Core responsibilities

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Budgetary Total Budgetary Non-budgetary
Operating Capital Transfer payments Revenues netted against expenditures
Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year
Department of National Defence
Ready Forces 9,237,722,491 9,343,226,383 138,356,761 193,673,008 4,550,000 2,210,293 25,555,092 32,127,099 9,355,074,160 9,506,982,585 32,977,646 431,339
Sustainable Bases, Information Technology Systems and Infrastructure 2,996,291,478 2,582,727,420 695,565,166 808,162,721 3,275,966 3,275,966 164,936,958 174,993,325 3,530,195,652 3,219,172,782 40,217,170 6,772,123
Procurement of Capabilities 366,936,987 259,153,817 3,138,738,801 2,810,116,231 407,085 112,310 3,505,268,703 3,069,157,738
Defence Team 3,004,370,617 2,803,670,736 14,604,962 25,432,263 3,131,312 3,028,497 61,096,434 52,548,090 2,961,010,457 2,779,583,406 1,933,135 123,889
Future Force Design 694,512,073 658,167,388 125,380,285 187,544,977 233,909 133,909 190,000 273,248 819,936,267 845,573,026
Operations 1,123,898,108 1,323,868,641 23,627,066 5,381,499 200,717,741 200,663,142 134,568,585 104,993,541 1,213,674,330 1,424,919,741 1,933,388 (negative 748,034)
Internal Services 661,959,062 744,078,471 75,468,271 41,878,283 16,877,649 15,404,120 720,549,684 770,552,634 6 6
Subtotal 18,085,690,816 17,714,892,856 4,211,741,312 4,072,188,982 211,908,928 209,311,807 403,631,803 380,451,733 22,105,709,253 21,615,941,912 77,061,345 6,579,323
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 403,631,803) (negative 380,451,733) (negative 403,631,803) (negative 380,451,733)
Total Department 17,682,059,013 17,334,441,123 4,211,741,312 4,072,188,982 211,908,928 209,311,807 22,105,709,253 21,615,941,912 77,061,345 6,579,323
Communications Security Establishment
Provide and Protect Information 726,925,172 693,251,520 12,676,260 11,595,686 714,248,912 681,655,834
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 12,676,260) (negative 11,595,686) (negative 12,676,260) (negative 11,595,686)
Total Agency 714,248,912 681,655,834 714,248,912 681,655,834
Military Grievances External Review Committee
Independent review of military grievances 4,260,437 4,053,377 4,260,437 4,053,377
Internal Services 2,887,515 2,256,512 2,887,515 2,256,512
Total Agency 7,147,952 6,309,889 7,147,952 6,309,889
Military Police Complaints Commission
Independent oversight of the Military Police 2,909,143 2,906,541 2,909,143 2,906,541
Internal Services 2,079,157 1,868,964 2,079,157 1,868,964
Total Agency 4,988,300 4,775,505 4,988,300 4,775,505
Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner
Review of Communications Security Establishment activities to determine compliance with the law 1,731,335 1,586,724 1,731,335 1,586,724
Internal Services 540,000 536,672 540,000 536,672
Total Agency 2,271,335 2,123,396 2,271,335 2,123,396
Total Ministry 18,410,715,512 18,029,305,747 4,211,741,312 4,072,188,982 211,908,928 209,311,807 22,834,365,752 22,310,806,536 77,061,345 6,579,323

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