Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Latchford Dam Replacement Project

Latchford Dam


PWGSC is the custodian of a dam on the Montreal River at Latchford, Ontario, approximately 130 kilometres north of North Bay, in the Town of Latchford, Ontario. The Dam, built in 1913, controls the water level of Bay Lake, and is comprised of 11 sluiceways, ten piers and two abutments.

While the Latchford Dam is structurally safe, it is now nearing the end of its useful life. The replacement project will allow for continued safe and reliable water management and will bring the Dam in line with the Canadian Dam Association guidelines.

Scope of the activities

The general scope of the Latchford Dam Project is as follows:

  • Construct a new dam;
  • Design the Dam to incorporate the possible installation of micro-hydro electric generators;
  • Remove the existing Latchford Dam;

Upcoming activities

In the summer of 2012, PWGSC proceeded with a Request for Proposal for an engineering design consultant for the the Dam replacement project. This process was conducted in a fair, open and transparent manner through the Government Electronic Tendering System (MERX). On October 4, 2012, PWGSC awarded a $1.2 million engineering design contract for the replacement of the Latchford Dam to the joint venture firm Dessau Inc. and Hydrosys Experts-Conseils Inc. The contract was competitively awarded and will provide engineering design services as well as preparation of construction drawings and specifications for the replacement of the Dam. The design work is expected to be completed in Fall 2013. PWGSC will then solicit bids for the construction work, which is expected to begin in 2014 and will be completed within two years after the start of construction.

For further information on the recent announcement on public infrastructure investments, please see Harper Government invests in Canada's economy and jobs.

Environmental Effects Evaluation (EEE)

As a part of the Latchford Dam Replacement Project, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is required to ensure that an evaluation of environmental effects is conducted pursuant to Section 67 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012 (CEAA 2012), through the Department's Environmental Effect Evaluation (EEE) process. The EEE in relation to the Latchford Dam Replacement Project will include the proposed installation and operation of energy generation equipment at the site by a private proponent, to support a hydro energy project approved by the Ontario Power Authority (OPA).

The EEE will evaluate options for the replacement of the existing Latchford Dam with a new control structure. The potential effects resulting from the provision of hydropower generation at the site will also be examined within federal jurisdiction. The scope of the EEE process will encompass the demolition of the existing dam, the construction of the new dam, and the operation of the new structure. This includes temporary coffer dams and access facilities, associated approaches, storage sites and other undertakings directly associated with the project. The operations of the new dam will maintain the existing regime of water levels and flows upstream and downstream of the site.

The completion of the EEE is anticipated by the fall of 2013.

Feedback and Contacts

If you would like to obtain more information, please contact PWGSC's Real Property Branch.