Optional Services Revolving Fund

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume III—Top of the page Navigation

Statement of management responsibility

We have prepared the accompanying financial statements of the Optional Services Revolving Fund as required by the Treasury Board Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities in accordance with the Receiver General reporting requirements. These financial statements were prepared by the management of the Fund in accordance with the significant accounting policies set out in note 2 of the financial statements, on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year.

Responsibility for the integrity and objectivity of these financial statements rests with the management of the Fund. The information included in these financial statements is based on management's best estimates and judgment with due consideration given to materiality. To fulfill its accounting and reporting responsibilities, management maintains a set of accounts which provides a centralized record of the Fund's financial transactions. Financial information submitted to the Public Accounts of Canada and included in the department's Departmental Results Report is consistent with these financial statements.

Management develops and disseminates financial management and accounting policies and issues specific directives which maintain standards of accounting and financial management. Management maintains systems of financial management and internal control which give due consideration to costs, benefits and risks. They are designed to provide reasonable assurance that transactions are properly authorized, are executed in accordance with prescribed regulations, and are properly recorded to maintain accountability of Government funds and safeguard the assets under the Fund's administration. Financial management and internal control systems are augmented by the maintenance of internal audit programs. Management also seeks to ensure the objectivity and integrity of data in its financial statements by the careful selection, training and development of qualified staff, by organizational arrangements that provide appropriate divisions of responsibility and by communication programs aimed at ensuring that its regulations, policies, standards and managerial authorities are understood throughout the organization.

Management has presented the financial statements to the independent external auditor, who audited them and has provided an independent opinion, which has been appended to these financial statements.

Approved by:

Marty Muldoon, CPA, CMA, MBA
Chief Financial Officer
Public Services and Procurement Canada

Arianne Reza
Assistant Deputy Minister
Procurement Branch
Public Services and Procurement Canada

June 3, 2019
Gatineau, Canada

Statement of authority provided (used) (unaudited) for the year ended March 31

(in thousands of dollars)

  2019 2018
EstimatesLink to Table note 1 Actual EstimatesLink to Table note 1 Actual
Net results 1,103 299
Items not requiring use of funds 50 50
Operating source (use) of funds 50 1,103 50 299
Items requiring use of funds
Net other assets and liabilities (negative 50) (negative 3,221) (negative 50) (negative 1,797)
Authority provided (used) (negative 2,118) (negative 1,498)

Reconciliation of unused authority (unaudited) as at March 31

(in thousands of dollars)

  2019 2018
Debit balance in the accumulated net charge against the Fund's authority 10,930 13,132
Payables charged against the appropriation at year-end (negative 22,195) (negative 12,354)
Receivables credited to the appropriation at year-end 1,600 925
Other items 7,738 (negative 1,512)
Net authority provided (used), end of year (negative 1,927) 191
Authority limit (note 1) 35,000 35,000
Unused authority carried forward 33,073 35,191

Independent auditor's report

To the Deputy Minister, Public Services and Procurement Canada


We have audited the financial statements of the Optional Services Revolving Fund (the "Fund"), which comprise the statement of financial position as at March 31, 2019, and the statements of operations and net liabilities and of cash flow for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements including a summary of significant accounting policies (collectively referred to as the "financial statements").

In our opinion, the financial statements of the Fund for the year ended March 31, 2019 are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the financial reporting provisions for revolving funds described by the Receiver General for Canada under the Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities.

Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards ("Canadian GAAS"). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the "Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements" section of our report. We are independent of Public Services and Procurement Canada in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in Canada, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Emphasis of Matter-Basis of Accounting and Restriction on Use

We draw attention to Note 2 to the financial statements, which describes the basis of accounting. The financial statements are prepared to assist the Fund to meet the financial reporting provisions for revolving funds described by the Receiver General for Canada under the Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities. As a result, the financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose. Our report is intended solely for the Fund and the Treasury Board of Canada and should not be used by parties other than the Fund and the Treasury Board of Canada. Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.

Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with the financial reporting provisions for revolving funds described by the Receiver General for Canada under the Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Fund's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Fund or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Fund's financial reporting process.

Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Canadian GAAS will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with Canadian GAAS, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:

We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

Deloitte LLP
Chartered Professional Accountants,
Licensed Public Accountants

June 3, 2019

Statement of financial position as at March 31

(in thousands of dollars)

  2019 2018
Financial assets
Cash in transit 9,370
Accounts receivable (note 3) 12,010 8,150
Sales tax refundable advances 32 122
Total assets 21,412 8,272
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (note 4) 22,208 12,365
Vacation pay and compensatory leave 71 77
Employee severance benefits (note 5) 41 43
Total 22,320 12,485
Net liabilities (note 6) (negative 908) (negative 4,213)
Net financial position on the Fund 21,412 8,272

Statement of operations and net liabilities for the year ended March 31

(in thousands of dollars)

  2019 2018
Vaccines and drugs 161,203 154,414
Travel and relocation related services 12,928 13,347
Communication procurement services 2,958 2,348
Subtotal 177,089 170,109
Cost of sales (negative 171,462) (negative 165,145)
Gross profit 5,627 4,964
Operating expenses
Salaries and employee benefits 2,179 2,370
Corporate and administrative services 1,330 1,322
Professional and special services 834 844
Occupancy costs 104 120
Other expenses 79 4
Employee severance benefits (note 5) (negative 2) 5
Total operating expenses 4,524 4,665
Net results 1,103 299
Net liabilities, beginning of year (negative 4,213) (negative 8,882)
Net financial resources used (provided) and change in the accumulated net charge against the Fund's authority, during the year (note 6) 2,202 4,370
Net liabilities, end of year (note 6) (negative 908) (negative 4,213)

Statement of cash flows for the year ended March 31

(in thousands of dollars)

  2019 2018
Operating activities
Net results 1,103 299
Variations in statement of financial position
Decrease (increase) in cash in transit (negative 9,370)
Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable (negative 3,860) (negative 1,812)
Decrease (increase) in sales tax refundable advances 90 (negative 21)
Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued liabilities 9,843 (negative 2,832)
Increase (decrease) in vacation pay and compensatory leave (negative 6) (negative 9)
Increase (decrease) in employee severance benefits (negative 2) 5
Subtotal (negative 3,305) (negative 4,669)
Net financial resources provided (used) and change in the accumulated net charge against the Fund's authority, during the year (note 6) (negative 2,202) (negative 4,370)
Accumulated net charge against the Fund's authority, beginning of year 13,132 17,502
Accumulated net charge against the Fund's authority, end of year 10,930 13,132

Notes to the financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2019

1. Authority and purpose

The Optional Services Revolving Fund (the "Fund") provides specialized services to federal departments, agencies and provincial and territorial governments. The Fund procures vaccines and drugs, provides travel and relocation-related services, as well as communication procurement services. The Fund was established under the Appropriation Act No. 4, 1991–1992 which was repealed in 1996 and replaced by section 5.5 of the Revolving Funds Act.

The Fund has a continuing non-lapsing authority from Parliament to make payments out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the purposes of working capital, capital acquisitions and the temporary financing of accumulated operating deficits, the total of which is not to exceed $35,000,000 at any time.

The Fund received authorization from Treasury Board to access its unused authority for a total amount of up to $10,000,000 to temporarily fund transitory cash elements at year end.

2. Significant accounting policies

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the significant accounting policies set out below to comply with the reporting requirements for revolving funds described by the Receiver General for Canada under the Treasury Board of Canada's Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities. The basis of accounting used in these financial statements differs from Canadian public sector accounting standards mainly because:

The significant accounting policies are as follows:

(a) Revenue recognition

Vaccine and drug revenues are recognized using a blended rate established by fixed price contracts and based on the proportion of total goods delivered at year end. Any losses on fixed price contracts are recognized during the period in which they are identified.

Travel and relocation related services revenue consists of rebates, commissions, and fees and is recognized when services are incurred.

Revenue earned on communication procurement services is recognized using the completed contract method.

(b) Accounts receivable

Accounts receivable are stated at amounts expected to be ultimately realized. An allowance is made on receivables where recovery is considered uncertain.

(c) Expense recognition

All expenses are recorded on an accrual basis.

Vacation pay and compensatory leave are accrued as the benefits are earned by employees under their respective terms of employment.

(d) Employee future benefits

Pension benefits

Eligible employees of the Fund participate in the Public Service Pension Plan (the "Plan"), a multiemployer pension plan administered by the Government of Canada. The Fund's contributions to the Plan are charged to expenses in the year in which they are incurred and represent the total Fund obligation to the Plan. The Fund's responsibility with regard to the Plan is limited to the contributions paid. Actuarial surpluses or deficiencies are recognized in the financial statements of the Government of Canada, as the Plan's sponsor.

Severance benefits

Eligible employees of the Fund were entitled to severance benefits under labour contracts or conditions of employment. These benefits were earned as the services necessary to earn them were rendered. The obligation relating to the benefits earned by employees is calculated using information derived from the results of the actuarially determined liability for employee severance benefits for the Government as a whole.

(e) Sick leave

Employees are permitted to accumulate unused sick leave. However, such leave entitlements may only be used in the event of an illness. As per current government practice, unused sick leave upon employee termination is not payable to the employee. Accordingly, no liability has been accrued in these financial statements. Payments of sick leave benefits are included in current operations as incurred.

(f) Measurement uncertainty

The preparation of these financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses reported in the financial statements. At the time of preparation of these financial statements, management believes the estimates and assumptions to be reasonable. The most significant items where estimates are used are the liability for vacation pay and compensatory leave, and the liability for employee severance benefits. Actual results could significantly differ from those estimates. Management's estimates are reviewed periodically, and as adjustments become necessary, they are recorded in the financial statements in the year they become known.

3. Accounts receivable

(in thousands of dollars)

  2019 2018
Outside parties 10,410 7,225
Other government departments and agencies 1,600 925
Net accounts receivable 12,010 8,150

4. Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

(in thousands of dollars)

  2019 2018
Outside parties 22,155 12,340
Other government departments and agencies 40 14
Subtotal 22,195 12,354
Accrued liabilities 13 11
Total accounts payable and accrued liabilities 22,208 12,365

5. Employee severance benefits

The Fund provides severance benefits to its employees based on eligibility, years of service and salary at termination of employment. These severance benefits are not pre-funded. Benefits will be paid by future authorities.

Commencing in 2012, as part of collective agreement negotiations and changes to conditions of employment, the accumulation of severance benefits under the employee severance pay program ceased. The employees were given the option to be immediately paid the full or partial value of benefits earned to date or to collect the full or remaining value of benefits on termination from the public service. These changes have been reflected in the calculation of the outstanding severance benefits obligation.

Information about the severance benefits, measured as at March 31, is as follows:

(in thousands of dollars)

  2019 2018
Employee severance benefits obligation, beginning of year 43 38
Expense for the year (negative 2) 5
Employee severance benefits obligation, end of year 41 43

6. Net liabilities

The accumulated surplus is the accumulation of each fiscal year's surplus net of deficits since the inception of the Fund.

The accumulated net charge against the Fund's authority (ANCAFA) represents the cumulative receipts and disbursements over the life of the Fund.

(in thousands of dollars)

  2019 2018
Accumulated surplus, beginning of year 8,919 8,620
Net results 1,103 299
Accumulated surplus, end of year 10,022 8,919
Accumulated net charge against the Fund's authority, beginning of year (negative 13,132) (negative 17,502)
Net financial resources used (provided) and change in the accumulated net charge against the Fund's authority during the year 2,202 4,370
Accumulated net charge against the Fund's authority, end of year (negative 10,930) (negative 13,132)
Net liabilities, end of year (negative 908) (negative 4,213)

7. Contractual obligations

The nature of the Fund's activities can result in some large multi-year contracts and obligations whereby the Fund will be obligated to make future payments when the goods and services are received. Estimated future payments are as follows:

(in thousands of dollars)

Year ending March 31
2020 552
2024 and thereafter
Total contractual obligations 552

8. Related party transactions

Through common ownership, the Fund is related to all Government of Canada departments, agencies, and Crown corporations. The Fund enters into transactions with these entities in the normal course of business and on normal trade terms.

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume III—Bottom of the page Navigation

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