
Public Accounts of Canada 2020 Volume II: Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Current year Previous year
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
Other revenues
Return on investmentsLink to footnote 1
Loans, investments and advances
Export Development Canada—Dividends 1,010,000,000
Personnel posted abroad 283,225 204,095
International development assistance—Loans to developing countries 30,102,841 16,914,571
Services and commitment charges on loans to developing countries 11
Other accounts
Interest on mission bank accounts 38,037 116,565
Total 30,424,103 1,027,235,242
Refunds of previous years' expenditures
Other grants and contributions 7,203,359 11,832,838
Operating 6,748,111 4,676,181
Adjustments to prior year's payables 6,360,854 5,440,441
Total 20,312,324 21,949,460
Sales of goods and services
Lease and use of public property
Co-location 35,113,322 33,915,277
Services of a regulatory nature
Specialized consular fees 1,948,902 2,168,848
Consular fees—Passport purchase 37,016,882 53,386,938
Subtotal 38,965,784 55,555,786
Services of a non-regulatory nature
Net voted revenues—Other business services 1,301,540 1,449,118
Net voted revenues—Telecommunication services 352,650 335,891
Subtotal 1,654,190 1,785,009
Total 75,733,296 91,256,072
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 1,605,494 2,104,478
Miscellaneous revenues
Net gain on exchange 73,128,902 48,414,289
Sales of Real Property 12,128,503 33,721,296
Interest on overdue accounts receivable 264,463 241,182
Other fees and charges 1,910 5,185
Other import/export permits 3,032,154 3,175,644
Rental revenues 23,388,973 22,830,148
Sales of publications 7,350 6,900
Services rendered to Passport Canada 4,354,789 4,363,464
Loans and advances on transfer 18,096,096 2,792,185
Sundries 696,357 8,214,593
Total 135,099,497 123,764,886
Total Department 263,174,714 1,266,310,138
Export Development Canada (Canada Account)
Other revenues
Return on investments
Loans, investments and advances
Development of export trade—Interest 279,316,340 174,737,406
Refunds of previous years' expenditures 116,981
Miscellaneous revenues
Net gain on exchange 71,862,492 42,149,515
Sundries 15,208,154 68,202
Total 87,070,646 42,217,717
Total Agency 366,386,986 217,072,104
International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)
Other revenues
Refunds of previous years' expenditures
Adjustments to prior year's payables 4,449 85,002
Miscellaneous revenues
Sundries 1,864 1,834
Total Agency 6,313 86,836
Invest in Canada Hub
Other revenues
Refunds of previous years' expenditures
Adjustments to prior year's payables 23,212
Miscellaneous revenues
Sundries 3,599
Total Agency 26,811
Ministry Summary
Other revenues
Return on investments 309,740,443 1,201,972,648
Refunds of previous years' expenditures 20,339,985 22,151,443
Sales of goods and services 75,733,296 91,256,072
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 1,605,494 2,104,478
Miscellaneous revenues 222,175,606 165,984,437
Total Ministry 629,594,824 1,483,469,078

Public Accounts of Canada 2020 Volume II: Bottom of the page Navigation

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