Recapitulation of external revenues by source

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Table 4a reconciles total ministerial revenues (Table 4) with external revenues reported in Table 1 of this section and in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Accumulated Deficit in Section 2 of Volume I. The reconciling items include the revenues from the consolidated specified purpose accounts, the accrual of accounts receivable and the adjustment of the Exchange Fund Account to recognize the international reserves held in the Account, the accrual and deferral of other revenues, the revenues of Crown corporations and other entities, tax credits and repayments and the elimination of internal revenues.

Table 4a
Recapitulation of external revenues by source
(in thousands of dollars)

Description Total ministerial revenues Consolidated specified purpose accounts Accrual and other adjustments Crown corporations and other entities Tax credits and repayments Internal revenuesLink to footnote 1 Total external revenues
Tax revenues—
Income tax revenues
Personal 141,381,252 (negative 21,000) 26,215,820 167,576,072
Corporate 47,605,696 2,453,814 50,059,510
Non-resident 9,475,804 9,475,804
Total 198,462,752 (negative 21,000) 28,669,634 227,111,386
Other taxes and duties
Goods and services tax 37,385,994 37,385,994
Energy taxes
Excise tax—Gasoline 4,453,298 4,453,298
Excise tax—Aviation gasoline and diesel fuel 1,229,767 1,229,767
Subtotal 5,683,065 5,683,065
Customs import duties 4,852,916 4,852,916
Other excise taxes and duties
Excise duties 4,950,479 4,950,479
Air travellers security charge 797,992 797,992
Miscellaneous excise taxes and duties 210,003 210,003
Subtotal 5,958,474 5,958,474
Total 53,880,449 53,880,449
Total tax revenues 252,343,201 (negative 21,000) 28,669,634 280,991,835
Employment insurance premiums 22,636,570 (negative 417,396) 22,219,174
Fuel charge proceeds 2,655,372 2,655,372
Other revenues
Crown corporations
Enterprise Crown corporations and other government business enterprises—
Share of annual profit 3,559,748 58,000 (negative 29,538) 3,588,210
Interest and other 1,470,882 1 1,470,883
Total 5,030,630 58,001 (negative 29,538) 5,059,093
Other programs
Return on investments 1,623,538 115,933 68,524 (negative 99) 1,807,896
Refunds of previous years' expenditures 523,671 (negative 523,671)
Sales of goods and services
Rights and privileges 4,958,350 (negative 2,872,226) (negative 8,332) 2,077,792
Lease and use of public property 1,526,101 (negative 6,387) 49,670 (negative 797,452) 771,932
Services of a regulatory nature 2,461,796 (negative 14,368) 7,502 (negative 459,942) 1,994,988
Services of a non-regulatory nature 5,095,977 1,268,340 468,192 (negative 2,213,881) 4,618,628
Sales of goods and information products 2,118,600 11,097 1,012,240 (negative 1,968,429) 1,173,508
Other fees and charges 1,741,497 (negative 382,522) 61,318 (negative 615,038) 805,255
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 46,370 (negative 34,419) (negative 11,951)
Miscellaneous revenues
Interest and penalties 5,622,296 200,352 5,822,648
Other 3,401,681 (negative 80,565) (negative 1,497,437) 267,211 (negative 367,694) 1,723,196
Total 29,119,877 (negative 80,565) (negative 3,735,308) 1,934,657 (negative 6,442,818) 20,795,843
Net foreign exchange revenues
Exchange Fund Account 2,283,254 216 2,283,470
International Monetary Fund 30,289 62,239 92,528
Other 178,631 (negative 144,635) 33,996
Total 2,492,174 (negative 82,180) 2,409,994
Total other revenues 36,642,681 (negative 80,565) (negative 3,759,487) 1,905,119 (negative 6,442,818) 28,264,930
Total revenues 291,641,254 22,556,005 (negative 3,780,487) 1,905,119 28,669,634 (negative 6,860,214) 334,131,311

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