Pre-qualified innovation: OLII Forest Fire Detection

Call 007 innovator OLII, from Vancouver, British Columbia has developed OLII Forest Fire Detection.

The innovation

OLII is a software platform that detects, monitors and maps wildfires from high-resolution satellite imagery. The innovation uses data from hundreds of Earth-observing satellites to process, compute and distribute critical information about fires in real-time.

Overhead view of wildfire

Artificial intelligence and satellite mapping

Using a unique combination of image-processing systems and machine-learning capabilities, OLII Forest Fire Detection automatically generates alerts and mapping data. The mapping/monitoring of forest fires is typically done manually. The innovation uses imagery from satellites in Earth's orbit to automate fire detection, mapping, monitoring and situational awareness for wildfire responders.

The images produced by the innovation are much more accurate than existing technology, which is crucial in the ability of firefighters to successfully fight wildfires.

Accessible, accurate and efficient

Early detection and monitoring are the primary factors of successful wildfire suppression. Using complex image processing systems, the innovation is able to quickly, accurately and automatically search high-quality images taken from Earth-imaging satellites. These features allow users to quickly detect and understand forest fires, allowing responders to react quicker than ever.

OLII Forest Fire Detection is cloud-based and can be used on any conventional Web browser, allowing it to be accessible and easy to use.

Improved wildfire detection

Any department or organization responsible for monitoring/interacting with wildfires could use the innovation to better understand and react to incidents.

More information

For more information about this innovation and how you can test it, please contact us at

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