Erratum No. 1—October 19, 2018

Volume II, Section 22, a change has been made to Programs/Core responsibilities, page 506 and to Details of respendable amounts, page 510 for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Revised page—Volume II—Section 22—Page 506

(in dollars)

Description Budgetary Total Budgetary Non-budgetary
Operating Capital Transfer payments Revenues netted against expenditures
Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Police Operations 3,952,617,328Link to footnote 1 3,859,552,404 212,786,613 137,232,250 323,000 363,030 2,105,491,814Link to footnote 1 2,105,491,814 2,060,235,127 1,891,655,870
Canadian Law Enforcement Services 183,514,576Link to footnote 1 161,158,850 31,877,706 27,126,433 15,037,000 14,980,514 21,484,654Link to footnote 1 20,895,272 208,944,628 182,370,525
Transfer Payments 225,366,241 223,026,852 225,366,241 223,026,852
International Policing Operations 69,088,118 43,472,831 69,182 27,000 69,115,118 43,542,013
Canadian Police Culture and Heritage 12,782,134 13,955,054 97,624 100,000 95,269 12,882,134 14,147,947
Internal Services 878,272,632Link to footnote 1 779,169,246 153,164,837 91,833,209 14,761,772Link to footnote 1 14,761,772 1,016,675,697 856,240,683
Subtotal 5,096,274,788Link to footnote 1 4,857,308,385 397,829,156 256,358,698 240,853,241 238,465,665 2,141,738,240Link to footnote 1 2,141,148,858 3,593,218,945 3,210,983,890
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 2,141,738,240)Link to footnote 1 (negative 2,141,148,858) (negative 2,141,738,240)Link to footnote 1 (negative 2,141,148,858)
Total Agency 2,954,536,548 2,716,159,527 397,829,156 256,358,698 240,853,241 238,465,665 3,593,218,945 3,210,983,890

Table notes 1

The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.

Original page—Volume II—Section 22—Page 506

(in dollars)

Description Budgetary Total Budgetary Non-budgetary
Operating Capital Transfer payments Revenues netted against expenditures
Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Police Operations 3,953,814,779 3,859,552,404 212,786,613 137,232,250 323,000 363,030 2,106,689,265 2,105,491,814 2,060,235,127 1,891,655,870
Canadian Law Enforcement Services 180,847,922 161,158,850 31,877,706 27,126,433 15,037,000 14,980,514 18,818,000 20,895,272 208,944,628 182,370,525
Transfer Payments 225,366,241 223,026,852 225,366,241 223,026,852
International Policing Operations 69,088,118 43,472,831 69,182 27,000 69,115,118 43,542,013
Canadian Police Culture and Heritage 12,782,134 13,955,054 97,624 100,000 95,269 12,882,134 14,147,947
Internal Services 883,250,454 779,169,246 153,164,837 91,833,209 19,739,594 14,761,772 1,016,675,697 856,240,683
Subtotal 5,099,783,407 4,857,308,385 397,829,156 256,358,698 240,853,241 238,465,665 2,145,246,859 2,141,148,858 3,593,218,945 3,210,983,890
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 2,145,246,859) (negative 2,141,148,858) (negative 2,145,246,859) (negative 2,141,148,858)
Total Agency 2,954,536,548 2,716,159,527 397,829,156 256,358,698 240,853,241 238,465,665 3,593,218,945 3,210,983,890
The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.

Revised page—Volume II—Section 22—Page 510

(in dollars)

Description Authorities available for use in the current year Authorities used in the current year Authorities used in the previous year
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Internal Services
Interdepartmental provision of Internal support services 2,700,000 2,045,173 2,063,060
Total Agency—Budgetary 2,700,000 2,045,173 2,063,060
Canada Border Services Agency
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Revenue and Trade Management 11,161,422 11,161,422 10,973,426
Secure and Trusted Partnerships 9,979,346 9,979,346 10,154,133
Total Agency—Budgetary 21,140,768 21,140,768 21,127,559
Correctional Service of Canada
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Correctional Interventions
Corcan (SOA) 120,291,614 107,093,216 92,188,476
Non-budgetary (respendable receipts)
Correctional interventions
Parolees' Loan Account (negative 1,061) (negative 1,540)
Total Agency—Budgetary 120,291,614 107,093,216 92,188,476
Total Agency—Non-budgetary (negative 1,061) (negative 1,540)
Parole Board of Canada
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Record Suspension Decisions/Clemency Recommendations $631 user fee 5,644,800 5,122,530 3,856,820
Total Agency—Budgetary 5,644,800 5,122,530 3,856,820
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Police Operations 2,105,491,814Link to footnote 2 2,105,491,814 1,959,696,354
Canadian Law Enforcement Services 21,484,654Link to footnote 2 20,895,272 21,162,929
Internal Services 14,761,772Link to footnote 2 14,761,772 14,063,446
Total Agency—Budgetary 2,141,738,240Link to footnote 2 2,141,148,858 1,994,922,729
Total Ministry—Budgetary 2,291,515,422Link to footnote 2 2,276,550,545 2,114,158,644
Total Ministry—Non-budgetary (negative 1,061) (negative 1,540)

Table notes 2

The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.

Original page—Volume II—Section 22—Page 510

(in dollars)

Description Authorities available for use in the current year Authorities used in the current year Authorities used in the previous year
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Internal Services
Interdepartmental provision of Internal support services 2,700,000 2,045,173 2,063,060
Total Agency—Budgetary 2,700,000 2,045,173 2,063,060
Canada Border Services Agency
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Revenue and Trade Management 11,161,422 11,161,422 10,973,426
Secure and Trusted Partnerships 9,979,346 9,979,346 10,154,133
Total Agency—Budgetary 21,140,768 21,140,768 21,127,559
Correctional Service of Canada
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Correctional Interventions
Corcan (SOA) 120,291,614 107,093,216 92,188,476
Non-budgetary (respendable receipts)
Correctional interventions
Parolees' Loan Account (negative 1,061) (negative 1,540)
Total Agency—Budgetary 120,291,614 107,093,216 92,188,476
Total Agency—Non-budgetary (negative 1,061) (negative 1,540)
Parole Board of Canada
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Record Suspension Decisions/Clemency Recommendations $631 user fee 5,644,800 5,122,530 3,856,820
Total Agency—Budgetary 5,644,800 5,122,530 3,856,820
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Police Operations 2,106,689,265 2,105,491,814 1,959,696,354
Canadian Law Enforcement Services 18,818,000 20,895,272 21,162,929
Internal Services 19,739,594 14,761,772 14,063,446
Total Agency—Budgetary 2,145,246,859 2,141,148,858 1,994,922,729
Total Ministry—Budgetary 2,295,024,041 2,276,550,545 2,114,158,644
Total Ministry—Non-budgetary (negative 1,061) (negative 1,540)
The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.

Volume III, Section 1, a change has been made to Financial statements of revolving funds, page 81—for the National Film Board.

Revised page—Volume III—Section 1—Page 81

15. Contractual rights

By their nature, the activities of the Board may give rise to rights to economic resources arising from contracts or agreements that will result in assets and income in the future over a number of years. During the year, the Board entered into an agreement with a collaborator valued at $1,540, of which $1,377 remains to be cashed in subsequent years.

(in thousands of dollars)

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023–2032 Total
Contractual rights 908 469 - - - 1,377

Original page—Volume III—Section 1—Page 81

15. Contractual rights

By their nature, the activities of the Board may give rise to rights to economic resources arising from contracts or agreements that will result in assets and income in the future over a number of years. During the year, the Board entered into an agreement with a collaborator valued at $1,540, of which $1,377 remains to be cashed in subsequent years.

Volume III, Section 11, a change has been made to both the Expenditures for Canadian representation at international conferences and meetings (page 292) as well as the Travel expenditures at international conferences and meetings (page 302) for Global Affairs.

Revised page—Volume III—Section 11——Page 292

(in dollars)

Conferences and meetings Amount
Governor General's Visit to Latvia and Ukraine, January 2018 11,597
Governor General's Visit to PyeongChang (South Korea)—Olympic Games, February 2018 118,093
Governor General's Visit to Bangkok (Thailand), October 2017 60,933
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 117,456
Minister of International Trade—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 92,240
Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 68,232
Minister of Foreign Affairs—North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Foreign Ministers' Meeting, Brussels (Belgium) 27,652
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Delegation to the G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM), Lucca (Italy) 48,601
Minister of Foreign Affairs—10th Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council, Fairbanks (United States), May 10-11, 2017 30,823
Minister of International Trade—Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) meeting, Hanoi (Vietnam), May 20-21, 2017 121,985
Minister of Foreign Affairs—47th General Assembly of the Organization of American States, Cancun (Mexico), June 19-21, 2017 53,989
Minister of International Trade—Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Ministerial Council Meeting, Paris (France), June 7-8, 2017 52,148
Canadian participation to the inauguration ceremony in Serbia, June 2017 3,174
Minister of Foreign Affairs—OSCE Informal Ministerial Meeting, Mauerbach (Austria), July 11, 2017 14,299
Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—Family Planning Summit, London (United Kingdom), July 10-11, 2017 40,397
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Opportunity Ukraine Conference, London (United Kingdom), July 6, 2017 24,894
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)—Canada Post-Ministerial Conference (PMC) and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Ministerial meeting, Manila (Philippines) 49,942
General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (Austria) 23,624
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 72), New York (United States), 2017 473,963
Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—34th Ministerial Conference of La Francophonie, Paris (France), November 25-26, 2017 48,904
Minister of Foreign Affairs—31st ASEAN Summit and Related Events, Manila (Philippines), November 12-14, 2017 32,125
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of International Trade—APEC Ministerial Meeting and APEC Leaders' Meeting in Da Nang (Vietnam), November 8-11, 2017 156,874
Minister of International Trade—Eleventh World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference (MC11) in Argentina, December 10-13, 2017 143,622
Minister of Foreign Affairs—OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting, Vienna (Austria), December 7-8, 2017 19,496
Minister of Foreign Affairs—North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Foreign Ministerial Meeting, Brussels (Belgium), December 5-6, 2017 19,821
Canadian participation to the inauguration ceremony in Chile, March 2018 7,018
Minister of International Trade—6th ASEAN Economic Ministers—Canada Consultation, Manila (Philippines), September 8, 2017 26,196
Canadian participation in the Pacific Islands Forum and Related Meetings, Apia (Samoa), September 2017Link to footnote 3 43,250
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the 39th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, Paris (France), from October 30–November 14, 2017 21,515
Minister of International Trade—Informal World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Meeting, Marrakech (Morocco) 43,256
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Start-up costs for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), London (United Kingdom), April 17-20, 2018 20,258
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Start-up costs to the 8th Summit of the Americas, Lima (Peru), April 2018 30,165
Total 8,571,386

Table notes 3

Original page—Volume III—Section 11——Page 292

(in dollars)

Conferences and meetings Amount
Governor General's Visit to Latvia and Ukraine, January 2018 11,597
Governor General's Visit to PyeongChang (South Korea)—Olympic Games, February 2018 118,093
Governor General's Visit to Bangkok (Thailand), October 2017 60,933
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 117,456
Minister of International Trade—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 92,240
Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 68,232
Minister of Foreign Affairs—North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Foreign Ministers' Meeting, Brussels (Belgium) 27,652
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Delegation to the G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM), Lucca (Italy) 48,601
Minister of Foreign Affairs—10th Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council, Fairbanks (United States), May 10-11, 2017 30,823
Minister of International Trade—Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) meeting, Hanoi (Vietnam), May 20-21, 2017 121,985
Minister of Foreign Affairs—47th General Assembly of the Organization of American States, Cancun (Mexico), June 19-21, 2017 53,989
Minister of International Trade—Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Ministerial Council Meeting, Paris (France), June 7-8, 2017 52,148
Canadian participation to the inauguration ceremony in Serbia, June 2017 3,174
Minister of Foreign Affairs—OSCE Informal Ministerial Meeting, Mauerbach (Austria), July 11, 2017 14,299
Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—Family Planning Summit, London (United Kingdom), July 10-11, 2017 40,397
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Opportunity Ukraine Conference, London (United Kingdom), July 6, 2017 24,894
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)—Canada Post-Ministerial Conference (PMC) and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Ministerial meeting, Manila (Philippines) 49,942
General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (Austria) 23,624
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 72), New York (United States), 2017 473,963
Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—34th Ministerial Conference of La Francophonie, Paris (France), November 25-26, 2017 48,904
Minister of Foreign Affairs—31st ASEAN Summit and Related Events, Manila (Philippines), November 12-14, 2017 32,125
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of International Trade—APEC Ministerial Meeting and APEC Leaders' Meeting in Da Nang (Vietnam), November 8-11, 2017 156,874
Minister of International Trade—Eleventh World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference (MC11) in Argentina, December 10-13, 2017 143,622
Minister of Foreign Affairs—OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting, Vienna (Austria), December 7-8, 2017 19,496
Minister of Foreign Affairs—North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Foreign Ministerial Meeting, Brussels (Belgium), December 5-6, 2017 19,821
Canadian participation to the inauguration ceremony in Chile, March 2018 7,018
Minister of International Trade—6th ASEAN Economic Ministers—Canada Consultation, Manila (Philippines), September 8, 2017 26,196
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Pacific Islands Forum and Related Meetings, Apia (Samoa) 43,250
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the 39th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, Paris (France), from October 30–November 14, 2017 21,515
Minister of International Trade—Informal World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Meeting, Marrakech (Morocco) 43,256
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Start-up costs for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), London (United Kingdom), April 17-20, 2018 20,258
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Start-up costs to the 8th Summit of the Americas, Lima (Peru), April 2018 30,165
Total 8,571,386

Revised page—Volume III—Section 11——Page 302

(in dollars)

Description Amount
Canadian participation in the Pacific Islands Forum and Related Meetings, Apia (Samoa), September 2017Link to footnote 4 43,250
House of Commons
DeCourcey, M. (M.P.)
Global Affairs Canada
Bobiash, D., Chick, A., Bot, M., Sabourin, N., Maddison, P.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the 39th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, Paris (France), October 30 - November 14, 2017 21,515
Global Affairs Canada
Dault, N.
Canadian Commission for UNESCO
Goupil, S., Dugré, P.
Minister of International Trade—Informal World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Meeting, Marrakech (Morocco) 39,885
House of Commons
Champagne, Hon. F-P.
Global Affairs Canada
Berzins, C., Pickerill, J., Thériault, M-C., de Boer, S., O'Neill, J., Dubé, N., Yatropoulos, Y., Flamand-Hubert, S.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Start-up costs for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), London (United Kingdom), April 17-20, 2018 20,258
Global Affairs Canada
Foster, M., Babin, M., Gort, M., Sinha, P., MacLennan, C.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Start-up costs to the 8th Summit of the Americas, Lima (Peru), April 2018 15,839
Global Affairs Canada
Urban, C., Torres, V., Culham, A., Jubinville, F., Cesaratto, S.

Table notes 3

Original page—Volume III—Section 11——Page 302

(in dollars)

Description Amount
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Pacific Islands Forum and Related Meetings, Apia (Samoa) 43,250
House of Commons
DeCourcey, M. (M.P.)
Global Affairs Canada
Bobiash, D., Chick, A., Bot, M., Sabourin, N., Maddison, P.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the 39th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, Paris (France), October 30 - November 14, 2017 21,515
Global Affairs Canada
Dault, N.
Canadian Commission for UNESCO
Goupil, S., Dugré, P.
Minister of International Trade—Informal World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Meeting, Marrakech (Morocco) 39,885
House of Commons
Champagne, Hon. F-P.
Global Affairs Canada
Berzins, C., Pickerill, J., Thériault, M-C., de Boer, S., O'Neill, J., Dubé, N., Yatropoulos, Y., Flamand-Hubert, S.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Start-up costs for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), London (United Kingdom), April 17-20, 2018 20,258
Global Affairs Canada
Foster, M., Babin, M., Gort, M., Sinha, P., MacLennan, C.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Start-up costs to the 8th Summit of the Americas, Lima (Peru), April 2018 15,839
Global Affairs Canada
Urban, C., Torres, V., Culham, A., Jubinville, F., Cesaratto, S.
Date modified: