Global Affairs

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume III—Top of the page Navigation

Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development

Expenditures for Canadian representation at international conferences and meetings

This statement presents expenditures such as hospitality and conference fees covered under the department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Conference Allotment that is approved by Cabinet to fund the protocol activities of the Governor General and the Prime Minister of Canada during official visits abroad. The allotment also supports the participation of the department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Portfolio ministers and their official delegations in major multilateral international conferences defined as a congress, convention, briefing seminar or other formal gathering in one location outside Canada that deals with topics related to Government of Canada objectives.

(in dollars)

Conferences and meetings Amount
Prime Minister's Visit to London (United Kingdom) and Malta—Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting (CHOGM) and Paris (France)—Climate Change Conference, November 2015 28
Prime Minister's Visit to Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong (China)—G20 Summit, August 2016 465
Prime Minister's Visit to Tel Aviv (Israel)—State funeral for the former President Shimon Peres, October 2016 4
Prime Minister's Bilateral Visit to Monrovia (Liberia) and Antananarivo (Madagascar)—Francophonie Summit, November 2016 617
Prime Minister's Bilateral Visit to Havana (Cuba), Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Lima (Peru)—Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), November 2016 32
Prime Minister's Visit to Washington (United States), February 2017 3,088
Prime Minister's Bilateral Visit to Hamburg (Germany) and Strasbourg (France), February 2017 30,079
Prime Minister's Visit to Houston (United States), March 2017 10,771
Prime Minister's Visit to New York (United States)—Come from Away, March 2017 3,189
Prime Minister's Visit to Lille—100th Anniversary Vimy, Deauville (France), April 2017 299,560
Prime Minister's Visit to New York (United States)—Women in the World, April 2017 61,674
Prime Minister's Visit to Seattle (United States), May 2017 95,051
Prime Minister's Visit to Brussels (Belgium)—North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Taormina (G7), Amatrice, Rome, The Holy See (Italy), May 2017 947,717
Canadian participation to the funeral of ex-chancellor Helmut Kohl, June 2017 11,698
Prime Minister's Visit to Dublin (Ireland), Edinburgh, Glasgow (United Kingdom), Hamburg (Germany)—G20, July 2017 918,998
Prime Minister's Visit to Providence (United States)—National Governors Association 2017 Summer Meeting (NGAS), July 2017 111,604
Prime Minister's Visit to New York (United States)—United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), September 2017 186,268
Prime Minister's Visit to Washington (United States) and Mexico City (Mexico), October 2017 284,624
Prime Minister's Visit to Manila (Philippines)—Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit (ASEAN Summit), Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang—Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) (Vietnam), November 2017 730,611
Prime Minister's Visit to Beijing, Guangzhou (China)—Fortune Global Forum, December 2017 418,751
Prime Minister's Visit to Davos (Swiss Confederation)—World Economic Forum (WEF), January 2018 590,487
Prime Minister's Visit to New Delhi, Agra, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Amritsar (India), February 2018 772,095
Prime Minister's Visit to Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco (United States), February 2018 308,214
Start-up costs and advance team for the Prime Minister's Visit to Lima (Peru)—Summit of the Americas, Paris (France), London (United Kingdom)—Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting (CHOGM), April 2018 231,858
Start-up costs and advance team for the Prime Minister's Visit to Brussels (Belgium)—(NATO Summit), July 2018 4,998
Governor General's Visit to Israel and Jordan, November 2016 936
Governor General's Visit to Sweden, February 2017 943
Governor General's Visit to Vimy (France)—100th Anniversary, April 2017 140,428
Governor General's Visit to London (United Kingdom), July 2017 45,378
Governor General's Visit to Chongqing, Guiyang and Beijing (China), July 2017 314,678
Governor General's Visit to Latvia and Ukraine, January 2018 11,597
Governor General's Visit to PyeongChang (South Korea)—Olympic Games, February 2018 118,093
Governor General's Visit to Bangkok (Thailand), October 2017 60,933
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 117,456
Minister of International Trade—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 92,240
Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 68,232
Minister of Foreign Affairs—North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Foreign Ministers' Meeting, Brussels (Belgium) 27,652
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Delegation to the G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM), Lucca (Italy) 48,601
Minister of Foreign Affairs—10th Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council, Fairbanks (United States), May 10-11, 2017 30,823
Minister of International Trade—Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) meeting, Hanoi (Vietnam), May 20-21, 2017 121,985
Minister of Foreign Affairs—47th General Assembly of the Organization of American States, Cancun (Mexico), June 19-21, 2017 53,989
Minister of International Trade—Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Ministerial Council Meeting, Paris (France), June 7-8, 2017 52,148
Canadian participation to the inauguration ceremony in Serbia, June 2017 3,174
Minister of Foreign Affairs—OSCE Informal Ministerial Meeting, Mauerbach (Austria), July 11, 2017 14,299
Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—Family Planning Summit, London (United Kingdom), July 10-11, 2017 40,397
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Opportunity Ukraine Conference, London (United Kingdom), July 6, 2017 24,894
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)—Canada Post-Ministerial Conference (PMC) and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Ministerial meeting, Manila (Philippines) 49,942
General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (Austria) 23,624
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 72), New York (United States), 2017 473,963
Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—34th Ministerial Conference of La Francophonie, Paris (France), November 25-26, 2017 48,904
Minister of Foreign Affairs—31st ASEAN Summit and Related Events, Manila (Philippines), November 12-14, 2017 32,125
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of International Trade—APEC Ministerial Meeting and APEC Leaders' Meeting in Da Nang (Vietnam), November 8-11, 2017 156,874
Minister of International Trade—Eleventh World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference (MC11) in Argentina, December 10-13, 2017 143,622
Minister of Foreign Affairs—OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting, Vienna (Austria), December 7-8, 2017 19,496
Minister of Foreign Affairs—North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Foreign Ministerial Meeting, Brussels (Belgium), December 5-6, 2017 19,821
Canadian participation to the inauguration ceremony in Chile, March 2018 7,018
Minister of International Trade—6th ASEAN Economic Ministers—Canada Consultation, Manila (Philippines), September 8, 2017 26,196
Canadian participation in the Pacific Islands Forum and Related Meetings, Apia (Samoa), September 2017Link to footnote 1 43,250
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the 39th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, Paris (France), from October 30–November 14, 2017 21,515
Minister of International Trade—Informal World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Meeting, Marrakech (Morocco) 43,256
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Start-up costs for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), London (United Kingdom), April 17-20, 2018 20,258
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Start-up costs to the 8th Summit of the Americas, Lima (Peru), April 2018 30,165
Total 8,571,386

Table Notes 1

Travel expenditures for Canadian representation at international conferences and meetings

This statement presents the travel expenditures covered under the International Conference Allotment. This allotment is described in the statement of "Expenditures for Canadian representation at international conferences and meetings" found in section 11 of this Volume.

Generally, the International Conference Allotment does not support the expenses of ministers and staff from other government departments, provincial and territorial representatives, private sector advisors or academic observers. These expenses are usually self-funded and not chargeable to the International Conference Allotment. Therefore, this statement only includes costs charged to the International Conference Allotment by the department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development. Delegates from other government departments are listed for information purposes only.

Costs charged to the International Conference Allotment are part of the operating budget of the department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development and, therefore, are not included in the statements in section 10 of this Volume titled "Travel expenditures of ministers and parliamentary secretaries" and "International travel expenditures of ministers, parliamentary secretaries and ministers' staff".

(in dollars)

Description Amount
Prime Minister's Visit to Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong (China)—G20 Summit, August 2016 465
Prime Minister's Visit to Tel Aviv (Israel)—State funeral for the former President Shimon Peres, October 2016 4
Prime Minister's Bilateral Visit to Monrovia (Liberia) and Antananarivo (Madagascar)—Francophonie Summit, November 2016 617
Prime Minister's Bilateral Visit to Havana (Cuba), Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Lima (Peru)—Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), November 2016 32
Prime Minister's Visit to Washington (United States), February 2017 2,232
Prime Minister's Bilateral Visit to Hamburg (Germany) and Strasbourg (France), February 2017 17,381
Prime Minister's Visit to Houston (United States), March 2017 9,483
Prime Minister's Visit to New York (United States)—Come from Away, March 2017 3,189
Prime Minster's Visit to Lille—100th Anniversary Vimy, Deauville (France), April 2017 68,364
House of Commons
Trudeau Right Hon. J., Leslie, Hon. A., Sajjan, Hon. H.
Prime Minister's Office
Bernier, A., Bouchard, M., Caceres, D., Deagle, J., Desfossés, T., Guillon, T., Hallé, A-L., Julien, N., Purchase, K., Rettig, C., Scotti, A., Telford, K.
Privy Council Office
Adair, J., Bazinet, E., Cloutier, B., Elliott, J., Fox, C., Gaudreault, S., Hage, M., Hannaford, J., Kennedy, C., Lafleur, K., Larocque, D., Lemire, M., Prusakowski, T., Richard, W., Tremblay, E., Wernick, M., Ward, J.
Global Affairs Canada
Aggelopoulos, T., Amegan, K., Bardou, M., Boucher, C., Brazeau, P., Brulé, R., Cannon, L., Collard, E., Currie, J., Dana-Yoblonski, A-J., Dumas, M., Gagnon, J-H., Gascon, V., Gimeno, F., Giroux, A-F., Hadjloum, H., Lambert, D., Landry, T., Mota, S., Nadeau, C., Requillard, M., Rivard, J., Robichaud, M., Roy, S., Salas-Ramirez, M., Sauvé, J., Sorel, C., Smith, N., Tremblay, R., Vasseur, L., Willemen, J., Wisniowski, B.
Department of National Defence
Banham, E., Luloff, M., Richer, Dr. D., Seaby, B.
Chartrand, D., Eegeesiak, O., Horseman, S., Mcleod, B., Mitchelmore, C., Sigurdson, L., St-Pierre, C., Taptuna, P., Whalen, D.
Prime Minister's Visit to New York (United States)—Women in the World, April 2017 7,999
House of Commons
Trudeau Right Hon. J.
Prime Minister's Office
Desfossés, T., Hage-Moussa, V., Hallé, A-L., Menchini, S., Purchase, K., Scotti, A., Telford, K., Travers, P.
Privy Council Office
Angell, D., Cotten, B., Galarneau, S., Gaudreault, S., Madore, J., Pilon, T.
Global Affairs Canada
Guérin, M., Snider, C.
Prime Minister's Visit to Seattle (United States), May 2017 27,900
House of Commons
Trudeau Right Hon. J., Morneau, Hon. B.
Prime Minister's Office
Butts, G., Desfossés, T., Grech, A., Hallé, A-L., Scotti, A., Tatone, J., Telford, K.
Privy Council Office
Berz, K., Burns, J., Hannaford, J., Larocque, D., Maloley, J., Prusakowski, T., Robert, A., Soni, S-M., Wood, M-J.
Global Affairs Canada
Curtley, C., Hill, J., Lambert, D., MacNaughton, D. Rajasansi, H., Rempel, R., Schrock, B.
Prime Minister's Visit to Brussels (Belgium)—North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Taormina (G7), Amatrice, Rome, The Holy See (Italy), May 2017 404,903
House of Commons
Trudeau Right Hon. J., Di Iorio, N., Freeland, Hon. C., Ramsey, T., Sajjan, Hon. H., Sorbara, F., Van Kersteren, D.
Prime Minister's Office
Bernier, A., Bouchard, M., Butts, G., Caceres, D., Desfossés, T., Guillon, T., Hage-Moussa, V., Langer, D., Menchini, S., Purchase, K., Rumble, M., Scotti, A., Telford, K., Travers, P., Zerucelli, J.
Privy Council Office
Angell, D., Burata, F., Cloutier, B., Demers, A., Gascon, A., Gaudreault, S., Grecco, B., Gurstein, M., Hage, M., Hannaford, J., Jean, D., Kennedy, C., Lemire, M., Lepage, S., Lindblad, A., Madore, J., Maloley, J., Menard, D., Pilon, T., Prusakowski, T., Shouldice, M., Singh, A., Tremblay, E.
Global Affairs Canada
Abbate, E., Aggelopoulos, T., Barette, J., Benson, I., Bernier, K., Boehm, P., Boucher, C., Broadhurst, J., Bucalossi, P., Buck, K., Cliche, C., Connolly, S., Crew, D., D'Annunzio, A., Del Castello, S., Dion, Hon. S., Du, Q., Dumas, M., Ferrero, D., Finamore, F., Fusco, T., Gagliardi, C., Gervais, P., Geysen, C., Gosselin, C., Guerin, M., Harvey, B., Hemingway, S., Humphrey, G., Jacovella, D., Jasme, N., Kahalé, M., Koczwarski, J., Lambert, D., Laporte, É., Lavarini, G., Lazzarini, C., Levesque, A., Marghella, A., McGovern, P., Montanari, D., Norton, R., Pistidda, E., Robert, C., Reckseidler, J., Roy, S., Ruffini, A., Saint-Arnaud, L., Sanetti, G., Strohan, A., Strussione, P.
Department of National Defence
Brassard, D., Filiatrault, R., Richer, Dr. D.
Ceriello, E., Grégoire-Trudeau, S.
Canadian participation to the funeral of ex-chancellor Helmut Kohl, June 2017 11,698
House of Commons
Chrétien Right Hon. J.
Hartley, B.
Prime Minister's Visit to Dublin (Ireland), Edinburgh, Glasgow (United Kingdom), Hamburg (Germany)—G20, July 2017 317,073
House of Commons
Trudeau Right Hon. J., Freeland, Hon. C., Dion, Hon. S., Maloney, J., Mcguinty, D., Mckenna, Hon. C., O'Regan, S.
Prime Minister's Office
Butts, G., Caceres, D., Desfossés, T., Guillon, T., Grech, A., Hallé, A-L., Langer, D., MacMillan, C., McNair, M., Menchini, S., Purchase, K., Scotti, A., Sommer, D., Telford, K., Zerucelli, J.
Privy Council Office
Bonneville-Mainville, R., Charrette, A., Clippingdale, R., Cloutier, B., Cotten, B., Doztater, N., Gagnon, M., Galarneau, S., Gaudreault, S., Grecco, B., Hannaford, J., Lemire, M., Lindblad, A., Madore, J., Pilon, T., Prentice, K.M., Prusakowski, T., Shouldice, M., Singh, A., Tremblay, E., Wittman, P.
Global Affairs Canada
Aggelopoulos, T., Almond, L., Bacigalupo, G., Barrette, J., Beckermann, J., Bellos, T., Blackmore, A., Blister, M., Bolduc, C., Boucher, C., Broadbridge, J., Broadhurst, J., Byron, K., Charrette, J., Cichocka, E., Connelly, S., Cormier-Lassonde, E., Dale, T., Darwiche, A., Ehinger, D., Ellis, J., Gartshore, G., Glynn, M.T., Godog-Smirnova, D., Hall, M-C., Hemingway, S., Hernes, B., Hudson, A., Jacques, M-A., Janiak, K., Jerznyck, L., Jones, B., Kaulfersch, C., Lambert, D., Lavarini, G., Levesque, A., Mallan, C., Massoud, H., May, J., Mcguiness, P., Miville-Deschenes, F., Mongeg, G., Murphy, S., Nadeau, M., Norton, R., O'Reilly, M., Perry, D., Puhlmann, A., Reid, P., Rigby, V., Rogan, D., Roy, S., Sanchez, C., Schlegel, D., Singh, D., Stewart, R., Storey, N., Süb, A., Tucker, C., White, J.
Department of National Defence
Richer, Dr. D.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (Interpreters)
Chawla, G.K., Gonzalez, A.
Grégoire-Trudeau, S., Trudeau, H.
Prime Minister's Visit to Providence (United States)—National Governors Association 2017 Summer Meeting (NGAS), July 2017 42,902
House of Commons
Trudeau Right Hon. J.
Prime Minister's Office
Ahmad, C., Astravas, Z., Catenaro, E., Clow, B., Grech, A., Hall, G., Scotti, A., Tatone, J.
Privy Council Office
Angell, D., Lanbro, J., Larocque, D., Lemire, M., Maloley, J., Pilon, T., Soni, S-M., Wittmann, P.
Global Affairs Canada
Abele, D., Alward, D., Austen, A., Barratt, A., Barrette, J., Constantin, C., Cohen, S., Coulter, A., Jones, J., Lefavour, S., MacNaughton, D., Snider, C., Steele, K., Suter, C.
Prime Minister's Visit to New York (United States)—United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), September 2017 37,202
House of Commons
Trudeau Right Hon. J.
Prime Minister's Office
Ahmad, C., Caceres, D., Desfossés, T., Hage-Moussa, V., Hallé, A-L., Langer, D., Menchini, S., Proulx, P., Purchase, K., Savard-Shaw, J., Scotti, A., Sommer, D., Telford, K., Travers, P., Van Gerven, K.
Privy Council Office
Bazinet, E., Gaudreault, S., Grecco, B., Hannaford, J., Kahn, Z., Legras, G., Lemire, M., Lynch, C., Lindblad, A., Madore, J., Wittman, P.
Global Affairs Canada
Boucher, C., Burleson, L., Lambert, D.
Prime Minister's Visit to Washington (United States), Mexico City (Mexico), October 2017 73,619
House of Commons
Trudeau Right Hon. J., Amos, W., Champagne, Hon. F-P., Dzerowicz, J., Freeland, Hon. C., Leslie, Hon. A.
Prime Minister's Office
Ahmad, C., Butts, G., Caceres, D., Clow, B., Desfossés, T., Gagnon, C., Guillon, T., Hage-Moussa, V., Isinger, D., Mcnair, M., Menchini, S., Perreault, B., Proulx, P., Purchase, K., Savard-Shaw, J., Scotti, A., Simard, V., Sommer, D., Telford, K., Travers, P., Van Gervan, K., Zerucelli, J.
Privy Council Office
Bazinet, E., Bourns, L., Brunette, L., Charrette, A., Cloutier, B., Gagnon, M., Gaudreault, S., Grecco, B., Hannaford, J., Lanbro, J., MacKay, C., Madore, J., Morshead, C., Moss, N., Robert, A.
Global Affairs Canada
Audet, T., Bailey, M., Bain Pugh, A., Barrette, J., Broadhurst, J., Constantin, C., Devenney, D., Dussault, M., Guerin, M., Grubka, G., Hager, J., Huot-Bolduc, F., Jones, J., Lambert, D., Lambo, P., Latorre, J., Mcguire, F., Norton, R., Ovens, J., Prefontaine, C., Rivera, S., Rodriguez, Y., Roy, S., Somaweera, H., Thériault, M-C.
Department of National Defence
Richer, Dr. D.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (Interpreter)
Gonzalez, A.
Prime Minister's Visit to Manila (Philippines)—Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit (ASEAN Summit), Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang—Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) (Vietnam), November 2017 337,171
House of Commons
Trudeau Right Hon. J., Freeland, Hon. C.
Prime Minister's Office
Bernier, A., Butts, G., Catenaro, E., Desfossés, T., Gagnon, C., Grech, A., Guillon, T., Hage-Moussa, V., Hallé, A-L., Harvey, L., McNair, M., Scotti, A., Shaw-Savard, J., Van Gervan, K., Zerucelli, J.
Privy Council Office
Bazinet, E., Black, G., Bonneville-Mainville, R., Bourns, L., Brunette, L., Cassis, V., Clippengdale, R., Cloutier, B., Cotten, B., Dean, K., Demers, A., Gaudreault, S., Grecco, B., Gurstein, M., Hannaford, J., Harms, C., Lanbro, J., Larocque, D., Leblanc, A., Lemire, M., Lepage, S., Lindblad, A., Lizotte, M., Madore, J., Maloley, J., Ménard, D., Morshead, C., Rae, B., Robert, A., Stadelbauer, L., Troy, R., Wagner, R.
Global Affairs Canada
Aggelopoulos, T., Alcantara, A., Anh, T., Austen, A., Boucher, C., Broadhurst, J., Brulotte, M., Chiem, U., Drouin, N., Fan, R., Figueroa, C., Fong, J., Guerin, M., Hoa, D., Hoa, T.T., Hermann, L-A., Huong, L.T.M., Huot-Bolduc, F., Insigne, M., Kimmel, E., Kitnikone, P., Lambert, D., Le, Q., Mclaughlin, S., Mourand, C., Mowatt, M., Nadeau, B., Nguyen, C., Nguyen, H.C., Nguyen, K.C., Nguyen, Q., Nguyen, O., Nguyen, T., Norton, R., Nunas, K., Otton, M., Phan, T.T., Poirier, J., Pouliot, L., Reekie, K., Rekhi, A., Rodrigue, J., Roy, S., Sanchez, J., Saulis, K., Simard, M., Tram, B., Webb, R.
Department of National Defence
Galbraith, H., Richer, Dr. D.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (Interpreters)
Ngoc, T., Redmond, I.M.
Rae, Hon. B.
Prime Minister's Visit to Beijing, Guangzhou (China)—Fortune Global Forum, December 2017 181,303
House of Commons
Trudeau Right Hon. J., Bains, Hon. N., Chagger, Hon. B., Champagne, Hon. F-P., Chen, S., Eyking, M., Mckenna, Hon. C., Ng, M.
Prime Minister's Office
Ahmad, C., Butts, G., Desfossés, T., Gagnon, C., Guillon, T., Hage-Moussa, V., Kambo, H., Langer, D., Marques, E., Menchini, S., Scotti, A., Sommer, D., Travers, P.
Privy Council Office
Bazinet, E., Bender, M., Gascon, A., Gaudreault, S., Grecco, A., Gurstein, M., Hannaford, J., Khadija, A., Lauzon, L., Lemire, M., Lindblad, A., Madore, J., Maloley, J., Menard, D., Moss, N., Robert, A., Shouldice, M., Stadelbauer, L., Tremblay, E., Troy, R.
Global Affairs Canada
Aggelopoulos, T., Bichara, N., Boucher, C., Chen, C., Chen, M., Currie, J., Dodd, M., Ho, T., Huot-Bolduc, F., Kwan, S., Laflamme, M., Liu, Y., Liu, Z., McCallum, J., Mcdonnell, D., Moniz, H., Norton, R., Poon, G., Rheault, P., Robitaille, A., Srivastava, R., St-Cyr Lachance, M., Termorshuizen, C., Thériault, M-C., Wang, B., Wang, C., Yu, P., Zhang, J., Zhu, H., Zhu, X.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (Interpreter)
Dawrant, A.
Department of National Defence
Richer, Dr. D.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Cairo, G.
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Des Rosiers, M-P.
Ministry of Small Business and Tourism
Daigneault, J-E.
Prime Minister's Visit to Davos (Swiss Confederation)—World Economic Forum (WEF), January 2018 117,680
House of Commons
Trudeau Right Hon. J., Bains, Hon. N., Freeland, Hon. C., Monsef, Hon. M., Morneau, Hon. B.
Prime Minister's Office
Ahmad, C., Butts, G., Catenaro, E., Guillon, T., Hussaini, S., Marques, E., McNair, M., Menchini, S., Proulx, P., Scotti, A., Telford, K., Zerucelli, J.
Privy Council Office
Berz, K., Brunette, L., Cloutier, B., Doxtater, N., Gaudreault, S., Hannaford, J., Jones, M., Lanbro, J., Lemire, M., Lepage, S., Madore, J., Mullings, K., Tremblay, E., Weetman, J.
Global Affairs Canada
Ambler, K., Barrette, J., Bincoletto, S., Broadhurst, J., Campbell, A., Chartrand, S., De Boer, S., Delaprée, F., Gauthier, S., Grossman, M., Guedelekian, N., Harms, H., Hay, P., Herod, N., Huot-Bolduc, F., Kats, R., Kern, L., Leuenberger, A., Lincourt, A., Mion, R., Normand, J., Oneill, J., Pisenti-Mion, D., Plüschke, E., Psota, A., Roy, S., Schindele, M., Schneider, V., Stadler, M.
Innonvation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Cairo, G.
Department of Finance Canada
Chin, B., To, J.
Status of Women Canada
Lithwick, D.
Department of National Defence
Galbraith, H.
Prime Minister's Visit to New Delhi, Agra, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Amritsar (India), February 2018 222,662
House of Commons
Trudeau Right Hon. J., Bains, Hon. N., Chagger, Hon. B., Duncan, Hon. K., Freeland, Hon. C., Sajjan, Hon. H., Sohi, Hon. A.
Prime Minister's Office
Ahmad, C., Bernier, A., Bhullar, V., Caceres, D., Gagnon, C., Grech, A., Gregoire, S., Hallé, A-L., Kattar, V., Kaur, A., Kippen, J., Kristensen, E., Marques, E., Menchini, S., Proulx, P., Pueyo, M., Saini, S., Scotti, A., Sommer, D., Tatone, J., Telford, K., Travers, P., Zerucelli, J.
Privy Council Office
Angell, D., Bazinet, E., Brunette, L., Cassis, V., Cloutier, B., Cotten, B., Fitzgerald, R., Gaudreault, S., Grecco, B., Hage, M., Hannaford, J., Huot, P., Lanbro, J., Lemire, M., Levesque, S., Madore, J., Maloley, J., Ménard, D., Moss, N., Mullings, K., Robert, A., Stadelbauer, L., Sweet, S., Tremblay, E., Ward, J.
Global Affairs Canada
Aggelopoulos, T., Babu, J., Barrette, J., Bhatia, M., Boucher, C., Chatt, M., Cheema, S., Currie, J., Feldman, V., Frederick, R., Gibbins, C., Gratton, B., Gross, S., Gupta, A., Hall, S., Hogan, M., Hudson, A., Huot-Bolduc, F., Jia, X-R., Kumar, A., Kumar, S., Kumar, S., Kupi, J., Lambert, E., Larocque, A., Lefebvre, E., Leger, J., Lingappa, M., Meester, D., Mirajkar, A., Noel, M., Norton, R., Ong, S., Palkliwalla, V., Patel, N., Pelletier, E., Phulsunge, J., Reeves, J., Robitaille, A., Roy, S., Sanyal, S., Saxena, S., Scheurwater, T., Sharma, P., Singh, J., Smriti, S., Sreemoyi, S., Unlusoy, A., Vaganov, D.
Department of National Defence
Astravas, Z., Galbraith, H., Richer, Dr. D.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (Interpreters)
Chawla, G., Wickenheiser, H.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Dawson, A., Sachdeva, P.
Infrastructure Canada
O'Leary, L.
Ministry of Small Business and Tourism
Mccarger, M.
Prime Minister's Visit to Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco (United States), February 2018 28,592
House of Commons
Trudeau Right Hon. J.
Prime Minister's Office
Beauchemin, S., Butts, G., Catenaro, E., Clow, B., Den Tandt, M., Hage-Moussa, V., Isinger, D., Langer, D., Marques, E., Proulx, P., Robinson, J., Scotti, A., Simard, V., Telford, K., Van Gerven, K.
Privy Council Office
Angell, D., Bazinet, E., Cloutier, B., Cotten, B., Gaudreault, S., Grecco, B., Larocque, D., Lanbro, J., Lemire, M., Lindblad, A., Mackillop, K., Maisonneuve, J., Maloley, J., MacKay, C., Robert, A., Soni, S-M., Wagner, R.
Global Affairs Canada
Alstrup, D., Beaulieu, Y., Benson, I., Coulter, A., Cowl, T., Cunningham, P., Elliott, P., Evans, S., Gallegos, C-L., Giesbrecht, S., Glass, C., Huot-Bolduc, F., Jones, J., Kotrych, T., Lambert, D., Lambo, P., Macnaughton, D., Nardoccio-Jones, G., Pasquini, D., Robson, W., Sarkar, R., Shun, C., Unver, B., Walter, K., Wattie, E., Willows, R.
Start-up costs and advance team for the Prime Minister's Visit to Lima (Peru)—Summit of the Americas, Paris (France), London (United Kingdom)—Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting (CHOGM), April 2018 38,727
Global Affairs Canada
Boucher, C., Huot-Bolduc, F., Roy, S., Thériault, M-C.
Governor General's Visit to Sweden, February 2017 2,899
Governor General's Visit to Vimy (France)—100th Anniversary, April 2017 10,255
Government House
Johnston His Excellency the Right Hon. D., Johnston Her Excellency S., Wallace, S., MacIntyre, C., Cloutier, A., Anctil, N., Harrison, A., Létourneau, M.È., Benoit, K-A.
Global Affairs Canada
Clark, G., Lachance, A., Sanchez, C., Blanchard, J., Diakite, M.
Department of National Defence
Cameron, LCol. E., Lanteigne-Voyer, Capt. A., Carbonneau, MCpl. C.
Governor General's Visit to London (United Kingdom), July 2017 14,071
Government House
Johnston His Excellency the Right Hon. D., Johnston Her Excellency S., Wallace, S., Anctil, N., Cloutier, A., Benoit, K-A.
Department of National Defence
St-Amant, Maj. N., Maheu, Sgt. J.
Governor General's Visit to Chongqing, Guiyang and Beijing (China), July 2017 182,213
Government House
Johnston His Excellency the Right Hon. D., Jaton, P., Mousseau, D., Burgess, I., Rocheleau, J., Laframboise, J., Berthelot, M., Bégin, N., Espallargas, E.
House of Commons
Chagger, B. (M.P.), Qualtrough, C. (M.P.), Mulcair, T. (M.P.), Barlow, J. (M.P.), Tan, G. (M.P.)
Global Affairs Canada
McCallum, J., Norton, R., Hartman, D., Rheault, P., Lachance, A., Benson, I., Thériault, M-C., Tsui, P., Robertson, S., Zhu, H., Srivastava, R., Luan, X., Qian, R., Gan, A., Liu, Z., Kang, E., Ji, J., Chen, H., Wood, J., Cérat, A., Zhang, L., Wei, W., Wong, A., Ou, S., Liu, M., Hu, D., Sun, A., Li, B., Zhao, J., Gang, C., Houde, J-P., McLellan, R., Murphy, D., Nadeau, D., Sheng, S., Termorshuizen, C., Wang, C.
Ministry of Small Business and Tourism
Duchesneau, O.
Ministry of Sports Persons with Disabilities
Stickney, M.
Department of National Defence
Montoya, Capt. C. Best, Capt. C., Galbraith, Lt(N) H., Maheu, Sgt. J., Carbonneau, MCpl. V., Nacario, Cpl C., Dufort, Capt. V., Eddy, Avr. J., Tard, WO J., Howell, MCpl. M., Fafard, Cpl. J.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (Interpreters)
Dawrant, A., Chi, J., Marchand, J.
Accompanying Delegation
Barbeau, M., Beck, S., Davidson, P., Goldstein, D., Shantz, G.
Governor General's Visit to Latvia and Ukraine, January 2018 11,091
Government House
Payette Her Excellency the Right Hon. J., Cloutier, A.
Department of National Defence
Cameron, LCol. E., Noël, Capt. M., Carbonneau, MCpl. C.
Global Affairs Canada
Snider, C.
Governor General's Visit to PyeongChang (Korea)—Olympic Games, February 2018 17,673
Government House
Payette Her Excellency the Right Hon. J., Sajous, E., Mousseau, D., Létourneau, M-È.
Department of National Defence
Montoya, Capt. C., Maheu, Sgt. J.
Global Affairs Canada
Snider, C., Hébert, P., Kay, J., Kim, T-S., Son, Y-J., Cho, K., Seo, S., Walsh, E.
Governor General's Visit to Bangkok (Thailand), October 2017 47,669
Government House
Payette Her Excellency the Right Hon. J., Mousseau, D.
Department of National Defence
Best, Capt. C.
Global Affairs Canada
Snider, C., Laflamme, G., Promkaew, Y., Chavalitakul, P., Chambang, N., Jongoomklang, S.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 117,044
Global Affairs Canada
Barrette, J., Benson, I., Thériault, M-C.
Minister of International Trade—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 91,174
Global Affairs Canada
Thériault, M-C., Guérin, M., Huot-Bolduc, F.
Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 67,344
Global Affairs Canada
Robitaille, A., Guérin, M., Carpentier-Proulx, R., Thériault, M-C., Berlanga, P.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Foreign Ministers' Meeting, Brussels (Belgium) 27,613
House of Commons
Freeland, Hon. C.
Global Affairs Canada
Deschamps-Laporte, L., Lawrence, A., Gwozdecky, M., Chan, J., Barrette, J.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Delegation to the G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM), Lucca (Italy) 47,239
House of Commons
Freeland, Hon. C.
Global Affairs Canada
Gwozdecky, M., Broadhurst, J., Paul, D., Lee, J., Barrette, J., McGovern, P., Dumas, M-A., Stussione, P.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—10th Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council, Fairbanks (United States), May 10-11, 2017 30,813
House of Commons
Freeland, Hon. C.
Global Affairs Canada
Garneau, V., Barrette, J., LeClaire, A., Kadas, R., Sarraf, D., Hill, J.
Minister of International Trade—Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) meeting, Hanoi (Vietnam) May 20-21, 2017 110,374
House of Commons
Champagne, Hon. F-P.
Global Affairs Canada
Gagnon, C., Ovens, J., Sargent, T., Hembroff, K., MacArthur, P., Wallace, J-L., Lee, G., Delic-Radovic, G., Huot-Bolduc, F., Kitnikone, P., Nadeau, B., Bale, R., Goerge, A., Giercke, A.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—47th General Assembly of the Organization of American States, Cancun (Mexico), June 19-21, 2017 40,403
House of Commons
Freeland, Hon. C.
Global Affairs Canada
Teo, O., Morrison, D., Loten, J., Alarie, P., Burnham, N., Sigouin, S., Panitcherska, E., Pilon, J-L., Klaman, A., D'Costa, P., Sandoval, A., Barrette, J.
Minister of International Trade—Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Ministerial Council Meeting, Paris (France), June 7-8, 2017 52,148
House of Commons
Champagne, Hon. F-P.
Global Affairs Canada
Sargent, T., Mawji, S., Goodlet, C., Berzins, C., Gagnon, C., Huot-Bolduc, F.
Canadian participation to the inauguration ceremony in Serbia, June 2017 3,174
House of Commons
Leslie, A. (M.P.)
Global Affairs Canada
Thériault, M-C.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—OSCE Informal Ministerial Meeting, Mauerbach (Austria), July 11, 2017 14,299
House of Commons
DeCourcey, M. (M.P.)
Global Affairs Canada
Chick, A., Poulin, O., Barrette, J., Cayer, N.
Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—Family Planning Summit, London (United Kingdom), July 10-11, 2017 36,914
House of Commons
Bibeau, Hon. M-C.
Global Affairs Canada
Button, H., Belanger, L., Montpetit, G., Fountain Smith, S., Baker, A., Guérin, M.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Opportunity Ukraine Conference, London (United Kingdom), July 6, 2017 24,886
House of Commons
Freeland, Hon. C.
Global Affairs Canada
Broadhurst, J., LeClaire, A., Waschuk, R., Galadza, L., Barrette, J.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)—Canada Post-Ministerial Conference (PMC) and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Ministerial meeting, Manila (Philippines) 49,911
House of Commons
Freeland, Hon. C.
Global Affairs Canada
Teo, O., Kwan, R., Legault, G., Giles, N., Barrette, J., Seguin, W., Hannan, M-L., Shaw, S., Holmes, J., Apostol, A.
General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (Austria) 23,624
House of Commons
Rudd, K. (M.P.)
Global Affairs Canada
Larose, M., Hinton, T., Tomlinson, B.
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 72), New York (United States), 2017 144,944
House of Commons
Aboultaif, Z. (M.P.), Bibeau, Hon. M-C., Freeland, Hon. C.
Global Affairs Canada
Broadhurst, J., Lawrence, A., Benson, I., Bélanger, L., Button, H., Guérin, M., Jacovella, D., MacLennan, C., Gwozdecky, M., Kent, D., Gort, M., Smyth, N., Baker, A., Drake, D., Galadza, L., Mossison, D., Lulashnyk, T., Charette, J., Seguin, W., Dorion, P., Ayotte-Rivard, M-H., Holt, C., Cranfield, L., Hunter, S., Bryan, J., Piché, S., Gagnon, T., Gallant, V.
Minister of International Development and for La Francophonie—34th Ministerial Conference of La Francophonie, Paris (France), November 25-26, 2017 48,897
House of Commons
Bibeau, Hon. M-C.
Global Affairs Canada
Belanger, L., Montpetit, G., Filiatrault, L., Gort, M., Gariépy, M., Carpentier-Proulx, R.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—31st ASEAN Summit and Related Events, Manila (Philippines), November 12-14, 2017 24,283
House of Commons
Freeland, Hon. C.
Global Affairs Canada
Broadhurst, J., Austen, A., Bobiash, D., Kwan, R., Vicente, J., Barrette, J., Hannan, M-L., Shaw, S., Bernier, S., Silva, J., Holmes, J., Mucci, W.
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of International Trade—APEC Ministerial Meeting and APEC Leaders' Meeting, Da Nang (Vietnam), November 8-11, 2017 137,517
House of Commons
Freeland, Hon. C., Champagne, Hon. F-P.
Global Affairs Canada
Ovens, J., Pickerill, J., Austen, A., Broadhurst, J., Sargent, T., MacArthur, P., Christie, B., Kwan, R., Bisset, R., DesRoches, C., Delic-Radovic, G.,Vicente, J., Logies, R., Barrette, J., Thériault, M-C., Séguin, W.
Minister of International Trade—Eleventh World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference (MC11) (Argentina), December 10-13, 2017 129,357
House of Commons
Champagne, Hon. F-P.
Global Affairs Canada
Champagne, Hon. F-P., Teo, O., Herbert, P.O., Sargent, T., Thériault, M-C., Usher, D., de Boer, S., O'Neill, J., Cannon, M., McDougall, D., Vanderloo, C., Ellis-Cannon, K., Shaddick, S., Bergeron, M., Kobylnik, A., Vidovic, D.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting, Vienna (Austria), December 7-8, 2017 17,247
House of Commons
Freeland, Hon. C.
Global Affairs Canada
Lawrence, A., Garneau, V., Arbeiter, R., Nelson, D., Barrette, J., Cayer, N., Pepin-Hallé, V., Barbarie, D., Tan, J., Dadic, J.
Department of National Defence
Houde, LCol. D.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Foreign Ministerial Meeting, Brussels (Belgium), December 5-6, 2017 19,821
House of Commons
Freeland, Hon. C.
Global Affairs Canada
Lawrence, A., Garneau, V., Arbeiter, R., Nelson, D., Barrette, J.
Canadian participation to the inauguration ceremony in Chile, March 2018 7,018
House of Commons
DeCourcey, M. (M.P.)
Global Affairs Canada
Chick, A.
Minister of International Trade—6th ASEAN Economic Ministers—Canada Consultation, Manila (Philippines), September 8, 2017 24,970
House of Commons
Goldsmith-Jones, P. (M.P.)
Global Affairs Canada
Owen, T., Kapches, J., Usher, D., Guertin, M., Hannan, M-L., Bernier, S., Silva, J., Holmes, J., Laguerta, A.
Canadian participation in the Pacific Islands Forum and Related Meetings, Apia (Samoa), September 2017Link to footnote 2 43,250
House of Commons
DeCourcey, M. (M.P.)
Global Affairs Canada
Bobiash, D., Chick, A., Bot, M., Sabourin, N., Maddison, P.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the 39th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, Paris (France), October 30 - November 14, 2017 21,515
Global Affairs Canada
Dault, N.
Canadian Commission for UNESCO
Goupil, S., Dugré, P.
Minister of International Trade—Informal World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Meeting, Marrakech (Morocco) 39,885
House of Commons
Champagne, Hon. F-P.
Global Affairs Canada
Berzins, C., Pickerill, J., Thériault, M-C., de Boer, S., O'Neill, J., Dubé, N., Yatropoulos, Y., Flamand-Hubert, S.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Start-up costs for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), London (United Kingdom), April 17-20, 2018 20,258
Global Affairs Canada
Foster, M., Babin, M., Gort, M., Sinha, P., MacLennan, C.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Start-up costs to the 8th Summit of the Americas, Lima (Peru), April 2018 15,839
Global Affairs Canada
Urban, C., Torres, V., Culham, A., Jubinville, F., Cesaratto, S.

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