
Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Budgetary Total Budgetary Non-budgetary
Operating Capital Transfer payments Revenues netted against expenditures
Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year
Department of National Defence
Defence Capability Element Production 12,423,400,694 11,805,559,064 3,730,226,301 3,521,286,968 7,324,186 2,411,975 248,464,445 253,274,139 15,912,486,736 15,075,983,868 33,225,116 (negative 755,122)
Defence Ready Force Element Production 4,282,990,874 4,471,775,853 77,597,347 88,051,269 1,400,000 1,400,000 9,453,127 8,057,963 4,352,535,094 4,553,169,159 12,768,352 (negative 5,367,553)
Defence Capability Development and Research 443,147,875 502,853,263 36,317,434 37,687,873 131,412 131,412 439,763 184,657 479,156,958 540,487,891
Defence Combat and Support Operations 1,729,792,478 1,671,909,958 19,661,926 17,279,031 161,071,010 145,712,272 111,293,763 112,871,868 1,799,231,651 1,722,029,393 25,886,703 942,150
Defence Services and Contributions to Government 484,012,751 484,442,758 34,767 3,382,171 8,901,000 4,988,835 9,513,209 1,847,031 483,435,309 490,966,733
Internal Services 544,094,443 456,828,172 21,690,454 55,244,004 14,693,850 17,622,499 551,091,047 494,449,677
Subtotal 19,907,439,115 19,393,369,068 3,885,528,229 3,722,931,316 178,827,608 154,644,494 393,858,157 393,858,157 23,577,936,795 22,877,086,721 71,880,171 (negative 5,180,525)
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 393,858,157) (negative 393,858,157) (negative 393,858,157) (negative 393,858,157)
Total Department 19,513,580,958 18,999,510,911 3,885,528,229 3,722,931,316 178,827,608 154,644,494 23,577,936,795 22,877,086,721 71,880,171 (negative 5,180,525)
Communications Security Establishment
Signals Intelligence 453,662,534 443,858,374 453,662,534 443,858,374
Information Technology Security 196,878,690 179,172,247 1,000,000 557,139 195,878,690 178,615,108
Subtotal 650,541,224 623,030,621 1,000,000 557,139 649,541,224 622,473,482
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 1,000,000) (negative 557,139) (negative 1,000,000) (negative 557,139)
Total Agency 649,541,224 622,473,482 649,541,224 622,473,482
Military Grievances External Review Committee
Independent review of military grievances 4,539,396 3,922,563 4,539,396 3,922,563
Internal Services 3,190,700 2,803,894 3,190,700 2,803,894
Total Agency 7,730,096 6,726,457 7,730,096 6,726,457
Military Police Complaints Commission
Complaints Resolution 2,482,754 2,465,292 2,482,754 2,465,292
Internal Services 2,331,248 2,070,406 2,331,248 2,070,406
Total Agency 4,814,002 4,535,698 4,814,002 4,535,698
Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner
The Communications Security Establishment Commissioner's Review Program 1,629,594 1,392,546 1,629,594 1,392,546
Internal Services 571,478 574,515 571,478 574,515
Total Agency 2,201,072 1,967,061 2,201,072 1,967,061
Total Ministry 20,177,867,352 19,635,213,609 3,885,528,229 3,722,931,316 178,827,608 154,644,494 24,242,223,189 23,512,789,419 71,880,171 (negative 5,180,525)
The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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