Updated notice to agents and ship repair firms pertaining to services available at the Esquimalt Graving Dock

Commencing April 1, 2017 all users of the Esquimalt Graving Dock (EGD) will be required to utilize all the services provided by the EGD including but not limited to the lifting services provided by the Esquimalt Graving Dock's multiple mobile lifting devices, compressed air,  electricity, fresh water, etc.

Specifically concerning cranes, this includes all dry dockings and/or wet dockings where cargo and/or vessels are both being loaded and/or unloaded. Usually, the only time that onboard cranes or other cranes will be permitted to be used are when none of the EGD’s cranes are available for use due to operational commitments. We recognize that there are certain circumstances that may make the use of EGD Cranes impractical. In all cases, the use of any "other" cranes must be approved in writing by EGD Operations prior to the utilization of any "other" cranes. If any Agents and/or ship repair firms fail to utilize the EGD’s crane(s), without prior written consent from EGD Operations, then charges will be applied at the "standby rate" for rail cranes per hour, during the period that the "other" cranes are being utilized.

Similarly, portable air compressors are not to be used by Agents and/or ship repair firms to supply compressed air to ships undergoing dry dockings and/or wet dockings.  The only time that portable air compressors, not belonging to the EGD, will be permitted to be used is when compressed air is not available in the EGD’s compressed air system and/or the use of the non-EGD portable air compressors has been approved in writing by EGD Operations prior to their use. If any Agents and/or ship repair firms fail to utilize the EGD’s compressed air and utilize outside portable air compressors, without prior written consent from EGD Operations, then charges will be applied at the “Air compressor (second)” rate, during the period that the unauthorized air compressor(s) are being utilized.