Core responsibilities

Public Accounts of Canada 2020 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Budgetary Total Budgetary Non-budgetary
Operating Capital Transfer payments Revenues netted against expenditures
Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year
Department of Employment and Social Development
Pensions and Benefits 623,922,709 566,225,365 56,778,441,984 56,778,441,984 292,251,678 260,029,836 57,110,113,015 57,084,637,513
Learning, Skills Development and Employment 1,570,006,289 1,523,099,825 10,536,763,845 10,487,505,529 1,006,117,284 962,248,816 11,100,652,850 11,048,356,538 967,487,646 967,487,646
Social Development 65,189,352 59,287,882 878,626,992 862,528,399 943,816,344 921,816,281
Information Delivery and Services for Other Departments 228,604,489 228,440,537 (negative 125) (negative 125) 228,604,364 228,440,412
Working Conditions and Workplace Relations 115,796,518 110,217,283 59,666,682 59,640,631 900,000 685,012 174,563,200 169,172,902
Internal Services 1,033,721,094 1,019,312,762 652,472,403 642,973,282 381,248,691 376,339,480
Subtotal 3,637,240,451 3,506,583,654 68,253,499,378 68,188,116,418 1,951,741,365 1,865,936,946 69,938,998,464 69,828,763,126 967,487,646 967,487,646
Budget Implementation (for information) 44,472,878 44,472,878
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 1,951,741,365) (negative 1,865,936,946) (negative 1,951,741,365) (negative 1,865,936,946)
Total Department 1,729,971,964 1,640,646,708 68,253,499,378 68,188,116,418 69,983,471,342 69,828,763,126 967,487,646 967,487,646
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Assistance for housing needs 2,029,228,786 1,864,981,221 2,029,228,786 1,864,981,221 (negative 463,115,175) (negative 463,115,175)
Financing for housing 575,009,299 214,889,871 575,009,299 214,889,871 1,747,189,296 1,747,189,296
Housing expertise and capacity development 140,013,165 135,800,647 140,013,165 135,800,647
Total Agency 2,744,251,250 2,215,671,739 2,744,251,250 2,215,671,739 1,284,074,121 1,284,074,121
Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization
Accessibility Standards 355,367 355,367 3,250,000 1,488,358 3,605,367 1,843,725
Internal Services 5,532,658 2,117,103 5,532,658 2,117,103
Total Agency 5,888,025 2,472,470 3,250,000 1,488,358 9,138,025 3,960,828
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
National Occupational Health and Safety Resource 13,375,180 6,953,799 13,375,180 6,953,799
Internal Services 3,239,605 4,227,191 3,239,605 4,227,191
Total Agency 16,614,785 11,180,990 16,614,785 11,180,990
Total Ministry 4,496,726,024 3,869,971,907 68,256,749,378 68,189,604,776 72,753,475,402 72,059,576,683 2,251,561,767 2,251,561,767

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