Ministry summary

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Vote Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
  Department of National Defence
1 Operating expenditures 14,201,614,868 14,201,614,868        
1b Operating expenditures 335,058,697 335,058,697        
1c Operating expenditures 731,269,192 731,269,192        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 (Public Works and Government Services) 1,210,006 1,210,006        
  Vote 1 (Shared Services Canada) 31,749 31,749        
  Vote 5 (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council) 297,500 297,500        
  Vote 5 (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) 1,016,866 1,016,866        
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 92,730,747 92,730,747        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 308,030,068 308,030,068        
  TB Vote 30Link to footnote 1 402,642,318 402,642,318        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 1 (Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) (negative 4,109,289) (negative 4,109,289)        
  Vote 1 (Industry) (negative 30,000) (negative 30,000)        
  Vote 1 (Natural Resources) (negative 2,446,290) (negative 2,446,290)        
  Vote 1 (Parks Canada Agency) (negative 3,700,000) (negative 3,700,000)        
  Vote 1 (Shared Services Canada) (negative 104,571) (negative 104,571)        
  Vote 5 (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) (negative 3,050,000) (negative 3,050,000)        
  Vote 5 (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council) (negative 3,031,334) (negative 3,031,334)        
  Vote 5 (Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women) (negative 100,000) (negative 100,000)        
  Vote 5 (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) (negative 50,000) (negative 50,000)        
  Vote 10 (Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) (negative 5,800,000) (negative 5,800,000)        
  Vote 10 (Indian Affairs and Northern Development) (negative 1,050,209) (negative 1,050,209)        
  Total—Vote 1 14,201,614,868 1,066,327,889 782,487,561 16,050,430,318 15,560,133,719 490,296,599 13,919,219,357
5 Capital expenditures 3,102,710,864 3,102,710,864        
5b Capital expenditures 668,095,118 668,095,118        
5c Capital expenditures 31,500,825 31,500,825        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 (Shared Services Canada) 3,862,294 3,862,294        
  TB Vote 30Link to footnote 1 3,246,182 3,246,182        
  TB Vote 33Link to footnote 1 80,035,373 80,035,373        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 1 (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited) (negative 300,000) (negative 300,000)        
  Vote 1 (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) (negative 200,000) (negative 200,000)        
  Vote 5 (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) (negative 100,000) (negative 100,000)        
  Vote 5 (Natural Resources) (negative 737,387) (negative 737,387)        
  Vote 5 (Public Health Agency of Canada) (negative 350,000) (negative 350,000)        
  Vote 5 (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) (negative 235,040) (negative 235,040)        
  Vote 5 (Shared Services Canada) (negative 2,000,000) (negative 2,000,000)        
  Total—Vote 5 3,102,710,864 699,595,943 83,221,422 3,885,528,229 3,722,931,316 162,596,913 3,055,226,195
10 Grants and contributions 164,695,408 164,695,408        
10c Grants and contributions 12,308,014 12,308,014        
  Total—Vote 10 164,695,408 12,308,014 177,003,422 152,820,308 24,183,114 150,784,806
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 273,777,210 12,330,667 (negative 16,331,509) 269,776,368 269,776,368 255,678,012
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans—Members of the Military 916,558,484 66,619,353 2,167,810,979 3,150,988,816 3,150,988,816 1,216,089,514
Link to footnote S Minister of National Defence—Salary and motor car allowance 84,400 200 84,600 84,600 83,500
Link to footnote S Payments under the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act 2,100,000 (negative 614,599) 1,485,401 1,485,401 1,763,782
Link to footnote S Payments under Parts I-IV of the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act (R.S.C., 1970, c. D-3) 500,000 (negative 183,899) 316,101 316,101 370,923
Link to footnote S Payments to dependants of certain members of the Royal Canadian Air Force killed while serving as instructors under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (Appropriation Act No. 4, 1968) 26,000 (negative 3,316) 22,684 22,684 26,397
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 18,034,807 23,773,722 41,808,529 18,035,081 23,773,448 4,501,914
Link to footnote S Losses on foreign exchange 492,327 492,327 492,327
  Appropriations not required for the current year 2,409,129
  Total budgetary 18,034,807 18,662,067,234 1,857,181,866 3,040,652,888 23,577,936,795 22,877,086,721 677,076,626 23,773,448 18,606,153,529
Link to footnote L11c Authorization for working capital advance account as established by Vote L20b, Appropriation Act No. 1, 1976. Limit $120,000,000 (Net) 71,880,171 71,880,171 (negative 5,180,525) 77,060,696 9,262,275
  Total Department—Budgetary 18,034,807 18,662,067,234 1,857,181,866 3,040,652,888 23,577,936,795 22,877,086,721 677,076,626 23,773,448 18,606,153,529
  Total Department—Non-budgetary 71,880,171 71,880,171 (negative 5,180,525) 77,060,696 9,262,275
  Communications Security Establishment
1 Program expenditures 560,506,384 560,506,384        
1b Program expenditures 11,677,230 11,677,230        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 21,601,037 21,601,037        
  TB Vote 30Link to footnote 1 23,460,417 23,460,417        
  Transfer to Vote 1 (Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) (negative 362,250) (negative 362,250)        
  Total—Vote 1 560,506,384 11,677,230 44,699,204 616,882,818 589,836,561 27,046,257 557,106,928
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 35,477,339 574,970 (negative 3,415,388) 32,636,921 32,636,921 33,670,717
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 865 20,620 21,485 865 20,620 73,436
  Appropriations not required for the current year 9,113
  Total Agency—Budgetary 865 595,983,723 12,252,200 41,304,436 649,541,224 622,473,482 27,047,122 20,620 590,860,194
  Military Grievances External Review Committee
1 Program expenditures 6,160,384 6,160,384        
1b Program expenditures 594,400 594,400        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 121,619 121,619        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 307,054 307,054        
  Total—Vote 1 6,160,384 594,400 428,673 7,183,457 6,179,818 1,003,639 5,383,550
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 562,442 (negative 16,896) 545,546 545,546 602,252
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 1,093 1,093 1,093
  Total Agency—Budgetary 6,722,826 594,400 412,870 7,730,096 6,726,457 1,003,639 5,985,802
  Military Police Complaints Commission
1 Program expenditures 4,207,948 4,207,948        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 35,289 35,289        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 210,876 210,876        
  Total—Vote 1 4,207,948 246,165 4,454,113 4,175,963 278,150 3,748,700
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 430,352 (negative 70,617) 359,735 359,735 370,830
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 89 65 154 89 65
  Total Agency—Budgetary 89 4,638,300 175,613 4,814,002 4,535,698 278,239 65 4,119,530
  Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner
1 Program expenditures 1,940,071 1,940,071        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 22,171 22,171        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 97,004 97,004        
  Total—Vote 1 1,940,071 119,175 2,059,246 1,825,235 234,011 1,834,217
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 169,145 (negative 27,319) 141,826 141,826 170,161
  Total Agency—Budgetary 2,109,216 91,856 2,201,072 1,967,061 234,011 2,004,378
  Total Ministry—Budgetary 18,035,761 19,271,521,299 1,870,028,466 3,082,637,663 24,242,223,189 23,512,789,419 705,639,637 23,794,133 19,209,123,433
  Total Ministry—Non-budgetary 71,880,171 71,880,171 (negative 5,180,525) 77,060,696 9,262,275

Table notes

The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.
A blank cell means there is no available data.
Note: The full wording of all authorities granted in current year Appropriation Acts, of all authorities granted by statutes other than Appropriation Acts, of all non-lapsing authorities granted / repealed in the current year, and of all authorities available from previous years is given in Section 1 of this volume.

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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