Ministry summary

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Table Summary

The table presents the Ministry Summary. The table consists of 4 columns: Vote; Authority Description, Source of authorities and Disposition of authorities. Under Source of authorities, there are 4 columns: Available from previous years; As shown in; Adjustments, warrants and Transfers; Total available for use. Under As shown in there are 2 columns: Main Estimates and Supplementary Estimates. Under Disposition of authorities there are 4 columns: Used in the current year; Lapsed or (overexpended); Available for use in subsequent years; Used in the previous year. Sub-totals are displayed within each department or agency, for each vote, statutory votes, budgetary and non-budgetary authorities and for each department or agency. At the end of the table, ministry totals are displayed for total budgetary and non-budgetary authorities.

Vote   Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years
As shown in Adjustments, warrants and transfers
Total available for use
Used in the current year
Lapsed or (overexpended)
Available for use in subsequent years
Used in previous year
Main Estimates
Supplementary Estimates
1 Operating expenditures   2,117,845,756     2,117,845,756        
1b Transfer of $353,724 from Transport Vote 1     84,521,441   84,521,441        
1c Transfer of $171,418 from Indian Affairs and Northern Development Vote 1, $146,532 from Natural Resources Vote 1, $81,898 from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote 45, $51,717 from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote 1, $40,889 from Citizenship and Immigration Vote 10, $13,786 from Public Safety and Emergency Vote 35, $2,723 from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote 65, $1,341 from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote 40, and $431 from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote 60     35,632,641   35,632,641        
Transfer from: Vote 1 (Indian Affairs and Northern Development)       171,418 171,418        
Vote 1 (Natural Resources)       146,532 146,532        
Vote 1 (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)       51,717 51,717        
Vote 1 (Transport)       353,724 353,724        
Vote 10 (Citizenship and Immigration)       40,889 40,889        
Vote 35 (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)       13,786 13,786        
Vote 40 (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)       1,341 1,341        
Vote 45 (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)       81,898 81,898        
Vote 60 (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)       431 431        
Vote 65 (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)       2,723 2,723        
TB Vote 15 1       686,772 686,772        
TB Vote 25 1       30,763,615 30,763,615        
TB Vote 30 1       71,726,627 71,726,627        
Transfer to: Vote 1 (National Defence)       (3,181,825) (3,181,825)        
Vote 5       (42,318,625) (42,318,625)        
Vote 45 (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)       (2,681,000) (2,681,000)        
Vote 50 (Canadian Heritage)       (121,137) (121,137)        
Vote 52 (Foreign Affairs and International Trade)       (450,000) (450,000)        
Deemed appropriations to Vote 17 (Shared Services Canada) 2       (27,257,626) (27,257,626)      
Total—Vote 1   2,117,845,756 120,154,082 28,031,260 2,266,031,098 2,175,092,763 90,938,335   2,292,411,148
5 Capital expenditures   344,511,826     344,511,826        
5b Transfer of $42,318,625 from Public Works and Government Services Vote 1     46,849,389   46,849,389        
5c Capital expenditures     12,210,116   12,210,116        
Transfer from: Vote 1       42,318,625 42,318,625        
TB Vote 30 1       42,526 42,526        
TB Vote 33 1       68,276,539 68,276,539        
Deemed appropriations to Vote 17 (Shared Services Canada) 2       (4,890,207) (4,890,207)      
Total—Vote 5   344,511,826 59,059,505 105,747,483 509,318,814 489,566,916 19,751,898   688,531,837
6a Translation Bureau Revolving Fund—In accordance with section 29.1 of the Financial Administration Act, to increase from $10,000,000 to $20,000,000, effective April 1, 2011, the amount by which the aggregate of expenditures made for the purpose of the fund, established by Vote 23d, Appropriation Act No. 4, 1994-95, may exceed the revenues     1   1   1    
7c Consulting and Audit Canada Revolving Fund— In accordance with section 12 of the Revolving Funds Act, to repeal section 5.4 of the said Act, as of March 31, 2012     1   1   1    
10 Contributions   5,210,000     5,210,000 5,053,348 156,652    
(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans   99,871,902   15,279,826 115,151,728 115,151,728     115,283,089
(S) Minister of Public Works and Government Services—Salary and motor car allowance   77,516   20 77,536 77,536     77,638
(S) Real Property Disposition Revolving Fund 6,454,852 (4,854,000)   4,854,000 6,454,852        
Transfer in excess of accumulated surplus3       (5,990,404) (5,990,404)      
Total 6,454,852 (4,854,000)   (1,136,404) 464,448 (6,880,838)   7,345,286 (6,525,999)
(S) Optional Services Revolving Fund 40,900,918       40,900,918        
Authority to access its unused authority, net of the drawdown authority       2,015,634 2,015,634        
Authority to access its unused authority net of the drawdown authority       (2,015,634) (2,015,634)      
Total 40,900,918       40,900,918 2,015,634   38,885,284 (1,707,617)
(S) Consulting and Audit Canada Revolving Fund 22,500,972 (198,850)   198,850 22,500,972        
Unused authority, net of the drawdown authority limit for its wind-down costs       2,500,972 2,500,972        
Unused authority, net of the drawdown authority limit for its wind-down costs       (2,500,972) (2,500,972)        
Business volume change       198,850 198,850        
Business volume change—adjustment       (198,850) (198,850)        
Authority limit repealed       (20,000,000) (20,000,000)        
Transfer from TB Vote 30 1       412,852 412,852      
Total 22,500,972 (198,850)   (19,388,298) 2,913,824 2,913,824     (1,592,517)
(S) Translation Bureau Revolving Fund 27,244,493 3,082,000   (3,082,000) 27,244,493        
Expenditures may exceed the revenues       10,000,000 10,000,000        
Transfer from TB Vote 30 1       555,380 555,380      
Total 27,244,493 3,082,000   7,473,380 37,799,873 3,215,146   34,584,727 357,467
(S) Real Property Services Revolving Fund 328,455,825 10,000,000   (10,000,000) 328,455,825        
Decrease of the amount by which the aggregate of expenditures may exceed the revenues       (150,000,000) (150,000,000)        
Authority to access its unused authority, net of the draw down authority       3,598,098 3,598,098        
Authority fund to access its unused authority, net of the drawdown authority       (3,598,098) (3,598,098)        
Transfer from TB Vote 30 1       11,577,378 11,577,378      
Total 328,455,825 10,000,000   (148,422,622) 190,033,203 6,092,305   183,940,898 (6,694,130)
(S) Telecommunications and Informatics Common Services Revolving Fund 62,017,209 6,200,000   (6,200,000) 62,017,209        
Transfer to Shared Services Canada (Order in Council  2011-0877) 5       (62,017,209) (62,017,209)      
Total 62,017,209 6,200,000   (68,217,209)         1,089,755
(S) Defence Production Revolving Fund 100,000,000       100,000,000     100,000,000  
(S) Refunds of amounts credited to revenues in previous years       649,557 649,557 649,557     45,789
(S) Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 263,257     352,851 616,108 371,855   244,253 120,496
(S) Collection agency fees       1,170 1,170 1,170     424
(S) Payment in lieu of taxes to municipalities and other taxing authorities       509,186,346 509,186,346 509,186,346     491,614,147
(S) Recoveries from custodian departments       (509,027,975) (509,027,975) (509,027,975)     (492,444,793)
(S) Losses on foreign exchange       29,229 29,229 29,229     87
Total budgetary 587,837,526 2,581,746,150 179,213,589 (79,441,386) 3,269,355,879 2,793,508,544 110,846,887 365,000,448 3,080,566,821
L15b Imprest funds, accountable advances and recoverable advances. Limit $22,000,000 (Net) 5,916,824       5,916,824 1,779,869   4,136,955 (471,513)
(S) (L) Seized Property Management Act, 1993 section 12, subsections 1, 2, 3 and 4. Limit $50,000,000 (Net) 57,059,556       57,059,556 (9,650,155)   66,709,711 (10,373,547)
Total non-budgetary 62,976,380       62,976,380 (7,870,286)   70,846,666 (10,845,060)
  Total Department—                  
  Budgetary 587,837,526 2,581,746,150 179,213,589 (79,441,386) 3,269,355,879 2,793,508,544 110,846,887 365,000,448 3,080,566,821
  Non-budgetary 62,976,380       62,976,380 (7,870,286)   70,846,666 (10,845,060)
  Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc. 4                  
13b Payments to Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc. for operating and capital expenditures—Transfer of $24,826,375 from Privy Council Vote 25     1   1        
13c Payments to Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc. for operating and capital expenditures     2,000,000   2,000,000        
Transfer from Vote 25 (Privy Council)       24,826,375 24,826,375        
Reclassified from Privy Council for presentation purposes (Vote 25)       3,546,625 3,546,625      
Total—Vote 13b     2,000,001 28,373,000 30,373,001 30,373,000 1   28,986,795
  Total Agency—Budgetary     2,000,001 28,373,000 30,373,001 30,373,000 1   28,986,795
  Shared Services Canada 5                  
17c Operating expenditures     1   1        
Deemed appropriations, pursuant to section 31.1 of the Financial Administration Act, from: Vote 1 (Agriculture and Agri-Food)       11,603,373 11,603,373        
Vote 1 (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency)       1,479,565 1,479,565        
Vote 1 (Canada Revenue Agency)       62,889,348 62,889,348        
Vote 1 (Canadian Heritage)       5,994,091 5,994,091        
Vote 1 (Citizenship and Immigration)       8,293,103 8,293,103        
Vote 1 (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec)       720,368 720,368        
Vote 1 (Environment)       21,723,877 21,723,877        
Vote 1 (Finance)       1,232,603 1,232,603        
Vote 1 (Fisheries and Oceans)       9,795,426 9,795,426        
Vote 1 (Foreign Affairs and International Trade)       25,199,673 25,199,673        
Vote 1 (Health)       18,472,889 18,472,889        
Vote 1 (Human Resources and Skills Development)       19,054,284 19,054,284        
Vote 1 (Indian Affairs and Northern Development)       9,606,251 9,606,251        
Vote 1 (Industry)       11,636,387 11,636,387        
Vote 1 (Justice)       9,927,735 9,927,735        
Vote 1 (National Defence)       107,495,584 107,495,584        
Vote 1 (Natural Resources)       14,687,547 14,687,547        
Vote 1 (Privy Council)       4,112,526 4,112,526        
Vote 1 (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)       5,034,305 5,034,305        
Vote 1 (Public Works and Government Services)       27,257,626 27,257,626        
Vote 1 (Transport)       12,311,692 12,311,692        
Vote 1 (Treasury Board)       4,013,500 4,013,500        
Vote 1 (Veterans Affairs)       6,745,498 6,745,498        
Vote 1 (Western Economic Diversification)       984,435 984,435        
Vote 10 (Citizenship and Immigration)       557,000 557,000        
Vote 10 (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)       37,091,203 37,091,203        
Vote 20 (Agriculture and Agri-Food)       6,609,352 6,609,352        
Vote 20 (Natural Resources)       318,845 318,845        
Vote 25 (Environment)       7,308,428 7,308,428        
Vote 25 (Foreign Affairs and International Trade)       4,908,565 4,908,565        
Vote 25 (Industry)       2,550,037 2,550,037        
Vote 25 (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)       16,397,055 16,397,055        
Vote 27 (Health)       45,850 45,850        
Vote 30 (Finance)       2,651,522 2,651,522        
Vote 40 (Health)       2,576,066 2,576,066        
Vote 40 (Treasury Board)       1,139,806 1,139,806        
Vote 45 (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)       68,075,177 68,075,177        
Vote 50 (Canadian Heritage)       1,341,141 1,341,141        
Vote 50 (Industry)       511,841 511,841        
Vote 50 (Transport)       1,600,155 1,600,155        
Vote 60 (Industry)       8,850,072 8,850,072        
Vote 100 (Canadian Heritage)       1,807,253 1,807,253        
Vote 105 (Industry)       17,431,462 17,431,462        
TB Vote 30 1       3,944,136 3,944,136      
Total—Vote 17     1 585,986,652 585,986,653 530,061,391 55,925,262    
19 Capital expenditures Deemed appropriations, pursuant to section 31.1 of the Financial Administration Act, from:                  
Vote 5 (Canada Revenue Agency)       9,377,136 9,377,136        
Vote 5 (Fisheries and Oceans)       480,000 480,000        
Vote 5 (Foreign Affairs and International Trade)       4,188,235 4,188,235        
Vote 5 (Health)       2,565,000 2,565,000        
Vote 5 (Industry)       1,078,762 1,078,762        
Vote 5 (National Defence)       16,733,026 16,733,026        
Vote 5 (Public Works and Government Services)       4,890,207 4,890,207        
Vote 5 (Transport)       5,761,316 5,761,316        
Vote 25 (Agriculture and Agri-Food)       477,605 477,605        
Vote 30 (Industry)       746,041 746,041        
Vote 30 (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)       4,429,138 4,429,138        
Vote 50 (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)       8,611,631 8,611,631      
Total—Vote 19       59,338,097 59,338,097 54,660,910 4,677,187    
21c Telecommunications and Informatics Common Services Revolving Fund—In accordance with section 12 of the Revolving Funds Act, to repeal section 5.2 of the said Act, as of March 31, 2012     1   1   1    
(S) Telecommunications and Informatics Common Services Revolving Fund       62,017,209 62,017,209        
Authority to access its unused authority, net of the drawdown authority, in the amount of $8,037,000 in 2011-12 only to fund essential on-going operations and investments       8,037,000 8,037,000        
Authority to access its unused authority, net of the drawdown authority, in the amount of $8,037,000 in 2011-12 only to fund essential on-going operations and investments—Adjustment       (8,037,000) (8,037,000)        
Unused authority repealed       (13,609,419) (13,609,419)        
Authority limit repealed       (40,000,000) (40,000,000)      
Total       8,407,790 8,407,790 8,407,790      
(S) Pensions and other employee benefits—Members of the Force       1,243,731 1,243,731 1,243,731      
(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans       27,970,401 27,970,401 27,970,401      
(S) Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets       329 329     329  
  Total Agency—Budgetary     2 682,947,000 682,947,002 622,344,223 60,602,450 329  
  Total Ministry—                 (4)
  Budgetary 587,837,526 2,581,746,150 181,213,592 631,878,614 3,982,675,882 3,446,225,767 171,449,338 365,000,777 3,109,553,616
  Non-budgetary 62,976,380       62,976,380 (7,870,286)   70,846,666 (10,845,060)

Note: The full wording of all authorities granted in current year Appropriation Acts, of all authorities granted by statutes other than Appropriation Acts, of all non-lapsing authorities granted / repealed in the current year, and of all authorities available from previous years is given in Section 1 of this volume.


Footnote S

Statutory authority.

Return to footnoteS referrer

Footnote L

Non-budgetary authority (loan, investment or advance).

Return to footnoteL referrer

Footnote 1
  • Treasury Board Vote 5—Government contingencies.
  • Treasury Board Vote 10—Government-wide initiatives.
  • Treasury Board Vote 15—Compensation adjustments.
  • Treasury Board Vote 25—Operating budget carry forward.
  • Treasury Board Vote 30—Paylist requirements.
  • Treasury Board Vote 33—Capital budget carry forward.

Return to footnote1 referrer

Footnote 2

Deemed appropriations to Vote 17, Shared Services Canada pursuant to section 31.1 of the Financial Administration Act (Order in Council 2011-1297).

Return to footnote2 referrer

Footnote 3

In accordance with the Treasury Board decision January 19, 1995, the year-end accumulated surplus in excess of $5,000,000 amounted to a $5,915,957 reduction to the Fund's authority.

Return to footnote3 referrer

Footnote 4

Order in Council 2011-0585 designates the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, a member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, as the appropriate Minister for the Canada Lands Company Limited, including its subsidiary the Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc., effective May 18, 2011. Prior to the transfer, expenditures of $3,546,625 were approved by the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons. Previous year's amounts have been restated by $28,986,795.

Return to footnote4 referrer

Footnote 5

Order in Council 2011-0877, orders that the Minister of Public Works and Government Services shall preside over Shared Services Canada, effective August 4, 2011. Order in Council 2011-1297, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, pursuant to paragraph 2(a) of the Public Service Rearrangement and Transfer of Duties Act, hereby transfers to Shared Services Canada, effective November 15, 2011, the control and supervision of the following portions of the federal public administration in each department and portion of the federal public administration set out in the schedule known as: (a) the Email, Data Centre and Network Services Unit; and (b) the Email, Data Centre and Network Services Support Unit.

Return to footnote5 referrer

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