Ministry summary

Public Accounts of Canada 2020 Volume II: Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Vote Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
  Department of Natural Resources
1 Operating expenditures 563,825,825 563,825,825        
1b Operating expenditures 6,410,487 6,410,487        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 (Canadian Energy Regulator) 146,000 146,000        
  Vote 1 (Department of Employment and Social Development) 386,884 386,884        
  Vote 1 (Department of Fisheries and Oceans) 90,590 90,590        
  Vote 1 (Department of National Defence) 2,685,591 2,685,591        
  Vote 1 (Department of Transport) 90,000 90,000        
  Vote 1 (National Research Council of Canada) 307,100 307,100        
  Vote 1 (Treasury Board Secretariat) 250,000 250,000        
  Vote 15 553,565 553,565        
  Vote 20 4,344,697 4,344,697        
  Vote 25 6,346,210 6,346,210        
  Vote 30 1,674,737 1,674,737        
  Vote 40 6,225,524 6,225,524        
  TB Vote 10Link to footnote 1 575,867 575,867        
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 13,567,145 13,567,145        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 12,848,418 12,848,418        
  TB Vote 30Link to footnote 1 3,303,375 3,303,375        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 1 (Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) (negative 160,000) (negative 160,000)        
  Vote 1 (Impact Assessment Agency of Canada) (negative 165,150) (negative 165,150)        
  Vote 1 (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council) (negative 24,000) (negative 24,000)        
  Vote 10 (negative 600,000) (negative 600,000)        
  Total—Vote 1 563,825,825 6,410,487 52,446,553 622,682,865 609,326,261 13,356,604 582,670,709
5 Capital expenditures 13,996,000 13,996,000        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 25 375,000 375,000        
  TB Vote 35Link to footnote 1 2,771,879 2,771,879        
  Total—Vote 5 13,996,000 3,146,879 17,142,879 16,036,366 1,106,513 25,287,927
10 Grants and contributions 471,008,564 471,008,564        
10b Grants and contributions 6,133,364 6,133,364        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 600,000 600,000        
  Vote 5 (Department of Employment and Social Development) 8,400,000 8,400,000        
  Vote 10 (Department of Fisheries and Oceans) 587,485 587,485        
  Vote 10 (Department of Health) 100,000 100,000        
  Vote 10 (Department of Industry) 7,250,000 7,250,000        
  Vote 10 (Department of the Environment) 10,659,750 10,659,750        
  Vote 15 9,350,000 9,350,000        
  Vote 20 7,740,000 7,740,000        
  Vote 25 1,100,000 1,100,000        
  Transfer to Vote 5 (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council) (negative 300,000) (negative 300,000)        
  Total—Vote 10 471,008,564 6,133,364 45,487,235 522,629,163 415,597,935 107,031,228 333,045,920
15 Encouraging Canadians to Use Zero Emission Vehicles 10,034,967 10,034,967        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 1 (negative 553,565) (negative 553,565)        
  Vote 10 (negative 9,350,000) (negative 9,350,000)        
  Total—Vote 15 10,034,967 (negative 9,903,565) 131,402 131,402
20 Engaging Indigenous Communities in Major Resource Projects 12,801,946 12,801,946        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 1 (negative 4,344,697) (negative 4,344,697)        
  Vote 10 (negative 7,740,000) (negative 7,740,000)        
  Total—Vote 20 12,801,946 (negative 12,084,697) 717,249 717,249
25 Ensuring Better Disaster Management Preparation and Response 11,090,650 11,090,650        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 1 (negative 6,346,210) (negative 6,346,210)        
  Vote 5 (negative 375,000) (negative 375,000)        
  Vote 10 (negative 1,100,000) (negative 1,100,000)        
  Total—Vote 25 11,090,650 (negative 7,821,210) 3,269,440 3,269,440
30 Improving Canadian Energy Information 1,674,737 1,674,737        
  Transfer to Vote 1 (negative 1,674,737) (negative 1,674,737)        
  Total—Vote 30 1,674,737 (negative 1,674,737)
35 Protecting Canada's Critical Infrastructure from Cyber Threats 808,900 808,900 808,900
40 Strong Arctic and Northern Communities 6,225,524 6,225,524        
  Transfer to Vote 1 (negative 6,225,524) (negative 6,225,524)        
  Total—Vote 40 6,225,524 (negative 6,225,524)
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 58,177,462 728,239 1,717,676 60,623,377 60,623,377 54,213,506
Link to footnote S Minister of Natural Resources—Salary and motor car allowance (Salaries Act and Parliament of Canada Act) 87,700 (negative 2,631) 85,069 85,069 86,000
Link to footnote S Payments to the Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Resource Revenue Fund (Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act) 374,165,337 (negative 10,198,700) 363,966,637 363,966,637 334,152,233
Link to footnote S Payments to the Nova Scotia Offshore Revenue Account 9,545,908 9,545,908 9,545,908 73,950,854
Link to footnote S Payments of the Crown Share Adjustment for Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources 24,862,021 24,862,021 24,862,021 123,050
Link to footnote S Contribution to the Canada/Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board (Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act) 9,475,000 (negative 8,906,755) 568,245 568,245 (negative 1,867,263)
Link to footnote S Contribution to the Canada/Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act) 4,305,000 (negative 4,253,032) 51,968 51,968 (negative 310,873)
Link to footnote S Geomatics Canada Revolving Fund 6,172,997 6,172,997 (negative 1) 6,172,998 1,457,284
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 94,195 182,451 276,646 160,237 116,409 157,630
Link to footnote S Contribution to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities for the Green Municipal Fund (Budget Implementation Act, 2019, No.1 [S.C. 2019, c.29]) 950,000,000 950,000,000 950,000,000
Link to footnote S Climate Action Support Payments (Energy Manager Program and Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program) (Budget Implementation Act, 2019, No.1 [S.C. 2019, c.29]) 7,566,904 (negative 3,600,000) 3,966,904 3,966,904
  Total Department—Budgetary 6,267,192 1,537,677,612 970,838,994 72,717,872 2,587,501,670 2,454,790,927 126,421,336 6,289,407 1,402,966,977
  Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
1 Payments to the corporation for operating and capital expenditures 1,197,282,026 1,197,282,026        
  Transfer from Vote 5 (Department of National Defence) 550,000 550,000        
  Total—Vote 1 1,197,282,026 550,000 1,197,832,026 866,040,000 331,792,026 826,233,292
Link to footnote S Payments to Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 3,000,000
  Total Agency—Budgetary 1,197,282,026 2,650,000 1,199,932,026 868,140,000 331,792,026 829,233,292
  Canadian Energy Regulator Link to footnote 2
1b Program expenditures 2,756,546 2,756,546        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 (National Energy Board) 53,190,812 53,190,812        
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 7,607,009 7,607,009        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 3,151,473 3,151,473        
  Transfer to Vote 1 (Department of Natural Resources) (negative 146,000) (negative 146,000)        
  Total—Vote 1 2,756,546 63,803,294 66,559,840 54,584,284 11,975,556
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 6,585,247 6,585,247 6,585,247
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 790 790 790
  Total Agency—Budgetary 2,756,546 70,389,331 73,145,877 61,169,531 11,975,556 790
  Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
1 Program expenditures 39,136,248 39,136,248        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 1,935,233 1,935,233        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 1,147,302 1,147,302        
  Total—Vote 1 39,136,248 3,082,535 42,218,783 40,926,404 1,292,379 41,367,246
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 4,295,397 9,631,753 13,927,150 13,927,150 13,945,723
Link to footnote S Expenditures pursuant to paragraph 21(3) of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act 5,535,066 101,213,529 (negative 8,858,885) 97,889,710 93,103,115 4,786,595 93,563,793
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 8,714 70 8,784 8,714 70 46,344
  Total Agency—Budgetary 5,543,780 144,645,174 3,855,473 154,044,427 147,965,383 1,292,379 4,786,665 148,923,106
  National Energy Board Link to footnote 2
1 Program expenditures 82,536,499 82,536,499        
  Transfer from Vote 5 3,670,000 3,670,000        
  Transfer to Vote 1 (Canadian Energy Regulator) (negative 53,190,812) (negative 53,190,812)        
  Total—Vote 1 82,536,499 (negative 49,520,812) 33,015,687 33,015,687 84,475,488
5 Canadian Energy Regulator Transition Costs 3,670,000 3,670,000        
  Transfer to Vote 1 (negative 3,670,000) (negative 3,670,000)        
  Total—Vote 5 3,670,000 (negative 3,670,000)
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 9,148,252 (negative 5,336,480) 3,811,772 3,811,772 8,920,479
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 108 108 108
  Appropriations not required for the current year 14,710,000
  Total Agency—Budgetary 108 95,354,751 (negative 58,527,292) 36,827,567 36,827,459 108 108,105,967
  Northern Pipeline Agency
1 Program expenditures 1,055,000 1,055,000 234,992 820,008 226,882
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 29,070 (negative 25,595) 3,475 3,475 3,599
  Total Agency—Budgetary 1,084,070 (negative 25,595) 1,058,475 238,467 820,008 230,481
  Total Ministry—Budgetary 11,811,080 2,976,043,633 973,595,540 91,059,789 4,052,510,042 3,569,131,767 472,301,413 11,076,862 2,489,459,823

Public Accounts of Canada 2020 Volume II: Bottom of the page Navigation

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