Ministry summary

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Vote Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
  Department of Indigenous Services CanadaLink to footnote 1
3c Operating expenditures 79,457,992 79,457,992        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 (Agriculture and Agri-Food) 199,000 199,000        
  Vote 1 (Indians Affairs and Northern Development) 45,516,026 45,516,026        
  TB Vote 5Link to footnote 2 69,588,068 69,588,068        
  Transfer to Vote 13 (negative 19,252,143) (negative 19,252,143)        
  Deemed appropriations from Vote 1 (Health)Link to footnote 3 538,462,643 538,462,643        
  Deemed appropriations from Vote 1 (Indian Affairs and Northern Development)Link to footnote 3 63,633,136 63,633,136        
  Total—Vote 3 79,457,992 698,146,730 777,604,722 705,938,292 71,666,430
7c Capital expenditures 1 1        
  Deemed appropriations from Vote 1 (Health)Link to footnote 3 4,105,814 4,105,814        
  Deemed appropriations from Vote 1 (Indian Affairs and Northern Development)Link to footnote 3 274,539 274,539        
  Total—Vote 7 1 4,380,353 4,380,354 3,915,458 464,896
13c Grants and contributions 211,736,742 211,736,742        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 3 19,252,143 19,252,143        
  Vote 10 (Indians Affairs and Northern Development) 23,700,000 23,700,000        
  TB Vote 5Link to footnote 2 90,235,313 90,235,313        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 5 (Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women) (negative 100,000) (negative 100,000)        
  Vote 10 (Indians Affairs and Northern Development) (negative 836,744) (negative 836,744)        
  Vote 10 (Public Health Agency of Canada) (negative 66,750) (negative 66,750)        
  Deemed appropriations from Vote 10 (Health)Link to footnote 3 515,133,462 515,133,462        
  Deemed appropriations from Vote 10 (Indian Affairs and Northern Development)Link to footnote 3 2,741,174,337 2,741,174,337        
  Total—Vote 13 211,736,742 3,388,491,761 3,600,228,503 3,528,465,874 71,762,629
Link to footnote S Courts awards 19,000 19,000 19,000
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 64,771 64,771 2,184 62,587
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 29,939,140 29,939,140 29,939,140
Link to footnote S Indian Annuities Treaty payments 10 10 10
Link to footnote S Contributions in connection with First Nations infrastructure 19,518,646 19,518,646 19,518,646
Link to footnote S Payment from the Consolidated Revenue Fund of guaranteed loans issued out of the Indian economic development account (authorized limit $60,000,000). Change in Ministry responsibility (Indian Affairs and Northern Development) 32,490,796 32,490,796 32,490,796
  Total Budgetary 291,194,735 4,173,051,207 4,464,245,942 4,287,798,604 143,893,955 32,553,383
Link to footnote L20 Loans and guarantees of loans through the Indian economic development account. Last amended by Vote 7b, Appropriation Act No.4 1996-97. Limit $48,550,835 (Net). Change in Ministry responsibility (Indian Affairs and Northern Development) 48,517,156 48,517,156 48,517,156
  Total Non-Budgetary 48,517,156 48,517,156 48,517,156
  Total Ministry—Budgetary 291,194,735 4,173,051,207 4,464,245,942 4,287,798,604 143,893,955 32,553,383
  Total Ministry—Non-Budgetary 48,517,156 48,517,156 48,517,156

Table notes

The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.
A blank cell means there is no available data.
Note: The full wording of all authorities granted in current year Appropriation Acts, of all authorities granted by statutes other than Appropriation Acts, of all non-lapsing authorities granted / repealed in the current year, and of all authorities available from previous years is given in Section 1 of this volume.

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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