Transfer payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Department of Justice
Grants from the Victims Fund 3,250,000 500,000 (negative 1,808,559) 1,941,441 1,941,441 2,230,896
Grant under the Justice Partnership and Innovation Program 1,749,158 (negative 106,273) 1,642,885 1,642,885 1,582,972
Grants under the Access to Justice in both Official Languages Support Fund 600,000 600,000 188,565 411,435 81,727
Grants in support of the Youth Justice Fund 79,655 79,655 79,655 79,650
Grants under the Indigenous Justice Program Fund 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Total—Grants 5,728,813 500,000 (negative 1,914,832) 4,313,981 3,902,546 411,435 4,025,245
Contributions to the provinces and territories in support of the youth justice services 141,692,415 141,692,415 141,692,415 141,692,415
Contributions to the provinces to assist in the operation of criminal legal aid 122,577,507 122,577,507 122,577,507 119,727,507
Contributions from the Victims Fund 24,487,265 1,150,000 1,808,559 27,445,824 26,827,828 617,996 24,211,192
Contributions in support of the Canadian Family Justice Fund 16,000,000 99,872 16,099,872 16,099,872 15,934,485
Contributions to the provinces to assist in the operation of immigration and refugee legal aid 14,200,000 12,791,977 26,991,977 26,991,977 22,568,880
Contributions under the Indigenous Justice Program Fund 12,650,000 309,920 12,959,920 12,959,920 12,650,000
Contributions to the provinces and territories in support of the youth justice services—Intensive Rehabilitative Custody and Supervision Program 11,048,000 11,048,000 11,048,000 11,287,933
Contributions to support the implementation of official languages requirements under the Contraventions Act 9,094,900 9,094,900 4,159,047 4,935,853 3,666,498
Contributions to the provinces under the Indigenous Courtwork Program 7,961,363 661,073 8,622,436 8,622,436 7,950,845
Contributions for Access to Justice Services to the Territories (being Legal Aid, Indigenous Courtwork and Public Legal Education and Information Services) 6,556,593 6,556,593 6,556,593 6,406,593
Contributions under the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund 5,892,845 2,000,000 7,892,845 7,378,074 514,771 6,175,720
Contributions in support of the Youth Justice Fund 4,425,345 4,425,345 4,425,345 4,111,997
Contributions under the State-Funded Counsel Component of the Legal Aid Program 3,650,000 150,000 (negative 1,626,705) 2,173,295 1,032,179 1,141,116 1,104,758
Drug Treatment Court Funding Program 3,631,276 93,724 3,725,000 3,725,000 3,781,276
Contributions under the Justice Partnership and Innovation Program 1,113,997 569,386 1,683,383 1,683,383 1,356,329
Integrated Market Enforcement Teams Reserve Fund 550,000 550,000 550,000 56,500
Contributions to the Hague Conference on Private International Law 315,000 (negative 1,399) 313,601 313,601 310,409
Contributions to the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) 190,000 402 190,402 190,402 194,114
Contributions under the Special Advocates Program 250,000 250,000 8,625 241,375 44,448
Total—Contributions 386,036,506 1,550,000 16,706,809 404,293,315 396,292,204 8,001,111 383,231,899
Total Department 391,765,319 2,050,000 14,791,977 408,607,296 400,194,750 8,412,546 387,257,144
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Class Contribution Program 500,000 500,000 498,480 1,520 475,745
Total Agency 500,000 500,000 498,480 1,520 475,745
Total Ministry 392,265,319 2,050,000 14,791,977 409,107,296 400,693,230 8,414,066 387,732,889

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