Other loans, investments and advances

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume I—Top of the page Navigation

Table 9.14
Other loans, investments and advances
(in dollars)

  April 1, 2017 Payments and other charges Receipts and other credits March 31, 2018
Unconditionally repayable contributions
Agriculture and Agri-Food
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food 135,517,386 21,819,911 13,863,527 143,473,770
Global Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 673,500,000 255,500,000 929,000,000
Innovation, Science and Economic Development
Department of Industry 1,691,393,378 166,076,774 314,195,299 1,543,274,853
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 348,859,018 80,981,971 69,580,304 360,260,685
Department of Western Economic Diversification 74,784,053 21,338,241 7,971,107 88,151,187
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 509,851,744 97,326,374 86,534,831 520,643,287
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 266,832,552 62,817,480 31,121,348 298,528,684
Total 2,891,720,745 428,540,840 509,402,889 2,810,858,696
Subtotal 3,700,738,131 705,860,751 523,266,416 3,883,332,466
Less: portion expensed due to concessionary terms 302,552,338 103,217,318 38,475,763 367,293,893
Total—Unconditionally repayable contributions 3,398,185,793 602,643,433 484,790,653 3,516,038,573
Loans and accountable advances
Global Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
Missions abroad 45,075,591 140,269,038 138,428,667 46,915,962
Personnel posted abroad 27,140,190 15,922,832 14,961,237 28,101,785
Total 72,215,781 156,191,870 153,389,904 75,017,747
National Defence
Department of National Defence
Working Capital Fund 48,119,829 233,838,827 239,019,352 42,939,304
Miscellaneous accountable advances 43,781,401 29,665,115 17,462,238 55,984,278
Miscellaneous accountable imprest funds and standing advances 20,322,762 1,244,627 215,170 21,352,219
Total 64,104,163 30,909,742 17,677,408 77,336,497
Total—Loans and accountable advances 184,439,773 420,940,439 410,086,664 195,293,548
Agriculture and Agri-Food
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food
Construction of multi-purpose exhibition buildings 35,593 35,593
Hog Industry Loan Loss Reserve Program 101,030,238 17,722,056 83,308,182
National Marketing Programs 205,824,571 47,671,078 47,361,924 206,133,725
Subtotal 306,890,402 47,671,078 65,083,980 289,477,500
Families, Children and Social Development
Department of Employment and Social Development
Canada apprentice loans 148,366,807 59,903,909 10,402,882 197,867,834
Canada Student Loans Program 18,835,129,467 3,781,490,077 2,657,080,659 19,959,538,885
Provincial workers' compensation boards 15,257,001 87,000 15,344,001
Subtotal 18,998,753,275 3,841,480,986 2,667,483,541 20,172,750,720
Department of Finance
Canadian Commercial Bank 42,202,293 42,202,293
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada—Advances 11,000,000 11,000,000
Investments Fund from PPP Canada Inc. 991,138,612 991,138,612
Subtotal 42,202,293 1,002,138,612 11,000,000 1,033,340,905
Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Canadian producers of frozen groundfish 128,315 128,315
Haddock fishermen 1,343,337 1,343,337
Subtotal 1,471,652 1,471,652
Global Affairs
Export Development Canada
Support and development of trade 2,533,415,063 4,604,045 1,799,122,426 738,896,682
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
Immigration loans 48,448,577 26,728,880 13,551,264 61,626,193
Indigenous and Northern Affairs
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Council of Yukon First Nations—Elders 1,257,929 591,033 666,896
First Nations in British Columbia 536,905,573 16,306,648 2,913,235 550,298,986
Indian Economic Development Fund 43,149 43,149
Inuit Loan Fund 71,457 71,457
Native Claimants 461,225,984 27,733,354 19,840,202 469,119,136
Stoney Band Perpetual Loan 389,615 389,615
Subtotal 999,893,707 44,040,002 23,387,619 1,020,546,090
Indigenous Services
Department of Indigenous Services Canada
Indian Economic Development Guarantee Loans ProgramLink to footnote 1 345,601 116,395 229,206
On Reserve Housing Guarantee Loans ProgramLink to footnote 1 9,527,223 783,900 9,069,364 1,241,759
Subtotal 9,872,824 783,900 9,185,759 1,470,965
Innovation, Science and Economic Development
Department of Industry
Other business loans 72,284,363 51,300,219 61,469,521 62,115,061
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Advances for the working capital fund of entrepreneurs' assistance centers 465,617 1,800,630 1,824,098 442,149
National Research Council of Canada
H.L. Holmes Fund 5,137,055 121,842 5,258,897
Subtotal 77,887,035 53,222,691 63,293,619 67,816,107
Public Services and Procurement
Department of Public Works and Government Services
Seized Property Working Capital Account (negative 4,925,448) 28,219,538 31,871,916 (negative 8,577,826)
Department of Transport
Greater Victoria Harbour Authority 2,065,829 42,720 2,023,109
St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation 173,698 173,698
Subtotal 2,239,527 42,720 2,196,807
Treasury Board
Treasury Board Secretariat
Federal Public Service Health Care Administration Authority 501,370 2,613,299 2,471,824 642,845
Joint Learning Program 95,030 2,184,732 2,138,445 141,317
Subtotal 596,400 4,798,031 4,610,269 784,162
Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs
Commonwealth War Graves Commission 49,986 4,242 54,228
Veterans' Land Fund—Advances 1,807 1,807
Subtotal 51,793 4,242 56,035
Miscellaneous loans, investments and advances 259,981 570,467 58,276 772,172
Transition payments—Pay in arrears 647,342,245 198,299 24,326,378 623,214,166
Subtotal 647,602,226 768,766 24,384,654 623,986,338
Subtotal—Other 23,664,399,326 5,054,460,771 4,713,017,767 24,005,842,330
Less: portion expensed due to concessionary terms and other discounts 52,278,620 1,777,489 50,501,131
Total 23,612,120,706 5,054,460,771 4,711,240,278 23,955,341,199
Add: consolidation adjustmentLink to footnote 2 2,370,585,000 1,231,374,000 1,139,211,000
Total—Other 25,982,705,706 5,054,460,771 5,942,614,278 25,094,552,199
Total 29,565,331,272 6,078,044,643 6,837,491,595 28,805,884,320

Table notes 1

The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.

Unconditionally repayable contributions

Unconditionally repayable contributions are in substance loans, and are generally made to businesses pursuant to various acts of Parliament, with various amounts outstanding.

These loans are aimed at stimulating economic development or for assistance. They bear various interest rates, some of which have concessional terms, and are repayable at various due dates with final instalments generally due within up to 10 years of initial disbursement.

Loans made on a long-term, low-interest or interest-free basis are recorded in part as expenses when the economic value of the loans is reduced due to their concessionary terms.

Missions abroad

Non-interest bearing advances have been made for interim financing of expenses at missions abroad, pending distribution to appropriations of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development and other departments and agencies.

The total amount authorized to be outstanding at any time is $50,000,000.

Personnel posted abroad

A working capital advance account was established to finance loans and advances to employees posted abroad, including employees of other Government departments and agencies, as well as medical advances to locally-engaged staff.

The total amount authorized to be outstanding at any time is $38,200,000, as last amended by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Vote L12c, Appropriation Act No. 5, 2009–2010.

The closing balance consists of loans to employees, $21,692,960; advances for medical expenses, $1,048,615; advances for workmen's compensation, $15,867; security and other deposits under Foreign Service Directives, $2,794,338 and, school and club debentures, $2,550,005.

The loans to employees bear interest at rates from 0.75% to 1.25% per annum, and are repayable within 4 years, with final instalments between April 1, 2016, and March 31, 2021.

Working Capital Fund

A Working Capital Fund was established to finance temporary advances to departmental personnel within Canada and abroad for: (a) salary and benefits; (b) standing advances; and (c) travel and miscellaneous claims. The name of the account was modified in order to reflect the use of the account by National Defence.

The authorized ceiling is $120,000,000, as last amended by the Department of National Defence Vote L11b, Appropriation Act No. 4, 2001–2002.

Miscellaneous accountable advances

The closing balance reflects amounts outstanding in the hands of departments, agencies and individuals, at year end, to be expended in the following year.

Miscellaneous accountable imprest funds and standing advances

This account is operated to provide imprest funds, accountable advances and recoverable advances to departments and agencies.

The total amount authorized to be outstanding at any time is $22,000,000.

Construction of multi-purpose exhibition buildings

The remaining loan has been made to finance the construction of a multi-purpose exhibition building.

Hog Industry Loan Loss Reserve Program

Loans made by financial institutions under the Hog Industry Loan Loss Reserve Program are partially guaranteed by the Crown. Where the producers have defaulted and the lenders have carried out regular collection activities, the Crown becomes subrogated to the lender's rights against the producer in default, to the extent of an amount equal to the withdrawal from the Reserve Fund.

National Marketing Programs

Loans made by financial institutions under the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act and advances made by producer organizations under the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act are guaranteed by the Crown. Where the guarantee is honoured, the Crown becomes subrogated to the financial institution's or producer organization's rights to outstanding principal, interest and costs.

Canada apprentice loans

Canada apprentice loans are administrated under the authority of Section 4 of the Apprentice Loans Act which came into effect on January 2, 2015. The Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour is authorized to enter into a loan agreement directly with any eligible apprentice. The loans bear interest at either a variable rate (prime rate plus 2.5%) or a fixed rate (prime rate plus 5.0%). Apprentices are not required to pay interest on their loans while they are still in their apprenticeship program. The typical repayment period is 10 years, but the maximum period is 15 years. Borrowers having difficulty repaying their loans may be eligible for assistance under the Repayment Assistance Plan.

The total amount of apprentice loans issued under the authority of the Apprentice Loans Act may not exceed $1.5 billion. The total amount of outstanding apprentice loans as at March 31, 2018 amounts to $197,867,834 ($148,366,807 as at March 31, 2017). During the year, no loans were written off (none as at March 31, 2017).

Canada Student Loans Program

Since August 1, 2000, Canada Student Loans are issued under the Direct Loan Regime. Before this date, the loans were issued under the Guaranteed Loan Regime (1964–1995) or under the Risk-Shared Loan Regime (1995–2000). Under these three different regimes, no security is received from the students and the loans bear interest at either a variable rate (prime rate plus 2.5%) or a fixed rate (prime rate plus 5.0%). Students are not required to pay interest on their loans while they are still studying. The typical repayment period is 10 years, but the maximum period is 15 years. Borrowers having difficulty repaying their loans may be eligible for assistance under the Repayment Assistance Plan.

The total amount of direct loans issued under the authority of the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act and outstanding risk-shared loans bought-back by the Department of Employment and Social Development may not exceed 24 billion dollars.

During the year, loans and interest receivable on these loans totaling $200,039,294 ($174,802,163 as at March 31, 2017) were written off by the Department of Employment and Social Development Vote 7c from the Appropriation Act No. 5, 2017–2018 and $17,796,477 ($31,111,553 as at March 31, 2017) were written off pursuant to Section 25(1) of the Financial Administration Act. In addition, loans and interest receivable on these loans totalling $343,950,956 ($287,461,027 as at March 31, 2017) were forgiven as per the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act and $4,429,548 ($22,575,972 as at March 31, 2017) were forgiven as per the Canada Student Loans Act.

Direct loans to students

Loans issued on or after August 1, 2000, are administered under the authority of Section 6.1 of the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, which authorizes the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour to enter into loan agreements directly with any qualifying student. Agreements are subject to the terms and conditions approved by the Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance. The total amount of outstanding direct loans as at March 31, 2018, amounts to $19,804,803,804 ($18,667,584,363 as at March 31, 2017).

Risk-shared student loans

Loans issued prior to August 1, 2000, and on or after August 1, 1995, are amounts related to student loans subrogated to the Crown under the authority of the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act. The total amount of loans outstanding as at March 31, 2018, amounts to $57,144,121 ($58,850,195 as at March 31, 2017) for loans owned by the Department of Employment and Social Development and $794,900,682 ($905,566,563 as at March 31, 2017) for loans under the current ownership of the financial institutions.

Guaranteed student loans

Loans issued prior to August 1, 1995, are amounts related to student loans subrogated to the Crown under the authority of the Canada Student Loans Act. The total amount of loans outstanding as at March 31, 2018, amounts to $97,590,960 ($108,694,909 as at March 31, 2017) for loans owned by the Department of Employment and Social Development and $2,801,350 ($3,933,548 as at March 31, 2017) for loans under the current ownership of the financial institutions.

Provincial workers' compensation boards

This account is operated under the authority of subsection 4(6)(b) and (e) of the Government Employees Compensation Act, to provide funds to enable provincial workers' compensation boards to administer claims on behalf of the Crown, and provide compensation benefits to Canadian Government employees injured or ill in the course of their employment.

The total amount of advances that is authorized to be made for each provincial workers' compensation board is not to exceed three months' disbursements for compensation.

The advances are subject to the terms and conditions of agreements with provincial workers' compensation boards and are to be repaid on termination of those agreements.

Canadian Commercial Bank

Advances have been made to the Canadian Commercial Bank representing the Government's participation in the support group as authorized by the Canadian Commercial Bank Financial Assistance Act. These funds represent the Government's participation in the loan portfolio that was acquired from the Bank and the purchase of outstanding debentures from existing holders.

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada—Advances

Interest-bearing advances have been made to defray the cost of operation of the Agency pursuant to Section 13(1) of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act.

Investments Fund from PPP Canada Inc.

Investments held by PPP Canada Inc. were assumed by the Government of Canada, following the dissolution of PPP Canada Inc. in 2018, pursuant to subsection 209.1(3) of the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act.

These investments include bankers' acceptance notes, guaranteed investment certificates and obligations of provincial governments with maturities ranging from 1 to 2 years.

The investments earned interest at rates from 0.78% to 2.15% per annum.

Canadian producers of frozen groundfish

Loans have been made to Canadian producers of frozen groundfish, canned and frozen crabmeat, and canned and frozen lobster meat, to assist in the financing of inventories.

The loans bore interest at the rate of 13% per annum, and were repayable in equal annual instalments over 7 years, with the final instalment in December 1987. These loans are deemed unrecoverable and parliamentary authority is required to write off the balance.

Haddock fishermen

Loans have been made to Nova Scotia haddock fishermen whose fishery was closed from February 1 to May 31, 1975, pursuant to an agreement under the International Agreement for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. The total loan authority is $1,650,000.

The loans bore interest at the rate of 8% per annum, and were repayable in equal annual instalments over 4 years, with the final instalment in 1979. These loans are deemed unrecoverable and parliamentary authority is required to write off the balance.

Support and development of trade

Pursuant to Section 23 of the Export Development Act, the Minister for International Trade, with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance, may authorize Export Development Canada (EDC) to enter into certain transactions or class of transactions where the Minister is of the opinion it is in the national interest and where EDC has advised the Minister that it will not enter into such transactions without such authorization. Funding for such transactions is provided by the Minister of Finance out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and the transactions are administered by EDC on behalf of the Government of Canada. Collectively these transactions are known as the Canada Account. The Act allows the Canada Account to have outstanding loans and commitments to borrowers and arrangements giving rise to contingent liabilities under contracts of insurance and other agreements up to a maximum of $20 billion.

EDC's mandate is to support and develop, directly or indirectly, Canada's export trade, and Canadian capacity to engage in that trade and respond to international business opportunities. In 2014, new regulations came into force which clarify the circumstances in which EDC can provide support within Canada in fulfillment of its mandate. During the year, no Canada Account transactions were entered into in the support and development of domestic trade.

Loan transactions with longer repayment terms or low or zero interest rates are recorded in part as expenses when the economic value is reduced due to such concessionary terms.

Tables 11.4 and 11.5 of Section 11 of this volume present additional information on contractual obligations and guarantees that are disclosed in the notes to the audited consolidated financial statements of Section 2 of this volume.

(in dollars)

  April 1, 2017 Payments and other charges Receipts and other credits March 31, 2018
Payment or other chargesLink to footnote 3 Revaluations Receipts or other creditsLink to footnote 4 Revaluation
Export trade
(a) 6 to 10 year term, 8.28% to 10.28% interest per annum, with final repayments between February 2008 and April 2011:
Antigua 39,897 39,897
(b) 11 to 15 year term, comprised of several loans with fixed or variable interest rates currently ranging from 2.44% to 4.18% per annum, with final repayments between May 2021 and November 2022:
Sweden 12,695,117 12,474,203 220,914
(c) 16 to 20 year term, comprised of several loans with fixed or variable interest rates currently ranging from 1.85% to 5.89% per annum, with final repayments between December 2017 and March 2023:
United States 717,088,179 4,604,045 180,515,932 541,176,292
(d) Term loan, interest based on the higher of 2.0% or London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), plus a range of rates from 3.0% to 8.0% interest per annum, with final repayments between June 2009 and July 2010:
United States 1,803,314,572 41,568,496 1,564,025,686 197,720,390
Insurance claims paid during the year:
United States 277,298 277,298
Subtotal 2,533,415,063 4,604,045 234,598,528 1,564,523,898 738,896,682
Less: portion expensed due to concessionary terms
Total—Export trade 2,533,415,063 4,604,045 234,598,528 1,564,523,898 738,896,682

Table notes 2

The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.
Final repayment dates may change if loan amounts are rescheduled or restructured.

Immigration loans

Section 88 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act authorizes the making of loans for the purpose of the Act.

The total amount authorized to be outstanding at any time is $126,600,000.

The terms and conditions of the loans, with their year-end balances, are as follows:

  1. repayable by monthly instalments over 1 to 6 years with a possible deferment of 2 years, which were bearing interest at rates from 0.76% to 9.06% per annum up until February 21, 2018, for a total amount of $60,420,597 of which $14,270,604 is past due;
  2. repayable by monthly instalments over 1 to 6 years with a possible deferment of 2 years, non-interest bearing, for a total past due amount of $2,297; and
  3. repayable by monthly instalments over 3 to 8 years with a possible deferment of 2 years, non-interest bearing, for a total amount of $1,203,299.

Council of Yukon First Nations—Elders

Loans have been made to the Council of Yukon First Nations to provide interim benefits to elderly Yukon Indians pending settlement of Yukon Indian land claims.

The terms and conditions of the loans are as follows:

  1. loans made before an agreement-in-principle for the settlement of a claim is reached are non-interest bearing;
  2. loans made after the date on which an agreement-in-principle for the settlement of a claim has been reached, bear interest at a rate equal to the rate established by the Minister of Finance in respect of borrowings for equivalent terms by Crown corporations; and
  3. loans are due and payable, as to principal and interest, on the date on which the claim is settled or on a date fixed in the loan agreement or promissory note, whichever date is earlier.

All the loans outstanding at year end bear interest at a rate of 6% per annum.

First Nations in British Columbia

Loans have been made to First Nations in British Columbia to support their participation in the British Columbia Treaty Commission process related to the research, development and negotiation of treaties.

During the year, loans were authorized by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Vote L20, Appropriation Act No.2, 2017–2018.

The terms and conditions of the loans are as follows:

  1. loans made before an agreement-in-principle for the settlement of a treaty is reached are non-interest bearing;
  2. loans made before April 1, 2004, and after the date on which an agreement-in-principle for the settlement of a treaty has been reached, bear interest at a rate equal to the rate established by the Minister of Finance in respect of borrowings for equivalent terms by Crown corporations;
  3. loans made between April 1, 2004, and March 31, 2018, and after the date on which an agreement-in-principle for the settlement of a treaty has been reached, shall be interest free, unless the loans become due and payable during this period; and
  4. loans are due and payable by the First Nations and will pay the loan on the earliest of the following dates:
    1. date on which the treaty is settled;
    2. twelfth anniversary of the first loan advance to the First Nations under the earliest First Nations' funding agreement;
    3. seventh anniversary after the signing of an agreement-in-principle; or
    4. date the federal minister demands payment of the loans due to an event of default under this agreement or under any First Nations' funding agreement.

The interest-bearing and non-interest bearing portions of the loans outstanding at year end are $19,508,404 and $530,790,582 respectively. Rates are from 0.67% to 4.64% per annum for the interest-bearing portion.

Indian Economic Development Fund

Loans have been made for the purposes of economic development of Indians to Indians or Indian bands, or to individuals, partnerships or corporations, the activities of which contribute or may contribute to such development.

The total amount authorized to be outstanding at any time is $48,550,835, as last amended by Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Vote 7b, Appropriation Act No. 4, 1996–97.

As of March 31, 2018, there are no outstanding loans issued under this program. During 2017–2018, the outstanding balance of loans were written-off as they were previously deemed to be unrecoverable.

Inuit Loan Fund

Loans have been made to individual Inuit or groups of Inuit to promote commercial activities and gainful occupations. Loans have also been made to co-operative associations, credit unions, caisses populaires or other credit societies incorporated under provincial laws, where the majority of members are Inuit, or to corporations incorporated under the laws of Canada, or provincial laws, where the controlling interest is held by Inuit.

The total amount authorized to be outstanding at any time is $6,633,697, as last amended by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Vote 37b, Appropriation Act No. 4, 1995–96.

The remaining loan bears interest at a rate of 5.50% per annum.

Native claimants

Loans have been made to native claimants to defray the costs related to the research, development and negotiation of claims.

During the year, loans were authorized by Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Vote L15, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2017–2018.

The terms and conditions of the loans are as follows:

  1. loans made before an agreement-in-principle for the settlement of a claim is reached are non-interest bearing;
  2. loans made after the date on which an agreement-in-principle for the settlement of a claim has been reached, bear interest at a rate equal to the rate established by the Minister of Finance in respect of borrowings for equivalent terms by Crown corporations; and
  3. loans are due and payable as to principal and interest on the date on which the claim is settled, or on a date fixed in the agreement.

The interest bearing and the non-interest bearing portions of the loans outstanding at year end are $45,450,262 and $423,668,874 respectively. Rates are from 0.69% to 11.89% per annum for the interest-bearing portion.

Stoney Band Perpetual Loan

In 1946, loans were made to Stoney Band of Alberta (Band) for land acquisition beyond their treaty entitlement.

A loan not exceeding $500,000 was made to purchase additional land. Under the terms of the agreement, as stated in Treasury Board Minutes, P.C. 2/1437 dated April 11, 1946, the Band assigned monies accruing to them, from the rental of their water resources, to provide interest payments at the rate of 3.00% annually on the amount of the loan that had actually been expended. In the same agreement, the Band resolved that the Department allots $200,000 to the Pekisko Group, and $300,000 for the additions to Morley Reserve.

Other business loans

This account records money owed to the Government by borrowers upon default of loans that are subject to statutory authorities, pursuant to the Canada Small Business Financing Act. This authority provide for the payment of claims or the sharing of loan losses between lenders and the Government.

Advances for the working capital fund of entrepreneurs' assistance centers

Advances have been made to support the working capital fund of entrepreneurs' assistance centers providing services to start-up companies, future entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises.

H.L. Holmes Fund

This account was established pursuant to paragraph 5(1)(f) of the National Research Council Act to record the residue of the estate of H.L. Holmes. Up to two thirds of the yearly net income from the fund shall be used to finance the H.L. Holmes Award on an annual basis. These awards will provide the opportunity to post-doctoral students to study at world famous graduate schools or research institutes under outstanding research persons.

Seized Property Working Capital Account

This account was established by Section 12 of the Seized Property Management Act. Expenses incurred, and advances made, to maintain and manage any seized or restrained property and other properties subject to a management order or forfeited to Her Majesty, are charged to this account. This account is credited when expenses and advances to third parties are repaid or recovered and when revenues from these properties or proceeds of their disposal are received and credited with seized cash upon forfeiture.

The total amount authorized to be outstanding at any time is $50,000,000.

Any shortfall between the proceeds from the disposition of any property forfeited to Her Majesty and the amounts that were charged to this account and that are still outstanding, is charged to a Seized Property Proceeds Account and credited to this account.

Greater Victoria Harbour Authority

The Victoria Harbour loan receivable relates to the sale of a parcel of Victoria Harbour land. A discount of $183,843 is recorded to reflect the concessionary nature of the loan.

The loan bears interest at the rate of 4.9% per annum, and is repayable over 15 years, with the final instalment on May 9, 2020.

St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation

This account was established by subsection 80(1) of the Canada Marine Act. Loans previously managed by the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority are now managed by the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation in accordance with an agreement between the Department of Transport and the Corporation. The repayments of these loans are recorded in this account.

The loan bore interest at a rate of prime plus 2.0% per annum. The final instalment of the existing terms was anticipated for March 2013. During the year 2014, a reclassification was done to transfer the accumulated interest to the capital portion.

As of March 31, 2018, the remaining amount of this loan is deemed unrecoverable and parliamentary authority is required to write-off the balance.

Federal Public Service Health Care Administration Authority

The Federal Public Service Health Care Plan Administration Authority (referred to as the Administration Authority) was incorporated, without share capital, under subsection 7.2(1) of the Financial Administration Act effective May 1, 2007. Effective May 31, 2007, the assets and liabilities of the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) were transferred to the Government of Canada and to the Administration Authority as directed by the President of the Treasury Board of Canada and consistent with the Trust Agreement, which terminated May 31, 2007.

The Administration Authority is charged with the administration of the PSHCP. Its objective is to ensure that benefits and services to plan members and their covered dependants, as defined in the PSHCP documentation, are delivered in a manner that ensures the effective and efficient administration of the PSHCP. Payments are made to the Administration Authority under Vote 20 and are authorized under the terms of reference of the funding agreement between the President of the Treasury Board and the Administration Authority. The funding agreement allows for the transfer of funds from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat to the Administration Authority in four quarterly instalments upon approval of the operating budget by the Secretary of the Treasury Board of Canada. These quarterly instalments are made in advance and actual expenses are recorded upon approval of the Administration Authority's Quarterly Financial Report.

Joint Learning Program

Advances have been made to the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) for the Joint Learning Program (JLP). Following the collective bargaining rounds of October 2004, 2008, 2010 and subsequently of 2014, a Memorandum of Understanding between the Treasury Board and PSAC was included in the collective bargaining agreements to provide funding for a JLP. The JLP is a negotiated partnership between PSAC and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS).The objective of the JLP is to improve labour relations in the public service. It is intended to provide joint union-management learning opportunities in areas where both parties have roles and responsibilities, and for which the employer does not already have a legal obligation to provide training.

Payments are made to PSAC under Vote 20 and are authorized under the terms of reference of the Program. The terms of reference include the program costs, funding conditions, payment conditions, timelines, as well as a schedule of payments. The schedule of payments provides for a 3-month advance from TBS to PSAC to provide for program delivery costs. When actual expenses are reported every three months, the advance is reversed and the expense is recorded.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Advances have been made to the working capital fund of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, to maintain graves and cemeteries.

At year end, the balance of the advances was 30,000 British pound sterling. This balance was converted to Canadian dollars, using the year-end rate of exchange. The advances are non-interest bearing and have no fixed terms of repayments.

Veterans' Land Fund


Advances have been made, under Parts I and III of the Veterans' Land Act, for the acquisition of land, permanent improvements, removal of encumbrances, purchase of stock and equipment, and protection of security. The total amount authorized to be outstanding at any time is $605 million.

Allowance for conditional benefits

A provision equal to 1/10 of the benefits to veterans was established each year up to and including 1978–1979. Since that time, a forecast of requirements has been performed each year, and provisions are established as necessary. These provisions are charged to expenses and credited to the allowance for conditional benefits account. This account represents the accumulated net provisions for benefits to veterans in the form of forgiveness of loans authorized by the Veterans' Land Act. These benefits come into effect only after certain conditions are fulfilled by the veterans. At the end of 10 years, the conditions having been met, the accumulated provision is charged to the allowance for conditional benefits account, and credited to the veteran's loan account.

Miscellaneous loans, investments and advances

This account represents amounts outstanding in the hands of agencies and individuals, at year end. This group records loans, investments and advances not classified elsewhere.

Transition payments—Pay in arrears

During the 2014–2015 fiscal year, a one-time payment was issued to employees as a result of the implementation of pay in arrears. This amount will be recovered from the employees upon their departure from the public service. The amount at year-end represents the balance to be recovered in the future.

Consolidation adjustment

The consolidation adjustment reflects the total loans, investments and advances held by consolidated Crown corporations and other entities. These mainly include investments such as bonds, money market funds and fixed income securities.

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