Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Supplementary Data on Budget 2012 Implementation

PWGSC Savings Measures by Program Activity (PA) Planned Savings
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2018-19 & Ongoing
  In thousands of dollars
PA #2 - Accommodation and Real Property Services (1)   15,058 37,512 129,783
PA #3 - Receiver General of Canada     17,400 17,400
PA #6 - Linguistic Management & Services   4,900 5,300 5,300
PA #7 - Specialized Programs & Services   500 2,900 2,900
PA #8 - Procurement Ombudsman (2)     200 200
PA #9 - Internal Services 1,500 7,620 22,000 22,000
Total for Organization 1,500 28,078 85,312 177,583


  1. PWGSC was provided a seven-year period to deliver on its real property savings in recognition of two factors: (1) existing contractual and lease obligations; and (2) a projected decline in demand for office space due to other departments/agencies materializing their own savings measures.
  2. Procurement Ombudsman savings are administrative in nature and will not affect the Office's ability to deliver on its legislative mandate.