Global Affairs

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume III—Top of the page Navigation

Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development

Expenditures for Canadian representation at international conferences and meetings

This statement presents expenditures such as hospitality and conference fees covered under the department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Conference Allotment that is approved by Cabinet to fund the protocol activities of the Governor General and the Prime Minister of Canada during official visits abroad. The allotment also supports the participation of the department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Portfolio ministers and their official delegations in major multilateral international conferences defined as a congress, convention, briefing seminar or other formal gathering in one location outside Canada that deals with topics related to Government of Canada objectives.

(in dollars)

Conferences and meetings Amount
Prime Minister's Visit to Dublin (Ireland) Edinburgh, Glasgow (United Kingdom) Hamburg (Germany)—G20, July 2017 494
Prime Minister's Visit to New York (United States)—United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), September 2017 5,508
Prime Minister's Visit to Washington (United States), Mexico City (Mexico), October 2017 12,452
Prime Minister's Visit to Manila (Philippines)—Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit (ASEAN) Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang (Vietnam)—Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), November 2017 42,450
Prime Minister's Visit to Beijing, Guangzhou (China)—Fortune Global Forum, December 2017 31,346
Prime Minister's Visit to Davos (Swiss Confederation)—World Economic Forum (WEF), January 2018 27,311
Prime Minister's Visit to Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco (United States), February 2018 31,137
Prime Minister's Visit to New Delhi, Agra, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Amritsar (India), February 2018 209,454
Prime Minister's Visit to Lima (Peru)—Summit of the Americas, Paris (France), London (United Kingdom)—Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), April 12-20, 2018 709,162
Prime Minister's Visit to New York City, Boston (United States), May 15-18, 2018 179,906
Prime Minister's Visit to Washington (United States), May 2018 12,206
Prime Minister's Visit to Riga, Adazi (Latvia), Brussels (Belgium)—NATO Summit, July 9-12, 2018 308,388
Prime Minister's Visit to New York City (United States)—UNGA, September 23-26, 2018 187,649
Prime Minister's Visit to Yerevan (Armenia)—La Francophonie, October 9-13, 2018 250,064
Prime Minister's Visit to Vimy, Paris (France), Singapore (Singapore)—East Asia Summit, and Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea)—APEC, November 9-19, 2018 1,126,507
Prime Minister's Visit to Buenos Aires (Argentina)—G20, November 28 - December 2, 2018 391,892
Prime Minister's Visit to Gao (Mali), December 21-23, 2018 20,134
Advance and planning costs for the Prime Minister's Visit to Ethiopia, January 19-24, 2019 3,251
Start-up costs for the Prime Minister's Visit to Osaka (Japan), June 2019 16,367
Governor General's Visit to Chicago and Detroit (United States), April 2018 52,333
Governor General's Visit to Africa, October 2018 870,714
Governor General's Visit to Brussels (Belgium), November 2018 70,123
Governor General's Visit to Mexico for the inauguration of the President of the United Mexican States, November-December 2018 17,744
Governor General's Visit to Astana (Kazakhstan), December 2-5, 2018 102,462
Governor General's Visit to Kuwait and Iraq, January 2019 9,667
Governor General's Visit to New York (United States), March 2019 6,766
Start-up costs for the Governor General's Visit to Rwanda, April 4-9, 2019 153,233
Advance and planning costs for the Governor General's Anticipated Visit to Mozambique, April 2019 45,105
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 110,009
Minister of International Trade Diversification—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 51,834
Minister of International Development—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 57,163
Minister for La Francophonie—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 8,455
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the 8th Summit of the Americas in Lima (Peru), April 12-14, 2018 50,064
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London (United Kingdom), April 16-20, 2018 65,276
Canadian delegation to the NATO Foreign Ministerial Meeting in Brussels (Belgium), April 27, 2018 13,490
Minister of Foreign Affairs—45th Session of the Council of Foreign Minister of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in Dhaka (Bangladesh), May 4-6, 2018 54,291
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM) in Buenos Aires (Argentina), May 21, 2018 26,515
Minister of Foreign Affairs—48th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington (United States), June 4-5, 2018 24,859
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the second annual Ukraine Reform Conference: A Driver for Change, in Copenhagen (Denmark), June 27, 2018 28,669
Minister of Foreign Affairs—NATO Summit Meeting in Brussels (Belgium), July 11-12, 2018 42,740
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the Post-Ministerial Conference (PMC) and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Ministerial Meeting in Singapore, July 31-August 4, 2018 169,431
Canadian delegation to the International Atomic Energy Agency General Conference in Vienna (Austria), September 17-21, 2018 24,571
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian Delegation list to the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA73) in New York City (United States), September 24-29, 2018 467,989
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the G20 Summit and associated Sherpa Meetings in Buenos Aires (Argentina), November 26-December 1, 2018 69,279
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the NATO Foreign Ministerial Meeting in Brussels (Belgium), December 4-5, 2018 28,717
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Ministerial Council Meeting in Milan (Italy), December 6-7, 2018 49,412
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation's participation at the Meeting of the Ministers of the Global Coalition Against Daesh, Washington (United States), February 6, 2019 7,901
Start-up costs for the Canadian delegation to the NATO Foreign Ministerial Meeting (FMM) in Washington (United States), April 3-4, 2019 4,151
Start-up costs for the Canadian delegation to the G7 Foreign Ministerial Meeting (FMM) in Dinard (France) on April 5-6, 2019 30,275
Delegation to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) Meeting in Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea), May 25-26, 2018 83,352
Minister of International Trade—Canadian delegation to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Ministerial Council Meeting in Paris (France), May 30-31, 2018 55,264
Minister of International Trade Diversification—Canadian delegation to the 33rd ASEAN Summit and related summit events in Singapore (Singapore), November 13-16, 2018 72,618
Canadian delegation to the APEC Leaders' Week in Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea), November 15-18, 2018 60,696
Minister of International Development—Global Disability Summit, in London (United Kingdom), July 24, 2018 15,895
Minister of International Development—Canadian delegation to the Geneva Conference on Afghanistan in Geneva (Switzerland), November 27-28, 2018 15,229
Minister of International Development—35th Ministerial Conference and the XVII Francophonie Summit, Yerevan (Armenia), October 8-12, 2018 71,679
Canadian participation in the inauguration ceremony in Colombia, August 7, 2018 11,116
Canadian participation in the inauguration ceremony in Brazil, January 2019 14,505
Canadian participation in the funeral of Kofi Annan, September 11-14, 2018 32,040
Canadian participation in the funeral of former President George H. W. Bush, December 5, 2018 2,698
Total 6,714,008

Travel expenditures for Canadian representation at international conferences and meetings

This statement presents the travel expenditures covered under the International Conference Allotment. This allotment is described in the statement of "Expenditures for Canadian representation at international conferences and meetings" found in section 11 of this Volume.

Generally, the International Conference Allotment does not support the expenses of ministers and staff from other government departments, provincial and territorial representatives, private sector advisors or academic observers. These expenses are usually self-funded and not chargeable to the International Conference Allotment. Therefore, this statement only includes costs charged to the International Conference Allotment by the department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development. Delegates from other government departments are listed for information purposes only.

Costs charged to the International Conference Allotment are part of the operating budget of the department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development and, therefore, are not included in the statements in section 10 of this Volume titled "Travel expenditures of ministers and parliamentary secretaries" and "International travel expenditures of ministers, parliamentary secretaries and ministers' staff".

(in dollars)

Description Amount
Prime Minister's Visit to New York (United States)—United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), September 2017 5,508
Prime Minister's Visit to Washington (United States), Mexico City (Mexico), October 2017 12,452
Prime Minister's Visit to Manila (Philippines)—Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit (ASEAN Summit) Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang (Vietnam)—Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), November 2017 42,450
Prime Minister's Visit to Beijing, Guangzhou (China)—Fortune Global Forum, December 2017 31,346
Prime Minister's Visit to Davos (Swiss Confederation)—World Economic Forum (WEF), January 2018 18,817
Prime Minister's Visit to Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco (United States), February 2018 31,137
Prime Minister's Visit to New Delhi, Agra, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Amritsar (India), February 2018 180,185
Prime Minister's Visit to Lima (Peru)—Summit of the Americas, Paris (France), London (United Kingdom)—Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), April 12-20, 2018 249,688
House of Commons
Trudeau, Right Honourable J., Bibeau, Honourable M.-C., Champagne, Honourable F.-P., Freeland Honourable C., Joly, Honourable M., McKenna, Honourable C.
Prime Minister's Office
Ahmad, C., Bernier, A., Bouchard, M., Butts, G., Cesvet, G., Clow, B., Gagnon, C., Guillon, T., Hage-Moussa, V., Langer, D., Mcnair, M., Proulx, P., Scotti, A., Simard, V., Tatone, J., Telford, K., Travers, P., VanGerven, K.
Privy Council Office
Angell, D., Bellemare, J., Bourne, L., Clipingdale, R., Cloutier, B., Cotten, B., Fitzgerald, R., Fox, C., Gaudreault, S., Grecco, B., Hage, M., Hannaford, J., Koenig, E., Lanbro, J., Lemire, M., Lepage, S., Lindblad, A., Lynch, C., Madore, J., Martel, C., Moss, N., Richard, W., Robert, A., Tremblay, E., Troy, R., Weetman, J.
Global Affairs Canada
Aggelopoulos, T., Babin, M., Bailey, M., Barette, J., Barney, M., Barrette, J., Beaulne, E., Beckermann, J., Belanger, L., Bhandal, J., Blanchard, M.-A., Boucher, C., Broadhurst, J., Cesaratto, S., Charette, J., Chemlal, Y., Corbeill, A., Cousin, M., Culham, A., Dana-Yablonski, A.-J., De Margerie-Leclair, C., Dion, Honourable S., Dussault, M., Foster, M., Garneau, V., Gingras, M.-J., Gort, M., Guérin, M., Harrison, T., Herbert, P.-O., Huot-Bolduc, F., Jacques, M., Jones, B., Jubinville, F., Klaman, A., Kutz, G., Lagueux, A., Landry, T., Lawrence, A., Lemerrer, S., Loten, J., Maclennan, C., Magallanes, M., Mallan, C., Montpetit, G., Morrison, D., Mota, S., Murphy, S., Norton, R., O'Reilly, C., Rehal, W., Robitaille, A., Roy, C., Roy, S., Sanchez, H., Shinha, P., Singh, D., Smyl, D., Sookocheff, L., Sorel, C., Thériault, M.C., Torres, V., Tucker, C., Turgeon, F., Urban, C., Vanese, S., Vasseur, L.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (Interpreter)
Gonzales, A.
Department of National Defence
Richer, Dr. D.
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Demers, C.
Canadian Heritage
Martinez, S.
Prime Minister's Visit to New York City, Boston (United States), May 15-18, 2018 47,647
House of Commons
Trudeau, Right Honourable J.
Prime Minister's Office
Butts, G., Catenaro, E., Den Tandt, M., Grech, A., Guillon, T., Hussaini, S., Isinger, D., Marques, E., Proulx, P., Scotti, A., Tatone, J., VanGerven, K.
Privy Council Office
Grecco, B., Lemire, M., Maloley, J., Moss, N., Tremblay, E., Wagner, R.
Global Affairs Canada
Alstrup, D., Alward, D., Burleson, L., Currie, J., Huot-Bolduc, F., Montecillo, J., O'Donnell, A., Roy, S., Ruddock, F., Steele, K.
Prime Minister's Visit to Washington (United States), May 2018 12,206
House of Commons
Trudeau, Right Honourable J.
Prime Minister's Office
Hage-Moussa, V., Telfod, K., VanGerven, K.
Privy Council Office
Bazinet, E., Bossenmaier, G., Cotten, B., Tremblay, E., Wessan, D. (LtCol)
Global Affairs Canada
Roy, S., Snider, C.
Prime Minister's Visit to Riga, Adazi (Latvia), Brussels (Belgium)—NATO Summit, July 9-12, 2018 134,367
House of Commons
Trudeau, Right Honourable J., Freeland, Honourable C., Sajjan, Honourable H.
Prime Minister's Office
Butts, G., Clow, B., Dinsdale, M., Gagnon, C., Guillon, T., Hage-Moussa, V., Langer, D., Proulx, P., Scotti, A., Sly, M., Sommer, D., Telford, K., Travers, P., VanGerven, K.
Privy Council Office
Bertosa, D., Bossenmaier, G., Brunette, L., Clippingale, R., Cloutier, B., Cotten, B., Gaudreault, S., Grecco, B., Hague, M., Hannaford, J., Jones, M., Kennedy, C., Lanbro, J., Lemire, M., MacKillop, K., Madore, J., Robert, A., Simoneau, E., Tremblay, E., Wessan, D.
Global Affairs Canada
Aggelopolous, T., Arbeiter, R., Benson, I., Broadhurst, J., Buck, K., Cernisova, D., Cliché, C., Connolly, S., Currie, J., Darwiche, A., Gavare, L., Gervais, P., Geysen, C., Hausser, A., Huot-Bolduc, F., James, N., Labrosse, J., Lawrence, A., Leja, S., Matule, A., Modanu, M., Nelson, D., Norton, R., Philips, K., Roy, S., Solomon, K., Sprance, E., Van Nuffel, D., Wright, R.
Department of National Defence
Astravas, Z., Eldridge, E., Galbraith, (Maj.) Dr. H., Vance, J.
Prime Minister's Visit to New York City (United States)—UNGA, September 23-26, 2018 38,341
House of Commons
Trudeau, Right Honourable J.
Prime Minister's Office
Ahmad, C., Caceres, D., Gagnon, C., Guillon, T., Maiolino, E., Mcnair, M., Proulx, P., Scotti, A., Sly, M., Telford, K., Travers, P., VanGerven, K.
Privy Council Office
Angell, D., Diaczuk, S., Gaudreault, S., Grecco, B., Hannaford, J., Larocque, D., Lauzon, L., Lynch, C., Maloley, J., Nicholls, S., O`Nions, C., Tremblay, E., Wilson, I., Wittmann, P.
Global Affairs Canada
Boucher, C., Burleson, L., Hudon, I., Huot-Bolduc, F., Khan, S.
Grégoire-Trudeau, S.
Prime Minister's Visit to Yerevan (Armenia)—La Francophonie, October 9-13, 2018 97,580
House of Commons
Trudeau, Right Honourable J., Joly, Honourable M., Yip, J. (M.P.)
Prime Minister's Office
Bouchard, L., Bouchard, M., Catenaro, E., Cormier, D., Gagnon, C., Guillon, T., Hallé, A.-L., Proulx, P., Scotti, A., Sly, M., Travers, P.
Privy Council Office
Angell, D., Bazinet, E., Brunette, L., Hage, M., Huot, P., Lemire, M., Madore, J., Mcphail, B., Menard, D., Moss, N., Phillips, J., Pilon, T., Quenneville, L., Wittmann, P.
Global Affairs Canada
Aggelopoulus, T., Ahonoukoun, J., Akkouche, K., Amegan, K., Boucher, C., Centofanti, A., Cichoka, E., Cousineau, P., Filiatrault, L., Fontaine, É., Gariépy, M., Gervais, C., Ghadhban, S., Gort, M., Goulet, A., Huot-Bolduc, F., Kulevas, E., Lambert-Pagé, J., Lischinskiy, R., Lukyanova, V., Norton, R., Odnodvortseva, M., Saint-Arnaud, L., Shukanov, A., Thériault, M.C., Tsarkov, I., Wright, R., Yapp, R.
Department of National Defence
Britt-Côté, Dr. M.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (Interpreter)
Serengulian, N.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Aubé, S., Lauzon, D.
Brouillette , L., Crist, L., Drouin, S., Duguay, S., Imbeault , L., Johnson, J., Jolin , C.
Prime Minister's Visit to Vimy, Paris (France), Singapore (Singapore) - East Asia Summit, and Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea)—APEC, November 9-19, 2018 464,121
House of Commons
Trudeau, Right Honourable J., Carr, Honourable J.,
Prime Minister's Office
Barrette, J., Butts, G., Deagle, J., Gagnon, C., Grech, A., Guillon, T., Hage-Moussa, V., Hallé, A.-L., Laventure, L., Marques, E., Proulx, P., Scotti, A., Sly, M., Telford, K., Travers, P., VanGerven, K.
Privy Council Office
Bazinet, E., Bellemare, J., Brunette, L., Cassis, V., Charrette, A., Cloutier, B., Du Feu, J., Gagnon, M., Gaudreault, S., Grecco, B., Gurstein, M., Hage, M., Hannafin, T., Hannaford, J., Hols, E., Madore, J., Maloley, J., Ménard, D., Mioc, C., Moss, N., Mullings, K., Pilon, T., Robert, A., Rochon, P., Samaan, V., Simoneau, E., Tremblay, E., Troy, R., Wagner, R., Weetman, J., Wernick, M.
Global Affairs Canada
Aggelopoulos, T., Alderton, A., Berry, R., Bobiash, D., Boucher, C., Chagnon-Lampron, G., Cousin, M., de Lugt, D., Deacon, J., DesRoches, C., Eyer, S., Farey, S., Gagnon, J., Hawkes, M.-J., Hayes, M., Hayman, M.-L., Hudon, I., Huot-Bolduc, F., Jamieson, C., Joti, R., Kelly, D., Kwan, R., Lambert, D., Landry, T., Le Bars, R., Lemerrer, S., Lim Soon, S., Logie, R., Macallum, J., MacArthur, P., Maddison, P., Martin, I., McDonald, N.-L., Mota, S., Mourand, C., Mowatt, M., Myers, R., Newman, B., O'Donnell, M., Ovens, J., Pickerill, J., Raad, Y., Roy, C., Roy, S., Roy, S., Ruiz de Gambo, R., Sanchez, C., Sargent, T., Schwartz, T., Snow, C., Sorel, C., Sutton, J., Tan, K., Thériault, M.C., Tremblay, H., Turgeon, F., Vachon, A., Vasseur, L., Walsh, J.
Department of National Defence
Britt-Côté, Dr. M., Galbraith, (Maj.) Dr. H.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (Interpreter)
Chi, J.
Prime Minister's Visit to Buenos Aires (Argentina)—G20, November 28-December 2, 2018 79,187
House of Commons
Trudeau, Right Honourable J., Freeland, Honourable C., Morneau, Honourable B.
Prime Minister's Office
Ahmad, C., Butts, G., Caceres, D., Catenaro, E., Clow, B., Davis, K., Grech, A., Guillon, T., Hussaini, S., Malinoski, B., Pascuzzo, M., Proulx, P., Scotti, A., Sly, M., Sommer, D., Telford, K.
Privy Council Office
Angell, D., Cotten, B., Fitzgerald, R., Grecco, B., Koenig, E., Lanbro, J., Mackay, C., Madore, J., Menard, D., Quenneville, L., Sousa, M., Tremblay, E., Troy, R., Weetman, J.
Global Affairs Canada
Aggelopolous, T., Bergeron, M., Blanchard, M.-A., Bonser, M., Broadhurst, J., Brockenshire, T., Cabanne, E.-S., Chrabolowsky, L., Currie, J., Federici, F., Fried, J., Garcia Otero, A., Huot-Bolduc, F., Labrosse, J., Miville-Deschenes, F., Plyler, K., Rios, H., Shaddick, S., Spataro, F., Tremblay, I., Usher, D.
Finance Canada
Chin, B., Kaur, S.
Grégoire-Trudeau, S.
Prime Minister's Visit to Gao (Mali), December 21-23, 2018 17,466
House of Commons
Trudeau, Right Honourable J., Sajjan, Honourable H.,
Prime Minister's Office
Caceres, D., Deagle, J., Gagnon, C., Hage-Moussa, V., Menchini, S., Proulx, P., Scotti, A., Sly, M., Travers, P., VanGerven, K.
Privy Council Office
Bossenmaier, G., Grecco, B., Hannaford, J., Lanbro, J., Lemire, M., Moss, N.
Global Affairs Canada
Huot-Bolduc, F., Roy, S.
Department of National Defence
Arsenault, T., Astravas, Z., Guimond, A., Vance, J., Verroen, D.,
Advance and planning costs for the Prime Minister's Visit to Ethiopia, January 19-24, 2019 3,251
Global Affairs Canada
Boucher, C., Huot-Bolduc, F., Wheeler, S.
Start-up costs for the Prime Minister's Visit to Osaka (Japan), June 2019 13,185
Global Affairs Canada
Demers, C., Germansen, C., Ockwell, P., Palmer, R., Roy, S.
Governor General's Visit to Chicago and Detroit (United States), April 2018 20,260
Government House
Payette, Her Excellency the Right Honourable J., Di Lorenzo, A., Gobeil, M., Létourneau, M., Maheu, J., Montoya, C., Provost, D.
Global Affairs Canada
Snider, C.
Governor General's Visit to Africa, October 2018 173,543
Government House
Payette, Her Excellency the Right Honourable J., Berthelot, M., Gaudreault, M., Hijazi Barkhouse, I., Jolette, V., Laframboise, J., Macintyre, C., Mounier, M.-G., Mousseau, D., Provost, D., Rocheleau, J.
House of Commons
Leslie, Honourable A., Boucher, S. (M.P.), Drouin, F. (M.P.),Duncan, L. (M.P.)
Global Affairs Canada
Adediran, A., Amadi, J., Arroyo, D., Bacigalupo, G., Benson, I., Blanchard, J., Bond, K., Compaore, P., Currie, J., Deshaies, V., Foster, N., Galigan, A., Gillis, A., Goosen, J., Heffernan, C., Isah, M., Jaber, O., Jarik, K., King, M., Mainville, I., Marshall, O., Mireault, C., Monge, E., Moore, L., Nadeau, C., Nobert, V., Norton, Dr. R., Osuman, H., Petrilli, C., Rioux, M., Roads-Fanwo, D., Robitaille, A., Shouldice, J., Snider, C.
Department of National Defence
Disengomoka, J. Lt(N), Dufort, V. (Capt), Gagné, T. (Cpl), Galbraith, (Maj.) Dr. H., Hynes, T. (Sgt), Legault, J. (Pte), Lloyd, J. (MCpl), Maheu, J. (Sgt), Martel, L. (Capt), Nacario, C. (Cpl).
Public Services and Procurement Canada (Interpreters)
Dubois, E., Sabor, E.
Accompanying delegation
Boivin, Maitre P., Christilaw, J., Gaboury, A., Lebel, J., Mcateer, E. D., Oguamanam, C., Peresa, L.-A., Sy Diawara, M., Taylor, D.
Governor General's Visit to Brussels (Belgium), November 2018 19,957
Government House
Payette, Her Excellency the Right Honourable J., Di Lorenzo, A., Smith, A., Gobeil, M., Corbeil, Ltv P., Maheu, Sgt J., Theriault, BGen M.
Global Affairs Canada
Snider, C., Lachance, A.
Governor General's Visit to Mexico for the inauguration of the President of the United Mexican States, November-December 2018 2,074
Government House
Payette, Her Excellency the Right Honourable J., Di Lorenzo, A., Laframboise, J.
Global Affairs Canada
de Leeuw, L.
Governor General's Visit to Astana (Kazakhstan), December 2-5, 2018 32,122
Government House
Payette, Her Excellency the Right Honourable J., Di Lorenzo, A., Dufresne-Babin, N., Maheu, J., Martel, L., Mousseau, D.
Global Affairs Canada
Benson, I., Nicholas B., Norton, Dr. R., Snider, C., Webb, A., Zhamanbayeva, A.
Governor General's Visit to Kuwait and Iraq, January 2019 5,844
Global Affairs Canada
Snider, C.
Governor General's Visit to New York (United States), March 2019 4,183
Government House
Payette, Her Excellency the Right Honourable J., Di Lorenzo, A., Gobeil, M., Maheu, Sgt J., Noël, M., Smith, A.
Global Affairs Canada
Asselin, K., Boucher, C.
Start-up costs for the Governor General's Visit to Rwanda, April 4-9, 2019 126,071
Government House
Payette, Her Excellency the Right Honourable J., Auger, O., Babin Dufresne, N., Caesar, M., Espallargas, E., Hamer, A., Lapalme, C., MacIntyre, C., Mousseau, D., Rocheleau, J.
Global Affairs Canada
Fredette, M.-A., Snider, C., Wheeler, S.
Department of National Defence
Brisson, LS A.M., Corbeil, Lt(N) P., Dufour, Sgt M., Galbraith, Lt(N) H., Maheu, Sgt J., Martel, Capt L., Ménard, Pte S., Nacario, Cpl C., Osborne, Capt K., Preece, Cpl. T., Roche, MCpl G.
Advance and planning costs for the Governor General's Anticipated Visit to Mozambique, April 2019 27,765
Global Affairs Canada
Benson, I., Dark, A., Dimic, F., Emery, B., Fredette, M.A., Kesonk, A., Maouin, C., Snider, C.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 108,008
Global Affairs Canada
Barrette, J., Benson, I., Labrosse, J.,
Minister of International Trade—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 49,327
Global Affairs Canada
Thériault, M.-C.
Minister of International Development—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 56,516
Global Affairs Canada
Guérin, M.
Minister for La Francophonie—Bilateral Visits (Visits Officer) 8,455
Global Affairs Canada
Robitaille, A., Thériault, M.-C.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the 8th Summit of the Americas in Lima (Peru), April 12-14, 2018 30,345
House of Commons
Freeland, Honourable C.
Global Affairs Canada
Harrison, T., Broadhurst, J., Lawrence, A., Morrison, D., Urban, C., Jubinville, F., Khan, T., Torres, V., Cesaratto, S., Culham, A., Gingras , M., Barney , M., Loten, J., Klaman, A., Sanchez, H., Austen, A., Barrette, J.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London (United Kingdom), April 16-20, 2018 51,255
House of Commons
Freeland, Honourable C., Bibeau, Honourable M.-C.
Global Affairs Canada
Lawrence, A., Lagueux, A., Montpetit, G., Bélanger, L., MacLennan, C., Gort, M., Foster, M., Sinha, P., Babin, M., Barrette, J., Robitaille, A.
Canadian delegation to the NATO Foreign Ministerial Meeting in Brussels (Belgium), April 27, 2018 13,490
Global Affairs Canada
Misner, N., Arbeiter, R., Omar, A., Deschamps-Laporte, L.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—45th Session of the Council of Foreign Minister of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, in Dhaka (Bangladesh), May 4-6, 2018 53,997
House of Commons
Freeland, Honourable C.
Global Affairs Canada
Deschamps-Laporte, L., Austen, A., Husain, M., Hartman, D.
Special Envoy
Rae, Honourable B.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM), in Buenos Aires (Argentina), May 21, 2018 26,256
House of Commons
Freeland, Honourable C.
Global Affairs Canada
Deschamps-Laporte, L., Barrette, J., Fried, J., Chrabolowksy, L.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—48th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington (United States), June 4-5, 2018 23,652
House of Commons
Freeland, Honourable C.
Global Affairs Canada
Harrison, T., Lawrence, A., Barette, J., Urban, C., Jubinville, F., Savoie, É., Panitcherska, E., Morrison, D.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the second annual Ukraine Reform Conference: A Driver for Change, in Copenhagen (Denmark), 27 June 2018 28,669
House of Commons
Freeland, Honourable C.
Global Affairs Canada
Garneau, V., Beck, S., Hussain, L., Barrette, J., Waschuk, R., Furuya, H.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—NATO Summit Meeting, in Brussels (Belgium), July 11-12, 2018 35,642
House of Commons
Freeland, Honourable C.
Global Affairs Canada
Broadhurst, J., Lawrence, A., Arbeiter, R., Nelson, D., Benson, I.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the Post-Ministerial Conference (PMC) and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Ministerial Meeting in Singapore, July 31-August 4, 2018 168,603
House of Commons
Freeland, Honourable C.
Global Affairs Canada
Lawrence, A., Singh, J., Kwan, R., Alihashi, O., Norman, G., Barrette, J., Seguin, B., Rioux, K., Hannan, M., Legault, G., McDonald, L., Schwartz, T.
Canadian delegation to the International Atomic Energy Agency General Conference, in Vienna (Austria), September 17-21, 2018 24,571
Global Affairs Canada
Barber, D., Roussel, J., Tomlinson, B.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian Delegation list to the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA73), in New York City (United States), September 24 -29 2018 143,607
House of Commons
Freeland, Honourable C., Bibeau, Honourable M.-C., Joly, Honourable M.
Global Affairs Canada
Deschamps-Laporte, L., Lagueux, A., Austen, A., Labrosse, J., Taylor, S., Belanger, L., Lambert, D., Lauzon, D., Robitaille, A., Jacovella, D., Charette, J., MacLennan, C., Gwozdecky, M., Norton, L., Grant, M., Gort, M., Marland, K., Ovens, J., Carr, J., Berzins, C., Rabinovitch, S.
Special Envoy
Rae, Honourable B.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the G20 Summit and associated Sherpa Meetings in Buenos Aires (Argentina), November 26-December 1, 2018 37,645
House of Commons
Freeland, Honourable C.
Global Affairs Canada
Broadhurst, J., Austen, A., Fried, J., Bonser, M., Miville-Deschenes, F., Chrabolowsky, L., Labrosse, J.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the NATO Foreign Ministerial Meeting in Brussels (Belgium), December 4-5, 2018 28,622
House of Commons
Freeland, Honourable C.
Global Affairs Canada
Garneau, V., Lawrence, A., Termorshuizen, C., Nelson, D., Labrosse, J.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Ministerial Council Meeting in Milan (Italy), December 6-7, 2018 35,824
House of Commons
Freeland, Honourable C.
Global Affairs Canada
Lawrence, A., Termorshuizen, C., Nelson, D., Labrosse, J., Cayer, N., Pepin-Halle, V., Barbarie, D., Tan, J., Dadic , J.
Minister of Foreign Affairs—Canadian delegation's participation at the Meeting of the Ministers of the Global Coalition Against Daesh, Washington (United States), February 6, 2019 7,901
House of Commons
Freeland, Honourable C.
Global Affairs Canada
Austin, A., Garneau, V., Labrosse, J.
Start-up costs for the Canadian delegation to the NATO Foreign Ministerial Meeting (FMM) in Washington (United States), April 3-4, 2019 4,151
Global Affairs Canada
Labrosse, J., Nelson, D., Norman, G.
Start-up costs for the Canadian delegation to the G7 Foreign Ministerial Meeting (FMM) in Dinard (France) on April 5-6, 2019 30,275
Global Affairs Canada
Dondey, L., Edwards, L., Gwozdecky, M., Labrosse, J.
Delegation to the Asia—Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) Meeting in Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea), May 25-26, 2018 77,136
Global Affairs Canada
Fried, J., Kwan, R., DesRoches, C., Delic-Radovic, G., Logie, R., Hawkes, M., Berry, R.
Minister of International Trade—Canadian delegation to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Ministerial Council Meeting in Paris (France), May 30-31, 2018 55,264
House of Commons
Champagne, Honourable F.-P.
Global Affairs Canada
Sargent, T., Giroux, A., Mawji, S., Ovens, J., Herbert, P.O., Thériault, M.-C.
Minister of International Trade Diversification—Canadian delegation to the 33rd ASEAN Summit and related summit events in Singapore (Singapore), November 13-16, 2018 55,010
House of Commons
Carr, Honourable J.
Global Affairs Canada
Ovens, J., Pickerill, J., Thériault, M.-C., Kelly, D., Le Bars, R., Chagnon-Lampron, G., Séguin, B.
Canadian delegation to the APEC Leaders' Week in Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea), November 15-18, 2018 33,579
Global Affairs Canada
Sargent, T., MacArthur, P., Kwan, R., DesRoches, C., De Lugt, D., Logie, R.
Minister of International Development—Global Disability Summit, in London (United Kingdom), July 24, 2018 15,650
House of Commons
Bibeau, Honourable M.-C.
Global Affairs Canada
Montpetit, G., Guérin, M.
Minister of International Development—Canadian delegation to the Geneva Conference on Afghanistan in Geneva (Switzerland), November 27-28, 2018 15,229
House of Commons
Monsef, Honourable M.,
Global Affairs Canada
St. Lawrence, N., Harper, D., Metcalfe, D., Nicholas, J.
Minister of International Development—35th Ministerial Conference and the XVII Francophonie Summit, Yerevan (Armenia), October 8-12, 2018 33,099
House of Commons
Joly, Honourable M.
Global Affairs Canada
Filiatrault, L., Gort, M., Cousineau, P., Gariepy, M., Amegan, K., Fontaine, E., Ahonoukoun, J., Thériault, M.-C.
Tourism and Official Languages
Aubé, S., Lauzon, D., Roy, G.
Canadian participation in the inauguration ceremony in Colombia, August 7, 2018 11,116
House of Commons
Brison, Honourable S.
Treasury Board
Watson, A.
Canadian participation in the inauguration ceremony in Brazil, January 2019 14,499
House of Commons
Alghabra, O. (M.P.)
Global Affairs Canada
Brisson-Urdaneta, I.
Canadian participation in the funeral of Kofi Annan, September 11-14, 2018 32,040
House of Commons
Bibeau, Honourable M.-C.
Global Affairs Canada
Guérin, M., Lesage, J., Montpetit, G.
Canadian participation in the funeral of former President George H. W. Bush, December 5, 2018 2,698
House of Commons
Brison, Honourable S.
Treasury Board
Nathoo, F.
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