Public Works and Government Services Canada
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Refresh / Re-Competition Schedule

In an effort to keep both the supplier and client communities informed of upcoming events, the following table is provided. Descriptions of the differences between a refresh and a competition can be found at the bottom of the page.

This table presents details of the ProServices bidding schedule.
Date Event Description
Feb 2018
Re-Competition results are published. All previously awarded supply arrangements issued between February 2014 and March 2017 will be deactivated.
July 5, 2017 Re-Competition of ProServices closed and evaluations began.
May 26, 2017

Re-Competition of ProServices opens and is posted on Buy and Sell

  • Note: All existing suppliers who wish to maintain their Supply Arrangement must submit a bid.
  • Check out how our "Grandfather Certification" will save you time to re-bid under the Re-Competition.


Every pre-qualified supplier must submit a proposal through the Data Collection Component (DCC) in order to maintain their current supply arrangement (SA). If no proposal is received during the re-competition, the supplier's SA will be set aside once the results of the re-competition are awarded. The ProServices full re-competition process was posted on Buy and Sell Tenders on May 26, 2017.


This is also known as an "ongoing opportunity to qualify". Once the results of the re-competition are awarded, ProServices opens up quarterly refreshes that run consecutively. Quarterly refreshes are for 1) new suppliers who did not submit a proposal under the re-competition and wish to submit one, or 2) existing suppliers who wish to submit a proposal because they wish to add additional categories to their ProServices profile. Existing suppliers who do not wish to add additional categories to their profile do not need to submit a proposal for a ‘refresh’. Existing suppliers only need to submit a proposal for the re-competition.