PWGSC's Management Response to TBS' Round IV MAF Assessment

March 20, 2008

Each year, TBS evaluates different departments for its performance against 19 indicators of the Management Accountability Framework, and posts the report on its website. PWGSC was assessed for its 2006-2007 performance. The following are key points addressing the assessment and how the department is following up on its findings.

Key Points

  • PWGSC is committed to improving our organizational performance by focusing on the fundamentals such as human resources, financial management, modernizing our systems, quality assurance benchmarking and measuring our results.
  • PWGSC has improved in many areas since its last MAF performance assessment and it will continue to take concrete steps to strengthen its performance. The department has implemented a robust Action Plan to address issues identified in its MAF assessment.
  • Sound management is essential if we are going to meet the needs and expectations of Canadians. Canadians demand and deserve a government that is producing results and value for tax dollars.
  • MAF assessments help departments to identify not only management practices that need improvement, but what we are doing well. TBS' assessment recognizes PWGSC for its work to improve management in a number of MAF indicators since the 2004/05 MAF. It also states that generally improvements are noted in several MAF elements.
  • The 2006-07 assessment finds that PWGSC has shown improvements in 11 indicators, and in particular specified a combination of "strong" or "acceptable" ratings in the following 7 MAF indicators:
    • Values-based Leadership and Organizational Culture;
    • Quality and Use of Evaluation;
    • Effectiveness of Corporate Risk Management;
    • Extent to which the Workplace is Fair, Enabling, Healthy and Safe;
    • Extent to which the Workforce is Productive, Principled, Sustainable and Acceptable;
    • Effectiveness of Information Technology (IT) Management; and
    • Organization knows and responds to citizens'/clients' needs and expectations.
  • PWGSC is committed to further improve on all the MAF indicators. The assessment by TBS provided us with valuable information regarding areas where we can make further improvements, and we are implementing a comprehensive Action Plan to address all the TBS findings.
  • The four key areas TBS indicated as requiring particular attention are:
    • Utility of the Corporate Performance Framework;
    • Integrity of the Corporate Management Structure;
    • Integration, Use and Reporting of Performance Information (Financial and Non-financial); and
    • Managing Organizational Change.

Our key actions in these areas are as follows:

  • Concerning our commitment to Utility of the Corporate Performance Framework
    • By Spring 2008, the Corporate Services, Policy and Communications Branch (CSPCB) will complete an in-depth review of the Program Activity Architecture (PAA) for the department.
    • In addition, by Spring 2008, the Finance Branch will implement service standards for the department's Financial Management Framework, finalize its review and monitor the implementation of the Service Level Agreements and Transition Plans, and lead multi-year planning, Main Estimates, Budget allocation and Supplementary Estimates exercises.
  • Concerning our commitment to Integrity of the Corporate Management Structure
    • In August 2007, PWGSC announced a new governance structure that facilitates consistent strategic direction, the setting of clear departmental priorities, well-documented decision-making, and effective performance monitoring.
    • PWGSC's new governance structure represents an important step in improving the integrity of the Department's corporate management structure. It will also assist in improving the tools and procedures of performance management and supports a renewed focus on improving the "fundamentals" of our business.
  • Concerning our commitment to Integration, Use and Reporting of Performance Information (Financial and Non-financial)
    • A key part of getting the fundamentals right is having timely and accurate financial information to help us plan, manage and evaluate our programs, and to make well-informed business decisions.
    • By April 2008, PWGSC will have implemented SIGMA, a new integrated departmental financial and materiel management system, which will provide easier and more consistent data entry, direct access for managers and financial officers to up-to-date reports, integration of financial and materiel management data, and many other features that will mean better overall financial management.
    • As well, our key client-based branches have been putting in place various reports and performance measures:
      • The Real Property Branch (RPB) is implementing the RP Business and Systems Transformation project, which includes a Client Consultancy initiative to identify client demands early. They are also developing a Client Relationship Model, which consists of regular meetings with clients at senior levels, national information networks and results-based reporting.
      • The Acquisitions Branch (AB) has been implementing a Client Engagement Exercise and a Spend Management initiative, which provides more information from departments and agencies about their procurement spending and plans.
  • Concerning our commitment to Managing Organizational Change
    • The Human Resources Branch is implementing a comprehensive Internal Change Management Framework and Action Plan throughout the department. This will be done in three phases which includes analysis, an implementation phase and oversight by senior management. Milestone dates for this Action Plan are being finalized.
    • The Acquisitions Branch is developing a Strategic Plan for Procurement Transformation. It is also looking at Change Leadership and Management, Governance Communications and Client Engagement.
    • The Real Property Branch is implementing its Change Management Strategy, which includes communications, learning, human resources and the Joint Union-Management Efficiencies Initiative. It's also implementing its Corporate Real Estate Model (CREM), which includes aligning with industry's best practices.
    • Improved management performance is a continuous and evolving process at PWGSC. We will continue to ensure elements of the MAF Action Plan are integrated into our plans for fiscal 2008-09.
    • Our MAF Action Plan effectively addresses all areas of improvement identified in TBS's MAF assessment, and we will continue to work with TBS to further improve our management practices.