Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Workplace 2.0

It's About HOW You Work, Not WHERE!

Welcome to Workplace 2.0 – the Government of Canada's initiative to create a modern workplace that will attract, retain and encourage public servants to work smarter, greener and healthier to better serve Canadians.

Workplace 2.0 consists of three pillars of renewal:

Workplace 2.0 consists of three Pillars of Renewal: the Workplace, the Back Office, and the Way we Work

The Workplace is about modernizing the physical workspace The Back Office involves updating policies, processes and systems that support public servants The Way We Work is about updating tools and technologies to better connect, collaborate and communicate

To find out more about what Workplace 2.0 means for you, check out the following:

For government (This information is only accessible to federal government employees.) – Workplace 2.0 means offices that are sustainable, and promote collaboration and engagement between employees.

For businesses – Workplace 2.0 means innovating and creating new designs and furniture solutions that are modern and sustainable, and incorporate ever-changing technology through continued collaboration with the information technology sector. Real estate companies will also need to propose creative solutions to changing portfolio needs, including partnership approaches for renewing of our aging infrastructure.