Ex gratia payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume III—Top of the page Navigation

This statement provides, by ministry and by department and agencies, details for all ex gratia payments of $100 or over. Payments of less than $100 are reported as one amount at the end of each department and agency, together with the total number of such payments. For the purposes of this statement, an ex gratia payment is a discretionary payment, made as an act of benevolence in the public interest, free of any legal obligation, whether or not any value or service has been received. Where the situation warrants non-disclosure, the recipient's name may be withheld from publication.

Ex gratia payments
(in dollars)

Description and payee Amount
Canadian Heritage
Department of Canadian Heritage
Payments under $100 (2) 84
National Film Board
Payment for an unrealized film project
Name withheld 18,000
Total 18,084
Environment and Climate Change
Parks Canada Agency
Compensation for damage to vehicle
Raby L 1,000
Reimbursement of hearing aids
Name withheld 7,580
Total 8,580
Families, Children and Social Development
Department of Employment and Social Development
Payments under $100 (10) 600
Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Compensation for funeral expenses
Humphreys' Funeral Home Limited for
Name withheld 25,579
Global Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
Compensation for personal injuries
Li F 2,950
Department of Health
Extraordinary Assistance Plan
Name withheld 120,000
Payment to the Government of Manitoba to address critical health priorities
Manitoba Health 5,000,000
Payment to the Government of Quebec in support of the province's health system
Government of Quebec 9,907,229
Subtotal 15,027,229
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Compensation for legal fees
Fonds de recherche du Québec 37,644
Total 15,064,873
Indigenous and Northern Affairs
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Payment to the Prince's Charities in Canada to mark the royal tour of the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall
Qajuqturvik Society 30,000
Tumikuluit Saipaaqivik 15,000
Total 45,000
Innovation, Science and Economic Development
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Settlement for alleged breach of contract
Name withheld 6,000
Tax Advisory Services—Phoenix
Cochrane A 200
Total 6,200
Department of Justice
Benevolent payment to cover legal costs
JFK Law Corporation in trust for
Mikisew Cree First Nation 99,000
Courts Administration Service
Payments under $100 (2) 166
Total 99,166
National Defence
Department of National Defence
Compensation for grievance
Durand D 50,000
Michel Drapeau Law Office for
Bossé F 8,000
Compensation for guest travel costs for Canadian Armed Forces Recognition Program
Balbeuna R 616
Collins J 612
Comeau S 664
Desjardins P 835
Desmarais T 1,392
Ford L 1,235
HRG Worldwide for
Desrochers J 219
Molina S 996
Thyer N 1,475
Lavalliere J 208
Slade E 435
Compensation for loss of personal property
Flavin T 297
Compensation for personal injuries
Thomson R 41,529
White D 24,000
Payment to individuals affected by the 1974 Grenade Incident at Canadian Forces Base Valcartier
Names withheld (149) 6,895,640
Total 7,028,153
Privy Council
Privy Council Office
Reimbursement of expenses incurred as a result of the cancellation of a meeting
Dicerni R 195
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Compensation for damage to personal property
Wheeldon M 1,950
Compensation for relocation costs
Bond D 20,881
Total 22,831
Department of Transport
Fines collected following prosecution under the Railway Safety Act which were sent to Avenir Lac-Mégantic Fund to help with the economic recovery
Avenir Lac-Mégantic Fund 250,000
Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs
Compensation for costs associated with dental services
Lovick D 3,875
Family Caregiver Relief Benefit adjustment
Names withheld (26) 193,180
Total 197,055
Total 22,769,266

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