National governments including developing countries

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Loans to national governments consist mainly of loans for financial assistance, international development assistance to developing countries, and loans for development of export trade (administered by Export Development Canada).

Table 9.11
National governments including developing countries
(in dollars)

  April 1, 2017 Payments and other charges Receipts and other credits March 31, 2018
Department of Finance
Financial assistance—Ukraine 400,000,000 400,000,000
Global Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
International development assistance—Developing countries 125,428,022 30,188,688 46,866,495 108,750,215
Export Development Canada
Development of export trade—National governments 489,308,257 32,053,330 92,940,000 428,421,587
Subtotal 614,736,279 62,242,018 139,806,495 537,171,802
National Defence
Department of National Defence
Damage claims recoverable—North Atlantic Treaty Organization 2,883 2,883
Total 1,014,736,279 62,244,901 139,806,495 937,174,685
The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.

Financial assistance—Ukraine

Pursuant to Section 8.3 of the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, the Minister of Finance, by order of the Governor in Council, is authorized to extend certain forms of financial assistance to a foreign state. The provision of such financial assistance is contingent upon that state having an arrangement with the International Monetary Fund and upon the satisfactory participation of other countries with Canada in the provision of financial assistance.

Funding for such transactions is provided by the Minister of Finance out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund. The maximum amount of financial assistance that can be provided under legislation is $2.5 billion USD in respect of any particular foreign state and $5 billion USD in respect of all foreign states.

As at March 31, 2018, the outstanding loan balance to the Ukraine was $400 million. There were no other balances or transactions in respect of Ukraine or other foreign states during the year.

These loans bear interest at rates ranging between 1.4% and 2.1% and have repayment term of 5 years.

International development assistance—Developing countries

Interest-free or low-interest bearing loans have been made through the Canadian International Development Agency, now amalgamated with the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), to developing countries for international development assistance. Loans are recorded in part as expenses when the economic value of the loans is reduced due to their concessionary terms. No new loans have been issued since April 1, 1986.

All loans have been made in Canadian dollars and are not subject to revaluations for foreign exchange fluctuations.

Similar assistance has been provided to developing countries by way of subscriptions and advances to the International Development Association, advances to the Global Environment Facility, and loans to other international financial institutions. These are reported later in this section under the heading "International organizations".

In 2006–2007, the Government of Canada, as represented by the Canadian International Development Agency (now amalgamated with DFATD), entered into an agreement with the Government of Pakistan to forgive its outstanding $447,507,534 loan pursuant to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Vote 32c, Appropriation Act No. 5, 2009–2010. In order to expire its debt obligation, the Government of Pakistan will be required to make education sector investments that are equivalent to the present value of its debt. According to the agreement, Pakistan's debt is to be written down proportionally as the investments are made. Since 2009–2010, the Government of Pakistan's debt been reduced by the total amount of $389,423,486.

The following table presents the balances and transactions for the loans made to developing countries, together with their terms and conditions of repayments.

(in dollars)

  April 1, 2017 Payments and other charges Receipts and other creditsLink to footnote 1 March 31, 2018
(a) 35 year term, 4 year grace period, 5.0% interest per annum, semi-annual interest repayments with first principal repayment due January 2017 and final repayment in July 2026:
Egypt 43,234,343 3,656,370 39,577,973
(b) 50 year term, 10 year grace period, non-interest bearing, with final repayments between March 2015 and September 2035:
Algeria 2,742,589 234,070 2,508,519
Argentina 9,333 9,333
Bolivia 211,975 42,395 169,580
Colombia 39,462 26,308 13,154
Dominican Republic 1,617,437 236,045 1,381,392
Ecuador 1,450,912 273,808 1,177,104
Guatemala 981,250 100,000 881,250
Indonesia 94,583,597 10,310,317 84,273,280
Malaysia 916,338 31,467 884,871
Malta 174,980 25,000 149,980
Mexico 1,386 1,386
Morocco 2,839,251 192,460 2,646,791
Pakistan 82,668,163 24,584,115 58,084,048
Peru 5,593 3,729 1,864
Philippines 723,254 48,579 674,675
Sri Lanka 45,314,648 4,146,082 41,168,566
Thailand 8,369,159 674,620 7,694,539
Tunisia 22,218,511 1,647,865 20,570,646
Subtotal 264,867,838 42,587,579 222,280,259
(c) 50 year term, 13 year grace period, non-interest bearing, with final repayment in March 2023:
Algeria 7,470,548 622,546 6,848,002
Subtotal 315,572,729 46,866,495 268,706,234
Less: portion expensed due to concessionary terms 190,144,707 30,188,688 159,956,019
Total 125,428,022 16,677,807 108,750,215

Table notes 1

The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.
Grace period refers to interval from date of issuance of the loan to first repayment of loan principal.

Development of export trade—National governments

Pursuant to Section 23 of the Export Development Act, the Minister for International Trade, with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance, may authorize Export Development Canada (EDC) to enter into certain transactions or class of transactions where the Minister is of the opinion it is in the national interest and where EDC has advised the Minister that it will not enter into such transactions without such authorization. Funding for such transactions is provided by the Minister of Finance out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and the transactions are administered by EDC on behalf of the Government of Canada.

Loan transactions with longer repayment terms or low or zero interest rates are recorded in part as expenses when the economic value is reduced due to such concessionary terms.

Table 11.4 and table 11.6 in Section 11 of this volume present additional information on contractual obligations and guarantees that are disclosed in the notes to the audited consolidated financial statements in Section 2 of this volume.

(in dollars)

  April 1, 2017 Payments and other charges Receipts and other credits March 31, 2018
Payment or other chargesLink to footnote 2 Revaluation Receipts or other creditsLink to footnote 3 Revaluation
Non-budgetary loansLink to footnote 4
(a) 1 to 5 year term, 3.0% to 9.0% interest per annum, with final repayments in May 2019:
Argentina 111,250,871 17,729,409 1,285,403 92,236,059
(b) 11 to 15 year term, based on 6 month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), plus 0.50% interest per annum, assumed from the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) with final repayments in January 2028:
Iraq 124,941,180 10,894,102 4,008,582 110,038,496
(c) 11 to 15 year term, interest based on LIBOR, plus a range of rates from 0.5% to 1.0% per annum, with final repayments between December 2019 and June 2020:
Kenya 735,689 47,197 153,133 629,753
(d) 16 to 20 year term, interest based on LIBOR, plus a range of rates from 0.5% to 0.63% per annum, with final repayments between October 2018 and June 2021:
Indonesia 383,152 70,767 10,594 301,791
Venezuela 4,334,882 1,774,210 41,000 2,519,672
Subtotal 4,718,034 1,844,977 51,594 2,821,463
(e) 21 to 25 year term, 9.0% to 10.0% interest per annum, with final repayments in September 2000:
Sudan 5,136,084 6,829,294 11,965,378
(f) 21 to 25 year term, interest based on LIBOR, plus 0.55% per annum, with final repayments in November 2024:
Pakistan 6,174,756 380,781 472,328 6,083,209
(g) 21 to 25 year term, based on 6 month LIBOR, plus 0.55% interest per annum, assumed from CWB, with final repayments in November 2024:
Pakistan 15,704,173 1,175,808 443,395 14,084,970
Total—Non-budgetary loans 268,660,787 6,829,294 427,978 32,269,757 5,788,974 237,859,328
Budgetary loansLink to footnote 4
(a) 26 to 30 year term, 3.0% interest per annum, with final repayments between December 2016 and April 2018:
Algeria 48,929 608,071 438,000 219,000
(b) 31 to 55 year term, 0% to 10.29% interest per annum, with final repayments between September 2029 and February 2045:
China 416,075,511 24,242,485 13,128,600 378,704,426
Egypt 7,287,486 226,815 197,199 6,863,472
Gabon 7,919,136 485,683 240,937 7,192,516
India 45,306,400 1,643,802 1,422,560 42,240,038
Jamaica 5,231,883 232,557 166,456 4,832,870
Morocco 74,050,608 3,496,915 2,120,791 68,432,902
Turkey 92,497,866 3,387,752 3,012,851 86,097,263
Subtotal 648,368,890 33,716,009 20,289,394 594,363,487
(c) 31 to 55 year term, comprised of several loans with fixed or variable interest rates currently ranging from 0% to 2.21% per annum, with final repayments between December 2018 and December 2033:
Kenya 4,612,239 278,471 159,395 4,174,373
Total—Budgetary loans 653,030,058 608,071 34,432,480 20,448,789 598,756,860
Subtotal 921,690,845 6,829,294 1,036,049 66,702,237 26,237,763 836,616,188
Less: portion expensed due to concessionary terms 432,382,588 24,187,987 408,194,601
Total 489,308,257 6,829,294 1,036,049 42,514,250 26,237,763 428,421,587

Table notes 2

The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.
Final repayment dates may change if loan amounts are rescheduled or restructured.

Damage claims recoverable—North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Article VIII of the NATO Status of Forces Agreement signed April 4, 1949, as amended, deals with claims for damages to third parties arising from accidents in which a member of a visiting force is involved. This account is charged with the amount recoverable from other states, for claims for damages which took place in Canada, and is credited with recoveries.

The advances are non-interest bearing and have no specific repayment terms.

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