National War Memorial restoration

View enlarged image of the War Memorial

The National War Memorial
(Click to view enlarged image)

The National War Memorial is a cenotaph symbolizing the sacrifice of all Canadian Armed Forces personnel who served Canada in time of war for the cause of peace and freedom.

Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is the custodian of the site and is committed to ensuring that it is preserved and well maintained.

The Department recently repaired and restored the 77-year-old monument.

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Restoring the National War Memorial

On March 23, 2016, PWGSC awarded a contract to Atwill-Morin Group Inc. of Montréal, Quebec, for the restoration and repair of the National War Memorial and the protection of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

As the Memorial is a national ceremonial and sacred burial site, the repair project and continued maintenance was carried out with great care and sensitivity.

The work included:

The contractor began work in the beginning of April 2016, and the restoration was completed on November 4, 2016.

Photo gallery of the restoration project

View the photo gallery to see how PWGSC has restored the monument. (Click the image to enlarge the photo)


While the National War Memorial was being restored, Canadian Heritage installed an exhibit on the construction panels surrounding the Memorial.

The exhibit, entitled The National War Memorial – Symbol of Remembrance, tells the story of the monument's design and construction and explores its role as a place of remembrance for Canadians.

View enlarged image of the Canadian Heritage exhibit

The Canadian Heritage exhibit
(Click to view enlarged image)

Remembrance Day 2016

The national Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held at the newly-restored Memorial on November 11.

Past restoration projects


A contract was awarded to Prestige Design & Construction Ltd. to improve the structural integrity of the concrete slab that supports the Memorial. The work was complete in July 2014.

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