Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Roles and Responsibilities

Advertising is an important way for the Government of Canada to communicate with Canadians about policies, programs, services and initiatives; public rights and responsibilities; and risks to public health, safety and the environment.

Clear roles and responsibilities have been established to manage Government of Canada advertising in a transparent and effective manner.

Government of Canada Advertising Process

Text description of Roles and Responsibilities is available on a separate page.

Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is responsible for contracting advertising services on behalf of institutions. This responsibility includes ensuring the integrity of the contracting process for government advertising, and managing the Agency of Record (AOR) contract to buy media space and time for government institutions. PWGSC also provides advice to institutions on advertising-related policies and procedures, contracting options and media plans. The Department also prepares the annual report on the Government of Canada’s advertising activities and maintains the Advertising Management Information System (AdMIS), which documents government advertising activities undertaken by institutions.

Individual institutions are responsible for planning and implementing their advertising. Institutions must obtain approval through PCO and funding from Treasury Board for their planned advertising activities, and ensure that their advertising initiatives adhere to applicable legislation, policies and procedures. Institutions are also responsible for managing and paying for contracted advertising services as required, quality control, evaluation and for reporting their advertising activities and expenditures.

Major Government advertising campaigns are approved by Cabinet or its designated committee. Funding is approved by the Treasury Board.

Privy Council Office (PCO) has the central role in the coordination of government advertising. PCO is responsible for chairing developing and securing approval of the Government Advertising Plan, recommending the funding allocations to Cabinet or its designated committee, approving advertising creative, strategies and plans and monitoring the implementation of campaigns.

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) coordinates, in conjunction with PCO, the allocation of funds for government advertising, and the assessment and processing of Treasury Board submissions from federal institutions to obtain funding for approved advertising initiatives.

Read about The Advertising Process.