Ministry summary

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Vote Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
  Office of Infrastructure of Canada
1 Operating expenditures 99,901,528 99,901,528        
1a Operating expenditures 34,484,247 34,484,247        
  Transfer from TB Vote 25Link to Table note 1 3,459,950 3,459,950        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 5 (negative 2,168,320) (negative 2,168,320)        
  Vote 10 (Natural Resources) (negative 100,000) (negative 100,000)        
  Total—Vote 1 99,901,528 34,484,247 1,191,630 135,577,405 85,726,632 49,850,773 141,061,203
5 Capital expenditures 760,949,312 760,949,312        
5a Capital expenditures 257,522,708 257,522,708        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 2,168,320 2,168,320        
  TB Vote 35Link to Table note 1 6,030,146 6,030,146        
  Total—Vote 5 760,949,312 257,522,708 8,198,466 1,026,670,486 111,652,770 915,017,716 570,321,744
10 Contributions 3,111,503,619 3,111,503,619        
10a Grants and contributions 256,150,700 256,150,700        
10b Grants and contributions 150,000 150,000        
  Total—Vote 10 3,111,503,619 256,300,700 3,367,804,319 3,279,177,078 88,627,241 1,536,772,728
Link to Table note S Contributions to employee benefit plans 7,782,183 (negative 769,306) 7,012,877 7,012,877 6,123,830
Link to Table note S Minister of Infrastructure and Communities—Salary and motor car allowance 86,000 86,000 86,000 84,600
Link to Table note S Gas Tax Fund 2,170,596,375 2,170,596,375 2,170,596,375 2,071,932,904
  Total Department—Budgetary 6,150,819,017 548,307,655 8,620,790 6,707,747,462 5,654,251,732 1,053,495,730 4,326,297,009
  PPP Canada Inc.
  Appropriations not required for the current year 5,900,000
  Total Agency—Budgetary 5,900,000
  The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.
1 Payments to the corporation 250,127,000 250,127,000        
1b Payments to the corporation 14,600,000 14,600,000        
  Transfer from TB Vote 40Link to Table note 1 90,557,000 90,557,000        
  Total—Vote 1 250,127,000 14,600,000 90,557,000 355,284,000 166,797,775 188,486,225 179,229,642
  Total Agency—Budgetary 250,127,000 14,600,000 90,557,000 355,284,000 166,797,775 188,486,225 179,229,642
  Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority
1 Payments to the Authority 195,992,153 195,992,153        
1a Payments to the Authority 283,605,894 283,605,894        
  Total—Vote 1 195,992,153 283,605,894 479,598,047 330,500,000 149,098,047 184,000,000
  Total Agency—Budgetary 195,992,153 283,605,894 479,598,047 330,500,000 149,098,047 184,000,000
  Total Ministry—Budgetary 6,596,938,170 846,513,549 99,177,790 7,542,629,509 6,151,549,507 1,391,080,002 4,695,426,651

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