Strategic outcome and program descriptions

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Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development

Strategic outcome 1

International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation – Poverty is reduced, and security and democracy are increased for those living in countries where Canada engages.

Program 1.1: International Development

Through this program, Global Affairs Canada contributes to reducing poverty and inequality in developing countries, including in fragile contexts, through Canadian, international and local partners. To ensure the greatest impact, the program prioritizes its programming in themes identified by partner countries and where Canada maintains a particular expertise, including sustainable economic growth, children and youth, and food security. A key Canadian initiative included in this program is Canada's commitment to Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health. The program's investments in complementary programming areas, such as multi-sector assistance, provide the linkages that ensure that Canada's international development programming remains coherent and supportive of Canada's interests and values. The program is implemented mainly through contributions that target governments in developing countries, multilateral organizations, and non-governmental organizations.

Program 1.2: International Humanitarian Assistance

The International Humanitarian Assistance program reduces the vulnerability of people in crisis situations due to armed conflicts, acute food insecurity and natural disasters. It ensures that they receive timely and appropriate emergency food, water and sanitation, nutritional interventions, emergency medical care, shelter coordination and protection, and facilitates this by also supporting coordination and other shared humanitarian services. It addresses acute humanitarian needs through responses to international appeals for assistance. This program features short-term programming to ensure delivery of essential humanitarian services. It also provides long-term institutional support for day-to-day activities and operations of key humanitarian assistance partners. Canada engages on partner organizations' governing bodies and policy issues to ensure that they are effectively empowered to fulfill their humanitarian mandate and have the ability to deliver results in an increasingly challenging political and environmental context.

Program 1.3: International Security and Democratic Development

The International Security and Democratic Development program contributes to increased security by enhancing the capacity of foreign governments and international organizations to manage international peace and security challenges, prevent and respond to transnational crime and terrorism, and reduce the threat of weapons of mass destruction. It also supports democracy by working with partners in developing countries and regions, fragile states, states in transition to democracy and states governed by repressive regimes to promote the participation of people in political processes, enhance respect for human rights and the rule of law, and promote the emergence of effective and accountable institutions. The program partners with Crown Corporations and other institutions of the Government of Canada, foreign governments, institutions and agencies, multilateral organizations, and civil society organizations to build the stable, democratic foundations necessary for peace, sustainable development and poverty alleviation.

Strategic outcome 2

Canada's International Agenda – The international agenda is shaped to advance Canadian security, prosperity, interests and values.

Program 2.1: Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements

The Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements program enables engagement with foreign governments and international organizations to gain support for decisions and influence actions that advance Canada's interests and values. To achieve this, Global Affairs Canada engages decision makers at all levels in other countries and facilitates high-level engagement and advocacy by Canadian officials, including the Prime Minister, so that Canada's interests are reflected in bilateral, regional and multilateral agreements and initiatives, including international trade agreements. This program also supports public diplomacy activities to promote Canadian views on issues of concern to Canadians. Through assessed contributions and memberships, the program enables Canada to access international and multilateral organizations to further Canada's interests abroad. The program is also responsible for Canada's formal diplomatic representation abroad, and the accreditation of foreign representatives.

Program 2.2: Integrated Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development Policy

The Integrated Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Policy program ensures that Government of Canada decision makers are provided with international information, analysis and policy advice in order to establish integrated and well-informed policies that advance Canada's interests and values internationally. This is achieved through policy coordination within Global Affairs Canada, with other government departments and stakeholders, and by utilizing advice provided from Global Affairs Canada's network of missions abroad to develop integrated and coherent whole-of-government policies on international issues.

Strategic outcome 3

Canada's Network Abroad – The Department maintains a mission network of infrastructure and services to enable the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities.

Program 3.1: Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services

The Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services program enables Global Affairs Canada and the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities by providing sound governance, strategic direction, and efficient and cost-effective common services to Canadian missions abroad and mission partners. These common services include management of real property and mission security, the provision of information management and information technology support, and the governance of the network's locally engaged staff. Management of this mission network is provided through cooperation with Global Affairs Canada, federal departments and agencies, Crown corporations, provincial governments, other national governments, and non-governmental organizations to ensure common-service standards are clearly defined, and sustainably delivered, and that ongoing changes to the network are effectively managed.

Program 3.2: Management of Government of Canada Terms and Conditions of Employment Abroad

The Management of Government of Canada Terms and Conditions of Employment Abroad program supports the operation of Canada's mission network by ensuring that Canada-based staff receive timely and accurate Foreign Service Directives payments and services, and locally engaged staff receive timely and accurate Pension, Insurance and Social Security Program payments and support. This is achieved through the effective governance and administration of Foreign Service Directives policy, payments and services, as well as the policies and payments to service providers associated with locally engaged staff pension, insurance, and social security programs.

Strategic outcome 4

International Commercial and Consular Services for Canadians – Canadians are satisfied with commercial and consular services.

Program 4.1: International Commerce

The International Commerce program delivers commerce services and advice to Canadian businesses to help them succeed internationally. This is primarily achieved through Canada's Trade Commissioner Service, which provides trade promotion tools, expert advice and services that match identified priority markets with the capabilities and interests of Canadian businesses. The Trade Commissioner Service organizes sector-specific, targeted trade missions to priority markets, helps Canadian businesses access global value chains, and supports the facilitation, expansion or retention of foreign direct investment as well as international innovation, science and technology partnerships. The Trade Commissioner Service facilitates the conclusion of international commercial agreements and actively monitors its responsiveness to the needs of Canadian businesses.

Program 4.2: Consular Services and Emergency Management

The Consular Services and Emergency Management program provides travel advice and consular services to Canadians, as well as a coordinated Government of Canada response to emergencies affecting Canadians abroad. This work is done through consular agents and officers at missions abroad and through the use of the website and Global Affairs Canada's social network platform, which provides timely and accurate safe travel information and advisories to Canadians to allow them to make responsible decisions about travel to foreign countries. This program provides Canadians outside Canada with consular assistance for routine requests and also with 24 hours a day, seven days a week assistance in handling individual cases of distress. In cooperation with federal partners and missions, the program provides a coherent whole-of-government response to emergencies abroad affecting Canadians.

Strategic outcome 5

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Program 5.1: Internal Services

The Internal services program supports all strategic outcomes and is common across government. Internal services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and oversight services; Communications services; Legal services; Human resources management services; Financial management services; Information management services; Information technology services; Real property services; Materiel services; Acquisition services; and Travel and Other administrative services. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Canadian Commercial Corporation

Strategic outcome 1

Enhanced market access for Canadian exporters to complex international public sector markets.

Program 1.1: Defence

This consists of export sales in the aerospace, defence and security sectors. These include sales to all levels of government.

Program 1.2: Emerging and Developing Markets

This is non-Defence Production Sharing Agreement and non-aerospace, defence and security business consisting of supply and construction projects in a variety of other sectors and can include sales to all levels of government, federal, state and municipal.

International Development Research Centre

Strategic outcome 1

Stronger capacity in developing countries to research and propose solutions that support sustainable and equitable development and poverty reduction.

Program 1.1: Research on Development Challenges

International Development Research Centre supports research in developing countries to promote growth and development. The challenges facing international development are varied and complex. Research and innovation are vitally important to grapple with these challenges. Under the Strategic Framework 2010-2015, International Development Research Centre focuses on agriculture and the environment, science and innovation; social and economic policy; and health and health systems. Within each focus, programs define the specific development problem and identify the most promising approaches to address them. These programs support applied research as well as activities that strengthen the particular fields of knowledge. International Development Research Centre continually assesses why, where, and how to intervene to have the greatest impact. Program funding is allocated on an annual basis to reflect these changing priorities. International Development Research Centre works with researchers and innovators in the developing world, often in cooperation with researchers in Canada and elsewhere. Most projects are conducted by developing-world institutions themselves, including universities, research organizations, and civil society. International Development Research Centre also encourages sharing this knowledge with policymakers, other researchers, and communities around the world. The result is innovative, lasting local solutions that aim to bring choice and change to those who need it most.

Program 1.2: Capacity to Do, Use and Manage Research

International Development Research Centre also invests in research intended to assist the developing world to solve its own problems. To contribute to their societies, researchers and innovators in the developing world need to access global knowledge, engage their peers, and share their work. In short, they need opportunities to build their capacity to do, use and manage research. This program supports projects and technical assistance related to research design and methodology, communication and evaluation. Training and experts help researchers to develop their own ideas, communicate their results, and contribute to the larger efforts to reduce poverty. International Development Research Centre also works on evaluation methodologies and tools, and supports professional communities of evaluators in the developing world. This program works with research, media and evaluation professionals in the developing world. It does so using a "grants-plus" approach to supporting research for development. This approach combines financial support to create new opportunities for research, engagement with recipients in the research process, and brokering that helps strengthen research-to-policy linkages. The work of International Development Research Centre is part of Canada's international assistance and is guided by the International Development Research Centre Act.

Strategic outcome 2

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Program 2.1: Internal Services

The Internal services program supports all strategic outcomes and is common across government. Internal services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and oversight services; Communications services; Legal services; Human resources management services; Financial management services; Information management services; Information technology services; Real property services; Materiel services; Acquisition services; and Travel and Other administrative services. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)

Strategic outcome 1

Prompt and effective prevention and/or resolution of potential disputes under the Boundary Water Treaty and Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement to ensure they have no negative impact on Canada-US relations.

Program 1.1: Boundary Waters Treaty

The issuing of Orders of Approval in response to applications for the use, obstruction or diversion of waters that flow along and/or across the boundary if such uses affect the natural water levels or flows on the other side; undertaking investigations of specific issues (references) when requested by governments; and the provision to make binding decisions on matters referred to it by the governments.

Program 1.2: Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

To evaluate progress toward restoring and maintaining the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the waters of the Great Lakes basin ecosystem.

Invest in Canada Hub

This organization has implemented the Policy on results, therefore it is reporting by core responsibility.

Core responsibility 1.1: Foreign Direct Investment Attraction

Lead Government of Canada's Foreign Direct Investment attraction efforts by making Canada Top-of-Mind for foreign investors and providing services in support of investor decisions to expand in Canada.

Core responsibility 1.2: Internal Services

The Internal services program supports all strategic outcomes and is common across government. Internal services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and oversight services; Communications services; Legal services; Human resources management services; Financial management services; Information management services; Information technology services; Real property services; Materiel services; Acquisition services; and Travel and Other administrative services. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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