Details of respendable amounts

Public Accounts of Canada 2020 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Authorities available for use in the current year Authorities used in the current year Authorities used in the previous year
Department of Transport
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Efficient Transportation System
Air services forecast revenues 33,264 33,264 65,340
Airport revenues from user fees and service contracts 7,189,953 7,189,953 7,555,548
Public Port revenues from user fees and wharf permits 7,022,906 7,022,906 6,894,713
Inspections and certifications 328
Rentals and concessions 5,722,783 5,722,783 6,194,082
Sales and training 142,212 142,212 134,769
Miscellaneous 18,428 18,428 18,120
Subtotal 20,129,546 20,129,546 20,862,900
Safe and Secure Transportation System
Canadian Aviation Regulation user fees 7,434,660 7,434,660 7,276,229
Aircraft maintenance and flying services 35,850,954 35,850,954 31,485,687
User fees from various Marine Safety regulations 10,340,629 10,340,629 10,306,210
Inspections and certifications 2,395,621 2,395,621 2,582,949
Rentals and concessions 735,348 735,348 588,876
Sales and training 504,658 504,658 481,609
Revenues from the Registrar of Imported Vehicles Program 1,423,734 1,423,734 1,513,442
Miscellaneous 750,862 750,862 648,393
Subtotal 59,436,466 59,436,466 54,883,395
Green and Innovative Transportation System
Rentals and concessions 42,094 42,094 23,191
User fees from various Marine Safety regulations 200 200 180
Lease Revenue––Motor Vehicle Test Centre 639,789 639,789
Subtotal 682,083 682,083 23,371
Internal Services
Rentals and concessions 1,370,748 1,370,748 514,980
Sales and training 203 203 2,847
Miscellaneous 425 425 464
Subtotal 1,371,376 1,371,376 518,291
Total Ministry—Budgetary 81,619,471 81,619,471 76,287,957

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