Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

The NPMS Model in Detail

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The NPMS Model in Detail

This image describes the NPMS model with 3 stages, 9 phases, control points and deliverables:

  • Project Inception Stage
    • Definition Phase
      • Deliverable: Statement of Requirements (SoR)
      • Control Point: Statement of Requirements Approval (SoRA)
  • Project Identification Stage
    • Initiation Phase
      • Deliverable: Preliminary Project Plan (PPP)
      • Control Point: Preliminary Project Plan Approval (PPPA)
    • Feasibility
      • Deliverable: Feasibility Report (FR)
      • Control Point: Feasibility Report Approval (FRA)
    • Analysis
      • Deliverable: Investment Analysis Report (IAR)
      • Control Point: Preliminary Project Approval (PPA)
    • Identification Close Out
      • Deliverable: Identification Close Out Document (ICOD)
  • Project Delivery Stage
    • Planning
      • Deliverable: Project Management Plan (PMP)
      • Control Point: Project Management Plan Approval (PMPA)
    • Design
      • Deliverable: Approval Document (AD)
      • Control Point: Effective Project Approval (EPA)
    • Implementation
      • Deliverable: Product Turn-over (PTO)
      • Control Point: Turn-over Approval (TOA)
    • Delivery Close Out
      • Deliverable: Close Out Document (COD)
      • Control Point: Close Out Document Approval (CODA)