories and First Nations for the following programs: Social Housing Programs including Public Housing, Co-operative Housing Non-Profit and Urban native Housing Programs, Rent Supplement, and Rural and Native Housing. This includes funding provided to provinces/territories under Social Housing Agreements as well as financial assistance to First Nations under these long term agreements.

Department(s) specific:

  • 091 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Crown Corporation)
Funding for New Commitments of Affordable Housing


Includes expenditures to: increase the supply of affordable housing (through construction, conversion or assistance such as rent supplements); preserve the quality of existing affordable housing (through renovation); and, support new construction and modification to affordable housing to provide accommodations for victims of family violence or extend independent living for seniors or persons with disabilities. These commitments can serve all Canadians, including those living on reserve.

Department(s) specific:

  • 091 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Crown Corporation)
Housing Support


Other contractual commitments for housing and municipal infrastructure help to reduce affordability problems for low and moderate income households, to provide accommodation for students and to provide production of moderately priced rental housing. The program also provides ancillary services to support Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's mandate. This includes the Affordable Housing Centre, the Housing Related Infrastructure Loans to Municipalities and Other Long Term Commitments such as the Market Housing Programs and the Community Services Program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 091 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Crown Corporation)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 091 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Crown Corporation)
Other revenue - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Department(s) specific:

  • 091 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Crown Corporation)
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational Health and Safety Information Development, Delivery Services and Tripartite Collaboration


The goal of this program is to provide free information on occupational health and safety to support Canadians in their efforts to improve workplace safety and health. Citizens are provided information through a free and impartial personalized service via telephone, e-mail, person-to-person, fax or mail. Alternatively they can independently access a broad range of electronic and print resources developed to support safety and health information needs of Canadians. This may include cost recovery products and services and is supported financially by contributions from various stakeholders. Through health and safety information development, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) collects, processes, analyzes, evaluates, creates and publishes authoritative information resources on occupational health and safety for the benefit of all working Canadians. This information is used for education and training, research, policy development, development of best practices, improvement of health and safety programs, achieving compliance, and for personal use. Various levels of service are available from free to purchase of products and services. When the product or service provided by CCOHS is provided to identify external recipients with benefits beyond those enjoyed by the general taxpayer, a user fee is charged. CCOHS promotes and facilitates consultation and cooperation among federal, provincial and territorial jurisdictions and participation by labour, management and other stakeholders in the establishment and maintenance of high standards and occupational health and safety initiatives for the Canadian context. The sharing of resources results in the coordinated and mutually beneficial development of unique programs, products and services. Collaborative projects are usually supported with a combination of financial and non financial contributions to the programs by stakeholders and result in advancement of the health and safety initiatives.

Department(s) specific:

  • 100 - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 100 - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Indigenous and Northern Affairs
Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Other Claims


This Program addresses payments related to the resolution of litigation and/or out-of-court settlements for any claim that cannot be designated to any other existing INAC program. Key activities could include: the assessment of the merits of the claim; the completion of a settlement agreement where appropriate; payment of any monetary compensation and funding and implementation of related activities pursuant to the terms of a settlement agreement and/or direction by a Tribunal or court.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Infrastructure and Capacity


This Program provides funding and advisory assistance to First Nation communities for the construction, acquisition, operation and maintenance of community infrastructure assets on reserves. These assets include drinking water systems, wastewater systems and community buildings. The Program also includes support for emergency management assistance, climate change adaptation projects and funding and advisory support for water and wastewater systems, education facilities, housing and other community infrastructure such as roads and bridges, electrification, and community buildings (these four sub-programs are collectively known as the Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program). Ultimately, this Program enables First Nations to participate more fully in the Canadian economy by establishing infrastructure that meets established standards, and the needs of First Nation communities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)


This Program's overarching goal is to work in partnership with First Nations, provincial and territorial governments and other education stakeholders, to provide eligible First Nation and Inuit students with support in order to achieve educational outcomes that are comparable to those of other Canadians. The Education Program provides funding for culturally-appropriate elementary and secondary education for eligible First Nation students ordinarily resident on reserve, and financially supports post-secondary education for eligible First Nation and Inuit students.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Governance and Institutions of Government


This Program provides support to First Nation governments, as well as Indigenous governance institutions and organizations. The intent of this support is to facilitate capacity development in the Indigenous public service, the elected leadership, and entities that administer aggregate services on behalf of or to First Nation governments and their communities. Transparent and accountable First Nation governments attract investment, create opportunities, and effectively support their citizens. Transparent and accountable institutions and organizations strengthen the fabric of Indigenous governments across Canada, assist Indigenous communities and their governments in attracting investment, and support Indigenous participation in the Canadian economy. Ultimately, good governance practices are essential for active Indigenous participation in Canadian society and the economy.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
First Nations Individual Affairs


This Program contributes to ensuring federal stewardship of the legislative and administrative responsibilities of the federal government pertaining to registration, membership, status cards and estates. Results are achieved through direct client services and partnerships with First Nations to determine eligibility for registration under the Indian Act, issuing proof of registration documents such as the Secure Certificate of Indian Status, and administering estates under the Indian Act. Through client-centric service delivery, the sound administration of individual affairs contributes to the well-being of First Nation individuals, families and communities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Northern Governance and People


This Program strengthens the North's communities and people by: devolving responsibilities for lands and natural resources to territorial governments; fostering effective intergovernmental relations with territorial and Inuit governments; collaborating with Inuit organizations and providing support to Territorial Commissioners; subsidizing the costs of nutritious perishable foods in isolated northern communities; providing grants for hospital and physician services in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories; working with northern communities, governments, and organizations to address the risks and challenges posed by climate change and reduce reliance on diesel; and, advancing Canadian and northern interests through circumpolar forums such as the international Arctic Council. Canadians and Northerners will benefit from territorial governments ultimately having more control over their own affairs.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management


This Program focuses on the management, sustainable development and regulatory oversight of the land, water, natural resources, and environment of the North, delivering on the Department-s role as the Government of Canada-s natural resource manager in Nunavut and the northern offshore and its post-devolution responsibilities in the Northwest Territories and Yukon. This Program involves: managing oil and gas resources development; supporting the sustainable management of active mineral exploration and development; supporting the sound management of contaminated sites and the few remaining INAC-managed land and water areas in the North; and ensuring the completion of territorial land-use planning including zones for conservation, development and other uses. Northerners and Canadians will benefit from economic opportunities and sustainable development.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Social Development


This Program provides funding to four social sub-programs: Income Assistance Assisted Living First Nations Child and Family Services and Family Violence Prevention. Together these sub-programs assist First Nation individuals and communities in becoming more self-sufficient protect individuals and families at risk of violence provide prevention supports that allow individuals and families to better care for their children and support greater participation in the labour market. The Program assists First Nation men women and children to achieve greater independence and self-sufficiency in First Nation communities across Canada by providing funding for First Nations First Nation organizations provinces and others that provide individual and family services to on-reserve residents (and Yukon First Nation residents). These services help First Nation communities meet basic and special needs support employability and participation in the workforce and support the safety of individuals and families. Through these four social sub-programs First Nations are better able to advance their own development leverage opportunities and actively contribute to the broader Canadian economy and society.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Urban Programming for Indigenous Peoples


This Program supports front-line Indigenous Service Delivery Organizations, such as Friendship Centres and others, that provide a continuum of programs and services to urban Indigenous Canadians. It is comprised of four program streams: Organizational Capacity; Programs and Services; Coalitions; as well as Research and Innovation. The Organizational Capacity stream provides core funding Indigenous organizations, including Friendship centres, that deliver programs and services to urban Indigenous peoples. The Programs and Services stream provides project funding to organizations delivering a broad range of programs and services to urban Indigenous peoples. The Coalitions stream supports local coalitions that bring together stakeholders to identify key local priorities, and ensure efficient delivery of programs and services. The Research and Innovation stream provides funding to better understand the urban Indigenous reality, gather information on best practices, methodologies and programming approaches, as well as pilot innovative programs and services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Rights and Interests of Indigenous Peoples


This Program seeks to strengthen collaboration between governments and Indigenous groups through mutual respect, trust, understanding, shared responsibilities, accountability, dialogue and negotiation concerning the rights and interests of Indigenous peoples. Partnerships will be established helping to contribute to the strengthening of the social, economic and cultural well-being of Indigenous communities to support conditions for more active participation in Canadian society. The Program also addresses reconciliation objectives, constitutional and historic obligations and public policy by: negotiating agreements that achieve clarity with respect to law-making authority and the ownership, use and control of lands and resources; addressing specific claims; dealing with special claims; developing multi-partner processes in areas identified by Indigenous groups and the federal government; and supporting effective and meaningful consultation and accommodation with Indigenous groups and their representation in federal policy and program development.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties


This Program aims to create and maintain ongoing partnerships to support fulfilment of Canada's legal obligations pursuant to both pre and post-1975 treaties, while considering ongoing rights and interests of Indigenous peoples. This Program supports Indigenous communities in articulating their interests, participating in economic activities, and managing and developing land and resources, where applicable. It also helps to demonstrate the importance of treaties and related partnerships between the Crown and Indigenous peoples. This is achieved by honouring Canada's obligations as set out in final settlement agreements and treaties, and by improving collaboration between Canada and Indigenous peoples, and between Canada and pre and post-1975 Treaty groups. Creating and maintaining relationships and partnerships that honour pre and post-1975 treaties contributes to strengthened, healthy, self-reliant and sustainable Indigenous communities while promoting delivery of programs and services vital to the health and advancement of Indigenous peoples. This Program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): (S) Indian Annuities Treaty payments; (S) Grants to Aboriginal organizations designated to receive claim settlement payments pursuant to Comprehensive Land Claim Settlement Acts; Grants to implement comprehensive land claims and self-government agreements; Grants to Participating First Nations and the First Nations Education Authority Pursuant to the First Nations Jurisdiction over Education in British Columbia Act; Contributions to support the negotiation and implementation of Treaties, Claims and self-government agreements or initiatives; Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development; and Contributions to support First Nations Elementary and Secondary Educational Advancement.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Indigenous Entrepreneurship


This Program supports and strengthens the long-term viability of Indigenous entrepreneurial business, greater participation in the economy, and improved economic prosperity for Indigenous peoples. This Program - guided by the Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development - helps create and grow viable Indigenous businesses through increasing access to capital, capacity, networks, business development services and business opportunities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Community Economic Development


This Program promotes conditions that will help improve community economic development and prosperity for Indigenous peoples. Guided by the Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development - and its vision of Enhancing the Value of Indigenous Assets - this Program promotes greater self-reliance and participation in the mainstream economy and community well-being. This is achieved through supports to institutions and First Nations for land and environmental management and economic development.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Strategic Partnerships


This Program supports Indigenous community preparedness activities to engage with partners in economic opportunities, including the Strategic Partnerships Initiative (SPI) - an innovative, horizontal program intended to align federal efforts to support Indigenous participation in complex economic opportunities, particularly large regional opportunities and major resource developments. The Strategic Partnership Initiative provides a mechanism for federal partners to collectively identify emerging opportunities, target investment decisions and streamline program application and approval processes to support Indigenous communities at the early stages of large and complex economic opportunities. In doing so, closer partnerships with non-federal partners, including provincial and territorial governments, the private sector and Indigenous communities can be built. By addressing gaps in programming, this ensure that Indigenous peoples can participate in and benefit from priority regional opportunities and major resource developments. This Program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support the Aboriginal Economic Development Strategic Partnerships Initiative.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Residential Schools Resolution


The Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) - a multi-party negotiated settlement monitored by the courts - is a commitment to a fair and lasting resolution to the legacy of Indian Residential Schools The IRSSA supports the Government of Canada-s goal of reconciliation with former students, their families and communities, and other Canadians. The Independent Assessment Process - the one remaining component of the IRSSA is a non-adversarial, out-of-court process for claims of sexual abuse, serious physical abuse, and other wrongful acts causing serious psychological consequences to the claimant. The IAP aims to bring a fair and lasting resolution to harm caused by residential schools through a claimant-centred and neutral process. Updates on the IAP are posted quarterly on the Department's website. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for Groups of Indian Residential School survivors who wish to resolve their claim as a group under the Independent Assessment Process.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Northern Science and Technology


This Program supports scientific research and technology in the North through programs and infrastructure to ensure domestic and international policy on key northern issues is better informed by a scientific knowledge base. The focus of this Program is to: research and monitor contaminants and their impacts on the ecosystem and human health through the Northern Contaminants sub-program; assess, manage and communicate scientific data and results, and contribute expertise to help inform public policy making and international controls on certain contaminants; and support the construction of the Canadian High Arctic Research Station. Northerners and all Canadians will benefit from a knowledge base that supports health and sustainable development and the positioning of Canada as an international leader in Arctic science and technology.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of)
Canadian High Arctic Research Station
Science and Technology for the North


This program aims to create the conditions for CHARS to anchor a strong research presence in Canada's Arctic. Through both partnering and internal science and technology, CHARS will acquire the wide range of information needed for effective solutions to Arctic issues, policy and research program development in the North, and to advance Canada's position as a leading Arctic nation. The depth of knowledge gained through scientific and technological research and training supports greater sustainable use of the North's land and natural resources.

Department(s) specific:

  • 171 - Canadian High Arctic Research Station
Polar Knowledge Application


This program aims to lead the mobilization of polar science and technology into action. CHARS will: analyse and disseminate polar knowledge from its Science and Technology Program, as well as that from current federal, territorial and other stakeholders, and investments to inform management, programming, and policies; promote Arctic science and technology nationally and internationally; and build capacity through training, outreach, and learning opportunities. This will ensure polar knowledge is relevant to stakeholders and builds a science culture in Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 171 - Canadian High Arctic Research Station
Internal services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 171 - Canadian High Arctic Research Station
Innovation, Science and Economic Development
Industry (Department of)
Industrial Competitiveness and Capacity


This program helps Canadian industries increase their competitiveness in global markets and improve their capacity for developing and marketing innovative products and services. The program develops expertise on Canadian firms and sectors through research and analysis and engagement with associations, governments and leading firms. It applies this expertise to develop and contribute to policy, legislation and regulations aimed at strengthening the contribution of industry to Canada's innovation performance and economic well-being. This program collaborates with the private sector on industry development; attracts investment and promotes Canadian expertise; and advances initiatives for increasing productivity and supporting growth.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Industrial Research and Development Financing


This program helps Canadian businesses increase research and development (R&D) activities by investing in innovative projects and collaborations through repayable and non-repayable contributions. Projects supported under this program are expected to produce benefits to Canada, including generating strategic R&D investment, developing new technologies and enhancing Canadian innovation capacity and expertise.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Community Economic Development


This program advances the economic development of Northern Ontario communities in the same manner that regional development agencies support similar activities in other regions of Canada. Its main goal is to strengthen the Northern Ontario economy by providing financial support through contribution agreements for economic and community development projects led by the private, not for profit and public sectors, including support for official language minority communities. This program also contributes to improving the availability of broadband Internet access across Canada and provides computers for schools and not for profit organizations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Marketplace Frameworks and Regulation


This program regulates and provides oversight over a number of aspects of the Canadian marketplace, including trade measurement, insolvency, corporate governance including federal incorporation, intellectual property, market access and consumer affairs. The program develops and administers framework statutes, regulations, policies and procedures; develops, sets and assures compliance with related regulatory reforms and standards; and consults with a variety of stakeholders and portfolio organizations. Overall, the program benefits Canadian businesses and consumers by ensuring the integrity of the marketplace and providing a competitive environment that contributes to Canada's innovation performance.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Science, Technology and Innovation Capacity


This program sets the strategic direction for policies and programs that support and stimulate research, development and innovation in Canada. In collaboration with Industry Portfolio partners, other government departments and external stakeholders from the private and public sectors, the program fosters an environment that is conducive to innovation and promotes scientific excellence.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Spectrum, Telecommunications, and the Digital Economy


This program enables Canadians to benefit from a globally competitive digital economy that drives innovation, productivity and future prosperity. This includes developing and administering domestic regulations, procedures and standards that govern Canada's radiocommunication and telecommunications industries. The program sets legislative and policy frameworks to encourage competition, innovation, private sector investment in digital infrastructure, confidence in the online marketplace, and greater adoption of information and communications technologies by business. The program maximizes the public benefits of spectrum by managing it efficiently and effectively, through spectrum and radio licensing including auctions, compliance and enforcement. The program protects Canadian interests in the radiocommunications and telecommunications industry globally and facilitates international online trade and commerce by negotiating international treaties and agreements. This program also performs research in advanced telecommunication and information technologies to promote innovation and assist in the development of policies, regulations and program delivery.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Small Business Research, Financing and Services


This program enhances the growth and competitiveness of small business and encourages entrepreneurial activity across Canada. It raises awareness across government of the challenges facing small businesses and provides knowledge and expertise on small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in a number of areas, including entrepreneurship, financing, innovation, and growth firms. It also addresses obstacles to growth such as paperwork burden and delivers programs that help support SMEs.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Marketplace Competition and Investments


This program administers federal laws relating to the investigation of anti-competitive behaviour and the general regulation of trade and commerce in respect of business practices, including the review of mergers and significant foreign investments. It protects, promotes and advocates for efficient markets in a manner that encourages ongoing economic growth and innovation, providing consumers and businesses with competitive prices and increased product choices.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Economic Development


The program supports economic development in Canada's three territories: Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and Yukon. Ensuring that the North is able to participate actively in the economy is essential to Canada's economic growth. Each territory has unique opportunities and challenges that require individual strategies to foster a sustainable, competitive and diverse economic development. Through funding support, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor) strengthens and stimulates the northern economy by taking steps to advance private sector efforts, ranging from small and medium enterprises to large-scale industry. There is also a strong focus on creating the conditions to position individuals, including Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal northerners, communities, and business-related organizations for economic success.

Department(s) specific:

  • 078 - Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Policy and Alignment


This program supports research and analysis to guide programming and policy choices, the promotion of northern interests both inside and outside of the federal government, and the development of horizontal strategies, initiatives and projects to address economic development challenges and opportunities in the North.

Department(s) specific:

  • 078 - Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 078 - Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Enterprise Development


Despite recent economic progress and some promising opportunities on the horizon (e.g. energy, shipbuilding), some significant challenges remain for the region to maximize positive growth. One of the most telling indicators of this is that, in a number of sectors, productivity remains significantly lower than in leading countries and other regions of Canada. The Agency works in partnership with Atlantic Canadian businesses, stakeholders, industry and institutions to improve the growth and productivity of Atlantic Canada's economy, leading to increased competitiveness, higher earned incomes and job creation. The Agency works to improve the capacity of Atlantic Canada's rural and urban areas for economic growth through a variety of strategically focused mechanisms: assisting businesses, particularly small and medium-sized ones, to start, expand or modernize and to establish or expand export activities; partnering with universities and other institutions to increase the region's research and development capacity, commercialization and productivity; and promoting and participating in the region's transition to a knowledge economy.

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Community Development


The Atlantic economy is built on the region's many geographic, linguistic and cultural communities. From rural areas to larger urban centres, the opportunities and challenges vary significantly. Communities are the foundation of economic development and are critical for economic prosperity. The Agency recognizes the importance of communities and supports their efforts to develop the resources they need to contribute fully to their economic development. For those reasons, the Agency focuses community development efforts and strategies to create dynamic and sustainable communities with increased economic and business activities as well as quality public infrastructure. The Agency develops and delivers programming that meets the unique economic development needs of rural areas in Atlantic Canada and that contributes to a stronger region. The Agency collaborates with the private sector, other levels of government, other federal government departments, educational institutions, non-profit organizations and communities to leverage support, coordinate economic development, identify and capitalize on emerging opportunities and react to economic challenges across the region. This requires a flexible approach based on the realities of a given community's capacities, strengths and challenges.

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Policy, Advocacy and Coordination


The Agency's Policy, Advocacy and Coordination (PAC) program is central to identifying and effectively responding to opportunities and challenges facing the regional economy. PAC provides intelligence, analysis and well-grounded advice on a broad range of issues and topics, and it informs and supports Agency and ministerial decision making. PAC helps carry the Agency's agenda forward and ensure that ACOA overall remains relevant and responsive to the opportunities and challenges in Atlantic Canada by offering strategic, researched policy positions that reflect the region's potential, by influencing national policies and programs that affect Atlantic Canada's development and interests, and in coordinating other policies and programs within the region to form integrated approaches to development.

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Canadian Space Agency
Future Canadian Space Capacity


This Program attracts, sustains and enhances the nation's critical mass of Canadian space specialists, fosters space-related innovation and know-how in Canada, and preserves the nation's space-related facilities capability. In doing so, it encourages private-public collaboration that requires a concerted approach to future space missions. This Program secures the nation's strategic and ongoing presence in space in the future and to preserve Canada's capability to deliver internationally renowned space assets for future generations. It is targeted at Canadian academia, industry and youth, as well as users of Canadian space solutions (Government of Canada (GoC) organizations) and international partners. This Program is conducted with the participation of funding agencies, GoC organizations along with government facilities and infrastructure, foreign space agencies, not-for-profit organizations and provincial governments. This collaborative effort is formalized under contracts, grants, contributions or national and international partnership agreements.

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Space Data, Information and Services


This Program includes the provision of space-based solutions (data, information and services) and the progression of their utilization. It also serves to install and run ground infrastructure that processes the data and operates satellites. This Program utilizes space-based solutions to assist Government of Canada (GoC) organizations in delivering growing, diversified and cost-effective programs and services within their mandate, which are related to key national priorities such as sovereignty, defence, safety and security, resource management, environmental monitoring and the North. It also provides academia with the data required to perform its own research. The services delivered through this Program are rendered, and the data and information are generated and processed, with the participation of the Canadian space industry, academia, GoC organizations, national and international organizations such as foreign space agencies, not-for-profit organizations, as well as provincial and municipal governments. This collaborative effort is formalized under national and international partnership agreements and contracts. This Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Space Exploration


This Program provides valuable Canadian science, signature technologies and qualified astronauts to international space exploration endeavours. This Program contributes to the Government of Canada's Strategy Mobilizing Science and Technology to Canada's Advantage. It fosters the generation of knowledge as well as technological spin-offs that contribute to a higher quality of life for Canadians. It generates excitement within the population in general and contributes to nation-building. This Program appeals to the science and technology communities. It is targeted mostly towards Canadian academia and international space exploration partnerships. Canadian industry also benefits from the work generated within this Program. This Program is delivered with the participation of foreign space agencies and Government of Canada (GoC) organizations. This collaborative effort is formalized under international partnership agreements, contracts, grants or contributions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Canadian Tourism Commission
Canadian Tourism Commission


Tourism Research and Communications: The Tourism Research and Communications Program generates and communicates strategic business intelligence, market and consumer research, and tourism news and information that are vital to maintaining a competitive edge for Canada's tourism industry. This program is necessary as the CTC is legislated to "provide information about Canadian tourism to the private sector and to the government of Canada, the provinces and the territories" (CTC Act, section 5d). Marketing and Sales: The Marketing and Sales program focuses on three major geographical market segments
  • the Americas Europe and Asia/Pacific
  • in addition to targeting tourism activities associated with Meetings Conventions and Incentive Travel (MC&IT).
Marketing and sales efforts are based on three channels: 'direct to consumer' advertising and marketing; travel trade; and media and public relations. This program is fundamental to CTC's role as Canada's national tourism marketing organization and directly supports CTC's outcome of increasing awareness and consideration of Canada as a tourism destination in CTC markets and generating export revenues from the expenditures of international visitors to Canada. Experiential Product Development: The Experiential Product Development program influences the quality and quantity of diverse and competitive tourism experiences in Canada. This program is necessary for the Canadian Tourism Small and Medium Sizes Enterprises (SMEs) as it is the first point of entry for the SMEs to develop Canadian-branded export ready consumer relevant product experiences that are used in CTC sales marketing and media relations initiatives. Products and tools developed under this program such as Experiences Toolkit (practical insight such as moving from a tourism product to an experience and customer trends) Brand Toolkit (an in-depth branding resource) and Digital Assets (videos photos) are free for SMEs use and help SMEs increase their market readiness viability and competitiveness both domestically and internationally. Internal Services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Business Development


This program is designed to support enterprises development throughout their life cycle so as to sustain Quebec's economic growth. Enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular, are an engine of economic development. They are recognized as generating a significant share of economic activity and creating employment in communities. Canada Economic Development Agency for the Regions of Quebec (CED) contributes to the renewal of the pool of enterprises in Quebec by supporting the emergence of new SMEs and business succession. CED also works to increase the competitiveness of existing enterprises and support their survival by enhancing their performance. CED does so by supporting projects that allow existing enterprises to modernize, expand, launch or extend their export activities, reinforce their innovation capability, commercialize, and establish partnerships. In this program, CED mainly targets enterprises either directly or via non-profit organizations providing support for enterprises or entrepreneurs. CED promotes business development through a grants and contributions program, the Quebec Economic Development Program (QEDP).

Department(s) specific:

  • 012 - Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Regional Economic Development


This program is intended to strengthen the regions' economic base so as to sustain the growth of Quebec's economy. Quebec's regions differ in, among other things, their industrial structure, and some are more sensitive to economic fluctuations. Quebec's prosperity depends on the participation of the different regions in the economy to their full potential. CED wishes to contribute to building strong and competitive regions. It does so by supporting local communities as they take charge of their economic development and by stimulating investment in all Quebec regions. In this program, CED intervenes primarily through non-profit organizations. CED acts on regional economic development through its grants and contributions program, the QEDP.

Department(s) specific:

  • 012 - Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Strengthening Community Economies


In addition to its regular programs, CED develops, administers and implements Canada-wide programs or temporary and/or targeted initiatives. The common objective is "Strengthening Community Economies", in order to increase Quebec's economic growth. CED supports communities' economic development and ensures sound and effective management of infrastructure programs in Quebec. CED also supports economic activity in Quebec communities that are sustaining economic shocks, experiencing development challenges or where long term business opportunities exist. This program is directed at enterprises and non-profit organizations. CED intervenes in this program through QEDP using different forms of financing: temporary additional funding, dedicated ongoing funding from the Canadian government, and specific funds allocated by CED. CED also contributes using a permanent fund dedicated to the Community Futures Program (CFP) and acting as Infrastructure Canada's delivery partner for the administration of the Building Canada Fund (Communities and Large Urban Centres component) in Quebec.

Department(s) specific:

  • 012 - Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 012 - Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Copyright Board
Copyright Tariff Setting and Issuance of Licences


The Board is an economic regulatory body empowered to establish, either mandatorily or at the request of an interested party, fair and equitable tariffs that remunerate rights owners for the use of copyrighted works, when the administration of such copyright is entrusted to a collective-administration society. The Board also has the right to supervise agreements between users and licensing bodies and issues licences when the copyright owner cannot be located.

Department(s) specific:

  • 116 - Copyright Board
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 116 - Copyright Board
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Community Economic Development


This program supports the 288 communities (small and large, rural and urban, Francophone and Aboriginal) in southern Ontario that are home to 12.7 million residents. These communities are key to enhancing the economic competitiveness and long-term prosperity of the region. Southern Ontario depends on communities that can attract the best talent and compete for investment as dynamic centres of commerce and learning. Strong, safe and modern communities that are economically diverse are essential building blocks for the region's competitiveness and long-term prosperity. FedDev Ontario will continue to invest strategically to address the unique challenges facing eastern Ontario communities; maintain the economic vitality of official language minority communities; and advance regional diversification efforts to promote economic development. FedDev Ontario will also continue to work with others, including Infrastructure Canada, the Province and municipalities, to support infrastructure needs within southern Ontario. Through programming aimed at addressing the distinct needs and circumstances across southern Ontario communities, FedDev Ontario will work to identify local solutions to local challenges and opportunities. FedDev Ontario will support this program through the administration of contribution agreements with businesses, not-for-profit organizations, post-secondary institutions and municipalities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 062 - Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Technological Innovation


This program is intended to support the southern Ontario economy to be more innovative by creating new products, services, processes and/or markets so as to contribute to the region's competitiveness. This will be achieved by focusing on key emerging sectors and by strengthening linkages between the region's businesses and its post-secondary institutions to support clusters, economic spillovers and/or common platforms to spur the advancement of technologies and innovation. By facilitating these strategic partnerships, FedDev Ontario aims to improve (along with others), the region's productivity and competitiveness in the context of a global economy. Investments through this program will support large-scale, incremental, and transformative activities that increase productivity and market diversification. While available to for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, project funding will be business-facing, meaning that activities will be linked to the needs of businesses rather than pushing public research into the market. Transfer payments in support of this program will be delivered through the administration of contribution agreements with businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and post-secondary institutions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 062 - Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Business Development


This program supports the 360,000 businesses (especially small-and mediums-sized enterprises) in southern Ontario in their efforts to drive competitiveness by providing support to: encourage the growth of early-stage companies through business services and counselling; access capital; help existing businesses expand domestically and globally; help companies/sectors improve productivity; facilitate linkages and collaborations between businesses; and help southern Ontario aerospace and defence-related firms respond to economic opportunities from Canada's defence procurements. This program, which includes services through Canada Business Ontario, provides targeted efforts to businesses across Ontario along a life-cycle continuum: from entrepreneurship to expansion. Transfer payments in support of this program will be delivered through the administration of contribution agreements with businesses and not-for-profit organizations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 062 - Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 062 - Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation
Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation


Property Development and Management: Through this program, the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC) has the ability to purchase, lease, sell land and hold mortgages. The development and management of property holdings are used by the corporation as a development tool to complement funding programs. Surplus revenues from real property leases and land sales go directly into economic development projects within ECBC's mandate area. In addition, as part of the land transfer/disposal process, the corporation makes lands available for lease or sale to businesses and organizations in an effort to foster economic development opportunities. Both activities serve to support the economic development mandate of the corporation. In addition to land holdings, ECBC's real property assets include the corporation's head office at Sydney, Nova Scotia, Point Edward Resource Centre (agricultural property), Port Hawkesbury business facility (office space), and the Northside facility (manufacturing space). As a result of the transfer of the assets and liabilities of the Cape Breton Development Corporation (CBDC) to ECBC upon CBDC's dissolution, ECBC will own and operate a number of water treatment and storage facilities, as well as the Dominion Coal Yard and Sydney Mines Coal Yard required to support the contractual obligation to sell coal to current and former employees. Regional Service Delivery: Through this program the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC) is responsible for the program delivery of Atlantic Canada Opportunity Agency's (ACOA) programs on Cape Breton Island such as the Business Development and Community Futures Programs. Based on ECBC's unique delivery model for economic development ECBC and ACOA entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 1995 under which ECBC delivers ACOA's programming on Cape Breton Island and in the Mulgrave area. The MOU allows ECBC to design its programming and economic development strategies to complement ACOA programming. The MOU was renegotiated twice each time for additional five-year terms. Commercial Development: Due to the size and make-up of the Cape Breton economy and its distance from major markets access to capital remains one of the greatest challenges for businesses. The ability to access capital from traditional lenders venture capitalists and other levels of government is limited. Recognizing the challenges faced by Small and Medium-size enterprises the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation through this program works with potential and existing entrepreneurs to assess and to provide as appropriate various forms of assistance including but not limited to equity secured and unsecured loans as well as non-repayable contributions. The assistance provides a source for capital investment in support of initiatives such as marketing improved efficiency innovation human resource initiatives trade development activities and capital assistance. Community Economic Development: Structural adjustment has been taking place in the Cape Breton economy over the past decade due to the closure of the Island's major industries and the downsizing of the fishing industry. The economic climate on the Island has presented significant challenges for many communities in terms of attracting investment and realizing opportunities. Through this program the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation works to engage and empower communities to take control of their destiny by pursuing opportunities leading to sustainable economic development. Working in cooperation with communities and community-led organizations activities pursued in support of this program range from developing and implementing overall strategies for economic development to supporting the business environment skill development activities and new and/or improved community infrastructure. Policy and Advocacy: Fundamental to the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation's (ECBC) mandate is the Corporation's policy and advocacy role that assists in identifying the opportunities and challenges facing the Island as well as informing and supporting decision making both within and outside the Corporation. ECBC's policy and advocacy functions focus on a range of activities including research analysis planning and reporting as well as working to advance the interests priorities and concerns of Cape Breton Island in government decisions and actions. The Policy and Advocacy function exists to inform and support decision making by the Corporation and the Minister providing intelligence analysis and well-grounded advice on a number of issues and topics. The Policy and Advocacy function helps carry the Corporation's forward agenda plays an integral role in developing focused and adaptable approaches to issues and helps ensure that the Corporation overall remains relevant to the opportunities and challenges facing Cape Breton. In developing the advocacy agenda for Cape Breton ECBC works to ensure that national and provincial officials are aware of the needs of the region and that Cape Breton interests priorities and concerns are considered when policy is developed. Research and analysis are required to understand the economic challenges and opportunities facing Cape Breton and to guide the advocacy and policy making activities of the Corporation. Environmental Obligations: As part of the transfer of the Cape Breton Development Corporation's (CBDC) assets and liabilities to the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC) ECBC will assume stewardship responsibility for all former land holdings of the CBDC. This includes all environmental obligations related to these sites. ECBC is required to comply with environmental laws and regulations as they pertain to current activities as well as activities of past operations. To properly meet these obligations ECBC will enter into a strategic partnership arrangement with Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) similar to that previously in place between CBDC and PWGSC. As part of this relationship projects are planned and managed by PWGSC with oversight monitoring and funding provided by ECBC. It is anticipated that all of the long-term environmental obligations will be completed by 2055 except the mine water obligation which may require management in perpetuity. ECBC will also work with numerous partners such as the Centre for Sustainability in Energy and the Environment at Cape Breton University Sydney Tar Ponds Agency the Province of Nova Scotia Environment Canada and the private sector to explore alternative sources of energy related to the former CBDC's land holdings that could potentially lead to commercial development opportunities. This includes research into the production of green fuel crops geothermal energy from the mine water as well as the carbon storage potential of the residual coal within the Sydney coal field. Human Resource Obligations: The programs included under Human Resource Obligations are nondiscretionary items that the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC) is required to deliver to former Cape Breton Development Corporation (CBDC) employees following the dissolution of CBDC. They are ongoing liabilities many of which will continue beyond 20 years. They are a result of post employment benefits and various human resource strategies (operation closure). They include early retirement incentive programs liability for future employee benefits workers' compensation obligations and a domestic coal subsidy program. Internal Services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
National Research Council of Canada
Science Infrastructure and Measurement


This program manages national science facilities and infrastructure critical to research, development and innovation by Canadian scientific and technological communities. This includes operating and administering Canada's astronomical observatories. It also fosters development and maintenance of Canada's metrological infrastructure system that provides industries and researchers access to reliable measurements that are traceable to recognized national standards maintained by the program. The program helps clients make the most of this infrastructure by facilitating access to a wide range of Canadian and international user communities and by participating in networks. In addition, the program provides stewardship of the TRIUMF sub-atomic research facility. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: TRIUMF (Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics).

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)


The program contributes to the growth and prosperity of Canadian small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) by stimulating innovation, adoption and/or commercialization of technology-based products, services, or processes in Canada. This is done through: 1) technical and related business advice and networking facilitated by a cross-Canada network of field professional staff; 2) cost-shared merit-based contributions; and 3) contributions supporting employment of post-secondary graduates. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: IRAP Contributions to Firms; IRAP Contributions to Youth Employment Strategy; Contributions to Organizations; and Contributions for the Digital Technology Adoption Pilot Program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Technology Development and Advancement


This program develops and advances technologies to enhance the prosperity of Canadian industries in support of federal priorities such as the federal Science and Technology Strategy. This includes national-scale flagship technology-development initiatives having sufficient critical mass to contribute demonstrably to national prosperity. To bring new and innovative products and processes to the marketplace, companies must advance the emerging and maturing technologies embodied in applied developments and prototypes to a level where the risk is sufficiently understood to be accepted from the business, investment, and regulatory perspectives. The program bridges this critical technology gap through mission-oriented research and development services, and specialized technical services such as custom design and fabrication, testing, prototyping, up-scaling, and demonstration in specialized facilities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
People: Research Talent


This program supports the attraction, retention and development of highly qualified people in the natural sciences and engineering in Canada through Chairs programs, fellowships, scholarships and stipends. These activities are necessary to build the human capital required to enable a strong, globally competitive research and innovation system in Canada. Researchers, students and young people benefit from the grant funding which supports university research and outreach activities at universities, museums, science centres and community-based organizations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Discovery: Advancement of Knowledge


This program supports the creation of new knowledge and maintenance of a high quality Canadian-based research capacity in the natural sciences and engineering through grants to researchers and universities. The advancement of knowledge generated by these grants is necessary to fuel a strong research and innovation system in Canada that is globally competitive. Academic researchers and universities receive funding to support the timely acceleration of research programs, the purchase or development of research equipment, or which facilitates their effective access to major and unique research resources.

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Innovation: Research Partnerships


This program fosters partnerships in the natural sciences and engineering and facilitates the transfer of knowledge and skills to the user sector through awards that support research projects and network activities intended for socioeconomic impact. The partnerships encouraged and enabled by these awards increase the commercialization of Canada's excellent research into new products, services and processes for the benefit of all Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Insight: new knowledge in the social sciences and humanities


This program provides grants to support research in the social sciences and humanities conducted by scholars and researchers working as individuals, in teams, and in formal partnerships among the academic, public, private and/or not-for-profit sectors and to support the building of institutional research capacity. This program is necessary to build knowledge and understanding about people, societies and the world, as well as to inform the search for solutions to societal challenges. The objectives of the program are to build knowledge and understanding from disciplinary, interdisciplinary and/or cross-sector perspectives; support new approaches to research on complex and important topics; provide a high-quality research training experience for students; mobilize research knowledge to and from academic and non-academic audiences; and build institutional research capacity. Research supported by the program has the potential to lead to intellectual, cultural, social and economic influence, benefit and impact and increased institutional research capacity. International research initiatives that offer outstanding opportunities to advance Canadian research are encouraged. Partnerships can include both Canadian and international partners.

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Talent: attraction, retention and development of students and researchers in the social sciences and humanities


This program provides support to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the form of fellowships and to research chairs in postsecondary institutions that cover salary and research funding. This program is necessary in order to attract, retain and develop talent in the social sciences and humanities, to cultivate leaders within academia and across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors, and to build centres of world-class research excellence at Canadian postsecondary institutions. The program brands Canada as a top destination for research and research training.

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Indirect Costs of Research


This program provides support to institutions in the form of grants in the social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering and health. This program is necessary to build institutional capacity for the conduct of research and research-related activities to maximize the investment of publicly-funded academic research.

This program helps to off-set the central and departmental administrative costs that institutions incur in supporting research, which are not attributable to specific research projects, such as such as lighting and heating, maintenance of libraries, laboratories and research networking spaces, or for the technical support required for an institution's website or library computer system, ultimately helping researchers concentrate on cutting-edge discoveries and scholarship excellence, and ensuring that federally-funded research projects are conducted in world-class facilities with the best equipment and administrative support available. The program is administered by the SSHRC-hosted Canada Research Chairs secretariat on behalf of the three research granting agencies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Canada First Research Excellence Fund


The program provides financial support in the form of grants to Canadian universities and colleges to excel globally in research areas that create long-term economic advantages for Canada. The program helps competitively-selected institutions implement ambitious and focused strategies to attract and retain talent, develop partnerships across sectors nationally and internationally, and undertake cutting-edge research. Consequently, the program will contribute to enhancing Canada's competitiveness in the global, knowledge-based economy, improving Canadians' health, and enriching our social and cultural life. The program is administered by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council on behalf of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Canada First Research Excellence Fund.

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Connection: mobilization of social sciences and humanities knowledge


This program provides funding (grants and operational) to support the multidirectional flow, exchange and co-creation of knowledge in the social sciences and humanities among researchers and diverse groups of policy makers, business leaders, community groups, educators and the media working as individuals, in teams, in formal partnerships and in networks. This program is necessary to help stimulate leading edge, internationally competitive research in areas critical to Canada, build multi-sectoral partnerships and accelerate the use of multidisciplinary research results by organizations that can harness them for Canadian economic and social development. The program increases the availability and use of social sciences and humanities research knowledge among academic and non-academic audiences; supports the building of reciprocal relationships, networks and tools designed to facilitate scholarly work; and makes such networks and tools more accessible to non-academic audiences. The funding opportunities offered in this program are intended to complement activities funded through the Talent and Insight programs.

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Standards Council of Canada
Standards Council of Canada


Conformity Assessment Program: Through its conformity assessment program, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) provides accreditation services for: testing and calibration laboratories; management systems certification bodies; personnel certification bodies; product and service certification bodies; greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies; and inspection bodies. Through assessments, audits and follow-up visits, SCC ensures that these conformity assessment organizations are competent in meeting the requirements of a particular standard, for a product, service or system. Accreditation by SCC can increase an organization's competitiveness and ensure safer and more efficient methods and products are used in the Canadian marketplace. SCC's accreditation programs are based on internationally recognized guides and standards. SCC is also a member of several organizations that are developing agreements to ensure conformity assessment results are accepted internationally. Standards and Conformity Assessment Policy: The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) advises federal provincial and territorial governments industry organizations and nongovernmental bodies on standards- and conformity assessment-related aspects of trade and regulatory policy. Through input and review of standardization issues in trade agreements the SCC is a significant contributor to expanding international trade for Canada. Incorporating standardization practices into regulatory policy provides an added measure of protection for the health and safety of Canadians. SCC offers governments businesses and consumers the latest and most comprehensive information on standards technical regulations and conformity assessment in Canada and around the world through its Web site Information and Research Service and Technical Document Centre. As the World Trade Organization North American Free Trade Agreement (WTO NAFTA) /Enquiry Point SCC serves as the central point of contact in Canada for WTO member countries to obtain information on standardization related market entry requirements. Standards Program: The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) accredits standards development organizations in Canada. The SCC determines conformity to accreditation requirements by performing oversight activities such as document review and on-site assessment. SCC also reviews standards submitted by standards development organizations for approval as National Standards of Canada (NSCs) a designation that indicates a standard is the official Canadian standard on a particular subject. NSCs may be developed in Canada or adopted with or without changes from international standards. Through its member program SCC facilitates and coordinates Canadian participation in national regional and international standards development and conformity assessment organizations. Through this program SCC recruits individuals and organizations to participate in standards activities on Canada's behalf in organizations such as: the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) two of the world's largest voluntary standardization bodies. SCC also provides orientation training and recognition for Canadian participants. Participation in these organizations provides Canadian government industry and consumers with a competitive advantage. Internal Services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Statistics Canada


Through the Census programs, Statistics Canada provides information on changes in the Canadian population, in demographic characteristics, and in the agricultural sector. This information serves as a basis for public and private decision making, and research and analysis in areas of concern to the Canadians. The program includes the Census of Population (including the National Household Survey) and the Census of Agriculture. Both the Census of Population and the Census of Agriculture are mandated by the Statistics Act; the Census of Population is also mandated in the Constitution Act.

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Economic and Environmental Statistics


Through the Economic and Environmental Statistics program, Statistics Canada creates a trusted, relevant and comprehensive source of information on the entire spectrum of Canada's economy to inform public debate on economic issues; support economic policy development, implementation and evaluation; and guide business decision making. These statistics support various agreements and statutory requirements specified by legislations or regulations in such areas as taxation.

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Socio-economic Statistics


Through the Socio-economic Statistics program, Statistics Canada provides integrated information and relevant analysis on the social and socio-economic characteristics of individuals, families, and households, as well as on the major factors that affect their well-being. This information is used to inform public debate on socio-economic issues; to support social policy development, implementation and evaluation; and to guide public and private decision making. These statistics support requirements specified by legislation or regulations in such areas as labour, immigration, official languages and employment equity.

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Statistical Infrastructure


Through the Statistical Infrastructure program, Statistics Canada administers activities and services that support a strong statistical system. These activities and services include development of sound statistical methodology, standardized concepts and classifications, development and provision of information about the agency's surveys and statistical programs; and the development and maintenance of registers of enterprises and addresses for statistical purposes. The activities and services also include data-collection for Statistics Canada's surveys, the production of Statistics Canada's catalogued publications, online databases; and the dissemination of Statistics Canada's official release vehicle. As well as the co-ordination of those aspects of the agency's Integrated Strategic Planning Process, which ensures the continuity and quality maintenance of programs.

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Cost-recovered Statistical Services


Through the Cost-recovered Statistical Services program, Statistics Canada produces on-demand, high-quality, cost-recovered statistical services that meet specific needs of federal, provincial and territorial institutions and other clients that are not met by the core statistical program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Community Economic Growth


Community Economic Growth involves economic development initiatives that support communities to advance their economies, adjust to changing and challenging economic circumstances, and recover from depressed economic circumstances. This is achieved through both direct funding of projects, as well as funding support of the Community Futures (CF) organizations. Additionally, this program assists communities to assess community strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and potential for new economic activity, and to develop and implement community plans. Transfer payments in support of this program are made under the authority of Western Diversification Program and Community Futures Program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Policy, Advocacy and Coordination


Policy, Advocacy and Coordination arises from the Western Economic Diversification Act (1985) and empowers the Minister to advance the interests of Western Canada through policies and programs and by establishing cooperative relationships with key stakeholders. Policy, Advocacy and Coordination efforts enable WD to: provide a strong voice for Western Canada, which results in effective strategies, policies, and programs that address economic development needs; lead federal and intergovernmental collaboration to pursue key opportunities for long-term growth and diversification in areas of federal of shared federal-provincial jurisdiction; and, enable economic analysis activities to be carried out, which ultimately assist with informing policy and program decisions. Transfer payments in support of this program are made under the authority of the Western Diversification Program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Business Development and Innovation


Business Development and Innovation supports western Canadian businesses, industry, and research organizations to enhance business innovation, productivity, and global engagement. Value-added production is strengthened through the introduction of new products, technologies, or innovations to existing processes, as well as through efforts to pursue global markets and increase investment in Western Canada. Additionally, this program supports some members of the Western Canada Business Service Network and related partners to provide business services and access to capital in Western Canada in support of increased entrepreneurism. Transfer payments in support of this program are made under the authority of the Women's Enterprise Initiative and the Western Diversification Program. Funding support of the Canada Business Network is comprised of operations and maintenance funding.

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Justice (Department of)
Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime


The Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime was created to provide a voice for victims of crime at the federal level and to ensure that the federal government meets its commitments to victims. The Office provides direct information, referral and complaint review services to its primary clients ÔÇô victims, victims' family members or representatives, victim serving agencies, and other related stakeholders. The Office also helps raise awareness of systemic issues among all criminal justice and victim serving personnel as well as provides related recommendations and advice to the Government of Canada through the Minister of Justice. In order to fulfill its mandate, the Office promotes access by victims to existing federal programs and services for victims; addresses complaints of victims about compliance with the provisions of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, promotes awareness of the needs and concerns of victims and the applicable laws that benefit victims of crime, including Canadian Victims Bill of Rights and the principles set out in the Canadian Statement of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime; identifies and reviews emerging and systemic issues that negatively impact victims of crime; and facilitates access by victims to existing federal programs and services by providing them with information and referrals. The Ombudsman reports directly to the Minister of Justice and, as such, the Office falls outside the Department's governance framework.

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Stewardship of the Canadian Legal Framework


The Department fulfils its stewardship role by ensuring a bilingual and bijural national legal framework for the administration of justice that contributes to a safe and just society for all Canadians and confidence in Canada's justice system. The Department develops and tests innovative approaches to strengthen the legal framework within the following domains: criminal law, youth criminal justice, sentencing, official languages, marriage and divorce, access to justice, bijuralism, human rights, privacy, access to information, and Aboriginal justice. In addition, in view of the federal government's shared interest in a sustainable justice system, the Department promotes and facilitates ongoing dialogues with the provinces and territories in the areas of shared jurisdiction and provides funding for the delivery of programs that directly support federal policy objectives.

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Legal Services to Government Program


The Department of Justice provides an integrated suite of high quality legal advisory, litigation and legislative services to the Minister of Justice and to all federal departments and agencies to support them in meeting the Government's policy and programming priorities and to advance the overall objectives of the government. Services are provided through a network of departmental legal services units co-located with client departments and agencies, specialized legal capacities within national headquarters, and a network of regional offices and sub-offices providing legal advisory and litigation services to federal departments and agencies across the country.

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Engagement and Advocacy


Provide a national credible voice for equality in Canada. My Canada includes everyone; promote broadly human rights in Canada by raising public awareness of human rights issues; and engage civil society, governments, employers and the public in dialogue and action to affect human rights change.

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission
Promotion Program


The Promotion Program contributes to a more inclusive Canada by raising awareness about Canadian human rights and responsibilities through its public advocacy and engagement efforts. The program advances human rights by developing statements positions, approaches and tools to influence public debate on emerging, immediate and long-term human rights issues. To promote the inclusion of human rights into the national agenda, the program engages civil society, governments, employers and other stakeholders to work together in identifying approaches to eliminate barriers to social inclusion that people in vulnerable circumstances face in today-s society.

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission
Human Rights Complaints


Provide people in Canada with a mechanism to file human rights complaints and remedies to victims of discrimination; reduce instances of systemic discrimination; and represent the public interest in legal cases to advance human rights in Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission
Protection Program


The Protection Program contributes to a diverse society that promotes social inclusion by ensuring that People in Canada have a human rights complaint resolution system available to them, so that people in vulnerable circumstances can bring forward the human rights issues or challenges they face. To this end, the program screens and registers human rights complaints; it investigates complaints of discrimination; it mediates and resolves human rights disputes; and finally, it litigates human right cases and represents the public interest in courts and tribunals to support the advancement of human rights.

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission
Employment Equity Audits


Ensure employer-s compliance with employment equity statutory requirements; encourage employers to identify barriers to employment and implement best practices to eliminate gaps in the representation of women, visible minority groups, aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission
Employment Equity Program


The Employment Equity Program contributes to the establishment of a diverse society that promotes social inclusion and a fair labour market by ensuring that workplaces are free of employment barriers for women, Aboriginal Peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities. In conducting audits of federally regulated private and public sector employers for compliance with the requirements of the Employment Equity Act, the program helps them achieve reasonable progress toward the creation of work environments that foster equality of opportunity and respect for human rights.

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission
Internal support services core responsibility


Internal support services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Note: This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal support services core responsibility.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Canadian Judicial Council


Administrative support to the various committees established by the Council which is made up of all of the Chief and Associate Chief Justices in Canada as well as the senior judges from the superior courts in Nunavut, Yukon and the Northwest Territories.

Department(s) specific:

  • 051 - Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Federal Judicial Affairs


Provides other services to federally appointed judges including language training, editing of the federal courts reports, and services to the Minister of Justice through the Judicial Appointments Secretariat.

Department(s) specific:

  • 051 - Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Payments Pursuant to the Judges Act


Payments of salaries, allowance and annuities to federally appointed judges, and their survivors, in the superior courts and courts of appeal in Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 051 - Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 051 - Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Courts Administration Service
Judicial Services


The Judicial Services program provides legal services and judicial administrative support to assist members of the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and the Tax Court of Canada in the discharge of their judicial functions. These services are provided by legal counsel, judicial administrators, law clerks, jurilinguists, judicial assistants, library personnel, and court attendants, under the direction of the four Chief Justices.

Department(s) specific:

  • 144 - Courts Administration Service
Registry Services


Registry Services are delivered under the jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and the Tax Court of Canada. The registries process legal documents; provide information to litigants on court procedures; maintain court records, participate in court hearings, support and assist in the enforcement of court orders, and work closely with the Office of the four Chief Justices to ensure that matters are heard and decisions are rendered in a timely manner. Registry Services are offered in every province and territory through a network of permanent offices, and agreements with provincial and territorial partners.

Department(s) specific:

  • 144 - Courts Administration Service
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 144 - Courts Administration Service
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Regulatory Offences and Economic Crime Prosecution Program


This program supports the protection of Canadian society against crime through the provision of legal advice to police and federal investigative agencies, and the prosecution of: offences under federal statutes aimed at protecting the environment and natural resources as well as the country-s economic and social health (e.g., Fisheries Act, Income Tax Act, Copyright Act, Canada Elections Act, Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Competition Act, Customs Act, Excise Act, and Excise Tax Act); and offences involving fraud, including capital market fraud and the corruption of foreign officials. This program also includes the recovery of outstanding federal fines and the promotion of federal-provincial-territorial cooperation on criminal justice issues of mutual concern.

Department(s) specific:

  • 019 - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Drug, National Security and Northern Prosecutions Program


This program supports the protection of Canadian society against crime through the provision of legal advice during police investigations, and the prosecution of: all drug offences under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and any related organized crime and proceeds of crime offences throughout Canada, except in Quebec and New Brunswick, where the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions prosecutes such offences only where charges are laid by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; pursuant to understandings with the provinces, Criminal Code offences where they are related to drug charges; all Criminal Code offences in the three territories; national security and terrorism offences; and war crimes and crimes against humanity offences. This program also involves the promotion of federal-provincial-territorial cooperation on criminal justice issues of mutual concern.

Department(s) specific:

  • 019 - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Compliance and Enforcement


This program supports the integrity of Canada's electoral process by mandating the Commissioner of Canada Elections, an independent officer, to receive complaints and conduct investigations concerning potential violations under the Canada Elections Act and the Referendum Act. This program includes the use of non-punitive and informal corrective measures in response to certain situations of non-compliance and the conclusion of compliance agreements with offenders; and/or taking enforcement measures to respond to situations of non-compliance. It also includes deciding which matters will be referred to the Director of Public Prosecutions with a recommendation that charges be laid.

Department(s) specific:

  • 019 - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 019 - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Compliance Activities


This program oversees compliance with federal privacy legislation for public- and private-sector organizations, thus contributing to the protection of Canadian's privacy rights. Through this Program, the OPC investigates privacy-related complaints and responds to inquiries from individuals and organizations, reviews breach reports and has the power to initiate its own investigations when warranted (Commissioner initiated complaints). Through audits and reviews, the OPC also assesses how well organizations are complying with requirements set out in the two federal privacy laws, and provides recommendations on Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs), pursuant to the Treasury Board Directive on Privacy Practices. This program is supported by a legal team that provides specialized advice and litigation support, and a research team with senior technical and risk-assessment support.

Department(s) specific:

  • 096 - Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Compliance with Access to Information Obligations


The Access to Information Act is the legislative authority for the oversight activities of the Information Commissioner, which are: to investigate complaints from requestors and corporations; to review the performance of government institutions; to report the results of investigations/reviews and recommendations to complainants, government institutions, and Parliament; to pursue judicial enforcement; and to provide advice to Parliament on access to information matters. The Office of the Information Commissioner supports the Commissioner in carrying out these activities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 096 - Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Public Outreach


This Program promotes public awareness and understanding of rights and obligations under federal privacy legislation. Through this program, the OPC delivers public education and communications activities, including speaking engagements and special events, exhibiting, media relations, and the production and distribution of promotional and educational material. Through public outreach activities, individuals are informed about privacy and personal data protection. Such activities also enable federal and private-sector organizations to better understand their obligations under federal privacy legislation.

Department(s) specific:

  • 096 - Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Research and Policy Development


This program advances privacy knowledge, develops policy positions and provides strategic advice on the full range of privacy issues to Parliamentarians, government institutions and private sector stakeholders. Through this program, the OPC serves as a centre of expertise on emerging privacy issues in Canada and abroad by researching trends and technological developments, monitoring and analyzing legislative and regulatory initiatives, providing strategic legal, policy and technical advice on key issues, and developing policy positions that advance the protection of privacy rights in both the public and private sectors. An important part of the work involves supporting the Commissioner and senior officials in providing advice to Parliament on potential privacy implications of proposed legislation, government programs, and private-sector initiatives. Since 2004, the Program includes the administration of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Contributions Program that funds independent privacy research and related knowledge translation initiatives, to advance knowledge and promote the practical application of that knowledge in ways that enhance privacy protection for Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 096 - Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 096 - Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada
Court Operations


In order to render its decisions, the Court requires the support of the Office of the Registrar in the management of its caseload from the receipt of an application for leave to appeal up to and including the release of a judgment on appeal. This support includes providing services to the litigants; reviewing applications for leave to appeal and preparing advice as to whether leave to appeal should be granted; preparing summaries of the leave applications; providing procedural advice; reviewing and summarizing factums where leave to appeal is granted; receiving, controlling and preserving all incoming case documentation; tracking various time periods to ensure compliance by the parties with the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada; recording proceedings on appeals; answering queries with regard to cases; editing and summarizing decisions of the Court; publishing decisions in the Canada Supreme Court Reports, in accordance with the Supreme Court Act; and providing law library services with an extensive collection in both print and electronic formats to support legal research undertaken by users within the Court and members of the legal community.

Department(s) specific:

  • 080 - Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada
Payments to Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada Pursuant to the Judges Act


The Judges Act is an Act respecting all federally appointed judges and thereby applies to the judges of the Supreme Court of Canada. The Judges Act specifies the salaries of the judges of the Supreme Court of Canada and prescribes other payments to be made to them, namely allowances for relocation, representation, incidentals, conferences, as well as annuities. The Office of the Registrar processes these payments, as required by the Judges Act.

Department(s) specific:

  • 080 - Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 080 - Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Tribunal Specialized and Expert Support Services


The Tribunal Specialized and Expert Support Services Program provides expert research, analysis, drafting support and advice as well as other support services including investigation and mediation to assist Tribunals in the discharge of their statutory responsibilities. These services are provided by ATSSC employees such as legal counsel, sectoral experts, tribunal assistants and research personnel.

Department(s) specific:

  • 170 - Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Registry Services


The Registry Services Program provides registry services in support of tribunals. The Program works closely with Tribunal Chairs and Members to ensure that matters before the Tribunals are heard and disposed of in a timely, fair, impartial and efficient manner and within statutory obligations. Services provided include: processing tribunal documents; maintaining and safeguarding tribunal records; providing information to the public regarding tribunal procedures; assisting in the scheduling and conduct of tribunal hearings and assisting in communicating tribunal decisions to the parties and the public. The Registry Services Program also is responsible for developing and monitoring service standards, assessing the performance of registry functions and implementing required improvements.

Department(s) specific:

  • 170 - Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Payments to tribunal chairs and members


The Program administers appropriations with respect to tribunal chairs' and members' salaries and other compensation pursuant to the terms of tribunals' enacting legislation and Governor-in-Council appointments.

Department(s) specific:

  • 170 - Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 170 - Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
National Defence
National Defence (Department of)
Defence Combat and Support Operations


The Defence Combat and Support Operations Program delivers military power in combat, security, stability and surveillance operations in response to armed threats, or potential armed aggression, for the purpose of protecting Canadian sovereignty, upholding the values of Canadians, and defending the interests of the Government of Canada. Results are achieved through this Program by the application of Defence capabilities in domestic, continental and international domains, either independently or in combination with allies, where the primary focus is to inflict military effects against threats. The term Defence capability is a collective term that refers to the ability of a military force to achieve a desired effect against a threat during the execution of a Defence operation (or the delivery of a Defence service) by executing tasks according to understood concepts, doctrine and standards. The military forces delivered by Defence are composed of force elements which are organizational entities that are, in turn, composed of members of the Canadian Armed Forces, and in some cases personnel from the Department of National Defence. Force elements integrate people, with specialized information and expertise, materiel (e.g., equipment, platforms, weapon systems) and in some cases real property, so that capabilities can be applied against threats. Force elements have different sizes and compositions according to the capabilities they must apply during an operation. This Program is underpinned by the National Defence Act, defence policy, international treaties and agreements, membership in international organizations, and direction received by the Government of Canada. Sub-programs beneath this Program target a range of threats across a variety of operational contexts via different delivery mechanisms in different geographic regions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Defence Services and Contributions to Government


The Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program aims to support the delivery of Canadian Government safety and security initiatives and encourage recognition and pride in Canada and the Canadian military. This is accomplished through the provision of unique Defence services in support of other elements of Government or the Canadian public. To encourage and share pride and awareness of Canada's military heritage, contributions, and leadership, Defence provides unique services and opportunities for outreach, awareness, preservation and development. Defence unique services also include operations conducted to ensure or enhance the security, safety, stability and/or well-being of Canadians, or international populations in peril, in accordance with Canadian values and the interests of the Canadian Government, in situations where there may be a need to defend against armed threats but where this is not the primary focus. The operations are delivered through the employment of force elements to achieve a desired effect within specific contexts through execution of tasks according to understood concepts, doctrine and standards. The force elements delivered by Defence are organizational entities which are composed of members of the Canadian Armed Forces and in some cases personnel from the Department of National Defence. Force elements have different sizes and compositions according to the capabilities they must apply during an operation. Defence remains consistently ready to employ force elements under this Program however significant operations do not always occur every fiscal year.

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Defence Ready Force Element Production


The Defence Ready Force Element Production Program produces and renews force elements on a continual basis for use in Defence Combat and Support Operations, as well as for the delivery of Defence Services and Contributions to Government, in order to increase the likelihood of success and decrease risk of failure in the defence of Canada and promotion of Canadian interests. Results are delivered by assembling force elements from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property), and integrating them through various training and certification programs so that they have the requisite amount of readiness in order to fulfill predefined roles within the operations for which they are destined. The term readiness refers to the volume, endurance, responsiveness and capability attributes of force elements that are not employed. These attributes are used to determine the degree of risk that would be associated with assigning them to fulfill perspective role(s) within on-going or contingency operations. The force elements produced by the Defence Ready Force Elements Production Program are organized into portfolios according to the land, aerospace, and maritime environments in which they operate. There are also portfolios for force elements that operate jointly across these domains and force elements that provide common support functions. Across these portfolios, force elements are produced to meet readiness targets. These readiness targets ensure that production can be sustained over short- and medium-term time horizons and that the number of force elements available for employment in on-going and contingency operations is in accordance with acceptable levels of operational risk.

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Defence Capability Element Production


The Defence Capability Elements Production Program aims to sustain Defence by producing and maintaining portfolios of the fundamental Defence capability elements so that they are continuously available in the appropriate quantity, combination and condition to sustain the chain of programs delivered by Defence from the Defence Capability Development and Research Program through to the Defence Ready Force Elements Production Program, which collectively give Defence the ability to conduct Defence Combat and Support Operations as well as deliver Defence Services and Contributions to Government. The primary elements of Defence capability are military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and real property. A fundamental focus of the Defence Capability Elements Production Program is to provide an adequate and sustained supply of individual military personnel and materiel in the near-term and over long-term time horizons so that they can be integrated to produce force elements within the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program. Results are achieved through subordinate programs, each of which focuses on a separate portfolio: military personnel and organization; materiel; real property; or information systems. A lifecycle approach is used to manage each portfolio. The essential aspects of the lifecycle approach are sub-sub-programs that provide the principle lifecycle functions: introduction into service; maintenance, upgrade and supply; release from service; portfolio management; and overarching co-ordination and control. The character of activity that occurs within each of these primary functions depends on the portfolio of entities being produced and therefore the de-segregation of the lifecycle functions into sub-sub-programs is unique to each portfolio. The authority for this Program is derived from the National Defence Act.

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Defence Capability Development and Research


The Defence Capability Development and Research Program seeks to provide the analytical bases and knowledge to anticipate foreseeable changes in the threat and security environment and to determine the associated demand for Defence capabilities across near- and long-term time horizons in order to enable evidence-based strategic decisions that align the introduction, modification and divestment of Defence capabilities and guide the application of existing capabilities with an acceptable levels of risk. Results are achieved by: establishing and monitoring the fulfillment of near-term targets for readying force elements and conducting Defence operations; identifying lessons from past operations; assessing defence and security trends; developing and integrating new knowledge and systems/methods for conducting operations; developing approaches and conducting Defence capability analyses at strategic, operational and tactical levels; present to future capability assessments; designing and assessing defence alternatives; providing Defence capability oversight and expertise; and Defence capability use planning for sustainable Defence capabilities in future time horizons. As such, this Program sustains Defence by providing key products and services to the Defence Capability Elements Production Program, the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program and parts of the Defence Combat and Support Operations, and Defence Services and Contributions to Government Programs. This Program also directly enables the management and oversight of Defence as a whole.

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Canadian Forces Grievance Board
Independent review of military grievances.


The Military Grievances External Review Committee, an independent tribunal, reviews military grievances referred to it pursuant to section 29 of the National Defence Act which provides a statutory right for an officer or a non-commissioned member who has been aggrieved, to grieve a decision, an act or an omission in the administration of the affairs of the Canadian Armed Forces; this is, with certain narrow exceptions, the only formal complaint process available to members of the Canadian Armed Forces. The Committee provides findings and recommendations to the Chief of the Defence Staff and the member who submitted the grievance. The findings and recommendations may also identify issues with policies or other matters of broad concern. The Committee conducts its review as informally and expeditiously as the circumstances and the considerations of fairness permit. The Committee reports the results of its activities through its annual report and various publications.

Department(s) specific:

  • 138 - Military Grievances External Review Committee
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 138 - Military Grievances External Review Committee
Communications Security Establishment
Signals intelligence


This program provides foreign intelligence that addresses the Government of Canada's vital interests in defence, security, and international affairs through the collection, processing, analysis and reporting. It also provides technical and operational assistance to federal law enforcement and security agencies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 165 - Communications Security Establishment
Information Technology Security


This program provides advice, guidance, and services to help ensure the protection of electronic information and information systems of importance to the Government of Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 165 - Communications Security Establishment
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.
Military Police Complaints Commission
Complaints Resolution


This program aims to successfully resolve complaints about the conduct of Military Police members as well as complaints of interference with Military Police investigations by overseeing and reviewing all complaints received. This program is necessary to help the Military Police to be as effective and as professional as possible in their policing duties and functions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 137 - Military Police Complaints Commission
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 137 - Military Police Complaints Commission
Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner
The Communications Security Establishment Commissioner's Review Program


The Program provides independent review by the Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner of the lawfulness of the activities of the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) to determine whether they complied with the laws of Canada in general and, in particular, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the National Defence Act, the Criminal Code and the Privacy Act. The Program also includes undertaking any investigation the Commissioner considers necessary in response to any complaint filed by Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. If the Commissioner believes that CSE may not have complied with the law, he is required to inform the Minister of National Defence and the Attorney General of Canada. In addition, the Commissioner has a duty under the Security of Information Act to receive information from persons who are permanently bound to secrecy if they wish to claim a public interest defence for divulging classified information about CSE.

Department(s) specific:

  • 055 - Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 055 - Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner
Natural Resources
Natural Resources (Department of)
Market Access and Diversification


Canada-s natural resource sectors face two key barriers to market access and diversification: 1) trade and policy barriers, and 2) lack of awareness of Canada-s natural resource products and public confidence. The objectives of this Program are to break down those barriers and support the development and expansion of markets for Canadian natural resource products by making information available to Canadians, supporting negotiations to reduce trade barriers, and ensuring that regulations are up to date. This helps maintain natural resource sectors- access to existing markets and increases their access to new market segments.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Innovation for New Products and Processes


Optimizing the use of Canada's natural resources and the processes by which they are developed would improve the productivity and competitiveness of natural resource sectors. The objective of this Program is to maximize productivity and competitiveness by encouraging the adoption of new technologies and processes and the development of new products. These objectives are achieved by conducting and supporting research and development and by delivering frameworks and policies for, and demonstrations of, new applications, technologies, processes, and products.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Investment in natural resource sectors


Investing in the development of natural resources is costly and risky due to inherent uncertainties in the potential economic viability of natural resource projects. Many factors must be considered when deciding whether to develop a natural resource project. In some cases, limited information may make it difficult for investors and/or companies to assess potential opportunities. The objective of this Program is to encourage investment in the natural resource sectors by increasing industry's knowledge of opportunities, regulations and obligations. This ensures that a more accurate assessment of the expected benefits of an investment can be made and subsequently compared to its costs and risks, thereby allowing for a more comprehensive investment decision. This objective is achieved by providing funding and information on the factors that determine the potential economic viability of natural resource projects.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Statutory Programs - Atlantic Offshore


Through this Program, NRCan monitors and facilitates payment disbursal agreements and transfer payments under the Atlantic Offshore Accord Acts. The Program includes the following programs: Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board; Payments to the Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Resource Revenue Fund; Payments to the Nova Scotia Offshore Revenue Account; Nova Scotia Crown Share Adjustment Payment; and Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Energy-efficient Practices and Lower-carbon Energy Sources


Canada-s energy markets are defined by the decisions of energy consumers and producers. However, there are multiple barriers to the adoption of energy efficient practices and implementation of lower-carbon energy sources, including a lack of awareness of available options and their benefits, insufficient capacity for adoption (e.g., regulatory frameworks, codes and standards), and financial risk. The objective of this Program is to address these barriers by encouraging and enabling energy consumers and producers to adopt cleaner and more energy efficient technologies, products, services and practices. These objectives are achieved through education and outreach activities, targeted incentives, and regulatory interventions that keep pace with technological changes.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Technology Innovation


S&T is key to overcoming challenges confronted by natural resource sectors in pursuing responsible development. Through this Program, NRCan encourages academia, industry and the public sector to research, develop and demonstrate innovative solutions to environmental challenges. This objective is achieved through the generation and dissemination of scientific knowledge, and the development and demonstration of new technologies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Responsible Natural Resource Management


Greater knowledge of environmental risks and environmentally responsible practices help prevent and reduce the environmental impacts of past, present and future natural resource development. The objectives of this Program are to enable government departments, regulatory bodies and industry to assess these impacts, and to develop, monitor and maintain resources responsibly. These objectives are achieved through the provision of assessments and knowledge rooted in sound science.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Protection for Canadians and Natural Resources


Natural resource development and changes in the environment pose risks to human, natural resource and infrastructure health. The objective of this Program is to enable other government departments, communities, and the private sector to manage these risks and to ensure the appropriate capacity is in place. NRCan achieves this objective by providing regulation, knowledge, tools and services and by fulfilling legislated responsibilities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Landmass Information


Public, academic and private sectors as well as Canadians rely on up-to-date, comprehensive and accessible landmass information to make sound socio-economic and environmental decisions. This Program provides open access to Canada's fundamental geomatics framework and information system, including accurate three-dimensional positioning, high-resolution satellite imagery and other remote sensing products, legal (boundary) surveys, mapping and other analysis applications. In addition, it delivers logistics support in the North and regulatory oversight for a robust property system framework on Canada Lands.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited


Commercial Business: the sale on a fully commercial basis of nuclear products and services. Commercial business activities leverage the investment in research and development on a full cost recovery basis and generates profits, which are returned to the corporation. Commercial profits assist in funding primarily the Nuclear Platform including the national research laboratories at Chalk River and also development of new reactor technologies including the next-generation Advanced CANDU Reactor. The various commercial business lines and related services/products provide innovative cost effective business solutions to customers. These sales primarily to nuclear generating facilities are required to optimize the production of a secure and safe energy supply worldwide. Nuclear energy is an essential component of the solution for clean air and climate change improvements worldwide. Research and Development: Research and Development undertaken to maintain and enhance Canada's scientific and technological expertise in support of the production of environmentally friendly and cost effective CANDU nuclear generated electricity as well as other important peaceful applications of nuclear technologies in areas such as medicine. In particular it involves the maintenance of the intellectual property that has been developed over a period of sixty years covering basic knowledge of: materials reactor physics chemistry critical components radiation and the environment; that could have an impact on the safety licensing and design basis of CANDU technology. Facilities and Nuclear Operations: this program supports the operations of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) and requires major facilities such as reactors experimental loops hot cells and waste management plants. Waste Management and Decommissioning: decommissioning and waste management programs will need to be delivered at AECL sites over at least the next 70 to 100 years. Liabilities at AECL sites have arisen from a wide variety of sources including wartime activities wastes received from universities medical facilities government and industry from across Canada and a variety of R&D programs carried out in support of Canada's nuclear power program. Activities provide for maintaining and surveillance of nuclear waste decontamination and dismantling of surplus facilities as well as environmental restoration projects. Operational management of the facilities that have been turned over to decommissioning are also within this scope. Internal services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Nuclear Fuel Cycle


This program aims to regulate facilities associated with the nuclear fuel cycle (uranium mines and mills, nuclear processing facilities, and nuclear waste management facilities) to protect the health, safety and security of Canadians and the environment in a manner consistent with Canada's international commitments on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The program regulates all the life-cycle stages for these facilities - from site preparation through construction and operation, to decommissioning (or long-term management, in the case of some nuclear waste facilities). The licensing and compliance activities associated with this program are all managed through a risk-informed and performance-based approach. Compliance verification is conducted against established criteria consistent with the licensing basis of the facility. The results of regulatory activities associated with this program are communicated to the public on a regular basis. The program is guided by a management system, and is based on fundamental safety principles for continuous improvement.

Department(s) specific:

  • 047 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Nuclear Reactors


This program aims to regulate facilities associated with nuclear energy (nuclear power plants and research reactors), to protect the health, safety and security of Canadians and the environment in a manner consistent with Canada's international commitments on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The program regulates all the lifecycle stages for nuclear power and research reactors, from site preparation, construction, and operation, to the decommissioning of the facility and abandoning the site (once commercial operations are ended). The licensing and compliance activities associated with this program are all managed through a risk-informed and performance-based approach. Compliance verification is conducted against established criteria consistent with the licensing basis of the facility. The results of all the regulatory activities associated with this program are communicated to the public on a regular basis. The program is guided by a management system and is based on fundamental safety principles for continuous improvement.

Department(s) specific:

  • 047 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Nuclear Substances and Prescribed Equipment


This program aims to provide assurance to the Canadian public that nuclear substances and prescribed equipment are regulated to protect the health, safety and security of Canadians and the environment, in a manner consistent with Canada's international commitments on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The CNSC issues certificates for the design of radiation devices and prescribed equipment to ensure their safe use and issues licences for the safe handling and use of nuclear substances, radiation devices and prescribed equipment. In addition, the CNSC certifies radiography device operators, who must be certified to use exposure devices, as well as certain radiation safety officers. The CNSC monitors the regulated activities to ensure the safety of workers and the general public, and to protect the environment. The licences issued are categorized depending on the type of licensed activity, nuclear substances and prescribed equipment being used, as well as the risk involved. The regulated activities for which these licences are issued are related to four distinct stakeholder groups: medical, industrial, commercial, as well as academic and research. Each of these groups uses nuclear substances and prescribed equipment in their work. Compliance activities are conducted by the CNSC to monitor the safety and compliance with regulatory requirements. The licensing and compliance activities associated with this program are all managed through a risk-informed and performance-based approach. Compliance verification is conducted against established criteria consistent with the licensing basis of the activity being regulated. The results of regulatory activities associated with this program are communicated to the public and other stakeholders on a regular basis. The program is guided by a management system, and is based on fundamental safety principles for continuous improvement.

Department(s) specific:

  • 047 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Nuclear Non - Proliferation


This program aims to provide assurance to both the Canadian public and the international community that the development, production and use of nuclear energy and nuclear substances, prescribed equipment and prescribed information is safe and secure, and conforms with control measures and international obligations and commitments to which Canada has agreed, including those under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Under its mandate, the CNSC implements measures of control respecting nuclear non-proliferation, including domestic and international arrangements, International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards, and assessments and authorizations of exports and imports of nuclear substances, prescribed equipment and prescribed information (technology).

Department(s) specific:

  • 047 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Scientific, Technical, Regulatory and Public Information


This program aims to inform the Canadian public - including Canadian nuclear licensees, vendors, academic community, special interest groups, Aboriginal groups, other government departments, other jurisdictions and international organizations - that nuclear facilities and activities are being used safely, in adherence with regulatory requirements and best available scientific and technical information. This program is realized through the processes of generating scientific and technical information, institutionalizing the information within the regulatory framework, and disseminating the information through a variety of channels and engagement practices.

Department(s) specific:

  • 047 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 047 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
National Energy Board
Energy Adjudication


Making decisions or recommendations to the Governor in Council on applications, which include environmental assessments, using processes that are fair, transparent, timely and accessible. These applications pertain to pipelines and related facilities, international power lines, tolls and tariffs, energy exports and imports, and oil and gas exploration and drilling in certain northern and offshore areas of Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Infrastructure, Tolls and Export Applications


The National Energy Board (NEB) makes decisions and recommendations, which include environmental assessments, on applications to construct, operate, decommission, and abandon pipelines and international and designated interprovincial power lines. The NEB also makes decisions on applications for pipeline tolls and tariffs so that they are just and reasonable, applications related to oil and gas exploration and drilling activities and infrastructure in certain northern and offshore areas of Canada, and applications for the export of oil, natural gas liquids, electricity and the export and import of natural gas. Participants in program processes include the applicant, interveners and commenters, or in the case of formal complaints received by the NEB, all parties to the complaint.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Participant Funding


The National Energy Board-s (NEB) Participant Funding Program provides funding to facilitate the participation of interveners in hearings with respect to new or abandonment projects for pipelines or power lines and Environmental Assessments of designated projects.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Safety and Environment Oversight


Setting and enforcing regulatory expectations for National Energy Board-regulated companies over the full lifecycle-construction, operation and abandonment- of energy-related activities. These activities pertain to pipelines and related facilities, international power lines, tolls and tariffs, energy exports and imports, and oil and gas exploration and drilling in certain northern and offshore areas of Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Company Performance


The National Energy Board (NEB) holds its regulated companies accountable for meeting regulatory requirements and project-specific conditions to prevent incidents and provide for the safety of Canadians and the protection of the environment during the construction, operation and abandonment phases of a project lifecycle. This includes requirements for companies to have adequate funds for abandonment. The NEB undertakes risk-based Compliance Verification Activities to determine company compliance with regulatory requirements in the technical areas of security, environmental protection, pipeline integrity, safety management, damage prevention, rights and interests, and financial regulation.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Management System and Industry Performance


The performance of the regulated industry results in energy infrastructure that is systematically reliable and safe for people, the environment, and property. The National Energy Board (NEB) requires companies to continually evaluate and improve the effectiveness of their management system and to implement corrective actions to prevent incidents. Where required, the NEB investigates and enforces regulatory requirements to prevent harm and acts to compel learnings for further system improvements. The NEB requires companies to promote a positive safety culture to effectively manage threats to worker health and safety, and process safety. Information acquired from this work is used by the NEB to continually improve its regulations and practices.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Emergency Management


Through its Emergency Management program, the National Energy Board (NEB) holds its regulated companies responsible for anticipating, preventing, managing and mitigating conditions during an emergency and for cleaning up and remediating contamination to NEB requirements and expectations. This also includes requirements for companies to have financial resources to pay for spill costs and damages. The NEB promotes the effectiveness of the broader response through mutual agreements and information sharing with all levels of government, including municipalities and First Responders.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Regulatory Framework


The National Energy Board-s (NEB) regulatory framework applies to all core responsibilities and is comprised of applicable Acts, regulations, guidance materials, documents, as well as certificates, orders and other regulatory instruments used to regulate the industry. The NEB develops and communicates regulations, guidance materials, and related processes to regulated companies and the public. The NEB adopts a continual improvement approach and updates elements of its framework based on policy shifts, best practices, and input from stakeholders.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Energy Information


Collecting, monitoring, analyzing and publishing information on energy markets and supply, sources of energy, and the safety and security of pipelines and international power lines.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Energy System Information


The National Energy Board (NEB) studies energy systems to inform its regulatory decisions and share energy market information with the public. The scope of NEB energy market reporting is diverse and includes traditional oil, gas and electricity information, as well as renewable energy, the role of emerging technologies, and the links between energy, economic, social, and environmental issues.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Pipeline Information


The National Energy Board (NEB) provides Canadians with information on pipelines including safety and environment issues in which the public is interested.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board


Engaging with stakeholders and Indigenous Peoples on topics within the National Energy Board-s mandate and role, beyond engagement on specific projects.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Stakeholder Engagement


The National Energy Board (NEB) uses a regional and community approach to engage with stakeholders to build awareness, confidence and responsiveness in the NEB and NEB regulatory processes. The NEB engages with landowners, municipalities and other orders of government, industry, non-governmental organizations, and others. The views and insights gained inform improvements to NEB regulatory practices, processes, and information materials.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Indigenous Engagement


The National Energy Board (NEB) uses a cooperative and respectful approach to engage with Indigenous Peoples to build and enhance relationships, build NEB knowledge in Indigenous communities and of Indigenous matters, and improve NEB regulatory practices, processes, and information materials.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Internal support services core responsibility


Internal support services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Note: This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal support services core responsibility.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 074 - National Energy Board
Northern Pipeline Agency
Oversee and regulate the planning and construction of the Canadian portion of the Alaska Highway Natural Gas Pipeline Project


Oversee and regulate the planning and construction of the Canadian portion of the Alaska Highway Natural Gas Pipeline Project.

Department(s) specific:

  • 066 - Northern Pipeline Agency
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 066 - Northern Pipeline Agency
Infrastructure and Communities
Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Funding for Provincial - Territorial Priorities


This program provides predictable funding to each province and territory to enhance Canada's public infrastructure system. Federal payments to provinces and territories are made in accordance with the terms and conditions of signed funding agreements, including federal acceptance of Capital Plans and Expenditure Reports. Funding through this program leverages additional contributions from other funding partners to increase overall investment in public infrastructure for Canadians. Payments may be made up front and cost sharing provisions apply to a Capital Plan as a whole, and not the individual initiatives within a Capital Plan. This program uses funding from the Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Base Fund transfer payment.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Permanent and Flexible Infrastructure Funding


In support of community infrastructure for Canadians, this program provides long term and predictable funding for municipalities, supporting long term municipal planning and asset management in order to address infrastructure priorities. Funding is provided to build and rehabilitate public infrastructure based on overall compliance with the terms and conditions of the governing agreements. Federal funding is provided up front and does not need to be used in the year it is provided. This program uses funding from the Gas Tax Fund transfer payment.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Investments in National Infrastructure Priorities


This program directs funding to infrastructure projects that help to advance national priorities that are important to Canadians. Funding is provided through merit-based review of proposals (by Infrastructure Canada or the Federation of Canadian Municipalities), or notional allocations to provinces and territories. Funding through this program leverages additional contributions from other funding partners for eligible infrastructure projects or capacity-building initiatives. Payments are provided as work progresses under the terms of signed contribution agreements. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: the New Building Canada Fund-National Infrastructure Component, Green Infrastructure Fund, Border Infrastructure Fund, Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway Fund, Public Transit Infrastructure Fund, Clean Water and Wastewater Fund, Asset Management Fund and Capacity Building for Climate Change Challenges Fund (CB3CF).

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Large Scale Infrastructure Investments


This program invests in infrastructure projects of national, regional and/or local significance. Funding through this program leverages additional contributions from other funding partners for eligible infrastructure projects. Funding may be jurisdictionally allocated. Actual payments are provided as work progresses under the terms of signed contribution agreements. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: the New Building Canada Fund Provincial Territorial Infrastructure Component National and Regional Projects, Building Canada Fund Major Infrastructure Component and the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Infrastructure Investments in Small Communities and Rural Areas


This program invests in infrastructure projects in small communities and rural areas to support local and/or regional priorities and economies. Funding through this program leverages additional contributions from other funding partners for eligible infrastructure projects. Funding may be jurisdictionally allocated. Payments are provided based on eligible costs incurred with respect to signed contribution agreements. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: the New Building Canada Fund Provincial Territorial Infrastructure Component Small Communities Fund and the Building Canada Fund Communities Component.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
New Bridge for the St. Lawrence Corridor Project


In support of the Government of Canada's economic and safety priorities, this program ensures the overall delivery of the new bridge for the St. Lawrence corridor project in Montreal, Quebec. Infrastructure Canada is the project authority charged with overseeing the delivery of this project which will provide a safe, secure and efficient crossing for local residents, commuters and commercial traffic. The new bridge and its corridor will contribute to the increased capacity and efficiency of gateway and corridor infrastructure regionally and nationally. The project is to be carried out as a public-private partnership.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
PPP Canada Inc. (Crown Corporation)
Crown Corporation PPP Canada Inc.


Federal Public-Private Partnership Initiatives: through this program, PPP Canada will:
  1. manage a Public-Private Partnerships Fund (P3 Fund) a unique infrastructure program designed to support innovative public-private partnerships projects
  2. assess public-private partnerships opportunities for contributions under other Government of Canada infrastructure programs to ensure consideration of such arrangements
  3. assess public-private partnerships opportunities and advise on the execution of public-private partnerships projects at the federal level and
  4. act as a source of expertise and advice for public-private partnerships matters in order to encourage the further development of Canada's public-private partnerships market

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.
The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.


Management of federal bridge, highway and tunnel infrastructure, and properties in the Montreal area: this program encompasses the operation and maintenance of the Jacques-Cartier and Champlain bridges, the federally-owned section of the Honoré-Mercier Bridge, a section of the Bonaventure Expressway, the Melocheville Tunnel, and the Champlain Bridge Ice Control Structure by carrying out regular and major maintenance work.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority
The Windsor - Detroit Bridge Authority


The Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority is charged with delivering the Detroit River International Crossing project which will provide a safe, secure and efficient crossing for passenger and commercial traffic in the Windsor-Detroit region. The Detroit River International Crossing will address problems with regard to border crossings in the region, namely accommodating future traffic projections and providing sufficient capacity in the event of any disruptions at the existing Windsor-Detroit Crossings. The Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority will procure the project on behalf of Canada and Michigan. As per the Canada-Michigan Crossing Agreement, the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority will have several responsibilities. It will manage and oversee the construction of the entire project, other than the operation and maintenance of the Interstate-75 interchange; develop a public-private partnership procurement documentation for the design, construction, operation, maintenance and partial financing of the project through a public-private partnership; conduct the public-private partnership procurement process and selection of the preferred bidder; sign the public-private partnership concession agreement; pay Michigan to undertake property acquisition in Michigan; lease or license properties from Michigan; lease or license from Canada the properties that the Canada is in the process of acquiring in Windsor; and manage and oversee the public-private partnership concessionaire for the duration of the concession agreement.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Senators, House Officers, and their Offices


Provides Senators with the statutory services set out in the Parliament of Canada Act and the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act. Operating costs of Senators- offices are provided in accordance with established policies and guidelines. Costs included under these two categories are: Senators- sessional indemnities and allowances as well as contributions to the Senators- pension plan and retiring allowances; travel and telecommunication expenses; salaries for additional duties of the Officers of the Senate; staff costs of operating the offices of Officers of the Senate; Senators- research and office expenses, including staff costs and the cost of goods and services incurred for the operations of Senators- offices; and Caucus research funds.

Department(s) specific:

  • 009 - Senate
Chamber, Committees and Associations


Provide the support and services Senators require for their work in the Senate Chamber; standing, special and joint committees; and parliamentary associations. This includes procedural, legislative, and information products such as Speaker-s rulings, legislative drafting, official publications and broadcasting; and administrative services such as budgets and logistics for meetings. Costs included under this program are: salaries of the Clerk-s and Legislative Sectors; journals, reporting of debates and publications; committees, parliamentary associations and exchanges; broadcasting; communications; and Senate Pages.

Department(s) specific:

  • 009 - Senate
Administrative Support


Provide the ongoing support services required for the effective, efficient and economical delivery of operating programs outlined under the other two programs of the Senate. Administrative support provides accommodation and other facilities and tools, information, goods and services, and expert advice on all aspects of operations. Costs included in this program are: financial services and materiel management; human resources; corporate security services; information services; information technology management; accommodation planning, maintenance and upkeep of premises; postal, messenger and printing services; repairs, trades and transportation services; corporate improvement including internal audit and strategic management.

Department(s) specific:

  • 009 - Senate
House of Commons
House Administration


House employees are responsible for providing services to the Members elected during a Parliament, and in addition, serve the House as an institution on a permanent basis by providing: continuity from one Parliament to another; access to parliamentary records; and a stable infrastructure to support Members in the democratic process. Advice and support are provided in a wide variety of services such as: procedural, legislative, legal, information technology and management, building management, security, food, finance, human resources, health and safety. The staff of the House of Commons strives to support the institution and the members in their roles as legislators and representatives of 308 constituencies, in the Chamber, in committee and in Caucus.

Department(s) specific:

  • 067 - House of Commons
Members and House Officers


Members assume the roles of legislators and elected representatives of their constituency. In their constituencies, Members participate in events and activities and discuss with constituents about their concerns. In the Chamber, Members participate in debates, study and vote on legislation. Members sit on standing committees and special or joint committees, since the House of Commons delegates in-depth consideration of bills and the thorough scrutiny of the government's programs and policies to its committees. Members also participate in parliamentary associations and interparliamentary groups, and are members of delegations in parliamentary exchanges. Finally, in caucus, Members develop strategy, discuss policy and examine important issues with fellow party members, and direct the work of party research offices. Some Members also assume additional functions such as: the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, House Leaders and Chief Whips.

Department(s) specific:

  • 067 - House of Commons
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 067 - House of Commons
Library of Parliament
Information Support for Parliament


This program provides parliamentarians with information, documentation, research and analysis services to help them fulfill their roles as legislators and representatives and to support them in their efforts to make Parliament and information about Parliament accessible to the public.

Department(s) specific:

  • 017 - Library of Parliament
Economic and fiscal analysis


The Parliamentary Budget Officer provides independent, relevant, timely and non-partisan analysis to enable Parliament to fulfill its constitutional obligation to hold the government to account. The Parliamentary Budget Officer provides independent analysis to Parliament on the state of the nation's finances, the government's estimates and the Canadian economy; and upon request from a committee or parliamentarian, estimates the financial cost of any proposal for matters over which Parliament has jurisdiction. In addition, the Parliamentary Budget Officer is responsible for preparing cost estimates of political parties' platform commitments during the election period. Information on the operations of the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer can be found in the annual reports which are available on the organization's website. The Speakers of the Senate and the House of Commons are the appropriate Ministers for this organization.

Department(s) specific:

  • 017 - Library of Parliament
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 017 - Library of Parliament
Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
Administration of the Conflict of Interest Act and the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons


The Commissioner provides confidential advice to Public Office Holders (POHs) and MPs about how to comply with the Conflict of Interest Act and the MP's Code respectively. She is also mandated to provide confidential advice to the Prime Minister about conflict of interest and ethics issues. The Commissioner may conduct an inquiry into whether a MP has contravened the Code or a present or former POH has breached the Act. This program benefits Canadians by minimizing the possibility of conflicts arising between the private interests and public duties of POHs and MPs and provide for the resolution of those conflicts in the public interest should they arise.

Department(s) specific:

  • 147 - Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 147 - Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
Senate Ethics Officer


The mandate of the Senate Ethics Officer is to administer and interpret the Code for Senators that sets out standards of conduct for Members of the Senate. The primary functions of the Senate Ethics Officer are: - to provide confidential opinions and advice on any matter respecting Senators' obligations under the Code; - to review confidential annual disclosure statements (listing sources of income, assets, liabilities, government contracts, financial and other interests), advise Senators on possible conflicts and compliance measures, and prepare public disclosure summaries; - to conduct inquiries and investigations, if necessary, regarding compliance with the Code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 151 - Office of the Senate Ethics Officer
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 151 - Office of the Senate Ethics Officer
Parliamentary Protective Service
Physical security


The Parliamentary Protective Service is responsible for the physical security throughout the parliamentary precinct and Parliament Hill. This includes the physical security of the parliamentary precinct, Parliamentarians, Parliamentary Staff, and guests of Parliament, as well as all visitors to Parliament Hill and/or the precinct, and any assets located within or events that take place therein.

Department(s) specific:

  • 176 - Parliamentary Protective Service
Privy Council
Privy Council Office
Advice and support to the Prime Minister and portfolio ministers


The Privy Council Office (PCO) provides professional, non-partisan advice and support to the Prime Minister and portfolio ministers on the full spectrum of issues and policies they address on a daily basis. PCO also provides advice and support on: the structure and organization of government; government wide communications; Governor in Council appointments; the development and implementation of parliamentary and legislative programs; democratic reform; intergovernmental relations; and legal issues. In addition, PCO provides administrative advice and support pertaining to the budgets of the Prime Minister's Office and those of the offices of portfolio ministers.

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Public service leadership and direction


The Privy Council Office (PCO) supports the development and maintenance of a high-quality Public Service that meets the highest standards of accountability, transparency and efficiency. As part of this work, PCO provides advice to the Clerk of the Privy Council and the Prime Minister on the renewal of public service and government operations in order to position the Public Service workforce and workplace for the future as more adaptable, innovative and streamlined. PCO also supports the human resources management of senior leaders across the government, including performance management and leadership development.

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Commissions of inquiry


The Privy Council Office (PCO) provides commissions of inquiry with financial and administrative support. As part of this work, PCO can, when necessary, provide ongoing administrative advice and support in the following areas: staffing; acquisition services; contracting; financial services; access to funding; records management; payroll support; publishing information online; translation; legal services; security; and systems support.

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Advice and support to Cabinet and Cabinet committees


The Privy Council Office (PCO) supports the efficient and effective functioning of Cabinet and Cabinet committees on a day to day basis. As part of this work, PCO coordinates departmental policy, legislative and government administration proposals going to Cabinet and its committees; performs a challenge function during the policy development process; and prepares briefing materials and accompanying policy analysis to facilitate Cabinet's decision making process. PCO also provides a secretariat function for Cabinet and its committees, which includes scheduling and support services for meetings, as well as preparation and distribution of Cabinet documents. In addition, PCO supports effective policy integration across the federal government so that proposals take into account the full range of departmental and public service wide perspectives and issues related to implementation, such as communications, parliamentary affairs, intergovernmental relations and budget impacts.

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
Conference Services


Provision of expert, impartial support services for the planning and conduct of First Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers level federal-provincial-territorial and provincial-territorial conferences.

Department(s) specific:

  • 043 - Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 043 - Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Independent safety investigations and communication of risks in the transportation system


The TSB's sole objective is to advance air, marine, rail and pipeline transportation safety. This mandate is fulfilled by conducting independent investigations into selected transportation occurrences to identify the causes and contributing factors, and the safety deficiencies evidenced by these occurrences. The TSB makes recommendations to reduce or eliminate any such safety deficiencies and reports publicly on its investigations. The TSB then follows up with stakeholders to ensure that safety actions are taken to reduce risks and improve safety.

Department(s) specific:

  • 101 - Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Aviation occurrence investigations


The Aviation Occurrence Investigations program is governed by the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act, the Transportation Safety Board Regulations, and Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Under this program, the TSB conducts independent investigations into selected aviation transportation occurrences in, or over Canada, and in certain circumstances internationally, to identify causes and contributing factors. This program includes the publication of investigation reports, the formulation and monitoring of recommendations and other safety communications, as well as the conduct of outreach activities to advocate for changes to operating practices, equipment, infrastructure, and legislation to advance transportation safety. The Aviation Occurrence Investigations program also includes the fulfillment of specific Government of Canada obligations related to transportation safety under conventions of the International Civil Aviation Organization and other international agreements.

Department(s) specific:

  • 101 - Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Marine occurrence investigations


The Marine Occurrence Investigations program is governed by the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act, the Transportation Safety Board Regulations, and the Casualty Investigation Code of the International Maritime Organization. Under this program, the TSB conducts independent investigations into selected marine transportation occurrences in Canada, and in certain circumstances internationally to identify causes and contributing factors. This program includes the publication of investigation reports, the formulation and monitoring of recommendations and other safety communications, as well as the conduct of outreach activities to advocate for changes to operating practices, equipment, infrastructure, and legislation to advance transportation safety. The Marine Occurrence Investigations program also includes the fulfillment of specific Government of Canada obligations related to transportation safety under conventions of the International Maritime Organization and other international agreements.

Department(s) specific:

  • 101 - Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Rail Occurrence Investigations


The Rail Occurrence Investigations program is governed by the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act and the Transportation Safety Board Regulations. Under this program, the TSB conducts independent investigations into selected rail transportation occurrences in Canada to identify causes and contributing factors. This program includes the publication of investigation reports, the formulation and monitoring of recommendations and other safety communications, as well as the conduct of outreach activities to advocate for changes to operating practices, equipment, infrastructure, and legislation to advance transportation safety. The Rail Occurrence Investigations program also includes the provision of assistance, upon request, to the provinces for the investigation of short-line railway occurrences under provincial jurisdiction.

Department(s) specific:

  • 101 - Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Pipeline occurrence investigations


The Pipeline Occurrence Investigations program is governed by the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act and the Transportation Safety Board Regulations. Under this program, the TSB conducts independent investigations into selected pipeline occurrences under federal jurisdiction within Canada to identify causes and contributing factors. This program includes the publication of investigation reports, the formulation and monitoring of recommendations and other safety communications, as well as the conduct of outreach activities to advocate for changes to operating practices, equipment, infrastructure, and legislation to advance transportation safety.

Department(s) specific:

  • 101 - Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Internal support services core responsibility


Internal support services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Note: This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal support services core responsibility.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 101 - Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Electoral Operations


This program allows Elections Canada to deliver fair and efficient electoral events whenever they may be required so that Canadians are able to exercise their democratic right to vote during a federal general election, by-election or referendum by providing an accessible and constantly improved electoral process responsive to the needs of electors.

Department(s) specific:

  • 015 - Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Regulation of Electoral Activities


This program provides Canadians with an electoral process that is fair, transparent and in compliance with the Canada Elections Act. Within this program, Elections Canada is responsible for administering the political financing provisions of the Act. This includes monitoring compliance, disclosure and reporting of financial activities, and enforcing electoral legislation.

Department(s) specific:

  • 015 - Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Electoral Engagement


This program promotes and sustains the Canadian electoral process. It provides Canadians with electoral education and information activities so that they can make informed decisions about their engagement in the electoral process. It also aims to improve the electoral framework by consulting and sharing electoral practices with other stakeholders.

Department(s) specific:

  • 015 - Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 015 - Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Protection of Language Rights


Through this program, the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages investigates complaints filed by citizens who believe their language rights have not been respected, evaluates compliance with the Official Languages Act by federal institutions and other organizations subject to the Act through performance measurements and audits, and intervenes proactively to prevent non-compliance with the Act. As well, the Commissioner may intervene before the courts in cases that deal with non-compliance to the Official Languages Act.

Department(s) specific:

  • 076 - Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Promotion of Linguistic Duality


Through this program, the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (OCOL) works with Parliamentarians, federal institutions and other organizations subject to the Official Languages Act, official language communities and the Canadian public in promoting linguistic duality. OCOL builds links between federal institutions, official language communities and the different levels of government to help them better understand the needs of official language communities, the importance of bilingualism and the value of respecting Canada's linguistic duality. To fulfill its role in that promotion, OCOL conducts research, studies and public awareness activities as well as intervenes with senior federal officials so that they instill a change in culture to fully integrate linguistic duality in their organizations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 076 - Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 076 - Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Security Intelligence Review Committee


The Committee conducts investigations into complaints made against CSIS, denials of security clearances, Minister's reports in regards to the Citizenship Act and matters referred pursuant to the Canadian Human Rights Act. If jurisdiction is established, investigations include a quasi judicial hearing presided over by one or more Committee members. The time required to complete an investigation will vary in length depending on the complexity of the file, the quantity of documents to be examined, the number of hearing days required, the availability of the participants and the various procedural matters raised by the parties. On completion of an investigation, SIRC issues a final report containing its findings and recommendations, if applicable.

Department(s) specific:

  • 103 - Security Intelligence Review Committee


SIRC conducts reviews of CSIS activities to evaluate their effectiveness, appropriateness and compliance. The Committee develops an annual research plan identifying reviews to be conducted each year, examines CSIS operations, provides a retrospective examination and assessment of specific CSIS investigations and functions, examines information concerning CSIS's activities, assesses CSIS compliance, and issues findings and recommendations. The objective is to provide Parliament, the Minister of Public Safety and Canadians with a comprehensive picture of CSIS's operational activities, and assurance that CSIS is acting in accordance with the rule of law.

Department(s) specific:

  • 103 - Security Intelligence Review Committee
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 103 - Security Intelligence Review Committee
Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians
Assist the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians in fulfilling its mandate


The Secretariat's core responsibility consists of a range of activities to ensure the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians receives timely access to relevant information, strategic and expert advice in the conduct of reviews and development of reports and support to ensure compliance with security requirements.

Department(s) specific:

  • 192 - Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians

Department(s) specific:

  • 192 - Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians

Department(s) specific:

  • 192 - Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians
Internal support services core responsibility


Internal support services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Note: This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal support services core responsibility.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 192 - Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
National Security


The National Security Program aims to ensure that Canada is prepared for and can respond to a range of national security threats. The National Security Program plays a coordinating role in the prevention, detection, denial and response efforts of the Public Safety Portfolio and broader government departments and agencies on matters relevant to national security. In order to achieve this objective, the program works with operational and policy partners to provide the Government with strategic advice on rapidly evolving and often sensitive issues. The National Security Program also assists the Minister and Deputy Minister in fulfilling key statutory obligations, and seeks to identify and close gaps in Canada's ability to deal with national security threats. It coordinates, analyses and develops policies, and implements processes related to issues such as critical infrastructure, cyber security, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and counter terrorism. Because of their complexity, importance, and potential impact on individual rights, national security legislation, programs, and policies must be well founded, well governed, and well executed. This program plays a central role in supporting decision makers in achieving this goal on behalf of Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Emergency Management


Public Safety Canada works to protect Canada and Canadians by exercising national leadership in emergency management and setting a clear direction for emergency management for the Government of Canada, pursuant to the Emergency Management Act of 2007.Using a risk based approach, and working closely with federal institutions, provinces, territories, the emergency responder community, the private sector, non-government organizations and international counterparts to address all hazards (natural, technological and human induced), this Program contributes to a safe and resilient Canada through policy and program development, stakeholder outreach, and coordination across the four functions of emergency management prevention/mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. The Program conducts and coordinates research, risk assessment, long term policy development and planning to strengthen its coherence and its contribution to national EM leadership; administers exercises and training; coordinates and monitors the federal government's capacity to manage and respond to whole of government emergencies; provides support to provinces and territories to enhance their capacities; and promotes improved standardization and a culture of continual improvement through the collection, analysis and utilization of lessons learned and best practices. The Program also promotes public awareness of emergency management directly through outreach and various emergency management fora.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Border Strategies


The Border Strategies Program provides federal policy leadership, coordination and coherence on a variety of border issues, such as customs, immigration, refugees and citizenship, and cross border law enforcement, in order to ensure that security objectives are achieved in a manner that facilitates the flow of legitimate trade and travel, and reduces security and fraud related risks. The intent of this program is to promote the safety and economic well-being of Canadians through supporting secure and efficient management of Canada's borders. This program also advances critical infrastructure objectives through effective coordination among federal departments and agencies, as well as partnerships with industry sectors. In order to achieve this result, the program develops and supports a focused border management agenda and leads ongoing dialogue between Canada and the United States on strategic and operational border policy issues, including the implementation of the Beyond the Border Action plan. The program implements cross border arrangements relating to the movement of goods and people during emergencies, and provides policy advice, leadership and horizontal coordination to Public Safety Portfolio agencies and other federal departments regarding border issues. This program plays a central role in supporting the Government in making fully informed decisions concerning border policy, border management and cross border law enforcement for the benefit of Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Countering Crime


Crime is a significant preoccupation among Canadians and they recognize the importance of the federal government's role in responding to crime issues across the country. The Countering Crime Program provides federal policy leadership, coordination, research and program support on a continuum of activities related to the prevention of crime, the enforcement of law and the rehabilitation of those who have committed criminal offences. The intent of this program is to reduce the likelihood of criminality by working in close collaboration with federal partners, and those in the provinces, territories and communities to design and deliver national programs that are specific and appropriate to regions and communities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Canada Border Services Agency
Risk Assessment Program


The Risk Assessment program "pushes the border out" by seeking to identify high-risk people, goods and conveyances as early as possible in the travel and trade continuum to prevent inadmissible people and goods from entering Canada. This benefits the travelling public and the trade community by enabling the Agency to focus its examination and interdiction activities on high risk people and goods, thereby facilitating the entry of low-risk travellers and goods. The Agency uses a variety of threat and risk assessment methodologies, intelligence and supporting technologies to identify potential risks to the security and safety of people and goods.

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Admissibility Determination


Through the Admissibility Determination program, the CBSA develops, maintains and administers the policies, regulations, procedures and partnerships that enable border services officers to intercept people and goods that are inadmissible to Canada and to process legitimate people and goods seeking entry into Canada within established service standards. In addition, the Agency develops, maintains and administers the policies, regulations, procedures and partnerships to control the export of goods from Canada. In the traveller stream, border services officers question people upon arrival to determine if they and their personal goods meet the requirements of applicable legislation and regulations to enter Canada. Border services officers will then make a decision to grant entry or refer a person for further processing (e.g. payment of duties and taxes, issuance of a document), and/or for a physical examination. In the commercial stream, carriers and importers are required to provide information to the CBSA at or prior to arrival in Canada. Border services officers review the status of pre-arrival decisions and/or the provided accompanying documentation to determine whether the goods meet the requirements of applicable legislation and regulations to enter Canada. Based on this determination, a border services officer may refer the goods for further processing, examination and/or scientific/engineering analysis. Upon further examination goods may be seized or penalties imposed. With some exceptions, stemming from the policies and legislative requirements of some of our partner departments and agencies, all goods being exported from Canada must be reported "in writing" to the CBSA.

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Secure and Trusted Partnerships


Through the Secure and Trusted Partnerships program, the CBSA works closely with clients, other government departments and international border management partners to enhance trade chain and traveller security while providing pre-approved, low-risk travellers and traders with streamlined and efficient border processes. The CBSA develops and administers programs and cooperative agreements with its partners to ensure alignment with international standards (e.g. World Customs Organization SAFE Framework of Standards) and promote best practices in global border management. By increasing membership in trusted traveller and trader programs, the CBSA is able to improve its capacity to mitigate risk in advance and focus examination efforts on identifying travellers and traders of unknown or higher risk.

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Revenue and Trade Management


The Revenue and Trade Management Program administers international and regional trade agreements and domestic legislation and regulations governing trade in commercial goods. The program ensures that appropriate trade data is collected and that the duties and taxes owed to the Government of Canada are remitted in accordance with Canadian trade laws and import requirements. Commercial importers must accurately report on their goods at the time of importation, and remit the required payment, or self-correct their entries, and pay any additional amounts owing, when they have reason to believe that trade related reporting errors have occurred.

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency


The Recourse program provides the business community and individuals with an accessible mechanism to seek an impartial review of service related complaints, program decisions and enforcement actions taken by the CBSA. This program ensures that their decisions are fair, transparent and accurately reflect the Agency's policies and the Acts administered by the CBSA. Individuals can complete a written submission if they disagree with an enforcement action or a program decision made by the CBSA or wish to submit a complaint or compliment about services. Clients are provided with a timely acknowledgement of their correspondence, before CBSA officials conduct a thorough review, taking into consideration the legislation administered by the Agency, CBSA policies, the client's point of view and, where necessary, technical opinions from CBSA experts or legal advice from the Department of Justice. Individuals who are not satisfied with the CBSA's review can appeal to the appropriate court, tribunal or external review body. The Recourse Program also facilitates the review of external complaints of discrimination filed with the Canadian Human Rights Commission and assists the Department of Justice representing the Agency on appeals to the Federal Court, various tribunals and other external bodies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Criminal Investigations


Under the Criminal Investigations program, the CBSA protects the integrity of border-related legislation and contributes to public safety and Canada's economic security by investigating and pursuing the prosecution of travellers, importers, exporters and/or other persons who commit criminal offences in contravention of Canada's border related legislation. CBSA investigators review potential border legislation violations and gather evidence using a variety of investigative techniques, including search warrants, production orders and digital forensic analysis. These violations include criminal offences under the Customs Act, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, various food, plant and animal legislation, and other border related legislation. In conjunction with the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, the CBSA pursues the prosecution of individuals or business entities who violate Canada's border-related legislation.

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Immigration Enforcement


The Immigration Enforcement Program determines whether foreign nationals and permanent residents who are or may be inadmissible to Canada are identified and investigated, detained, monitored and/or removed from Canada. Foreign nationals and permanent residents of Canada believed to be inadmissible are investigated and may have a report written against them by a CBSA inland enforcement officer. Depending on the type of inadmissibility, the merits of the report are reviewed by either a Minister's Delegate or an independent decision maker at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) where a CBSA hearings officer represents the Minister of Public Safety. Subsequent to this review, a removal order may be issued against the foreign national or permanent resident in question. Removal orders issued against refugee claimants are conditional and do not come into force until the claim against the removal order is abandoned, withdrawn or denied by the IRB.

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Intelligence Program


This program includes the collection, processing and analysis of information and intelligence, respecting activities that may be suspected of constituting threats to the security of Canada and safety of Canadians and, in relation thereto, reporting and advising the Government of Canada. In accordance with Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act, s.16, in supporting the missions of National Defence and Foreign Affairs, this intelligence program also provides assistance to the Minister of National Defence and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, within Canada, in the collection of information or intelligence.

Department(s) specific:

  • 095 - Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Security Screening Program


The Security Screening program is one of the main responsibilities of CSIS and among its most visible functions. The goals of the Security Screening program are to prevent non-Canadians who pose security concerns or risks from entering or receiving permanent residence in Canada and to prevent anyone of concern from gaining access to sensitive government assets, locations or information. Through its foreign offices in Canadian missions abroad, CSIS performs in-depth examinations of applicants and prospective immigrants whose backgrounds present security concerns. CSIS also provides security assessments on behalf of all federal government departments and agencies (except the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)) as part of the Government Security Policy (GSP). Security Assessments fall into the following program activities: Government Screening, Sensitive Sites Screening, Foreign Screening, Immigration and Citizenship Screening, and Refugee Screening.

Department(s) specific:

  • 095 - Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Correctional Service of Canada


The Custody program contributes to public safety by providing for the day-to-day needs of offenders, including health and safety, food, clothing, mental health services, and physical health care. It also includes security measures within institutions such as drug interdiction, and appropriate control practices to prevent incidents.

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Correctional Interventions


The Correctional Interventions program contributes to public safety through assessment activities and program interventions for federal offenders that are designed to assist their rehabilitation and facilitate their successful reintegration into the community as law-abiding citizens. The program engages Canadian citizens as partners in CSC's correctional mandate, and provides outreach to victims of crime.

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Community Supervision


The Community Supervision program contributes to public safety through the administration of community operations, including the provision of accommodation options, establishment of community partnerships and provision of community health services as necessary. Community supervision provides the structure to assist offenders to safely and successfully reintegrate into society.

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Parole Board of Canada
Conditional Release Decisions


Conditional release is based on the principle that community safety is enhanced by the gradual release of offenders to the community when appropriate. Quality decisions based on the risk of re-offending in conjunction with effective programs and treatment, and effective community supervision all contribute to the process. Through this core responsibility, PBC staff provides timely, accurate information for Board member decision-making, and develops training and policies that are essential tools for risk assessment and decision-making.

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Conditional Release Decisions


Conditional release is based on the principle that community safety is enhanced by the gradual release of offenders to the community when appropriate. Quality decisions based on the risk of re-offending; in conjunction with effective programs and treatment, and effective community supervision all contribute to the process. Through this program, PBC staff provides timely, accurate information for Board member decision-making, and develops training and policies that are essential tools for risk assessment and decision-making.

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Conditional Release Openness and Accountability


This core responsibility ensures that the PBC operates in an open and accountable manner, consistent with the provisions of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA). This core responsibility works with victims of crime and the general public by providing information, including access to the PBC's registry of decisions, as well as providing assistance for observers at hearings. The core responsibility also works to encourage citizen engagement, investigates tragic incidents in the community, monitors the PBC's performance and reports on conditional release processes.

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Conditional Release Openness and Accountability


This program ensures that the PBC operates in an open and accountable manner, consistent with the provisions of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA). This program works with victims of crime and the general public by providing information, including access to the PBC's registry of decisions, as well as providing assistance for observers at hearings. The program also works to encourage citizen engagement, investigates tragic incidents in the community, monitors the PBC's performance and reports on conditional release processes.

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Record Suspension Decisions/Clemency Recommendations


A record suspension is designed to support the successful reintegration of an individual into society where appropriate. It is a formal attempt to remove the stigma of a criminal record for people found guilty of a federal offence and who, after satisfying their sentence and specified waiting period, have shown themselves to be responsible law-abiding citizens. Record suspensions can be revoked or cease to have effect if an individual is convicted of a new indictable offence, or in some cases a summary offence, found to no longer be of good conduct, found to have made a false or misleading statement or hidden information. Through this core responsibility the PBC screens applications for completeness and the eligibility of each applicant, collects information for decision-making and develops policy to guide decision processes. This program is also responsible for assessing requests and providing recommendations under the Royal Prerogative of Mercy (i.e. clemency) and providing advice to the Minister on the merits of each case. Clemency is granted in exceptional circumstances in deserving cases involving federal offences, where no other remedy exists in law to reduce severe negative effects of criminal sanctions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Record Suspension Decisions/Clemency Recommendations


Through this program, the PBC screens applications for completeness and the eligibility of each applicant, collects information for decision-making and develops policy to guide decision processes. This program is also responsible for assessing requests and providing recommendations under the Royal Prerogative of Mercy (i.e., clemency) and providing advice to the Minister on the merits of each case. Clemency is granted in exceptional circumstances in deserving cases involving federal offences, where no other remedy exists in law to reduce severe negative effects of criminal sanctions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Internal support services core responsibility


Internal support services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Note: This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal support services core responsibility.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada
Ombudsman for federal offenders


Through this program, the Office of the Correctional Investigator (OCI) conducts investigations of individual offender complaints regarding acts, omissions, decisions and recommendations of the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC). It also has a responsibility to review and make recommendations on CSC's policies and procedures associated with the areas of individual complaints, to ensure that systemic areas of complaint are identified and appropriately addressed, and to review all Section 19 investigations performed by CSC following the death of or serious injury to an inmate.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Police Operations


Under the authority of the RCMP Act, this Program provides Canadians with policing services at the federal, provincial and municipal levels and within Aboriginal communities. As described in the RCMP Act, these services include all duties that are assigned to peace officers in relation to: the preservation of the peace, the prevention of crime and of offences against the laws of Canada and the laws in force in any province in which they may be employed, and the apprehension of criminals and offenders and others who may be lawfully taken into custody; the execution of all warrants, and performing all duties and services in relation thereto, that may, under the RCMP Act or the laws of Canada or the laws in force in any province, be lawfully executed and performed by peace officers; and, performing other duties and functions as are prescribed by the Governor in Council or the Commissioner. This Program contributes to a safe and secure Canada by providing general law enforcement activities, as well as education and awareness activities delivered by employees of the RCMP to the public, businesses and other agencies/organizations within Canada. The RCMP's education and awareness activities, such as information sessions on crime prevention, national security, financial crime, and drugs and organized crime, are aimed at reducing victimization of Canadians. This Program also ensures the protection of designated persons and security at major events, which in turn mitigates any potential threats to Canada's population. Finally, the Program delivers a high level of technical and operational support to the Canadian law enforcement community. Taken together, these activities ensure the RCMP reaches its overarching goal of reducing criminal activity affecting Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Canadian Law Enforcement Services


This Program provides the Canadian law enforcement community with the necessary scientific, technical, investigative and educational support to deliver proactive, intelligence-based policing and law enforcement services to their respective communities and partners. Additionally, this Program provides educational opportunities to members of the Canadian law enforcement community to enable them to develop their skills, thus increasing their effectiveness in contributing to a safer Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
International Policing Operations


Under authority of the RCMP Act, this Program furthers Canada's global peace and security agenda by cooperating with and supporting the international law enforcement community, thereby ensuring that both Canadians and the global community are safer. This Program addresses the transnational scope of crime by building relationships with international policing partners and by participating in the INTERPOL global information sharing network. Additionally, the RCMP actively participates in multiple missions abroad in a peacekeeping role and provides support to nations at risk to build their law enforcement capacity.

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Canadian Police Culture and Heritage


In order to protect the RCMP's internationally recognized image, reputation and rich heritage, this Program works to promote the positive image of the RCMP while building relationships with domestic and international law enforcement, government and community partners. The Program provides advice and analysis to internal and external clients, including federal, provincial and municipal partners, academic institutions, Royal Household representatives, and non-government organizations, regarding appropriate ceremonial features of special events and occurrences (e.g., Olympics, expos, summits, police officer funerals). Through the activities of this Program, the RCMP contributes to Canada's vibrant culture and heritage.

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Transfer Payments


This Program ensures that RCMP employees and their families are provided income security at their pension or in the event of disability or death, and that an appropriate level of support is afforded to those who are affected by circumstances beyond their control and as a result of their employment with the RCMP. The activities within this Program are regulated by either the terms and conditions of the grant or are statutory payments, for example, the RCMP Pension Continuation Act payments.

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee
Appeal case reviews


The Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee (ERC) is an independent administrative tribunal that contributes to fair and equitable labour relations and helps to reinforce accountability at all levels within the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Other than the courts, the ERC is the only independent review mechanism available to RCMP members and management for labour relations matters. The ERC conducts impartial reviews of appeals of certain conduct measures imposed on RCMP members and of written decisions regarding harassment complaints, revocations of appointments, discharges, demotions and ordered stoppages of pay and allowances. Case files dealing with these matters are referred to the ERC for review by the RCMP pursuant to sections 33 and 45.15 of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act and section 17 of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Regulations. In conducting its reviews of referred case files, the ERC considers the entire file record that is provided by the RCMP which can include statements from members (complainants, respondents and others), video or audio records and testimony from witnesses, historical human resources file materials and other documentation. Once a review has been completed, the ERC provides findings and recommendations to the Commissioner of the RCMP (as the final decision maker) and to the parties. The ERC's findings and recommendations are directed at ensuring that the general principles of administrative law and labour law are respected and that the requirements of the RCMP Act and other relevant legislation, such as the Canadian Human Rights Act, are adhered to in decision making. In some cases, the ERC makes recommendations for broader change or for actions that might be taken to address issues raised in a file (e.g., changes in RCMP policies or management practices, or additional or new training for RCMP members or managers). Access to summaries of ERC findings and recommendations and to ERC reports and discussion papers is provided to RCMP members and the public through the ERC's website and publications, and through presentations or other outreach to RCMP members.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Civilian review of RCMP members' conduct in the performance of their duties


The Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP (CRCC) is an independent agency created by Parliament to provide fair and independent civilian review of RCMP members' conduct in the performance of their duties. The CRCC accomplishes this by receiving complaints from the public about the conduct of RCMP members and monitoring the RCMP's investigation of such complaints. Where a complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the RCMP's response to a complaint, a request can be made to the CRCC for an independently review of the members' conduct and the RCMP's handling of the matter. In reviewing complaints, the CRCC may find that it is satisfied with the RCMP handling of the complaint or it may make findings and recommendations to the RCMP Commissioner and the Minister of Public Safety with respect to matters addressed in the complaint. The CRCC also conducts reviews of specified RCMP activities, reports to provinces which contract RCMP services, conducts research, program outreach and public education, and provides independent observers to investigations of serious incidents involving RCMP members.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Public Services and Procurement
Public Works and Government Services (Department of)


This program provides federal organizations with procurement solutions such as specialized contracts, standing offers, supply arrangements, and memoranda of understanding for acquiring a broad range of goods and services, including construction services. This program delivers acquisitions and related common services using the Smart Procurement principles (early engagement, effective governance, independent advice, and benefits for Canadians) through an open, fair and transparent process to ensure best value to Canadians and the federal government.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Federal Pay and Pension Administration


This program provides reliable central systems and processes for pay and pension administration to federal organizations. Through our pay and pension services, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) ensures that federal government employees and pensioners are paid accurately and on time.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Accommodation Management and Real Property Services


Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) provides federal departments and agencies with affordable office and common use accommodation that supports the delivery of their programs and services. The department acts as steward for various public works such as buildings, bridges and dams, and national treasures such as the Parliamentary Precinct and other heritage assets across Canada. PWGSC also provides other federal departments, agencies, and the Parliament of Canada with responsive and cost-effective real property services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Receiver General for Canada


This program manages the operations of the federal treasury, produces the Public Accounts and maintains the Accounts of Canada. It provides federal departments with an optional departmental financial and materiel management system offering and bill payment services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Linguistic Management and Services


This program defines the Translation Bureau of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) as a key component of the federal government's service delivery infrastructure. The Bureau is the sole internal linguistic services provider and offers translation, revision, interpretation and other linguistic services for Parliament, the judiciary, and federal departments and agencies. It is also the terminology authority within the federal government and has been mandated to develop terminology standards to ensure clear, uniform and quality communications within government. The program is mandated under the Translation Bureau Act.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Specialized Programs and Services


This program provides federal organizations with high quality, timely and accessible specialized services and programs.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Procurement Ombudsman


This program, operating at arms-length from the government, reviews procurement practices of federal departments and agencies, investigates complaints from suppliers regarding the award or administration of federal contracts and ensures the provision of an alternative dispute resolution process for existing contracts. This program helps promote fairness, openness and transparency in the federal procurement process.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Integrity Programs and Services


This program provides the government of Canada with high quality, timely and accessible specialized services and programs in support of sound, prudent and ethical management and operations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Shared Services Canada
E-mail and Workplace Technology


This program supports partner and client organizations with the procurement, configuration, management and protection of email services, including the Government of Canada-wide transition to a consolidated email system. It also provides access to software and hardware provisioning and support for program-specific and corporate applications. This includes workstation provisioning and technical support, as well as local area network (LAN) (physical or virtual) functionalities. Some of the services are provided on an optional basis to partner and client organizations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Data Centres


This program provides data centre services which support partner organizations- delivery of programs and services to Canadians. It supports the data centre consolidation transformation initiative which aims to consolidate existing legacy data centres and to move operations to seven modern, secure and reliable centres. It provides full life cycle management (strategy, plan, build, test, deploy, operate, and decommission) of data centres for the Government of Canada IT infrastructure. It also includes the end-to-end management of physical complexes; the establishment of computing environments for partner organizations and for SSC-s internal needs across all computing platforms; and the provision of technical support and certification for day-to-day operations, production applications, and database computing environments.

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada


This program delivers data, voice and conferencing services within and across the Government of Canada to partner and client organizations, thereby improving service delivery and enhancing value to Canadians. Data network services include the provision and ongoing support of multi-platform, multi-protocol electronic data and communications networks. Voice communication services include the provision of local and long-distance services, as well as secure voice and other related services. Conferencing services include the provision of a suite of video, web and audio conferencing services to partner and client organizations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Cyber and IT Security


This program preserves the confidentiality, integrity, availability, intended use and value of electronically stored, processed or transmitted information by providing safety measures in accordance with the Policy on Government Security and the Operational Security Standard: Management of Information Technology Security. The services included in this program are provided to Government of Canada departments and agencies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Program Management


This program is comprised of enabling functions that deliver services within SSC that are not considered internal services as defined by Treasury Board Secretariat and which are common to all departments. These functions support business needs specific and fundamental to the delivery of the SSC mandate. This includes strategic functions such as account management, enterprise architecture and monitoring of progress on the Transformation Plan and related analytics activities. It also includes service management functions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Brokered Public Cloud Services


This program provides public cloud brokering services which support SSC and partner organizations- delivery of programs and services to Canadians. Services include access to the public cloud service providers- catalogues across all cloud categories including: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.
Canada Post Corporation
Canada Post Corporation


Concessionary Governmental Services: payment associated with services provided at rates free of postage by the Corporation in support of government policy programs: Government Free Mail and Materials for the use of the Blind. Transition Funding for Canada Post pension plan: payment for transitional support for the implementation of the Canada Post Corporation pension plan.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc.
Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc.


Management of the Old Port of Montreal as an urban park, a tourist destination offering recreational and cultural activities: the Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc. (OPMC) is mandated to promote and develop the lands of the Old Port of Montreal in accordance with the approved Master Development Plan. The Plan is, among other things, to ensure free pedestrian access to the site, public sector control on its development and development of the historical, maritime and port character of the site. The OPMC administers, manages, and maintains the property of Her Majesty under a management agreement with Public Works and Government Services Canada, the custodian of the property.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Public Service Commission
Staffing System Integrity and Political Impartiality


The Staffing System Integrity and Political Impartiality program is focused on independently safeguarding merit and non-partisanship in the federal public service. This program includes developing and advancing strategic policy positions and directions; conducting policy research; establishing Public Service Commission (PSC) policies and standards; providing advice, interpretation and guidance; and administering delegated and non delegated authorities, including official languages, the political activities regime and priority administration.

Department(s) specific:

  • 004 - Public Service Commission
Staffing Services and Assessment


The Staffing Services and Assessment program maintains the systems that link Canadians and public servants seeking employment opportunities in the federal public service with hiring departments and agencies. It provides assessment related products and services in the form of research and development, consultation, assessment operations and counseling for use in recruitment, selection and development throughout the federal public service. This program also includes delivering staffing services, programs and products to departments and agencies, to Canadians and public servants, through client service units located across Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 004 - Public Service Commission
Oversight of Integrity in Staffing and of Non Partisanship


The Oversight of Integrity in Staffing and of Non Partisanship program provides an accountability regime for the implementation of the appointment policy and regulatory framework for safeguarding the integrity of public service staffing and ensuring staffing is free from political influence. This program includes monitoring departments' and agencies' staffing performance and compliance with legislative requirements; conducting audits and studies; carrying out investigations; and reporting to Parliament on the integrity of public service staffing and the non partisanship of the public service.

Department(s) specific:

  • 004 - Public Service Commission
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 004 - Public Service Commission
Transport (Department of)
Transportation Marketplace Frameworks


The Transportation Marketplace Framework Program encourages transportation efficiency by fostering a competitive and viable transportation sector. The Program: sets regimes governing the economic behaviour of carriers in all modes of transportation; sets the rules of governance for all the transportation infrastructure providers falling under federal authority; monitors, analyzes, researches, and reports on the transportation system; promotes innovation in transportation; enables access to transportation for Canadians; represents the interests of Canada in trade negotiations, international transportation fora and other international bodies; promotes access to markets in the context of international trade; fosters greater cooperation to support economic activity; and fulfills certain federal responsibilities with regard to the International Bridges and Tunnels Act.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Gateways and Corridors


Canada is a trading nation, and the efficiency and reliability of the transportation system to support this trade impacts directly on the nation's prosperity and well being. For this reason, it is imperative that the federal government play a role in the development of an integrated transportation network linking importers and exporters to markets and suppliers in the increasingly complex global supply chains. Guided by the National Policy Framework for Strategic Gateways and Corridors, the Gateways and Corridors Program supports Canada's international commerce by creating a more efficient, reliable and seamless trade-related transport system in Canada. The Program: develops initiatives to improve and integrate transportation networks in key regions; fosters partnerships between all levels of government and the private sector; supports and oversees projects that contribute to the increased capacity and efficiency of gateway and corridor infrastructure; develops and puts in place measures that remove impediments to the effective development of gateways and corridors; and markets the use of gateways and corridors within Canada and internationally.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Transportation Infrastructure


The Transportation Infrastructure Program oversees, funds and manages multimodal transportation infrastructure under Transport Canada's mandate to improve efficiency and service delivery for the benefit of Canadian taxpayers. The Program acts as the steward of certain commercial transportation assets operated by third parties on behalf of the federal government (airport authorities, port authorities, federal bridges, VIA Rail, Seaway, Marine Atlantic) provides funding for Canada's strategic transportation infrastructure, to support federal objectives, develops transportation infrastructure policy through consultation with stakeholders. It also manages Transport Canada ports and airports, supports essential services in remote communities, manages legacy commitments, and divests assets where possible.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Clean Air from Transportation


Transport Canada's Clean Air from Transportation Program advances the federal government's environmental agenda in the transportation sector and complements other federal programs designed to reduce air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions to improve the health of Canadians and the environment for generations to come. The Program: regulates air pollutant and/or greenhouse gas emissions from the air, marine, and rail sectors and implements Transport Canada clean air program obligations and commitments.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Clean Water from Transportation


The Clean Water from Transportation Program protects the marine environment by reducing the pollution of water from transportation sources. This Program regulates and monitors the release and impact of discharges from marine vessels into the marine environment, regulates ballast water, and contributes to setting domestic and international rules that govern limits to liability of marine pollution incidents. This Program advances the federal government's clean water agenda in the transportation sector and complements other federal programs designed to protect the marine environment for the health of Canadians and the environment for generations to come. This Program also represents Canada in discussions to set international standards to prevent pollution from vessels operating in Canada's waters and address the threat of aquatic invasive species.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Environmental Stewardship of Transportation


The Environmental Stewardship Program fulfills Transport Canada's responsibilities in working towards an environmentally responsible and resilient national transportation system for Canadians by ensuring compliance with the department's environmental obligations in relation to Acts, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, and meeting the department's obligations towards Aboriginal peoples. The Program: fulfills Transport Canada's responsibilities to implement a Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy under the Federal Sustainable Development Act; ensures that Transport Canada's lands and facilities are managed in an environmentally responsible manner in compliance with federal legislation and policies; provides functional support for environmental assessments, including for major resource projects; manages contaminated sites; advises on Aboriginal consultation, engagement and treaty negotiations and implementation; and seeks to increase the national transportation system's resilience to the current and anticipated future climate and extreme weather events.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Aviation Safety


The Aviation Safety Program, under the authority of the Aeronautics Act develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulations and standards necessary for the safe conduct of civil aviation within Canada's borders including establishment of safety standards for the design and manufacture of aeronautical products in a manner harmonized with international standards. The Program fosters the safety of the aviation system, provides oversight of the aviation sector and enforces international conventions signed by Canada. It also provides aviation services and related training to support Transport Canada and other government department operations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Marine Safety


The Marine Safety Program, under the authority of the Canada Shipping Act 2001, the Navigation Protection Act, the Safe Containers Act, the Pilotage Act, the Coasting Trade Act and the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act, develops implements and administers policies, regulations, and standards necessary for the safe conduct of marine activities in a manner harmonized with international standards. The Program fosters the safety of the marine transportation system, provides oversight of, the marine industry including domestic and foreign vessels (both non-pleasure craft and pleasure craft); enforces international conventions signed by Canada; and protects the public right to navigate on Canadian waterways; regulating lights or markers required for safe navigation during and/or on completion of certain works; regulating the placement of private buoys as per the Private Buoy Regulations of the Canada Shipping Act 2001; and, acting as Receiver of Wreck as per the Canada Shipping Act 2001, Part 7.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Rail Safety


The Rail Safety Program, under the authority of the Railway Safety Act, develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulatory instruments necessary for the safety of railway operations in a manner consistent with North American and International safety standards/levels. The Program fosters safety within the rail transportation system and provides oversight of the rail industry. It also promotes public safety at crossings, identifies the risks of trespassing, and provides funds to improve safety at grade crossings.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Motor Vehicle Safety


The Motor Vehicle Safety Program, under the authority of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act and the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulations and standards necessary for the safety of motor vehicles and commercial vehicle operations in a manner that is harmonized with international and national standards. The Program contributes to reduced road deaths and injuries and provides safety oversight of the motor vehicle industry. This Program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Road Safety Transfer Payment Program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Transportation of Dangerous Goods


The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Program, under the authority of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992, develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulations and standards necessary for the safe transportation of dangerous goods by all modes of transport in Canada in a manner harmonized with the international standards, and provides expertise in emergency response in the event of release of dangerous goods. This program also works to prepare for and coordinate the response to safety and security threats and incidents that may impact the national transportation system or the department with regards to Chemical, Radiological, Biological, Nuclear or Explosive substances. The Program fosters safety in the transport of dangerous goods, provides oversight of the transportation industry, enforces international conventions signed by Canada and responds to emergency situations that affect the safety of Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Aviation Security


The Aviation Security Program develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulations and standards to support the secure conduct of aviation activities in a manner harmonized with international standards. The Program is risked-based and fosters security within the aviation transportation system and, provides security oversight of the aviation industry while ensuring that Canada complies with international standards.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Marine Security


The Marine Security Program, under the authority of the Marine Transportation Security Act, develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulations and standards necessary for the secure conduct of marine activities in a manner consistent with international standards. The Program promotes security within the marine transportation system, provides oversight of the regulated marine transportation industry and enforces international conventions signed by Canada. The Program coordinates marine security policy and regulatory development across the Government of Canada through its leadership of the Interdepartmental Marine Security Working Group and associated activities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Surface and Intermodal Security


The Surface and Intermodal Security Program, guided by the Railway Safety Act, the International Bridges and Tunnels Act, and the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulations/voluntary frameworks, standards and guidance material necessary for the secure conduct of Surface and Intermodal activities. The Program fosters the security of the surface and intermodal transportation system across Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Multimodal Safety and Security


The Multimodal Safety and Security Program contributes to policies and standards that enhance safety and/or security in more than one transportation mode (e.g., through departmental enforcement services, integrated management systems and intelligence assessments). It also provides a technical training regime for inspectors and technical experts, ensuring the required competencies are acquired and maintained to meet or surpass nationally consistent standards. Lastly, this Program works to prepare for and coordinate the response to emerging safety and security threats and situations that may impact the national transportation system or the department.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) (Crown Corporation)
The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA)


Pre-Boarding Screening: Pre-Board Screening (PBS) is the most public and visible of CATSA's mandate. At airport checkpoints across the country, security screening of passengers and their belongings are conducted by CATSA's Screening Officers. Passengers are screened before they enter the secure area of an airport terminal. Screening Officers use a variety of screening technologies and procedures to examine passengers and their belongings, making sure that they are not carrying potentially dangerous items, such as firearms, incendiary devices and explosives. No objects or materials that are on Transport Canada's Prohibited Items List are allowed on board an aircraft to eliminate the possibility that they could be used to cause harm. Investments in new leading-edge technology and training of the Screening Officer workforce, combined with continuously improving operational procedures, ensure that CATSA's PBS remains compatible with its international partners in aviation security. Hold Baggage Screening: In addition to screening passengers and their carry-on baggage Screening Officers use specialized equipment to screen passengers' checked baggage (or hold baggage) to prevent the boarding of items such as explosives that could cause a potential threat to air transportation adding a vital layer of security protecting the travelling public. CATSA purchases and integrates the equipment into the airport's baggage handling system oversees equipment operation and maintenance and manages Screening Officer training on the detection equipment. CATSA also conducts ongoing testing and evaluation of new equipment and technologies and performance measuring and monitoring of its HBS processes and systems. Non-Passenger Screening: As per direction from Transport Canada CATSA's Screening Officers conduct on a random basis screening of individuals accessing restricted areas at Class I and II airports providing an additional layer of security. Non-passengers include flight and cabin crews airline customer service personnel caterers maintenance personnel baggage handlers vendors and concession and other airport service staff. Restricted Area Identity Card: The Restricted Area Identity Card (RAIC) Program is the world's first dual biometric (iris and fingerprint) airport identification program for non-passengers accessing restricted areas of air terminal buildings. The identity cards include a built-in computer chip with a microprocessor and memory to store biometric data of fingerprint and iris templates. The RAIC Program includes the cards fingerprint and iris readers installed in airport terminals and a network infrastructure linking airports to a secure central database. Fully operational since January 31 2007 the RAIC Program covers Class I and II airports and has the ability to interface with the airports' access control systems. Internal Services: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Canadian Transportation Agency
Economic Regulation


The Agency supports an efficient and accessible federal transportation system for users, service providers and other stakeholders through economic regulation of federal air, rail and marine transportation. It acts as the regulator of air transportation by enforcing the Canada Transportation Act and related regulations, administering a licensing and charter permit system, authorizing code share and wet lease arrangements, supporting the negotiation of air bilateral agreements, and ensuring that terms and conditions of carriage of air carriers are consistent with Canadian legislation. It develops regulations and codes of practice to remove undue obstacles to the mobility of persons with disabilities from the federal transportation network. It regulates rail transportation by issuing certificates of fitness and enforcing compliance with minimum insurance requirements consistent with Canadian legislation and regulations. It determines railway costs, approves rail line construction, oversees the discontinuance of service, establishes the net salvage value of rail lines, and determines interswitching rates and the maximum revenue entitlement for the movement of Western grain. It acts as an economic regulator in marine transportation by determining whether suitable Canadian vessels are available when applications are made to use foreign vessels.

Department(s) specific:

  • 040 - Canadian Transportation Agency
Adjudication and Alternative Dispute Resolution


The Agency provides formal and informal dispute resolution services to users, service providers and others affected by the federal transportation network, including facilitation, mediation, arbitration, and adjudication. As a quasi judicial tribunal, the Agency has the authority to issue adjudicative decisions and orders on matters within its jurisdiction over federal rail, air and marine modes of transportation and, in respect of the Agency's accessibility mandate, extra provincial bus operations. It resolves disputes between: air travellers and air carriers regarding terms and conditions of air carriage; persons with disabilities and service providers regarding undue obstacles to the mobility of such persons within the federal transportation network; rail shippers, railway companies and those affected by railway service regarding level of service; shippers and railway companies when they are unable to negotiate level of service agreements; municipalities, provinces and road authorities regarding crossings and firefighting expenses, landowners and railways regarding rail infrastructure; railways and individuals or communities affected by rail noise and vibration; public passenger service providers and railway companies regarding conditions or amounts to be paid for the use of railways, land, equipment, facilities or services; Canadian ship owners and other interested persons regarding coasting trade and pilotage and port authorities regarding charges for pilotage services or port fees.

Department(s) specific:

  • 040 - Canadian Transportation Agency
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 040 - Canadian Transportation Agency
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited


Construction of a new low-level bridge in Cornwall, Ontario as well as related infrastructure improvements: This program encompasses the construction of a new low-level bridge in Cornwall, to replace the deteriorating North Channel Span of the Seaway International Bridge, as well as related infrastructure improvements on Cornwall Island.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Marine Atlantic Inc. (Crown Corporation)
Marine Atlantic Inc.


Ferry Services: Marine Atlantic Inc. is a parent Crown Corporation that fulfills Canada's constitutional obligation to Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) to provide a year-round ferry service between North Sydney, Nova Scotia and Port aux Basques, NL. It also operates a non-constitutional seasonal service between North Sydney and Argentia, NL.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
VIA Rail Canada Inc. (Crown Corporation)
VIA Rail Canada Inc.


Operation of a national network of rail passenger services: provision of year-round services in the Quebec City-Windsor Corridor, transcontinental passenger services between Halifax and Montreal and between Toronto and Vancouver, and the regional and remote services in northern and outlaying areas of the country.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Treasury Board
Treasury Board Secretariat
Spending Oversight


Review spending proposals and authorities; review existing and proposed government programs for efficiency, effectiveness and relevance; provide information to Parliament and Canadians on government spending.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Oversight and Treasury Board Support


The Secretariat considers and challenges spending proposals from federal organizations before presenting them to Treasury Board ministers. It does so by performing due diligence reviews of Treasury Board submissions and Memoranda to Cabinet, and then providing advice to Treasury Board regarding resource allocation, risks, and policy compliance. This work supports sound decision making, value for money, compliance with rules and policies, and alignment with Government of Canada priorities and objectives. In addition, this area provides strategic advice, guidance and support to federal organizations in their implementation and application of Treasury Board policies, and on government priorities, risk management strategies, and performance management.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Expenditure Data, Analysis, and Reviews


The Secretariat ensures that government spending, including on compensation, is timely, transparent, contributes to government results, and is reported in a detailed manner. To achieve this, the Secretariat prepares the government-s spending plans for Parliament-s review to ensure public spending on government programs is effective and provides good value for Canadians. The program-s activities form part of ongoing government-wide operations expected of large complex organizations. The Secretariat plans for its financial needs, acts as a responsible caretaker of public finances, and reports in a transparent way to the public through tools such as the TBS InfoBase.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Results and Performance Reporting Policies and Initiatives


The Secretariat aids departments to achieve and communicate results by undertaking outreach activities, providing guidance on performance measurement and evaluation activities, reviewing relevant sections of Treasury Board submissions, and assessing performance so that departments are equipped with the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to manage for results. The Secretariat also provides ongoing guidance and strategic advice to departments in preparing their reports on their planned and achieved results to Parliamentarians and Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Government-wide Funds


The Secretariat facilitates the functions of government programs through the transfer of resources to other organizations throughout the year. For example, this can include allowing funding continuity for programs and capital projects that span multiple fiscal years. The Government-wide Funds program accounts for the majority of funds that are held centrally to supplement other appropriations, from which allocations are made to, or payments and receipts are made on behalf of, other federal organizations. These funds supplement the standard appropriations process and meet certain responsibilities of the Treasury Board as the general manager and employer of the core federal public administration.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Administrative Leadership


Lead government-wide initiatives; develop policies and set the strategic direction for government administration related to service delivery and access to government information, as well as the management of assets, finances, information and technology.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Comptrollership Policies and Initiatives


The Secretariat provides oversight and direction to government-wide efforts to improve the stewardship of taxpayers- dollars and government assets. It works to strengthen financial management, internal audit, management of real property and materiel, investment planning, project management, and procurement across the federal public service. The Secretariat develops and maintains policies, guidance and practices; supports sustainable and professional communities, monitors departmental performance and compliance, and helps to improve the overall efficiency of government operations. The core components of the Government of Canada-s resource management regime are financial management, the management of assets and acquired services, and internal audit. All are supported by strong and sustainable communities of trained professionals.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Service Delivery Policies and Initiatives


The Secretariat develops policies and sets the strategic direction on Government of Canada communications, open government, service, access to information and privacy. The Secretariat develops and maintains policy instruments, encourages collaboration between government institutions, monitors and oversees departmental policy performance, and provides leadership. The work includes community development, learning and outreach activities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Digital Technology and Security Policies and Initiatives


The Secretariat develops policies and sets the strategic direction on information technology, information management, and physical and cyber-security. Continual improvement of information management and information technology across the Government of Canada is encouraged by promoting principles and directives that support the achievements of the Government of Canada-s enterprise transformation objectives, and enable departments to meet priorities. The Secretariat develops and maintains policy instruments, encourages collaboration between government institutions, monitors and oversees departmental policy performance, and provides leadership. The work includes community development, learning and outreach activities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Management Accountability Framework and Policy Suite Integrity


The Secretariat communicates Treasury Board-s management expectations to ministers, deputy heads and designated officials, and adopts principles-based and risk-informed approaches to monitoring policy compliance. The Secretariat provides advice and supports policy implementation within departments, and monitors policy compliance and departmental performance under several areas of management.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat


Develop policies and set the strategic direction for people management in the public service; manage total compensation (including pensions and benefits) and labour relations; undertake initiatives to improve performance in support of recruitment and retention objectives.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Collective Bargaining and Labour Relations


The Secretariat negotiates collective agreements with employee bargaining agents and oversees employer representation at recourse for labour relations, classification, pay equity, staffing and terms and conditions of employment. It also provides advice and guidance to departments on labour relations and compensation issues.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Pension and Benefits Management


The Secretariat manages the pension and group insurance benefit plans, such as disability insurance, health care and dental care, for the public service, and supports the management and funding of public sector pension plans. It does so by conducting studies, reviewing plan provisions, monitoring the financial status of the plans, leveraging technologies, streamlining processes and aligning more effectively with the Government of Canada-s priorities and best practices. The program engages bargaining agents and key stakeholders on plan improvements. In addition, the Secretariat manages stakeholder relations, providing information to plan members on entitlements and communicating changes to the plans.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
People Management and Executive Policies and Initiatives


The Secretariat provides government-wide leadership through enabling policy frameworks, strategic engagements and infrastructure for human resources services, to achieve high performance and leadership excellence in people management. It establishes people management performance indicators; assesses and reports on organizations- performance in people management; and collects and provides data on the public service. Its work includes community development, learning and outreach activities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Public Service Employer Payments


The Secretariat holds funds centrally to supplement other appropriations, from which allocations are made to, or payments and receipts are made on behalf of other federal organizations. These funds provide payments for the employer-s share of health, income maintenance and life insurance premiums, payments to or in respect of provincial health insurance plans, payroll taxes, provincial taxes, and the reimbursement of employment insurance premium rebates, and payments of administration costs.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Regulatory Oversight


Develop and oversee policies to promote good regulatory practices, review proposed regulations to ensure they adhere to the requirements of Government policy, and advance regulatory cooperation across jurisdictions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Regulatory Policy and Oversight


The Secretariat supports Treasury Board Ministers in their role as a committee of the Queen-s Privy Council for Canada by providing advice on regulatory and Order-in-Council (OIC) matters. It also provides leadership and management of the Government-s regulatory function and federal regulatory policy, including the Cabinet Directive on Regulatory Management (CDRM). The Secretariat delivers on this mandate by: providing regulatory policy guidance to departments; reviewing Governor in Council submissions to ensure they are evidence-based and adhere to the CDRM; assessing and reporting on the regulatory system; and supporting horizontal policy management. Treasury Board Ministers and federal departments and agencies are the primary clients. Stakeholders include the Canadian public, business, other groups affected by regulatory proposals and OICs, and individual citizens. Stakeholders have an important role to play in commenting and providing feedback to departments at all stages of the regulatory cycle.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Regulatory Cooperation


The Secretariat is responsible for establishing policies and strategies to advance regulatory cooperation. The Secretariat delivers on this mandate by: supporting and coordinating the Canada-United States Regulatory Cooperation Council, a formal initiative to foster regulatory alignment in key sectors between Canada and the US; developing policy expertise and thought leadership on regulatory cooperation; providing central oversight and facilitating departmental regulatory cooperation annual planning; and supporting Canada-s international and domestic trade priorities and furthering trilateral and/or regional regulatory cooperation efforts. The Secretariat supports departments to develop and implement regulatory cooperation policies and engages stakeholders such as industry, consumers and associations to advance these policies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Internal support services core responsibility


Internal support services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

You will find below a list of codes that compose their inventory programs.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Management and Oversight


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Human Resources Management


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Financial Management


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Information Management


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Information Technology


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Real Property Management


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Materiel Management


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Acquisition Management


  • The note related to the ISSA0 core responsibility code applies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Canada School of Public Service
Learning Services


This program delivers learning services to the federal public service, providing standardized training to build common knowledge, skills and competencies that support public service employees in fulfilling their responsibilities in delivering programs and services to Canadians.

This program is responsible for enterprise-wide training and development in support of government priorities. It leads to a centralized, common approach to managing and delivering learning services that are open to all federal public service employees throughout their career and are common to the operation of all federal institutions, regardless of mandate or location. The Learning Services Program offers a curriculum consisting of foundational development training, which is designed to build a core common culture throughout the federal public service, and specialized development training, which is open to all employees working in information technology, human resources or finance, as well as to those wishing to develop their knowledge in other areas of specialization, including management and leadership.

This program achieves its results through a common curriculum, designed to be delivered both in person and online and supported by technology infrastructure so as to enable the delivery of training across the federal public service.

Department(s) specific:

  • 052 - Canada School of Public Service
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 052 - Canada School of Public Service
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
Ensure transparency and accountability in the lobbying of public office holders in order to contribute to confidence in the integrity of government decision making


The purpose of the Lobbying Act and the Lobbyists- Code of Conduct is to assure the Canadian public that lobbying is done transparently and with the highest ethical standards with a view to enhancing public confidence and trust in the integrity of government decision making. The mandate of the Commissioner of Lobbying is to establish and maintain the Registry of Lobbyists, develop and implement educational programs to foster awareness about the Act and the Code, and ensure compliance with the Act and the Code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 154 - Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
Registry of Lobbyists


The OCL maintains an online Registry that makes information about lobbying activities public, including which designated public office holders were lobbied and on what subjects. The Registry is easy to use, searchable and downloadable. The OCL reviews and approves lobbyists- registrations. It also provides advice and technical support related to the Registry, the Lobbying Act and the Lobbyists- Code of Conduct.

Department(s) specific:

  • 154 - Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
Outreach and Education


The OCL undertakes research to inform the development and delivery of its education and outreach products and activities. Outreach activities raise awareness about the requirements of the Lobbying Act and the Lobbyists' Code of Conduct. Outreach audiences include but are not limited to lobbyists, their clients and public office holders.

Department(s) specific:

  • 154 - Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
Compliance and Enforcement


The OCL conducts monitoring and compliance verification activities to ensure that registrable lobbying activity is properly reported, and information provided by lobbyists is accurate and complete. Suspected and alleged non-compliance with the Lobbying Act and the Lobbyists' Code of Conduct is reviewed and, where appropriate, formal investigations are undertaken to ensure compliance with the Act and the Code. The Commissioner reports findings and conclusions in Reports on Investigation submitted for tabling in Parliament. The OCL also reviews applications for exemption from the five-year post-employment prohibition on lobbying.

Department(s) specific:

  • 154 - Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
Internal support services core responsibility


Internal support services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Note: This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal support services core responsibility.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 154 - Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Disclosure and Reprisal Management Program


The objective of the program is to address disclosures of wrongdoing and complaints of reprisal and contribute to increasing confidence in federal public institutions. It aims to provide advice to federal public sector employees and members of the public who are considering making a disclosure and to accept, investigate and report on disclosures of information concerning possible wrongdoing. Based on this activity, the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner will exercise exclusive jurisdiction over the review, conciliation and settlement of complaints of reprisal, including making applications to the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal to determine if reprisals have taken place and to order appropriate remedial and disciplinary action.

Department(s) specific:

  • 046 - Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 046 - Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Veterans Affairs
Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Health Care Program and Re - establishment Services


This program is designed to improve or maintain the physical, mental and social well-being of eligible Veterans, certain Reserve Force personnel, civilians, and their survivors and dependants and other individuals, promote independence, and assist in keeping them at home and in their own communities by providing a continuum of care. The program provides funding for rehabilitation services, career transition support, health benefits, family caregiver relief benefits, home care and long term care. This program is delivered through operating funds, grants and contributions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Veterans Ombudsman


This program provides an independent and impartial opportunity to review complaints submitted by Veterans and other individuals (war service Veterans, Veterans and serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces [Regular and Reserve], members and former members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, spouses, common-law partners, survivors and primary caregivers, other eligible dependants and family members, other eligible individuals and representatives of the afore-mentioned groups). It promotes fair and equitable treatment in accessing the services, benefits and programs from Veterans Affairs Canada. This is accomplished by: providing them with information and referrals to facilitate their access to programs and services; reviewing and addressing complaints arising from the Veterans Bill of Rights and decisions on benefits and services for which there is no right to appeal to the Veterans Review and Appeal Board; reviewing systemic issues related to the Veterans Review and Appeal Board; and identifying and reviewing emerging and systemic issues related to the provisions of the Department's programs and services and providing information and recommendations to the Minister in relation to those issues. This program is delivered through operating funds.

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Canada Remembers Program


Canadian Veterans and those who died in service have made valuable contributions to the development of Canada. Under the authority of P.C. Order 1965ÔÇô688, this program ensures that Veterans and those who died in service are honoured and the memory of their sacrifices and achievements is preserved. Canada Remembers activities promote the following outcomes: Canadians are knowledgeable about the efforts of Veterans and those who died in service to Canada; Canadian military milestones and the Veterans who participated in them are publicly recognized; communities and other groups lead remembrance activities; symbols erected to honour Veterans and those who served are maintained in perpetuity on behalf of Canadians; and financial assistance is provided to the estates of eligible Veterans for a dignified funeral and burial. Encouraging pride in shared military history, celebrating the contributions and acknowledging the sacrifices of those who served, and preserving symbols to mark their courage all contribute to the Government of Canada's outcome of a vibrant Canadian culture and heritage. This program is delivered through operating funds as well as grants and contributions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Disability and Death Compensation


This program recognizes and compensates eligible Veterans, Canadian Armed Forces members and other eligible individuals for the effects of service related disabilities, death and detention. In the case of Disability Pension, benefits and allowances are provided in the form of monthly payments and for Disability Awards, Critical Injury and Death Benefits, compensation is provided in the form of a monetary award paid as a lump sum, an annual payment or a combination of both. This program is delivered through operating funds and grants.

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Financial Support Program


This program provides income support to eligible Veterans and their survivors to ensure that recipients have income which is adequate to meet their basic needs. This program also provides income replacement or support to eligible Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans, survivors, and orphans for the economic impact that a military career-ending and/or service-connected injury, illness or death can have on a Veteran's ability to earn income or save for retirement. Benefits are provided in the form of lump sum or monthly income replacement or support payments, post military release. This program is delivered through operating funds and grants.

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Internal Services


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


  • Departments or agencies are to substitute the A with a zero (0) if they only have one program. Also, for departments or agencies with more than one program, or where another department or agency is allowed to function within a host departmental financial system and the accounting is included in the host department's CFMRS trial balance, the A would be substituted sequentially by 1 for the first program or department and agency and 2 for the second program, etc.

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Review and Appeal


The Veterans Review and Appeal Board's program delivers the independent review and appeal process for disability pension and disability award decisions made by Veterans Affairs Canada. It provides two levels of appeal for Veterans, Canadian Armed Forces members, Royal Canadian Mounted Police applicants, and their families who are dissatisfied with their disability pension and disability award decisions. The Board conducts hearings and issues written decisions. The Board's other key functions include hearing reviews and appeals of special award decisions made by Veterans Affairs Canada relating to attendance allowances, exceptional incapacity allowances and clothing allowances; hearing the final level of appeal for War Veterans Allowance decisions; and adjudicating compassionate award applications.

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Other than Budgetary Expenditures
Receiver General
Receiver General Operation

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Agriculture and Agri-Food

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Canadian Heritage

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Finance

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Global Affairs

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Indigenous and Northern Affairs

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Infrastructure and Communities

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Innovation, Science and Economic Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Natural Resources

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Public Services and Procurement

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Transport

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Central Provision Allowance

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Superannuation Accounting

Department(s) specific:

  • 087 - Public Service Superannuation
Regional Pay Office
Salary deductions

Department(s) specific:

  • 079 - Payroll System General Ledger
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