Recapitulation of external revenues by source

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Table 4a reconciles total ministerial revenues (Table 4) with external revenues reported in Table 1 of this section and in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Accumulated Deficit in Section 2 of Volume 1. The reconciling items include the revenues from the consolidated specified purpose accounts, the accrual of accounts receivable and the adjustment of the Exchange Fund Account to recognize the international reserves held in the Account, the accrual and deferral of other revenues, the revenues of Crown corporations and other entities, tax credits and repayments and the elimination of internal revenues.

Table 4a
Recapitulation of external revenues by source
(in thousands of dollars)

Description Total ministerial revenues Consolidated specified purpose accounts Accrual and other adjustments Crown corporations and other entities Tax credits and repayments Internal revenuesLink to footnote 1 Total external revenues
Tax revenues—
Income tax revenues
Personal 128,807,202 24,861,222 (negative 49,000) 153,619,424
Corporate 45,958,548 1,846,555 47,805,103
Non-resident 7,845,251 7,845,251
Total 182,611,001 26,707,777 (negative 49,000) 209,269,778
Other taxes and duties
Goods and services tax 36,751,262 36,751,262
Energy taxes
Excise tax—Gasoline 4,501,143 4,501,143
Excise tax—Aviation gasoline and diesel fuel 1,237,545 1,237,545
Subtotal 5,738,688 5,738,688
Customs import duties 5,416,240 5,416,240
Other excise taxes and duties
Excise duties 4,856,832 4,856,832
Air travellers security charge 822,569 822,569
Miscellaneous excise taxes and duties 233,242 233,242
Subtotal 5,912,643 5,912,643
Total 53,818,833 53,818,833
Total tax revenues 236,429,834 26,707,777 (negative 49,000) 263,088,611
Employment insurance premiums 21,532,975 (negative 393,460) 21,139,515
Other revenues
Crown corporations
Enterprise Crown corporations and other government business enterprises—
Share of annual profit 8,058,170 (negative 1,099,069) 6,959,101
Interest and other 795,876 (negative 24,148) 771,728
Total 8,854,046 (negative 24,148) (negative 1,099,069) 7,730,829
Other programs
Return on investments 1,212,228 103,871 (negative 53) 1,316,046
Refunds of previous years' expenditures 623,973 (negative 582,651) (negative 41,322)
Sales of goods and services
Rights and privileges 1,741,031 1,091,444 (negative 8,425) 2,824,050
Lease and use of public property 1,456,835 71,093 (negative 781,924) 746,004
Services of a regulatory nature 2,083,320 32,686 (negative 493,668) 1,622,338
Services of a non-regulatory nature 5,056,230 1,198,902 (negative 1,740,466) 4,514,666
Sales of goods and information products 2,055,604 3,520,188 (negative 1,878,215) 3,697,577
Other fees and charges 1,327,152 214,642 (negative 695,142) 846,652
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 51,671 (negative 43,378) (negative 8,293)
Miscellaneous revenues
Interest and penalties 3,835,291 517,153 4,352,444
Other 3,321,728 (negative 258,071) (negative 6,702,514) 5,619,868 (negative 1,726,185) 254,826
Total 22,765,063 (negative 258,071) (negative 578,564) 5,619,868 (negative 7,373,693) 20,174,603
Net foreign exchange
Exchange Fund Account 1,712,719 (negative 194) 1,712,525
International Monetary Fund 14,587 (negative 226,983) (negative 212,396)
Other 38,103 (negative 65,547) (negative 27,444)
Total 1,765,409 (negative 292,724) 1,472,685
Total other revenues 33,384,518 (negative 258,071) (negative 895,436) 4,520,799 (negative 7,373,693) 29,378,117
Total revenues 269,814,352 21,274,904 (negative 895,436) 4,520,799 26,707,777 (negative 7,816,153) 313,606,243

Table notes

The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.
Note: If no amount is shown, either the revenues were less than $500 or none were reported.

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