Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities

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This section provides all related information on consolidated Crown corporations and other entities. Consolidated entities rely on government funding as their principal source of revenue and are controlled by the government.

Consolidation involves the combination of the accounts of these corporations and other entities on a line-by-line and uniform basis of accounting and the elimination of inter-organizational balances and transactions. Consequently, the corporations and other entities' accounts must be adjusted to the government's basis of accounting. All corporations and other entities follow either Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards or International Financial Reporting Standards. The financial information reported by all of the consolidated Crown corporations and other entities in the following summary tables has been prepared and reported based upon Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards.

Consolidated Crown corporations are also categorized as being either agents or non-agents of the Crown. Agency status may be expressly stated in the incorporating legislation or conferred under the provisions of the Government Corporations Operation Act.

Summary financial statements of consolidated Crown corporations and other entities

These tables present financial information on consolidated parent Crown corporations and other entities, as well as financial information on wholly-owned subsidiaries that are considered "deemed parent Crown corporations" and thus consolidated directly in the consolidated financial statements of the government and excluded from the consolidated financial statements of their parent Crown corporations. The annual Inventory of Federal Organizations and Interests includes a complete list of federal organizations and interests.

For those corporations and other entities having year ends other than March 31, the data are based on unaudited interim financial statements which have been prepared on a basis consistent with the most recent audited financial statements.

Table 4.1 and Table 4.2 present summarized financial information of the consolidated Crown corporations and other entities. Balances reported under government, Crown corporations and other entities represent those between related parties. Of note, borrowings from third parties represent long-term debts payable of the corporations and other entities. Revenues are broken down to identify revenues arising from normal operations and financial assistance from the government in respect of the current year's operations. Equity adjustments include prior period adjustments and other miscellaneous items recorded by the corporations and other entities. Remeasurement gains and losses comprise certain unrealized gains and losses on financial instruments excluded from the annual surplus (deficit). Upon realization, these gains and losses are included in the annual surplus (deficit). Equity transactions with the government include dividends declared or transfers of profits to the government, as well as capital transactions with the government. The line "Conversion to the government accounting basis for consolidation purposes" represents the adjustments required to bring the corporations and other entities' accounting policies in line with those of the government.

Table 4.1
Financial position of consolidated Crown corporations and other entities
Assets, liabilities and equity as at March 31, 2020

(in thousands of dollars)

Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities Assets Liabilities Accumulated profits (losses) Contributed surplus Capital stock Equity of Canada Total liabilities and equity
Financial Non-financial Total assets Third parties Government, Crown corporations and other entities Total liabilities
Third parties Government, Crown corporations and other entities Borrowings Other
Crown corporationsLink to footnote 1
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 258,141 114,984 867,022 1,240,147 8,279,530 286 8,279,816 (negative 7,504,381) 449,712 15,000 (negative 7,039,669) 1,240,147
Canada Council for the Arts 415,268 903 31,660 447,831 123,249 1,146 124,395 323,436 323,436 447,831
Canada Infrastructure Bank 1,184,891 8,522 1,528 1,194,941 9,521 222,423 231,944 962,997 962,997 1,194,941
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority 120,356 138,005 520,746 779,107 193,792 1,203 194,995 584,112 584,112 779,107
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 1,892,294 87,436 1,405,979 3,385,709 265,430 803,356 13,813 1,082,599 2,303,110 2,303,110 3,385,709
Canadian Commercial Corporation 91,392 1,203 2,741 95,336 54,495 16,753 71,248 14,088 10,000 24,088 95,336
Canadian Dairy Commission 8,509 122,245 130,754 3,789 55,307 71,658 130,754 130,754
Canadian Museum for Human Rights 15,459 95 278,820 294,374 150,524 133,859 284,383 9,991 9,991 294,374
Canadian Museum of History 90,675 6,739 217,919 315,333 28,764 217,383 246,147 69,186 69,186 315,333
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 13,673 277 11,731 25,681 9,647 11,473 21,120 4,561 4,561 25,681
Canadian Museum of Nature 19,872 196 171,739 191,807 38,064 159,186 197,250 (negative 5,443) (negative 5,443) 191,807
Canadian Race Relations Foundation 23,611 2,482 52 26,145 215 215 25,930 25,930 26,145
Canadian Tourism Commission 39,695 37 3,879 43,611 16,398 62 16,460 27,151 27,151 43,611
Defence Construction (1951) Limited 29,928 23,679 11,640 65,247 57,828 703 58,531 6,716 6,716 65,247
International Development Research Centre 83,348 2,390 14,860 100,598 65,450 17,241 82,691 17,907 17,907 100,598
Marine Atlantic Inc. 163,577 8,966 434,431 606,974 109,890 583 110,473 496,501 496,501 606,974
National Arts Centre Corporation 20,665 618 229,107 250,390 26,899 228,790 255,689 (negative 5,299) (negative 5,299) 250,390
National Capital Commission 180,435 2,788 696,093 879,316 148,473 8,826 157,299 722,017 722,017 879,316
National Gallery of Canada 19,946 467 80,807 101,220 6,846 91,033 97,879 3,341 3,341 101,220
National Museum of Science and Technology 20,210 963 265,868 287,041 9,167 265,911 275,078 11,963 11,963 287,041
Standards Council of Canada 9,586 880 2,928 13,394 6,657 10 6,667 6,727 6,727 13,394
Telefilm Canada 6,429 56,977 5,855 69,261 51,467 139 51,606 17,655 17,655 69,261
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited 28,108 57 384,104 412,269 56,440 16,518 104,235 177,193 235,076 235,076 412,269
The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc. 34,527 820 607,515 642,862 68,374 68,374 574,488 574,488 642,862
VIA Rail Canada Inc. 487,697 54,832 1,185,958 1,728,487 257,764 1,123,480 1,381,244 337,943 9,300 347,243 1,728,487
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority 202,237 17,300 1,688,652 1,908,189 775,679 775,679 1,132,510 1,132,510 1,908,189
Total—Crown corporations 5,460,529 531,616 9,243,879 15,236,024 325,659 11,363,874 2,690,196 14,379,729 372,283 459,712 24,300 856,295 15,236,024
Conversion to the government accounting basis for consolidation purposes (negative 7,575) (negative 100,236) (negative 107,811) (negative 10,585) (negative 2,405,898) (negative 2,416,483) 2,792,684 (negative 459,712) (negative 24,300) 2,308,672 (negative 107,811)
Net Crown corporations on the government accounting basis 5,452,954 531,616 9,143,643 15,128,213 325,659 11,353,289 284,298 11,963,246 3,164,967 3,164,967 15,128,213
Other entitiesLink to footnote 2
Canada Foundation for Innovation 251,770 318 3,437 255,525 2,201 253,324 255,525 255,525
Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology 16,970 829 17,799 5,461 12,338 17,799 17,799
First Nations Market Housing Fund 327,193 39,710 282 367,185 62,742 304,443 367,185 367,185
St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation 203,390 25,084 14,999 243,473 103,696 9,482 113,178 130,295 130,295 243,473
Capital Fund Trust 2,470 18,712 21,182 2 21,180 21,182 21,182
Employee Termination Benefits Trust Fund 758 3 761 3 758 761 761
Total—Other entities 802,551 83,827 19,547 905,925 174,105 601,525 775,630 130,295 130,295 905,925
Conversion to the government accounting basis for consolidation purposes 2,284 2,284 (negative 88) (negative 579,973) (negative 580,061) 582,345 582,345 2,284
Net other entities on the government accounting basis 804,835 83,827 19,547 908,209 174,017 21,552 195,569 712,640 712,640 908,209
Total 6,257,789 615,443 9,163,190 16,036,422 325,659 11,527,306 305,850 12,158,815 3,877,607 3,877,607 16,036,422

Table 4.2
Revenues, expenses and other changes in equity of consolidated Crown corporations and other entities for the year ended March 31, 2020
(in thousands of dollars)

Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities Revenues Expenses Net income (loss) Equity beginning of year Equity adjustments and other Remeasurement gains (losses) Equity transactions with the Government Equity end of year
Third parties Government, Crown corporations and other entities Total Third parties Government, Crown corporations and other entities Total Dividends Capital
Financial assistance Other
Crown corporations
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 162,044 868,140 5,722 1,035,906 1,352,944 2,260 1,355,204 (negative 319,298) (negative 6,721,285) 914 (negative 7,039,669)
Canada Council for the Arts 27,032 327,771 6,342 361,145 340,848 1,219 342,067 19,078 335,121 (negative 30,763) 323,436
Canada Infrastructure Bank 19,795 537,541 557,336 84,739 84,739 472,597 490,400 962,997
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority 9,206 846,862 856,068 805,184 19,708 824,892 31,176 552,936 584,112
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 498,966 1,210,798 6,055 1,715,819 1,419,116 1,624 1,420,740 295,079 2,008,031 2,303,110
Canadian Commercial Corporation 23,380 4,500 2,319 30,199 22,316 5,144 27,460 2,739 21,349 24,088
Canadian Dairy Commission 328,568 3,967 274 332,809 346,998 2,406 349,404 (negative 16,595) 16,595
Canadian Museum for Human Rights 11,196 30,281 10 41,487 39,017 2,078 41,095 392 9,599 9,991
Canadian Museum of History 18,815 80,350 979 100,144 95,565 3,952 99,517 627 68,559 69,186
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 3,335 9,991 114 13,440 9,978 2,538 12,516 924 4,230 (negative 593) 4,561
Canadian Museum of Nature 12,345 33,453 35 45,833 46,258 2,865 49,123 (negative 3,290) (negative 2,153) (negative 5,443)
Canadian Race Relations Foundation (negative 3,738) 170 (negative 3,568) 1,044 1,044 (negative 4,612) 30,074 468 25,930
Canadian Tourism Commission 25,121 103,693 98 128,912 128,529 1,130 129,659 (negative 747) 27,708 190 27,151
Defence Construction (1951) Limited 1,034 119,166 120,200 122,381 842 123,223 (negative 3,023) 9,454 285 6,716
International Development Research Centre 36,875 142,907 15,953 195,735 189,181 2,792 191,973 3,762 14,145 17,907
Marine Atlantic Inc. 105,625 133,315 238,940 236,670 236,670 2,270 505,571 (negative 11,340) 496,501
National Arts Centre Corporation 41,888 51,137 2,374 95,399 94,114 1,234 95,348 51 (negative 5,350) (negative 5,299)
National Capital Commission 50,093 137,659 5,614 193,366 132,537 7,865 140,402 52,964 669,053 722,017
National Gallery of Canada 16,459 48,847 171 65,477 57,580 7,339 64,919 558 2,783 3,341
National Museum of Science and Technology 12,090 40,275 1,327 53,692 48,592 6,580 55,172 (negative 1,480) 13,443 11,963
Standards Council of Canada 9,756 18,579 1,034 29,369 29,078 125 29,203 166 6,561 6,727
Telefilm Canada 22,226 109,379 471 132,076 126,236 1,996 128,232 3,844 13,811 17,655
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited 43,106 3,535 46,641 48,625 48,625 (negative 1,984) 236,046 720 294 235,076
The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc. 1,417 155,659 315 157,391 148,799 148,799 8,592 565,896 574,488
VIA Rail Canada Inc. 373,638 405,707 2,514 781,859 742,351 8,430 750,781 31,078 316,165 347,243
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority 14,428 576,993 7 591,428 131,430 131,430 459,998 671,385 1 1,126 1,132,510
Total—Crown corporations 1,864,700 5,881,339 171,064 7,917,103 6,800,110 82,127 6,882,237 1,034,866 (negative 156,468) 17,316 (negative 39,419) 856,295
Conversion to the government accounting basis for consolidation purposes 19,324 266,477 285,801 (negative 3,225) 5,920 2,695 283,106 2,003,463 (negative 17,316) 39,419 2,308,672
Total on the government accounting basis 1,884,024 6,147,816 171,064 8,202,904 6,796,885 88,047 6,884,932 1,317,972 1,846,995 3,164,967
Consolidation adjustments 636 (negative 6,147,816) (negative 171,064) (negative 6,318,244) 2,139 (negative 88,047) (negative 85,908) (negative 6,232,336) 6,232,336
Net amount—Crown corporations 1,884,660 1,884,660 6,799,024 6,799,024 (negative 4,914,364) 1,846,995 6,232,336 3,164,967
Other entities
Canada Foundation for Innovation 6,494 366,896 125 373,515 373,477 38 373,515
Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology 1,095 133,200 134,295 134,295 134,295
First Nations Market Housing Fund 9,543 972 10,515 9,543 972 10,515
St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation 77,969 1,714 60,867 140,550 124,970 218 125,188 15,362 114,933 130,295
Capital Fund Trust 84 55,000 7,792 62,876 2 62,874 62,876
Employee Termination Benefits Trust Fund 22 22 2 20 22
Total—Other entities 95,207 556,810 69,756 721,773 642,289 64,122 706,411 15,362 114,933 130,295
Conversion to the government accounting basis for consolidation purposes 28,277 (negative 4,964) 23,313 2,007 (negative 2,007) 23,313 559,032 582,345
Total on the government accounting basis 123,484 551,846 69,756 745,086 644,296 62,115 706,411 38,675 673,965 712,640
Consolidation adjustments 1,097 (negative 551,846) (negative 69,756) (negative 620,505) 998 (negative 62,115) (negative 61,117) (negative 559,388) 559,388
Net amount—Other entities 124,581 124,581 645,294 645,294 (negative 520,713) 673,965 559,388 712,640
Total 2,009,241 2,009,241 7,444,318 7,444,318 (negative 5,435,077) 2,520,960 6,791,724 3,877,607

Borrowings by consolidated agent Crown corporations

Table 4.3
Borrowings by consolidated agent Crown corporations
(in thousands of dollars)

  April 1, 2019 Borrowings and other credits Repayments and other charges March 31, 2020
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 291,846 18,095 44,511 265,430
Canadian Dairy Commission 5,638 68,117 69,966 3,789
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited 62,546 1,662 7,768 56,440
Total 360,030 87,874 122,245 325,659

This information is published to satisfy section 49 of the Financial Administration Act (FAA) which requires that an annual statement be included in the Public Accounts of Canada. The borrowings are from lenders other than the government. In accordance with section 54 of the FAA, the payment of all money borrowed by agent Crown corporations and interest thereon is a charge on and payable out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

Contingent liabilities of consolidated Crown corporations and other entities

Contingent liabilities of consolidated Crown corporations are included in the Government of Canada's financial statements as follows, refer to section 2 for further details.

Table 4.4
Contingent liabilities of consolidated Crown corporations and other entities
(in thousands of dollars)

Pending and threatened litigation and other claims—Provision accrued 35,752
Pending and threatened litigation and other claims—Disclosure only 19,258

Financial assistance under budgetary appropriations to consolidated Crown corporations

Table 4.5 presents charges to appropriations or authorities approved by Parliament. It should be read in conjunction with Table 4.2. Differences in figures reported in Table 4.2 and those reported in Table 4.5 result from the use of different accounting policies and from items in transit.

Table 4.5
Financial assistance under budgetary appropriations to consolidated Crown corporations for the year ended March 31, 2020
(in thousands of dollars)

  Program expenditures vote Operating expenditures vote Capital expenditures vote Financial assistance under budgetary appropriationsLink to footnote 3
Agent Crown corporations
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 868,140 868,140
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority 847,862 847,862
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 1,098,114 112,684 1,210,798
Canadian Commercial Corporation 4,500 4,500
Canadian Dairy Commission 3,967 3,967
Canadian Museum for Human Rights 26,955 26,955
Canadian Museum of History 75,729 75,729
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 7,905 7,905
Canadian Museum of Nature 29,197 29,197
Canadian Tourism Commission 100,666 100,666
National Capital Commission 75,027 62,453 137,480
National Gallery of Canada 39,171 8,000 47,171
National Museum of Science and Technology 30,937 30,937
Telefilm Canada 109,379 109,379
The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc. 155,647 155,647
Total—Agent Crown corporations 2,260,884 1,212,312 183,137 3,656,333
Non-agent Crown corporations
Canada Council for the Arts 327,771 327,771
Canada Infrastructure Bank 759,154 759,154
International Development Research Centre 142,907 142,907
Marine Atlantic Inc. 130,904 130,904
National Arts Centre Corporation 35,270 35,270
Standards Council of Canada 18,579 18,579
VIA Rail Canada Inc. 506,348 506,348
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority 570,550 570,550
Total—Non-agent Crown corporations 2,491,483 2,491,483
Total 4,752,367 1,212,312 183,137 6,147,816

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