Strategic outcome and program descriptions

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Department of Citizenship and Immigration

Strategic outcome 1

Newcomers and citizens participate in fostering an integrated society.

Program 1.1: Newcomer Settlement and Integration

In accordance with the Canadian Multiculturalism Act, the Employment Equity Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, programming is developed based on policies that support the settlement, resettlement, adaptation and integration of newcomers into Canadian society. Ultimately, the goal of integration is to encourage newcomers to contribute to Canada's economic, social, political and cultural development. All permanent residents are eligible for settlement and integration programs. Programming is delivered by third parties (including provincial and municipal governments, school boards and post-secondary institutions, settlement service organizations and other non-governmental actors, and the private sector) across the country.

Program 1.2: Citizenship for Newcomers and All Canadians

The purpose of the Citizenship Program is to administer citizenship legislation and promote the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship. Citizenship and Immigration Canada administers the acquisition of Canadian citizenship by developing, implementing, and applying legislation, regulations and policies that protect the integrity of Canadian citizenship and allow eligible applicants to be granted citizenship or be provided with a proof of citizenship. In addition, the program promotes citizenship, to both newcomers and the Canadian-born, through various events, materials and projects. Promotional activities focus on enhancing knowledge of Canada's history, institutions, and values, as well as fostering an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship.

Strategic outcome 2

Migration of permanent and temporary residents that strengthens Canada's economy.

Program 2.1: Permanent Economic Residents

Rooted in objectives outlined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the focus of this program is on the selection and processing of immigrants who can support the development of a strong and prosperous Canada, in which the benefits of immigration are shared across all regions of Canada. The acceptance of qualified permanent residents helps the government meet its economic objectives, such as building a skilled work force, addressing immediate and longer-term labour market needs, and supporting national and regional labour force growth. The selection and processing of applications involve the granting of permanent residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Program 2.2: Temporary Economic Residents

Rooted in objectives outlined in Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the focus of this program is to establish and apply the rules governing entry into Canada of foreign nationals authorized for temporary work and study. Temporary economic migration enhances Canada's trade, commerce, cultural, educational and scientific activities, in support of our overall economic and social prosperity and national interests. The selection and processing involve the issuance of temporary resident visas, work permits and study permits to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Strategic outcome 3

Family and humanitarian migration that reunites families and offers protection to the displaced and persecuted.

Program 3.1: Family and Discretionary Immigration

Citizenship and Immigration Canada's family and discretionary programs support the Government of Canada's social goals for immigration. The program's objectives are to reunite family members in Canada, and to allow for the processing of exceptional cases. Family Class provisions of Immigration and Refugee Protection Act enable Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada to apply to sponsor eligible members of the Family Class, including spouses and partners, dependent children, and parents and grandparents. Discretionary provisions in the legislation are used in cases where there are humanitarian and compassionate considerations or for public policy reasons. These discretionary provisions provide the flexibility to approve exceptional and deserving cases not anticipated in the legislation and to support the Government of Canada in its humanitarian response to world events and crises. Eligibility assessment and processing involve the granting of permanent or temporary residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Program 3.2: Refugee Protection

The Refugee Protection Program is in the first instance about saving lives and offering protection to the displaced and persecuted. Overseas, refugees and persons in refugee-like situations are selected by Canadian visa officers to be resettled as permanent residents to Canada. Flowing from Canada's international and domestic legal obligations, the in-Canada asylum system evaluates the claims of individuals seeking asylum in Canada and grants protected person status when a positive decision is rendered by the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, an independent, quasi-judicial tribunal.

Strategic outcome 4

Managed migration and facilitated travel that promote Canadian interests and protect the health, safety and security of Canadians.

Program 4.1: Migration Control and Security Management

Citizenship and Immigration Canada facilitates the travel of bona fide permanent residents, visitors, students and temporary workers while protecting the health, safety and security of Canadians by effectively managing migration access. This is accomplished through a variety of policy and operational measures, including through the establishment of visa and other document entry requirements and otherwise maintaining the policy framework for terms and conditions of entry, admissibility criteria, anti-fraud measures, negotiations of bilateral and multilateral information-sharing agreements and treaties, as well as setting identity management practices. CIC also provides assistance to illegal migrants who are deemed destined to Canada, to return them to their home country of origin. Strategic partnership engagements with security and public safety-related departments and international organizations are another essential component of this program.

Program 4.2: Health Protection

This program aims to provide effective immigration health services to manage the health aspect of migrant entry and settlement to Canada, and facilitate the arrival of resettled refugees to Canada and their integration while contributing to the protection of the health and safety of all Canadians and contributing to the maintenance of sustainable Canadian health and social services. The program aims to evaluate health risks related to immigration and coordinate with international and Canadian health partners to develop risk management strategies and processes to assess the health risks posed by applicants wishing to immigrate to Canada. The strategies, processes and interventions are intended to reduce the impact of the risks identified on the health of Canadians and on Canada's health and social services.

Program 4.3: Canadian Influence in International Migration and Integration Agenda

As part of its mandate, Citizenship and Immigration Canada aims to influence the international migration and integration policy agenda. This is done by developing and promoting, together with other public policy sectors, Canada's positions on international migration, integration and refugee protection issues through meetings with multilateral and bilateral partners, membership in international organizations, and participation in regional forums. Citizenship and Immigration Canada works closely with bilateral partners to ensure the effective management of migration and administration of immigration laws through an exchange of information, including biometric data. This international migration policy development helps Canada advance its interests with respect to international migration as well as meet its international obligations and commitments. Citizenship and Immigration Canada supports international engagement and partnerships through membership in and contributions to such organizations as the International Organization for Migration, Regional Conference on Migration, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Five Country Conference, the Global Forum on Migration and Development, and the Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees. The program uses transfer payment funding for the following: Migration Policy Development Program (grants), and membership in the International Organization for Migration (annual assessed contributions) and the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (annual assessed contributions) formerly called the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research.

Program 4.4: Passport

Citizenship and Immigration Canada is accountable for the Passport Program, and collaborates with Service Canada and Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada to provide passport services that enable eligible Canadian travellers to access other countries. Through an extensive service delivery network in Canada and abroad, the program disseminates information, collects and processes Canadian travel document applications, authenticates applicants' identity and determines eligibility, and issues secure Canadian travel documents. The program also performs activities to ensure that fraud and misuse of travel documents are prevented and detected. The Canadian passport is an internationally recognized and respected travel and identification document for Canadians who travel abroad, and is relied upon in Canada and by foreign governments to support the bearer's claim to Canadian citizenship. The program operates on a full cost-recovery basis from fees charged for travel document services. Fees are collected in the Passport Canada Revolving Fund and are efficiently managed to ensure value-for-money for Canadians.

Strategic outcome 5

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Program 5.1: Internal Services

Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Immigration and Refugee Board

Strategic outcome 1

Resolve immigration and refugee cases before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law.

Program 1.1: Refugee Protection

Renders quality decisions and resolves cases in a timely manner regarding refugee protection claims made by persons in Canada, and pre-removal risk assessments of persons subject to a removal order.

Program 1.2: Refugee Appeal

Renders quality decisions and resolves cases in a timely manner regarding appeals against a decision made on a refugee protection claim of the Refugee Protection Division.

Program 1.3: Immigration Appeal

It renders quality decisions and resolves cases in a timely manner regarding sponsorship applications refused by the Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship; certain removal orders made against permanent residents, refugees and other protected persons and holders of permanent resident visas; appeals by permanent residents outside of Canada who have been found not to have fulfilled their residency obligation; and appeals by the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness against a decision of the Immigration Division on admissibility.

Program 1.4: Admissibility Hearings and Detention Reviews

Renders quality decisions and resolves in a timely manner cases regarding admissibility of foreign nationals or permanent residents who are alleged to be inadmissible to Canada pursuant to the provisions of Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; and detention reviews for foreign nationals or permanent residents who are detained under Immigration and Refugee Protection Act authority.

Strategic outcome 2

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Program 2.1: Internal Services

Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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