
Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Budgetary Total Budgetary Non-budgetary
Operating Capital Transfer payments Revenues netted against expenditures
Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year
Department of Industry
Science, Technology and Innovation Capacity 28,434,914 20,964,296 1,629,540,938 1,292,514,573 1,657,975,852 1,313,478,869
Industrial Research and Development Financing 9,350,541 7,357,411 402,679,466 387,636,540 412,030,007 394,993,951
Community Economic Development 15,971,359 15,300,482 50,000 47,630 205,845,964 109,428,868 221,867,323 124,776,980
Small Business Research, Financing and Services 21,064,081 21,632,160 61,450,219 58,600,219 82,514,300 80,232,379
Industrial Competitiveness and Capacity 36,910,697 36,808,111 179,400 179,400 37,090,097 36,987,511 2,750,000
Spectrum, Telecommunications, and the Digital Economy 96,052,015 100,700,027 14,762,184 14,474,178 5,718,000 5,718,000 8,393,299 8,393,299 108,138,900 112,498,906
Marketplace Frameworks and Regulation 430,861,381 272,140,869 1,174,000 983,231 2,408,995 2,105,911 219,397,559 208,609,666 215,046,817 66,620,345
Marketplace Competition and Investments 52,952,244 55,238,192 78,104 72,913 9,951,490 9,951,490 43,078,858 45,359,615
Internal Services 220,481,072 213,801,453 1,511,373 1,347,575 34,159,302 34,159,302 187,833,143 180,989,726
Subtotal 912,078,304 743,943,001 17,575,661 16,925,527 2,307,822,982 1,856,183,511 271,901,650 261,113,757 2,965,575,297 2,355,938,282 2,750,000
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 271,901,650) (negative 261,113,757) (negative 271,901,650) (negative 261,113,757)
Total Department 640,176,654 482,829,244 17,575,661 16,925,527 2,307,822,982 1,856,183,511 2,965,575,297 2,355,938,282 2,750,000
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Enterprise Development 28,761,577 27,073,849 175,373,937 174,145,533 204,135,514 201,219,382
Community Development 13,015,144 11,771,416 104,022,265 105,458,178 117,037,409 117,229,594
Policy, Advocacy and Coordination 9,675,412 9,927,969 4,575,000 4,367,486 14,250,412 14,295,455
Internal Services 26,522,030 26,241,166 26,522,030 26,241,166
Total Agency 77,974,163 75,014,400 283,971,202 283,971,197 361,945,365 358,985,597
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Economic Development 4,962,580 4,606,776 40,037,297 39,552,941 44,999,877 44,159,717
Policy and Alignment 4,408,658 3,780,871 4,408,658 3,780,871
Internal Services 6,098,165 6,479,465 6,098,165 6,479,465
Total Agency 15,469,403 14,867,112 40,037,297 39,552,941 55,506,700 54,420,053
Canadian Space Agency
Space Data, Information and Services 31,015,042 26,954,956 119,492,642 73,320,786 5,900,000 5,221,388 156,407,684 105,497,130
Space Exploration 83,680,805 79,984,232 26,284,523 19,739,850 1,900,000 1,878,224 111,865,328 101,602,306
Future Canadian Space Capacity 29,078,636 30,778,220 6,605,086 1,431,165 53,166,000 53,848,338 88,849,722 86,057,723
Internal Services 47,600,298 47,074,398 16,283,537 13,226,430 63,883,835 60,300,828
Total Agency 191,374,781 184,791,806 168,665,788 107,718,231 60,966,000 60,947,950 421,006,569 353,457,987
Canadian Tourism Commission 95,744,873 95,475,770 95,744,873 95,475,770
Copyright Board
Copyright Tariff Setting and Issuance of Licences 2,711,233 2,617,109 2,711,233 2,617,109
Internal Services 635,967 613,890 635,967 613,890
Total Agency 3,347,200 3,230,999 3,347,200 3,230,999
Department of Western Economic Diversification
Business Development and Innovation 16,950,607 14,770,333 89,693,796 91,755,127 106,644,403 106,525,460
Community Economic Growth 4,063,893 5,073,450 98,496,286 93,116,199 102,560,179 98,189,649
Policy, Advocacy and Coordination 8,019,794 7,828,697 1,500,000 1,412,144 9,519,794 9,240,841
Internal Services 13,338,811 13,112,169 13,338,811 13,112,169
Total Agency 42,373,105 40,784,649 189,690,082 186,283,470 232,063,187 227,068,119
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Business Development 16,418,080 16,220,788 136,725,407 138,895,995 153,143,487 155,116,783
Strengthening Community Economies 6,555,280 6,462,015 99,178,996 92,984,681 105,734,276 99,446,696
Regional Economic Development 2,374,619 2,282,002 32,710,102 34,945,108 35,084,721 37,227,110
Internal Services 20,408,060 19,638,153 20,408,060 19,638,153
Total Agency 45,756,039 44,602,958 268,614,505 266,825,784 314,370,544 311,428,742
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Community Economic Development 4,300,853 4,032,129 101,879,705 98,515,450 106,180,558 102,547,579
Technological Innovation 2,281,062 2,255,075 86,744,566 68,016,013 89,025,628 70,271,088
Business Development 7,283,403 7,207,948 53,574,231 53,574,231 60,857,634 60,782,179
Internal Services 16,800,266 16,650,284 16,800,266 16,650,284
Total Agency 30,665,584 30,145,436 242,198,502 220,105,694 272,864,086 250,251,130
National Research Council of Canada
Technology Development and Advancement 416,478,951 334,633,245 38,912,043 37,028,670 455,390,994 371,661,915
Industrial Research Assistance Program 68,471,405 59,620,193 221,854,886 216,926,954 290,326,291 276,547,147
Science Infrastructure and Measurement 87,157,548 43,305,965 6,487,407 2,720,839 155,965,949 77,109,972 249,610,904 123,136,776
Internal Services 219,791,839 215,317,062 71,722,862 29,860,537 291,514,701 245,177,599
Total Agency 791,899,743 652,876,465 117,122,312 69,610,046 377,820,835 294,036,926 1,286,842,890 1,016,523,437
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Discovery: Advancement of Knowledge 9,950,016 9,775,523 516,275,543 537,035,763 526,225,559 546,811,286
Innovation: Research Partnerships 19,472,383 17,902,279 363,462,911 360,315,376 382,935,294 378,217,655
People: Research Talent 5,234,045 5,109,233 287,343,459 268,242,032 292,577,504 273,351,265
Internal Services 21,705,276 20,761,682 21,705,276 20,761,682
Total Agency 56,361,720 53,548,717 1,167,081,913 1,165,593,171 1,223,443,633 1,219,141,888
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Insight: new knowledge in the social sciences and humanities 7,384,795 6,683,651 177,799,743 179,417,489 185,184,538 186,101,140
Talent: attraction, retention and development of students and researchers in the social sciences and humanities 6,238,470 5,461,831 169,656,833 167,446,231 175,895,303 172,908,062
Connection: mobilization of social sciences and humanities knowledge 1,769,181 1,519,223 28,026,429 28,388,300 29,795,610 29,907,523
Indirect Costs of Research 217,441 250,217 368,516,134 368,456,473 368,733,575 368,706,690
Canada First Research Excellence Fund 579,578 658,887 12,927,180 12,927,180 13,506,758 13,586,067
Internal Services 13,716,266 12,769,846 13,716,266 12,769,846
Total Agency 29,905,731 27,343,655 756,926,319 756,635,673 786,832,050 783,979,328
Standards Council of Canada 13,828,495 13,828,495 13,828,495 13,828,495
Statistics Canada
Economic and Environmental Statistics 138,460,134 138,960,829 138,460,134 138,960,829
Statistical Infrastructure 187,424,272 157,909,374 100,000 100,000 187,524,272 158,009,374
Socio-economic Statistics 101,143,836 101,745,964 101,143,836 101,745,964
Censuses 70,433,949 70,173,824 7,974,616 7,974,616 62,459,333 62,199,208
Cost-recovered Statistical Services 124,816,528 116,473,811 112,025,384 103,682,667 12,791,144 12,791,144
Internal Services 72,748,592 72,064,636 72,748,592 72,064,636
Subtotal 695,027,311 657,328,438 100,000 100,000 120,000,000 111,657,283 575,127,311 545,771,155
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 120,000,000) (negative 111,657,283) (negative 120,000,000) (negative 111,657,283)
Total Agency 575,027,311 545,671,155 100,000 100,000 575,127,311 545,771,155
Total Ministry 2,609,904,802 2,265,010,861 303,363,761 194,253,804 5,695,229,637 5,130,236,317 8,608,498,200 7,589,500,982 2,750,000
The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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